Provided by: basex_8.5.1-1_all bug


       basex - XML database system and XPath/XQuery processor (command line mode)


       basex [-bcdiIoqrRstuvVwxXz] [input]


       basex  is  a  fast  and  powerful,  yet light-weight and platform independent XML database
       system and XPath/XQuery processor.


       A short description of option can be obtained from

           $ basex -h

       or by browsing


       A list of supported Database commands can be obtained from

           $ basex -c help

       or by browsing


       •  XQuery evaluation (no database, no interaction, script mode):

          $ basex 19+23
          $ basex -q "<answer>{ 23+19 }</answer>"

       •  Import an XML file into database, output its content (query its root) and be verbose:

           $ basex -Vc "CREATE DB input /usr/share/doc/basex/examples/input.xml; XQUERY /"
           Database 'input' created in 136.84 ms.
             <!-- Header -->
             <head id="0">
             <!-- Body -->
             <body id="1" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" text="#000000" link="#0000CC">
               <h1>Databases &amp; XML</h1>
               <div align="right">
                   <li>Exercise 1</li>
                   <li>Exercise 2</li>
             <?pi bogus?>

           Query: /


           Result: root()

           Parsing: 5.08 ms
           Compiling: 27.2 ms
           Evaluating: 0.87 ms
           Printing: 13.7 ms
           Total Time: 46.86 ms

           Hit(s): 1 Item
           Updated: 0 Items
           Printed: 358 Bytes

           Query executed in 42.52 ms.

       •  XPath evaluation (with existing database):

           $ basex -c "OPEN input; XQUERY //li[1]"
           <li>Exercise 1</li>

       •  Retrieve XML from the web and perform XPath query:

           $ basex -q "doc('')//li"
           <li>Exercise 1</li>
           <li>Exercise 2</li>

       •  W3C XQuery Full-Text (make use of full-text index and perform fuzzy query with a typing

           $ basex
           BaseX 7.1 [Standalone]
           Try "help" to get more information.

           > SET FTINDEX on
           Full-Text Index: ON
           > CREATE DB input /usr/share/doc/basex/examples/input.xml
           Database 'input' created in 94.42 ms.
           > XQUERY //b[text() contains text 'Asisgnment' using fuzzy]
           Query executed in 8.37 ms.

       •  Update the database and show result:

           > XQUERY delete node //ul
           Query executed in 2.79 ms.
           > XQUERY replace value of node //b with 'Debian rules'
           Query executed in 2.94 ms.
           > XQUERY //div
           <div align="right">
             <b>Debian rules</b>
           Query executed in 1.01 ms.

       •  Open an input xml file, execute a query and write result into file:

           $ basex -i /usr/share/doc/basex/examples/input.xml -q //div -o out.xml
           $ cat out.xml
           <div align="right">
               <li>Exercise 1</li>
               <li>Exercise 2</li>

       •  Query  an  already  existing database called 'input'. If a file named 'input' exists in
          current working directory it takes precedence:

           $ basex -i input -q //div
           <div align="right">
               <li>Exercise 1</li>
               <li>Exercise 2</li>

       •  Let basex process query input from standard in:

          $ echo '19+23' | basex -q-

       •  Execute commands from script file:

          $ cat commands.txt
          create db debian <debian_db/>
          xquery /
          $ basex -C commands.txt | grep debian
          debian              1          4639       debian.xml

       •  Parse non well-formed HTML (needs libtagsoup-java installed):

          $ cat bad.html

          $ basex -c 'set parser html; set htmlopt method=html,nons=true; create db htmldb bad.html'
          $ basex -q "doc('htmldb')"


          $ basex -q 'declare option db:parser "html"; doc("bad.html")'
          <html xmlns="">

          For further documentation on how to configure the HTML Parser refer to


       basexgui(1), basexserver(1), basexclient(1)

              BaseX (standalone and server) properties

              BaseX additional GUI properties

              user name, passwords, and permissions

              contains all existing events

              Default database directory

              Server logs

              Package repository

       BaseX Documentation Wiki:


       BaseX started as a research project of the Database and Information Systems  Group  (DBIS)
       at  the University of Konstanz in 2005 and soon turned into a feature-rich open source XML
       database and XPath/XQuery processor.


       New (3-clause) BSD License


       BaseX is developed by a bunch of people called 'The BaseX  Team'  <
       us/> led by Christian Gruen <>.

       The  man page was written by Alexander Holupirek <> while packaging BaseX
       for Debian GNU/Linux.

                                           09 May 2016                                   basex(1)