Provided by: icewm-common_1.4.3.0~pre-20180217-3_amd64 bug


        icesh - control properties of windows


       icesh [OPTIONS] ACTIONS
       icesh {-h|--help} [OPTIONS] [ACTIONS]
       icesh {-V|--version}
       icesh {-C|--copying}


       icesh provides commands for use by shell scripts that affect a window's state similar to
       wmctl(1) or xdotool(1), except more limited, specifically for icewm(1), and limited to
       affecting GNOME WinWM/WMH properties.


       icesh recognizes the following options:

       Command options are mutually exclusive.  Only one command option can be specified per
       invocation.  If no command option is specified, action argument parsing and processing is

       -h, --help
           Print a brief usage statement to stdout and exit.

       -V, --version
           Print the program version to stdout and exit.

       -C, --copying
           Print copying permissions to stdout for the program and exit.

       -display DISPLAY
           Specifies the X11 DISPLAY to use.  When unspecified, defaults to the $DISPLAY
           environment variable.

       -window WINDOW_ID
           Specifies the identifier of the window, WINDOW_ID, for which the action applies.  When
           no WINDOW_ID or WM_CLASS is specified, a selection crossbar is invoked to select the
           desired window.

       -class WM_CLASS
           Specifies the window manager class, WM_CLASS, for which the action applies.  When no
           WINDOW_ID or WM_CLASS is specified, a selection crossbar is invoked to select the
           desired window.


       icesh accepts the following arguments:

           Actions can be one of:

           setIconTitle TITLE
               Set the icon title for the specified window to TITLE.

           setWindowTitle TITLE
               Set the window title for the specified window to TITLE

           setGeometry GEOMETRY
               Set the window geometry for the specified window to GEOMETRY.

           setState MASK STATE
               Set the GNOME window state for the specified window to STATE.  Only the bits
               selected by MASK are affected.  STATE and MASK are expressions of the domain GNOME
               window state.  See "GNOME window state", below, for STATE and MASK symbols.

           toggleState STATE
               Toggle the GNOME window state bits specified by the STATE expression for the
               specified window.  See "GNOME window state", below, for
                   STATE symbols.

           setHints HINTS
               Set the GNOME window hints for the specified window to HINTS.  See "GNOME window
               hints", below, for HINTS symbols.

           setLayer LAYER
               Moves the specified window to another GNOME window layer.  See "GNOME window
               layer", below, for LAYER symbols.

           setWorkspace WORKSPACE
               Moves the specified window to another workspace.  Select the root window to change
               the current workspace.

               Lists the names of all workspaces.

           setTrayOption TRAYOPTION
               Set the IceWM tray option hint for the specified window to TRAYOPTION.  See "IceWM
               tray options", below, for TRAYOPTION symbols.

           Each SYMBOL may be from one of the following applicable domains:

           GNOME window state
               Named symbols of the domain GNOME window state (numeric range: 0-1023):

                   AllWorkspaces          (1)
                   Sticky                 (1)
                   Minimized              (2)
                   Maximized             (12)
                   MaximizedVert          (4)
                   MaximizedVertical      (4)
                   MaximizedHoriz         (8)
                   MaximizedHorizontal    (8)
                   Hidden                (16)
                   All                 (1023)

               These symbols are used with the MASK and STATE arguments to the "setState" and
               "toggleState" actions.

           GNOME window hint
               Named symbols of the domain GNOME window hint (numeric range: 0-63):

                   SkipFocus              (1)
                   SkipWindowMenu         (2)
                   SkipTaskBar            (4)
                   FocusOnClick          (16)
                   DoNotCover            (32)
                   All                   (63)

               These symbols are used with the HINTS argument to the "setHints" action.

           GNOME window layer
               Named symbols of the domain GNOME window layer (numeric range: 0-15):

                   Desktop                (0)
                   Below                  (2)
                   Normal                 (4)
                   OnTop                  (6)
                   Dock                   (8)
                   AboveDock             (10)
                   Menu                  (12)

               These symbols are used with the LAYER argument to the "setLayer" action.

           IceWM tray option
               Named symbols of the domain IceWM tray option (numeric range: 0-2):

                   Ignore                 (0)
                   Minimized              (1)
                   Exclusive              (2)

               These symbols are used with the TRAYOPTION argument to the "setTrayOption" action.


       The purpose of icesh is to provide commands that can be used from a shell script (see
       sh(1)) to affect the state, geometry and hints associated with a window, or to list and
       parse information about existing windows.

       It should be noted that icesh works on any window manager that is compliant with the GNOME
       WinWM/WMH specification.  The "setTrayOption" action; however, is IceWM specific.


       The following command will list all the workspaces associated with the root window after a
       window (any window) is selected:

           icesh listWorkspaces

       Example output:

           workspace #0: `main'
           workspace #1: `web'
           workspace #2: `doc'
           workspace #3: `dev'
           workspace #4: `scr'
           workspace #5: `gfx'
           workspace #6: `misc'
           workspace #7: `'


       The following environment variables are set or examined by icesh:

           When the -display option is not specified, the "DISPLAY" environment variable is
           consulted to determine the display.


       While icesh is largely compliant with the GNOME WinWM/WMH specification, it does not
       support NetWM/EWMH.


       icesh had no known bugs at the time of release.  Please report bugs for current versions
       to the source code repository at <>.


       icesh is historical and deprecated.  The command originally (and still) only supported the
       GNOME WinWM/WMH specification.  Unlike wmctl(1) and xdotool(1), NetWM/EWMH support was
       never included.  Except for the "setTrayOption" command, wmctl(1) and xdotool(1) are quite
       capable of performing the necessary functions and more.


       Brian Bidulock <>.

       See --copying for full copyright notice and copying permissions.


       IceWM is licensed under the GNU Library General Public License.  See the COPYING file in
       the distribution or use the --copying flag to display copying permissions.