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       ssh - Main API of the ssh application


       Interface module for the ssh application.

       See ssh(7) for details of supported version, algorithms and unicode support.


       The  exact  behaviour  of some functions can be adjusted with the use of options which are
       documented together with the functions. Generally could each option be used  at  most  one
       time  in  each  function  call.  If given two or more times, the effect is not predictable
       unless explicitly documented.

       The options are of different kinds:

           which alters limits in the system, for example number of simultaneous login attempts.

           which give some defined behaviour if too long time elapses before  a  given  event  or
           action, for example time to wait for an answer.

           which  gives  the  caller  of the function the possibility to execute own code on some
           events, for example calling an own  logging  function  or  to  perform  an  own  login

           which changes the systems behaviour.


       Type  definitions that are used more than once in this module, or abstractions to indicate
       the intended use of the data type, or both:

         boolean() =:
           true | false

         string() =:

         ssh_daemon_ref() =:
           opaque() - as returned by ssh:daemon/[1,2,3]

         ssh_connection_ref() =:
           opaque() - as returned by ssh:connect/3

         ip_address() =:

         subsystem_spec() =:
           {subsystem_name(), {channel_callback(), channel_init_args()}}

         subsystem_name() =:

         channel_callback() =:
           atom() - Name of the Erlang module implementing the subsystem  using  the  ssh_channel
           behavior, see ssh_channel(3erl)

         key_cb() =:
           atom() | {atom(), list()}

           atom()  -  Name of the erlang module implementing the behaviours ssh_client_key_api or
           ssh_client_key_api as the case maybe.

           list() - List of options that can be passed to the callback module.

         channel_init_args() =:

         algs_list() =:
           list( alg_entry() )

         alg_entry() =:
           {kex, simple_algs()} | {public_key, simple_algs()} | {cipher, double_algs()}  |  {mac,
           double_algs()} | {compression, double_algs()}

         simple_algs() =:
           list( atom() )

         double_algs() =:
           [{client2serverlist,simple_algs()},{server2client,simple_algs()}] | simple_algs()

         modify_algs_list() =:
           list( {append,algs_list()} | {prepend,algs_list()} | {rm,algs_list()} )


       close(ConnectionRef) -> ok


                 ConnectionRef = ssh_connection_ref()

              Closes an SSH connection.

       connect(Host, Port, Options) ->
       connect(Host, Port, Options, Timeout) ->
       connect(TcpSocket, Options) ->
       connect(TcpSocket, Options, Timeout) -> {ok, ssh_connection_ref()} | {error, Reason}


                 Host = string()
                 Port = integer()
                   22 is default, the assigned well-known port number for SSH.
                 Options = [{Option, Value}]
                 Timeout = infinity | integer()
                   Negotiation  time-out  in  milli-seconds.  The  default value is infinity. For
                   connection time-out, use option {connect_timeout, timeout()}.
                 TcpSocket = port()
                   The socket is supposed to  be  from  gen_tcp:connect  or  gen_tcp:accept  with
                   option {active,false}

              Connects  to  an  SSH  server.  No  channel  is  started.  This  is done by calling
              ssh_connection:session_channel/[2, 4].


                {inet, inet | inet6}:
                  IP version to use.

                {user_dir, string()}:
                  Sets the user directory, that is, the directory  containing  ssh  configuration
                  files  for  the  user, such as known_hosts, id_rsa, id_dsa, and authorized_key.
                  Defaults to the directory normally referred to as ~/.ssh.

                {dsa_pass_phrase, string()}:
                  If the user DSA key is protected by a passphrase, it can be supplied with  this

                {rsa_pass_phrase, string()}:
                  If  the user RSA key is protected by a passphrase, it can be supplied with this

                {ecdsa_pass_phrase, string()}:
                  If the user ECDSA key is protected by a passphrase, it  can  be  supplied  with
                  this option.

                {silently_accept_hosts, boolean()}
                  {silently_accept_hosts, CallbackFun}
                  {silently_accept_hosts, {HashAlgoSpec, CallbackFun} }

                  HashAlgoSpec = crypto:digest_type() | [ crypto:digest_type() ]
                  CallbackFun = fun(PeerName, FingerPrint) -> boolean()
                  PeerName = string()
                  FingerPrint = string() | [ string() ] : This option guides the connect function
                  how to act when the connected server presents a Host Key that  the  client  has
                  not  seen  before.  The  default is to ask the user with a question on stdio of
                  whether to accept or reject the new Host Key. See also the option user_dir  for
                  the  path  to  the  file  known_hosts  where  previously accepted Host Keys are

                  The option can be given in three different forms as seen above:

                  * The value is a boolean(). The value true will  make  the  client  accept  any
                    unknown  Host  Key  without  any  user interaction. The value false keeps the
                    default behaviour of asking the the user on stdio.

                  * A CallbackFun will be called and the boolean return value true will make  the
                    client  accept  the Host Key. A return value of false will make the client to
                    reject the Host Key and therefore also the connection  will  be  closed.  The
                    arguments to the fun are:

                    * PeerName - a string with the name or address of the remote host.

                    * FingerPrint     -     the     fingerprint    of    the    Host    Key    as
                      public_key:ssh_hostkey_fingerprint/1 calculates it.

                  * A tuple {HashAlgoSpec, CallbackFun}. The HashAlgoSpec  specifies  which  hash
                    algorithm  shall be used to calculate the fingerprint used in the call of the
                    CallbackFun. The HashALgoSpec is either an atom or a list  of  atoms  as  the
                    first  argument  in  public_key:ssh_hostkey_fingerprint/2. If it is a list of
                    hash algorithm names, the FingerPrint argument in the CallbackFun will  be  a
                    list  of  fingerprints  in  the  same  order as the corresponding name in the
                    HashAlgoSpec list.

                {user_interaction, boolean()}:
                  If false, disables the client to connect to the server if any user  interaction
                  is needed, such as accepting the server to be added to the known_hosts file, or
                  supplying a password. Defaults to true. Even if user interaction is allowed  it
                  can be suppressed by other options, such as silently_accept_hosts and password.
                  However, those options are not always desirable to use from a security point of

                {disconnectfun, fun(Reason:term()) -> _}:
                  Provides  a  fun  to  implement  your own logging when a server disconnects the

                {unexpectedfun, fun(Message:term(), Peer) -> report | skip }:
                  Provides a fun to implement your own logging or other action when an unexpected
                  message  arrives. If the fun returns report the usual info report is issued but
                  if skip is returned no report is generated.

                  Peer is in the format of {Host,Port}.

                {pref_public_key_algs, list()}:
                  List of user (client) public key algorithms to try to use.

                  The default value is the public_key entry in ssh:default_algorithms/0.

                  If there is no public key of a  specified  type  available,  the  corresponding
                  entry  is  ignored.  Note that the available set is dependent on the underlying
                  cryptolib and current user's public keys.

                {preferred_algorithms, algs_list()}:
                  List of algorithms to use in the algorithm negotiation. The default algs_list()
                  can be obtained from default_algorithms/0.

                  If  an alg_entry() is missing in the algs_list(), the default value is used for
                  that entry.

                  Here is an example of this option:


                  The example specifies different algorithms in the two directions (client2server
                  and  server2client),  for  cipher but specifies the same algorithms for mac and
                  compression in  both  directions.  The  kex  (key  exchange)  is  implicit  but
                  public_key is set explicitly.

                  For background and more examples see the User's Guide.

                Changing  the  values can make a connection less secure. Do not change unless you
                know exactly what you are doing. If you do not understand the values then you are
                not supposed to change them.

                {modify_algorithms, modify_algs_list()}:
                  Modifies  the  list  of  algorithms  to  use  in the algorithm negotiation. The
                  modifications are applied after the option preferred_algorithms  (if  existing)
                  is applied.

                  The algoritm for modifications works like this:

                  * Input  is  the modify_algs_list() and a set of algorithms A obtained from the
                    preferred_algorithms   option    if    existing,    or    else    from    the

                  * The head of the modify_algs_list() modifies A giving the result A'.

                    The possible modifications are:

                    * Append  or  prepend  supported  but not enabled algorithm(s) to the list of
                      algorithms. If the wanted algorithms already are in A they  will  first  be
                      removed and then appended or prepended,

                    * Remove (rm) one or more algorithms from A.

                  * Repeat  the  modification  step  with  the tail of modify_algs_list() and the
                    resulting A'.

                  If an unsupported algorithm is in the modify_algs_list(), it will  be  silently

                  If there are more than one modify_algorithms options, the result is undefined.

                  Here is an example of this option:

                 [{prepend, [{kex, ['diffie-hellman-group1-sha1']}],
                  {rm,      [{compression, [none]}]}

                  The example specifies that:

                  * the  old  key  exchange  algorithm 'diffie-hellman-group1-sha1' should be the
                    main alternative. It will be the main alternative since it is prepened to the

                  * The  compression  algorithm none (= no compression) is removed so compression
                    is enforced

                  For background and more examples see the User's Guide.

                  Sets  the  three  diffie-hellman-group-exchange  parameters  that  guides   the
                  connected  server in choosing a group. See RFC 4419 for the function of thoose.
                  The default value is {1024, 6144, 8192}.

                {connect_timeout, timeout()}:
                  Sets a time-out on the transport layer connection. For gen_tcp the time  is  in
                  milli-seconds and the default value is infinity.

                {auth_methods, string()}:
                  Comma-separated  string  that  determines which authentication methods that the
                  client  shall  support  and  in  which  order  they  are  tried.  Defaults   to

                {user, string()}:
                  Provides  a  username.  If  this  option  is  not  given,  ssh  reads  from the
                  environment (LOGNAME or USER on UNIX, USERNAME on Windows).

                {password, string()}:
                  Provides a password for password authentication. If this option is  not  given,
                  the  user  is  asked  for  a password, if the password authentication method is

                {recv_ext_info, boolean()}:
                  Tell the server that the client accepts extension negotiation. See  Draft-ietf-
                  curdle-ssh-ext-info (work in progress) for details.

                  Currently  implemented  extension  is  server-sig-algs which is the list of the
                  server's preferred user's public key algorithms.

                  Default value is true.

                {key_cb, key_cb()}:
                  Module implementing the behaviour ssh_client_key_api. Can be used to  customize
                  the  handling  of  public keys. If callback options are provided along with the
                  module name, they are made available to the callback  module  via  the  options
                  passed to it under the key 'key_cb_private'.

                {quiet_mode, atom() = boolean()}:
                  If true, the client does not print anything on authorization.

                {id_string, random | string()}:
                  The  string  that  the  client  presents  to  a connected server initially. The
                  default value is "Erlang/VSN" where VSN is the ssh application version number.

                  The value random will cause a random string to be created  at  each  connection
                  attempt.  This  is to make it a bit more difficult for a malicious peer to find
                  the ssh software brand and version.

                {fd, file_descriptor()}:
                  Allows an existing file descriptor  to  be  used  (by  passing  it  on  to  the
                  transport protocol).

                {rekey_limit, integer()}:
                  Provides, in bytes, when rekeying is to be initiated. Defaults to once per each
                  GB and once per hour.

                {idle_time, integer()}:
                  Sets a time-out on a connection  when  no  channels  are  active.  Defaults  to

                {ssh_msg_debug_fun,                      fun(ConnectionRef::ssh_connection_ref(),
                AlwaysDisplay::boolean(), Msg::binary(), LanguageTag::binary()) -> _}:
                  Provide a fun to implement your own logging of the SSH  message  SSH_MSG_DEBUG.
                  The  last three parameters are from the message, see RFC4253, section 11.3. The
                  ConnectionRef is the reference to the connection on which the message  arrived.
                  The return value from the fun is not checked.

                  The default behaviour is ignore the message. To get a printout for each message
                  with   AlwaysDisplay   =   true,   use    for    example    {ssh_msg_debug_fun,
                  fun(_,true,M,_)-> io:format("DEBUG: ~p~n", [M]) end}

       connection_info(ConnectionRef, [Option]) ->[{Option, Value}]


                 Option = client_version | server_version | user | peer | sockname
                 Value = [option_value()]
                 option_value() = {{Major::integer(), Minor::integer()}, VersionString::string()}
                 |     User::string()     |      Peer::{inet:hostname(),      {inet::ip_adress(),
                 inet::port_number()}} | Sockname::{inet::ip_adress(), inet::port_number()}

              Retrieves information about a connection.

       daemon(Port) ->
       daemon(Port, Options) ->
       daemon(HostAddress, Port, Options) ->
       daemon(TcpSocket) ->
       daemon(TcpSocket, Options) -> {ok, ssh_daemon_ref()} | {error, atom()}


                 Port = integer()
                 HostAddress = ip_address() | any | loopback
                 Options = [{Option, Value}]
                 Option = atom()
                 Value = term()
                 TcpSocket = port()
                   The  socket  is  supposed  to  be  from gen_tcp:connect or gen_tcp:accept with
                   option {active,false}

              Starts a server listening for SSH connections on the given port. If the Port is  0,
              a  random  free  port is selected. See daemon_info/1 about how to find the selected
              port number.

              Please note that by historical reasons both the HostAddress argument and  the  inet
              socket  option  ip  set  the  listening  address.  This  is  a  source  of possible
              inconsistent settings.

              The rules for handling the two address passing options are:

                * if HostAddress is an IP-address, that IP-address is the listening  address.  An
                  'ip'-option will be discarded if present.

                * if  HostAddress  is loopback, the listening address is loopback and an loopback
                  address will be choosen by  the  underlying  layers.  An  'ip'-option  will  be
                  discarded if present.

                * if  HostAddress  is any and no 'ip'-option is present, the listening address is
                  any and the socket will listen to all addresses

                * if HostAddress is any and an 'ip'-option is present, the listening  address  is
                  set to the value of the 'ip'-option


                {inet, inet | inet6}:
                  IP version to use when the host address is specified as any.

                {subsystems, [subsystem_spec()]}:
                  Provides  specifications  for  handling  of  subsystems.  The  "sftp" subsystem
                  specification  is  retrieved  by  calling  ssh_sftpd:subsystem_spec/1.  If  the
                  subsystems  option  is not present, the value of [ssh_sftpd:subsystem_spec([])]
                  is used. The option can be set to the empty list if you do not want the  daemon
                  to run any subsystems.

                {shell,  {Module, Function, Args} | fun(string() = User) - > pid() | fun(string()
                = User, ip_address() = PeerAddr) -> pid()}:
                  Defines the read-eval-print loop used when a shell is requested by the  client.
                  The default is to use the Erlang shell: {shell, start, []}

                {ssh_cli, {channel_callback(), channel_init_args()} | no_cli}:
                  Provides  your  own CLI implementation, that is, a channel callback module that
                  implements a shell and command execution. The shell read-eval-print loop can be
                  customized,  using  the option shell. This means less work than implementing an
                  own CLI channel. If set to no_cli, the  CLI  channels  are  disabled  and  only
                  subsystem channels are allowed.

                {user_dir, string()}:
                  Sets  the  user  directory. That is, the directory containing ssh configuration
                  files for the user, such as known_hosts, id_rsa,  id_dsa,  and  authorized_key.
                  Defaults to the directory normally referred to as ~/.ssh.

                {system_dir, string()}:
                  Sets the system directory, containing the host key files that identify the host
                  keys for ssh. Defaults to /etc/ssh. For security  reasons,  this  directory  is
                  normally accessible only to the root user.

                {auth_methods, string()}:
                  Comma-separated  string  that  determines which authentication methods that the
                  server  is  to  support  and  in  what  order  they  are  tried.  Defaults   to

                  Note that the client is free to use any order and to exclude methods.

                {auth_method_kb_interactive_data, PromptTexts}
                  PromptTexts   =   kb_int_tuple()   |   fun(Peer::{IP::tuple(),Port::integer()},
                  User::string(), Service::string()) -> kb_int_tuple()
                  kb_int_tuple()  =  {Name::string(),  Instruction::string(),   Prompt::string(),
                  Echo::boolean()}: Sets the text strings that the daemon sends to the client for
                  presentation to the user when using keyboar-interactive authentication. If  the
                  fun/3  is  used,  it  is  called  when the actual authentication occurs and may
                  therefore return dynamic data like time, remote ip etc.

                  The parameter Echo guides the client about need to hide the password.

                  The default value is: {auth_method_kb_interactive_data, {"SSH  server",  "Enter
                  password for \""++User++"\"", "password: ", false}>

                {user_passwords, [{string() = User, string() = Password}]}:
                  Provides  passwords  for  password  authentication. The passwords are used when
                  someone tries to connect to  the  server  and  public  key  user-authentication
                  fails.  The  option  provides  a  list of valid usernames and the corresponding

                {password, string()}:
                  Provides a global  password  that  authenticates  any  user.  From  a  security
                  perspective this option makes the server very vulnerable.

                {preferred_algorithms, algs_list()}:
                  List of algorithms to use in the algorithm negotiation. The default algs_list()
                  can be obtained from default_algorithms/0.

                  If an alg_entry() is missing in the algs_list(), the default value is used  for
                  that entry.

                  Here is an example of this option:


                  The example specifies different algorithms in the two directions (client2server
                  and server2client), for cipher but specifies the same algorithms  for  mac  and
                  compression  in  both  directions.  The  kex  (key  exchange)  is  implicit but
                  public_key is set explicitly.

                  For background and more examples see the User's Guide.

                Changing the values can make a connection less secure. Do not change  unless  you
                know exactly what you are doing. If you do not understand the values then you are
                not supposed to change them.

                {modify_algorithms, modify_algs_list()}:
                  Modifies the list of algorithms  to  use  in  the  algorithm  negotiation.  The
                  modifications  are applied after the option preferred_algorithms is applied (if

                  The possible modifications are to:

                  * Append or prepend supported but not  enabled  algorithm(s)  to  the  list  of

                    If  the  wanted  algorithms  already are in the list of algorithms, they will
                    first be removed and then appended or prepended.

                  * Remove (rm) one or more algorithms from the list of algorithms.

                  If an unsupported algorithm is in the list, it will be silently ignored

                  Here is an example of this option:

                 [{prepend, [{kex, ['diffie-hellman-group1-sha1']}],
                  {rm,      [{compression, [none]}]}

                  The example specifies that:

                  * the old key exchange algorithm  'diffie-hellman-group1-sha1'  should  be  the
                    main alternative. It will be the main alternative since it is prepened to the

                  * The compression algorithm none (= no compression) is removed  so  compression
                    is enforced

                  For background and more examples see the User's Guide.

                {dh_gex_groups,  [{Size=integer(),G=integer(),P=integer()}]  |  {file,filename()}
                {ssh_moduli_file,filename()} }:
                  Defines the groups the  server  may  choose  among  when  diffie-hellman-group-
                  exchange  is  negotiated.  See RFC 4419 for details. The three variants of this
                  option are:

                    The groups are given explicitly in this list. There may be  several  elements
                    with  the  same  Size. In such a case, the server will choose one randomly in
                    the negotiated Size.

                    The     file      must      have      one      or      more      three-tuples
                    {Size=integer(),G=integer(),P=integer()}  terminated  by  a  dot. The file is
                    read when the daemon starts.

                    The file must be in ssh-keygen moduli file format. The file is read when  the
                    daemon starts.

                  The default list is fetched from the public_key application.

                  Limits  what  a client can ask for in diffie-hellman-group-exchange. The limits
                  will be {MaxUsed =  min(MaxClient,Max),  MinUsed  =  max(MinClient,Min)}  where
                  MaxClient and MinClient are the values proposed by a connecting client.

                  The default value is {0,infinity}.

                  If MaxUsed < MinUsed in a key exchange, it will fail with a disconnect.

                  See RFC 4419 for the function of the Max and Min values.

                {pwdfun,                  fun(User::string(),                 Password::string(),
                PeerAddress::{ip_adress(),port_number()}, State::any()) -> boolean() | disconnect
                | {boolean(),any()} }:
                  Provides  a  function  for  password validation. This could used for calling an
                  external system or if passwords should be stored as a hash. The fun returns:

                  * true if the user and password is valid and

                  * false otherwise.

                  This fun can also be used to make delays in authentication tries for example by
                  calling  timer:sleep/1.  To  facilitate  counting  of  failed  tries  the State
                  variable could be used. This state is per connection only. The first  time  the
                  pwdfun  is called for a connection, the State variable has the value undefined.
                  The pwdfun can return - in addition to the values above - a new state as:

                  * {true, NewState:any()} if the user and password is valid or

                  * {false, NewState:any()} if the user or password is invalid

                  A third usage is to block login attempts from a missbehaving  peer.  The  State
                  described  above  can be used for this. In addition to the responses above, the
                  following return value is introduced:

                  * disconnect if the connection should be closed  immediately  after  sending  a
                    SSH_MSG_DISCONNECT message.

                {pwdfun, fun(User::string(), Password::string()) -> boolean()}:
                  Provides  a function for password validation. This function is called with user
                  and password as strings, and returns true if the password is  valid  and  false

                  This  option  ({pwdfun,fun/2})  is  the  same  as  a  subset  of  the  previous
                  ({pwdfun,fun/4}). It is kept for compatibility.

                {negotiation_timeout, integer()}:
                  Maximum time in milliseconds for the authentication  negotiation.  Defaults  to
                  120000  (2  minutes).  If  the  client  fails  to  log in within this time, the
                  connection is closed.

                {max_sessions, pos_integer()}:
                  The maximum number of simultaneous sessions that are accepted at any  time  for
                  this  daemon. This includes sessions that are being authorized. Thus, if set to
                  N, and N clients have connected but not started the login  process,  connection
                  attempt N+1 is aborted. If N connections are authenticated and still logged in,
                  no more logins are accepted until one of the existing ones log out.

                  The counter is per listening port. Thus, if two daemons are started,  one  with
                  {max_sessions,N}  and the other with {max_sessions,M}, in total N+M connections
                  are accepted for the whole ssh application.

                  Notice that if parallel_login is false, only one client at a time can be in the
                  authentication phase.

                  By default, this option is not set. This means that the number is not limited.

                {max_channels, pos_integer()}:
                  The  maximum  number of channels with active remote subsystem that are accepted
                  for each connection to this daemon

                  By default, this option is not set. This means that the number is not limited.

                {parallel_login, boolean()}:
                  If set to false (the default value), only one login is handled at  a  time.  If
                  set to true, an unlimited number of login attempts are allowed simultaneously.

                  If  the  max_sessions option is set to N and parallel_login is set to true, the
                  maximum number of simultaneous login attempts at any time is  limited  to  N-K,
                  where K is the number of authenticated connections present at this daemon.

                Do  not  enable parallel_logins without protecting the server by other means, for
                example, by the max_sessions option or a firewall configuration. If set to  true,
                there is no protection against DOS attacks.

                {minimal_remote_max_packet_size, non_negative_integer()}:
                  The  least  maximum  packet  size  that  the daemon will accept in channel open
                  requests from the client. The default value is 0.

                {id_string, random | string()}:
                  The string the daemon will present to a connecting peer initially. The  default
                  value is "Erlang/VSN" where VSN is the ssh application version number.

                  The  value  random  will cause a random string to be created at each connection
                  attempt. This is to make it a bit more difficult for a malicious peer  to  find
                  the ssh software brand and version.

                {send_ext_info, boolean()}:
                  Send  a  list  of  extensions to the client if the client has asked for it. See
                  Draft-ietf-curdle-ssh-ext-info (work in progress) for details.

                  Currently implemented extension is sending server-sig-algs which is the list of
                  the server's preferred user's public key algorithms.

                  Default value is true.

                {key_cb, key_cb()}:
                  Module  implementing the behaviour ssh_server_key_api. Can be used to customize
                  the handling of public keys. If callback options are provided  along  with  the
                  module  name,  they  are  made available to the callback module via the options
                  passed to it under the key 'key_cb_private'.

                {profile, atom()}:
                  Used together with ip-address and port to uniquely identify a ssh daemon.  This
                  can  be  useful  in a virtualized environment, where there can be more that one
                  server that has  the  same  ip-address  and  port.  If  this  property  is  not
                  explicitly  set,  it  is  assumed  that  the  the  ip-address and port uniquely
                  identifies the SSH daemon.

                {fd, file_descriptor()}:
                  Allows an existing file-descriptor to be  used  (passed  on  to  the  transport

                {failfun, fun(User::string(), PeerAddress::ip_address(), Reason::term()) -> _}:
                  Provides a fun to implement your own logging when a user fails to authenticate.

                {connectfun,   fun(User::string(),  PeerAddress::ip_address(),  Method::string())
                  Provides a fun to implement your own logging when a user authenticates  to  the

                {disconnectfun, fun(Reason:term()) -> _}:
                  Provides  a  fun to implement your own logging when a user disconnects from the

                {unexpectedfun, fun(Message:term(), Peer) -> report | skip }:
                  Provides a fun to implement your own logging or other action when an unexpected
                  message  arrives. If the fun returns report the usual info report is issued but
                  if skip is returned no report is generated.

                  Peer is in the format of {Host,Port}.

                {idle_time, integer()}:
                  Sets a time-out on a connection  when  no  channels  are  active.  Defaults  to

                {ssh_msg_debug_fun,                      fun(ConnectionRef::ssh_connection_ref(),
                AlwaysDisplay::boolean(), Msg::binary(), LanguageTag::binary()) -> _}:
                  Provide a fun to implement your own logging of the SSH  message  SSH_MSG_DEBUG.
                  The  last three parameters are from the message, see RFC4253, section 11.3. The
                  ConnectionRef is the reference to the connection on which the message  arrived.
                  The return value from the fun is not checked.

                  The default behaviour is ignore the message. To get a printout for each message
                  with   AlwaysDisplay   =   true,   use    for    example    {ssh_msg_debug_fun,
                  fun(_,true,M,_)-> io:format("DEBUG: ~p~n", [M]) end}

       daemon_info(Daemon) -> {ok, [DaemonInfo]} | {error,Error}


                 DaemonInfo  =  {port,Port::pos_integer()} | {listen_address, any|ip_address()} |
                 Port = integer()
                 Error = bad_daemon_ref

              Returns a key-value list with information about  the  daemon.  For  now,  only  the
              listening  port  is  returned.  This is intended for the case the daemon is started
              with the port set to 0.

       default_algorithms() -> algs_list()

              Returns a key-value list, where the keys are the different types of algorithms  and
              the values are the algorithms themselves. An example:

              20> ssh:default_algorithms().

       shell(Host) ->
       shell(Host, Option) ->
       shell(Host, Port, Option) ->
       shell(TcpSocket) -> _


                 Host = string()
                 Port = integer()
                 Options - see ssh:connect/3
                 TcpSocket = port()
                   The  socket  is  supposed  to  be  from gen_tcp:connect or gen_tcp:accept with
                   option {active,false}

              Starts an interactive shell over an SSH server on  the  given  Host.  The  function
              waits for user input, and does not return until the remote shell is ended (that is,
              exit from the shell).

       start() ->
       start(Type) -> ok | {error, Reason}


                 Type = permanent | transient | temporary
                 Reason = term()

              Utility function that starts the applications crypto, public_key, and ssh.  Default
              type  is  temporary. For more information, see the application(3erl) manual page in

       stop() -> ok | {error, Reason}


                 Reason = term()

              Stops the ssh application. For more information, see the  application(3erl)  manual
              page in Kernel.

       stop_daemon(DaemonRef) ->
       stop_daemon(Address, Port) -> ok


                 DaemonRef = ssh_daemon_ref()
                 Address = ip_address()
                 Port = integer()

              Stops the listener and all connections started by the listener.

       stop_listener(DaemonRef) ->
       stop_listener(Address, Port) -> ok


                 DaemonRef = ssh_daemon_ref()
                 Address = ip_address()
                 Port = integer()

              Stops  the  listener,  but  leaves  existing  connections  started  by the listener