Provided by: python3-flask-socketio_4.2.1-1_all bug


       flask-socketio - Flask-SocketIO Documentation

       Flask-SocketIO   gives   Flask   applications   access   to   low  latency  bi-directional
       communications between the clients and the server. The client-side application can use any
       of  the  SocketIO  official  clients  libraries in Javascript, C++, Java and Swift, or any
       compatible client to establish a permanent connection to the server.


       You can install this package in the usual way using pip:

          pip install flask-socketio


       Flask-SocketIO is compatible with both  Python  2.7  and  Python  3.3+.  The  asynchronous
       services that this package relies on can be selected among three choices:

       • eventlet  is  the  best  performant  option, with support for long-polling and WebSocket

       • gevent is supported in a number of different configurations. The long-polling  transport
         is  fully  supported  with the gevent package, but unlike eventlet, gevent does not have
         native WebSocket support. To add support for WebSocket there are currently two  options.
         Installing  the gevent-websocket package adds WebSocket support to gevent or one can use
         the uWSGI web server, which comes with WebSocket functionality. The  use  of  gevent  is
         also a performant option, but slightly lower than eventlet.

       • The Flask development server based on Werkzeug can be used as well, with the caveat that
         it lacks the performance of the other two options, so it should only be used to simplify
         the development workflow. This option only supports the long-polling transport.

       The  extension  automatically detects which asynchronous framework to use based on what is
       installed. Preference is given to eventlet, followed by gevent.  For WebSocket support  in
       gevent,  uWSGI  is preferred, followed by gevent-websocket. If neither eventlet nor gevent
       are installed, then the Flask development server is used.

       If using multiple processes,  a  message  queue  service  is  used  by  the  processes  to
       coordinate  operations  such  as  broadcasting.  The supported queues are Redis, RabbitMQ,
       Kafka, and any other message queues supported by the Kombu package.

       On the client-side, the official Socket.IO  Javascript  client  library  can  be  used  to
       establish  a  connection  to the server. There are also official clients written in Swift,
       Java and C++. Unofficial clients may also work, as long as they  implement  the  Socket.IO


       The following code example shows how to add Flask-SocketIO to a Flask application:

          from flask import Flask, render_template
          from flask_socketio import SocketIO

          app = Flask(__name__)
          app.config['SECRET_KEY'] = 'secret!'
          socketio = SocketIO(app)

          if __name__ == '__main__':

       The  init_app()  style of initialization is also supported. To start the web server simply
       execute your script. Note the way the web server is started.  The  function
       encapsulates  the  start  up  of  the web server and replaces the standard Flask
       development server  start  up.  When  the  application  is  in  debug  mode  the  Werkzeug
       development  server  is  still  used  and  configured  properly  inside In
       production mode the eventlet web server is used if available, else the gevent  web  server
       is  used. If eventlet and gevent are not installed, the Werkzeug development web server is

       The flask run command introduced in Flask 0.11 can  be  used  to  start  a  Flask-SocketIO
       development  server  based  on  Werkzeug,  but  this method of starting the Flask-SocketIO
       server is not recommended due to lack of WebSocket support.   Previous  versions  of  this
       package  included  a  customized  version of the flask run command that allowed the use of
       WebSocket on eventlet and gevent production  servers,  but  this  functionality  has  been
       discontinued  in  favor  of the startup method shown above which is more

       The application must serve a page to the client  that  loads  the  Socket.IO  library  and
       establishes a connection:

          <script src="//" integrity="sha256-yr4fRk/GU1ehYJPAs8P4JlTgu0Hdsp4ZKrx8bDEDC3I=" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
          <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">
              var socket = io();
              socket.on('connect', function() {
                  socket.emit('my event', {data: 'I\'m connected!'});


       When  using  SocketIO, messages are received by both parties as events. On the client side
       Javascript callbacks are used. With Flask-SocketIO the server needs to  register  handlers
       for these events, similarly to how routes are handled by view functions.

       The following example creates a server-side event handler for an unnamed event:

          def handle_message(message):
              print('received message: ' + message)

       The above example uses string messages. Another type of unnamed events use JSON data:

          def handle_json(json):
              print('received json: ' + str(json))

       The most flexible type of event uses custom event names. The message data for these events
       can be string, bytes, int, or JSON:

          @socketio.on('my event')
          def handle_my_custom_event(json):
              print('received json: ' + str(json))

       Custom named events can also support multiple arguments:

          @socketio.on('my event')
          def handle_my_custom_event(arg1, arg2, arg3):
              print('received args: ' + arg1 + arg2 + arg3)

       Named events are the most flexible, as they  eliminate  the  need  to  include  additional
       metadata to describe the message type. The names message, json, connect and disconnect are
       reserved and cannot be used for named events.

       Flask-SocketIO also supports SocketIO namespaces, which  allow  the  client  to  multiplex
       several independent connections on the same physical socket:

          @socketio.on('my event', namespace='/test')
          def handle_my_custom_namespace_event(json):
              print('received json: ' + str(json))

       When a namespace is not specified a default global namespace with the name '/' is used.

       For cases when a decorator syntax isn't convenient, the on_event method can be used:

          def my_function_handler(data):

          socketio.on_event('my event', my_function_handler, namespace='/test')

       Clients  may  request  an acknowledgement callback that confirms receipt of a message they
       sent. Any values returned from the handler function  will  be  passed  to  the  client  as
       arguments in the callback function:

          @socketio.on('my event')
          def handle_my_custom_event(json):
              print('received json: ' + str(json))
              return 'one', 2

       In  the  above  example,  the client callback function will be invoked with two arguments,
       'one' and 2. If a handler function  does  not  return  any  values,  the  client  callback
       function will be invoked without arguments.


       SocketIO  event  handlers defined as shown in the previous section can send reply messages
       to the connected client using the send() and emit() functions.

       The following examples bounce received events back to the client that sent them:

          from flask_socketio import send, emit

          def handle_message(message):

          def handle_json(json):
              send(json, json=True)

          @socketio.on('my event')
          def handle_my_custom_event(json):
              emit('my response', json)

       Note how send() and emit() are used for unnamed and named events respectively.

       When working with namespaces, send() and emit() use the namespace of the incoming  message
       by default. A different namespace can be specified with the optional namespace argument:

          def handle_message(message):
              send(message, namespace='/chat')

          @socketio.on('my event')
          def handle_my_custom_event(json):
              emit('my response', json, namespace='/chat')

       To send an event with multiple arguments, send a tuple:

          @socketio.on('my event')
          def handle_my_custom_event(json):
              emit('my response', ('foo', 'bar', json), namespace='/chat')

       SocketIO supports acknowledgment callbacks that confirm that a message was received by the

          def ack():
              print 'message was received!'

          @socketio.on('my event')
          def handle_my_custom_event(json):
              emit('my response', json, callback=ack)

       When using callbacks, the Javascript client receives a callback function  to  invoke  upon
       receipt  of  the  message.  After the client application invokes the callback function the
       server invokes the corresponding server-side callback.  If  the  client-side  callback  is
       invoked  with  arguments,  these  are provided as arguments to the server-side callback as


       Another very useful feature of SocketIO is the broadcasting of  messages.   Flask-SocketIO
       supports this feature with the broadcast=True optional argument to send() and emit():

          @socketio.on('my event')
          def handle_my_custom_event(data):
              emit('my response', data, broadcast=True)

       When  a  message  is  sent with the broadcast option enabled, all clients connected to the
       namespace receive it, including the sender. When namespaces  are  not  used,  the  clients
       connected to the global namespace receive the message. Note that callbacks are not invoked
       for broadcast messages.

       In all the examples shown until this point the server responds to an  event  sent  by  the
       client.  But  for  some  applications, the server needs to be the originator of a message.
       This can be useful to send notifications to clients  of  events  that  originated  in  the
       server,  for  example  in  a  background  thread.  The socketio.send() and socketio.emit()
       methods can be used to broadcast to all connected clients:

          def some_function():
              socketio.emit('some event', {'data': 42})

       Note  that  socketio.send()  and  socketio.emit()  are  not  the  same  functions  as  the
       context-aware  send()  and  emit().  Also  note that in the above usage there is no client
       context, so broadcast=True is assumed and does not need to be specified.


       For many applications it is necessary to group users into subsets that  can  be  addressed
       together.  The best example is a chat application with multiple rooms, where users receive
       messages from the room or rooms they are in, but not from other rooms  where  other  users
       are.   Flask-SocketIO   supports  this  concept  of  rooms  through  the  join_room()  and
       leave_room() functions:

          from flask_socketio import join_room, leave_room

          def on_join(data):
              username = data['username']
              room = data['room']
              send(username + ' has entered the room.', room=room)

          def on_leave(data):
              username = data['username']
              room = data['room']
              send(username + ' has left the room.', room=room)

       The send() and emit() functions accept an optional room argument that cause the message to
       be sent to all the clients that are in the given room.

       All  clients  are  assigned  a  room  when  they connect, named with the session ID of the
       connection, which can be obtained from request.sid. A given client  can  join  any  rooms,
       which  can  be given any names. When a client disconnects it is removed from all the rooms
       it was in. The context-free socketio.send() and socketio.emit() functions  also  accept  a
       room argument to broadcast to all clients in a room.

       Since  all  clients are assigned a personal room, to address a message to a single client,
       the session ID of the client can be used as the room argument.


       Flask-SocketIO also dispatches connection and disconnection events. The following  example
       shows how to register handlers for them:

          def test_connect():
              emit('my response', {'data': 'Connected'})

          def test_disconnect():
              print('Client disconnected')

       The  connection  event  handler  can return False to reject the connection, or it can also
       raise ConectionRefusedError. This is so that the  client  can  be  authenticated  at  this
       point. When using the exception, any arguments passed to the exception are returned to the
       client in the error packet. Examples:

          from flask_socketio import ConnectionRefusedError

          def connect():
              if not self.authenticate(request.args):
                  raise ConnectionRefusedError('unauthorized!')

       Note that connection and disconnection events are  sent  individually  on  each  namespace


       As  an  alternative  to  the  decorator-based  event  handlers  described above, the event
       handlers that  belong  to  a  namespace  can  be  created  as  methods  of  a  class.  The
       flask_socketio.Namespace is provided as a base class to create class-based namespaces:

          from flask_socketio import Namespace, emit

          class MyCustomNamespace(Namespace):
              def on_connect(self):

              def on_disconnect(self):

              def on_my_event(self, data):
                  emit('my_response', data)


       When  class-based namespaces are used, any events received by the server are dispatched to
       a method named as the event name with the on_ prefix. For example, event my_event will  be
       handled  by  a  method  named  on_my_event.  If an event is received for which there is no
       corresponding method defined in the namespace class, then the event is ignored. All  event
       names used in class-based namespaces must use characters that are legal in method names.

       As  a  convenience  to  methods defined in a class-based namespace, the namespace instance
       includes versions of several of the methods  in  the  flask_socketio.SocketIO  class  that
       default to the proper namespace when the namespace argument is not given.

       If  an event has a handler in a class-based namespace, and also a decorator-based function
       handler, only the decorated function handler is invoked.


       Flask-SocketIO can also deal with exceptions:

          @socketio.on_error()        # Handles the default namespace
          def error_handler(e):

          @socketio.on_error('/chat') # handles the '/chat' namespace
          def error_handler_chat(e):

          @socketio.on_error_default  # handles all namespaces without an explicit error handler
          def default_error_handler(e):

       Error handler functions take the exception object as an argument.

       The message and data arguments of the current request  can  also  be  inspected  with  the
       request.event  variable, which is useful for error logging and debugging outside the event

          from flask import request

          @socketio.on("my error event")
          def on_my_event(data):
              raise RuntimeError()

          def default_error_handler(e):
              print(request.event["message"]) # "my error event"
              print(request.event["args"])    # (data,)


       Handlers for SocketIO events are different than handlers for routes and that introduces  a
       lot  of  confusion  around  what  can  and  cannot be done in a SocketIO handler. The main
       difference is that all the SocketIO events generated for a client occur in the context  of
       a single long running request.

       In  spite  of the differences, Flask-SocketIO attempts to make working with SocketIO event
       handlers easier by making the environment similar to that of a regular HTTP  request.  The
       following list describes what works and what doesn't:

       • An application context is pushed before invoking an event handler making current_app and
         g available to the handler.

       • A request context is also pushed before invoking a  handler,  also  making  request  and
         session  available.  But  note  that  WebSocket  events  do not have individual requests
         associated with them, so the request context that started the connection is  pushed  for
         all the events that are dispatched during the life of the connection.

       • The request context global is enhanced with a sid member that is set to a unique session
         ID for the connection. This value is used as an initial room where the client is added.

       • The request context global is enhanced with namespace and event members that contain the
         currently  handled namespace and event arguments.  The event member is a dictionary with
         message and args keys.

       • The session context global behaves in a different way than in regular requests.  A  copy
         of the user session at the time the SocketIO connection is established is made available
         to handlers invoked in the context of that connection. If a  SocketIO  handler  modifies
         the  session,  the  modified session will be preserved for future SocketIO handlers, but
         regular HTTP route handlers will not see these changes.  Effectively,  when  a  SocketIO
         handler  modifies  the session, a "fork" of the session is created exclusively for these
         handlers. The technical reason for this limitation is that to save the  user  session  a
         cookie  needs  to  be  sent  to the client, and that requires HTTP request and response,
         which do not exist in a SocketIO connection. When using  server-side  sessions  such  as
         those  provided  by the Flask-Session or Flask-KVSession extensions, changes made to the
         session in HTTP route handlers can be seen by SocketIO handlers, as long as the  session
         is not modified in the SocketIO handlers.

       • The before_request and after_request hooks are not invoked for SocketIO event handlers.

       • SocketIO  handlers  can  take  custom  decorators, but most Flask decorators will not be
         appropriate to use for a SocketIO handler, given that there is no concept of a  Response
         object during a SocketIO connection.


       A  common need of applications is to validate the identity of their users. The traditional
       mechanisms based on web forms and HTTP requests cannot be used in a  SocketIO  connection,
       since  there is no place to send HTTP requests and responses. If necessary, an application
       can implement a customized login form that sends credentials to the server as  a  SocketIO
       message when the submit button is pressed by the user.

       However,  in  most  cases  it is more convenient to perform the traditional authentication
       process before the SocketIO connection is established. The user's  identity  can  then  be
       recorded  in  the  user  session or in a cookie, and later when the SocketIO connection is
       established that information will be accessible to SocketIO event handlers.

   Using Flask-Login with Flask-SocketIO
       Flask-SocketIO can access login information maintained by  Flask-Login.  After  a  regular
       Flask-Login  authentication is performed and the login_user() function is called to record
       the user  in  the  user  session,  any  SocketIO  connections  will  have  access  to  the
       current_user context variable:

          def connect_handler():
              if current_user.is_authenticated:
                  emit('my response',
                       {'message': '{0} has joined'.format(},
                  return False  # not allowed here

       Note  that the login_required decorator cannot be used with SocketIO event handlers, but a
       custom decorator that disconnects non-authenticated users can be created as follows:

          import functools
          from flask import request
          from flask_login import current_user
          from flask_socketio import disconnect

          def authenticated_only(f):
              def wrapped(*args, **kwargs):
                  if not current_user.is_authenticated:
                      return f(*args, **kwargs)
              return wrapped

          @socketio.on('my event')
          def handle_my_custom_event(data):
              emit('my response', {'message': '{0} has joined'.format(},


       There are many options to deploy a Flask-SocketIO  server,  ranging  from  simple  to  the
       insanely complex. In this section, the most commonly used options are described.

   Embedded Server
       The  simplest  deployment  strategy is to have eventlet or gevent installed, and start the
       web server by calling as shown in examples  above.  This  will  run  the
       application on the eventlet or gevent web servers, whichever is installed.

       Note  that  runs  a production ready server when eventlet or gevent are
       installed. If neither of these  are  installed,  then  the  application  runs  on  Flask's
       development web server, which is not appropriate for production use.

       Unfortunately  this  option  is  not available when using gevent with uWSGI. See the uWSGI
       section below for information on this option.

   Gunicorn Web Server
       An alternative to is to use gunicorn as web server, using  the  eventlet
       or  gevent  workers. For this option, eventlet or gevent need to be installed, in addition
       to gunicorn. The command line that starts the eventlet server via gunicorn is:

          gunicorn --worker-class eventlet -w 1 module:app

       If you prefer to use gevent, the command to start the server is:

          gunicorn -k gevent -w 1 module:app

       When using gunicorn  with  the  gevent  worker  and  the  WebSocket  support  provided  by
       gevent-websocket,  the  command  that starts the server must be changed to select a custom
       gevent web server that supports the WebSocket protocol. The modified command is:

          gunicorn -k geventwebsocket.gunicorn.workers.GeventWebSocketWorker -w 1 module:app

       In all these commands, module is the Python module or package that defines the application
       instance, and app is the application instance itself.

       Due  to  the  limited load balancing algorithm used by gunicorn, it is not possible to use
       more than one worker process when using this web server. For that reason, all the examples
       above include the -w 1 option.

   uWSGI Web Server
       When  using  the  uWSGI  server  in combination with gevent, the Socket.IO server can take
       advantage of uWSGI’s native WebSocket support.

       A complete explanation of the configuration and usage of the uWSGI server  is  beyond  the
       scope  of this documentation. The uWSGI server is a fairly complex package that provides a
       large and comprehensive set of options. It must be compiled with WebSocket and SSL support
       for  the  WebSocket  transport  to  be available. As way of an introduction, the following
       command starts a uWSGI server for the example application on port 5000:

          $ uwsgi --http :5000 --gevent 1000 --http-websockets --master --wsgi-file --callable app

   Using nginx as a WebSocket Reverse Proxy
       It is possible to use nginx as a front-end reverse  proxy  that  passes  requests  to  the
       application.  However,  only  releases  of  nginx  1.4  and  newer support proxying of the
       WebSocket protocol. Below is a basic nginx configuration that proxies HTTP  and  WebSocket

          server {
              listen 80;
              server_name _;

              location / {
                  include proxy_params;

              location /static {
                  alias <path-to-your-application>/static;
                  expires 30d;

              location / {
                  include proxy_params;
                  proxy_http_version 1.1;
                  proxy_buffering off;
                  proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
                  proxy_set_header Connection "Upgrade";

       The next example adds the support for load balancing multiple Socket.IO servers:

          upstream socketio_nodes {

              # to scale the app, just add more nodes here!

          server {
              listen 80;
              server_name _;

              location / {
                  include proxy_params;

              locaton /static {
                  alias <path-to-your-application>/static;
                  expires 30d;

              location / {
                  include proxy_params;
                  proxy_http_version 1.1;
                  proxy_buffering off;
                  proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
                  proxy_set_header Connection "Upgrade";
                  proxy_pass http://socketio_nodes/;

       While  the above examples can work as an initial configuration, be aware that a production
       install of nginx will need a more complete configuration covering other deployment aspects
       such as serving static file assets and SSL support.

   Using Multiple Workers
       Flask-SocketIO supports multiple workers behind a load balancer starting with release 2.0.
       Deploying multiple workers gives applications  that  use  Flask-SocketIO  the  ability  to
       spread the client connections among multiple processes and hosts, and in this way scale to
       support very large numbers of concurrent clients.

       There are two requirements to use multiple Flask-SocketIO workers:

       • The load balancer must be configured to forward all HTTP requests from  a  given  client
         always to the same worker. This is sometimes referenced as "sticky sessions". For nginx,
         use the ip_hash directive to achieve  this.   Gunicorn  cannot  be  used  with  multiple
         workers because its load balancer algorithm does not support sticky sessions.

       • Since  each of the servers owns only a subset of the client connections, a message queue
         such as Redis or RabbitMQ is used by the servers to coordinate complex  operations  such
         as broadcasting and rooms.

       When  working  with  a  message  queue,  there are additional dependencies that need to be

       • For Redis, the package redis must be installed (pip install redis).

       • For RabbitMQ, the package kombu must be installed (pip install kombu).

       • For Kafka, the package kafka-python must be installed (pip install kafka-python).

       • For other message queues supported by Kombu, see the Kombu  documentation  to  find  out
         what dependencies are needed.

       • If  eventlet  or  gevent  are  used, then monkey patching the Python standard library is
         normally required to force the message queue package to use coroutine friendly functions
         and classes.

       For eventlet, monkey patching is done with:

          import eventlet

       For gevent, you can monkey patch the standard library with:

          from gevent import monkey

       In both cases it is recommended that you apply the monkey patching at the top of your main
       script, even above your imports.

       To start multiple Flask-SocketIO servers, you must first ensure you have the message queue
       service running. To start a Socket.IO server and have it connect to the message queue, add
       the message_queue argument to the SocketIO constructor:

          socketio = SocketIO(app, message_queue='redis://')

       The value of the message_queue argument is the connection URL of the queue service that is
       used.  For a redis queue running on the same host as the server, the 'redis://' URL can be
       used. Likewise, for a default RabbitMQ queue the 'amqp://' URL can be used. For Kafka, use
       a  kafka://  URL.  The Kombu package has a documentation section that describes the format
       of the URLs for all the supported queues.

   Emitting from an External Process
       For many types of applications, it is necessary to emit events from a process that is  not
       the SocketIO server, for an example a Celery worker. If the SocketIO server or servers are
       configured to listen on a message queue as shown in the previous section, then  any  other
       process can create its own SocketIO instance and use it to emit events in the same way the
       server does.

       For example, for an application that runs on an eventlet  web  server  and  uses  a  Redis
       message queue, the following Python script broadcasts an event to all clients:

          socketio = SocketIO(message_queue='redis://')
          socketio.emit('my event', {'data': 'foo'}, namespace='/test')

       When using the SocketIO instance in this way, the Flask application instance is not passed
       to the constructor.

       The channel argument to SocketIO can be used to select a specific channel of communication
       through  the  message  queue.  Using  a  custom  channel  name is necessary when there are
       multiple independent SocketIO services sharing the same queue.

       Flask-SocketIO does not apply monkey patching when eventlet or gevent are used.  But  when
       working  with a message queue, it is very likely that the Python package that talks to the
       message queue service will hang if the Python standard library is not monkey patched.

       It is important to note that an external process that  wants  to  connect  to  a  SocketIO
       server does not need to use eventlet or gevent like the main server. Having a server use a
       coroutine framework, while an external process is  not  a  problem.  For  example,  Celery
       workers  do  not  need  to  be  configured to use eventlet or gevent just because the main
       server does. But if your external process does use  a  coroutine  framework  for  whatever
       reason,  then  monkey  patching  is  likely  required,  so that the message queue accesses
       coroutine friendly functions and classes.

   Upgrading to Flask-SocketIO 1.x and 2.x from the 0.x releases
       Older versions of Flask-SocketIO had a completely different set of requirements. Those old
       versions  had a dependency on gevent-socketio and gevent-websocket, which are not required
       in release 1.0.

       In spite of the change in dependencies, there aren't many significant  changes  introduced
       in version 1.0. Below is a detailed list of the actual differences:

       • Release  1.0  drops support for Python 2.6, and adds support for Python 3.3, Python 3.4,
         and pypy.

       • Releases 0.x required an old version of the Socket.IO Javascript client.  Starting  with
         release  1.0, the current releases of Socket.IO and Engine.IO are supported. Releases of
         the Socket.IO client prior to 1.0 are no supported. The Swift and C++ official Socket.IO
         clients are now supported as well.

       • The  0.x  releases depended on gevent, gevent-socketio and gevent-websocket.  In release
         1.0 gevent-socketio is not used anymore, and gevent is one of three options for  backend
         web  server, with eventlet and any regular multi-threaded WSGI server, including Flask's
         development web server.

       • The Socket.IO server options have changed in release 1.0. They can be  provided  in  the
         SocketIO constructor, or in the run() call. The options provided in these two are merged
         before they are used.

       • The 0.x releases exposed the gevent-socketio connection as request.namespace. In release
         1.0  this  is not available anymore. The request object defines request.namespace as the
         name of the namespace being handled, and adds request.sid, defined as the unique session
         ID  for  the  client  connection,  and  request.event, which contains the event name and

       • To get the list of rooms a client was in the 0.x release required the application to use
         a  private  structure  of  gevent-socketio, with the expression request.namespace.rooms.
         This is not available in release 1.0, which includes a proper rooms() function.

       • The recommended "trick" to send a message to an individual client was to put each client
         in  a  separate  room, then address messages to the desired room. This was formalized in
         release 1.0, where clients are assigned a room automatically when they connect.

       • The 'connect' event for the global namespace did not fire on releases prior to 1.0. This
         has been fixed and now this event fires as expected.

       • Support for client-side callbacks was introduced in release 1.0.

       To upgrade to the newer Flask-SocketIO releases, you need to upgrade your Socket.IO client
       to a client that is compatible with the Socket.IO 1.0 protocol. For the JavaScript client,
       the 1.3.x and 1.4.x releases have been extensively tested and found compatible.

       On the server side, there are a few points to consider:

       • If  you  wish to continue using gevent, then uninstall gevent-socketio from your virtual
         environment, as this package is not used anymore and may collide with  its  replacement,

       • If  you  want  to have slightly better performance and stability, then it is recommended
         that you  switch  to  eventlet.  To  do  this,  uninstall  gevent,  gevent-socketio  and
         gevent-websocket, and install eventlet.

       • If   your   application  uses  monkey  patching  and  you  switched  to  eventlet,  call
         eventlet.monkey_patch() instead of  gevent's  monkey.patch_all().  Also,  any  calls  to
         gevent must be replaced with equivalent calls to eventlet.

       • Any uses of request.namespace must be replaced with direct calls into the Flask-SocketIO
         functions. For example,  request.namespace.rooms  must  be  replaced  with  the  rooms()

       • Any  uses  of internal gevent-socketio objects must be removed, as this package is not a
         dependency anymore.


       For security reasons, this server enforces a same-origin policy by default.  In  practical
       terms, this means the following:

       • If  an  incoming  HTTP or WebSocket request includes the Origin header, this header must
         match the scheme and host of the connection URL. In case of a  mismatch,  a  400  status
         code response is returned and the connection is rejected.

       • No restrictions are imposed on incoming requests that do not include the Origin header.

       If  necessary,  the  cors_allowed_origins  option can be used to allow other origins. This
       argument can be set to a string to set a single allowed origin, or  to  a  list  to  allow
       multiple  origins.  A special value of '*' can be used to instruct the server to allow all
       origins, but this should be done with care, as this could make the  server  vulnerable  to
       Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) attacks.


       class flask_socketio.SocketIO(app=None, **kwargs)
              Create a Flask-SocketIO server.

              Parametersapp  --  The flask application instance. If the application instance isn't
                       known   at   the   time   this   class   is   instantiated,   then    call
                       socketio.init_app(app) once the application instance is available.

                     • manage_session  -- If set to True, this extension manages the user session
                       for Socket.IO events. If set to False, Flask's own session  management  is
                       used.  When using Flask's cookie based sessions it is recommended that you
                       leave this set to the default of True. When using server-side sessions,  a
                       False  setting  enables  sharing  the user session between HTTP routes and
                       Socket.IO events.

                     • message_queue -- A connection URL for a message queue service  the  server
                       can  use  for multi-process communication. A message queue is not required
                       when using a single server process.

                     • channel -- The channel name, when using a  message  queue.  If  a  channel
                       isn't  specified,  a default channel will be used. If multiple clusters of
                       SocketIO processes need to use the same message queue without  interfering
                       with each other, then each cluster should use a different channel.

                     • path  --  The  path  where  the  Socket.IO  server is exposed. Defaults to
                       ''. Leave this as is unless you know what you are doing.

                     • resource -- Alias to path.

                     • kwargs -- Socket.IO and Engine.IO server options.

              The Socket.IO server options are detailed below:

              Parametersclient_manager -- The client manager instance that will manage the  client
                       list.  When  this  is  omitted,  the client list is stored in an in-memory
                       structure, so the use of multiple connected servers is  not  possible.  In
                       most cases, this argument does not need to be set explicitly.

                     • logger -- To enable logging set to True or pass a logger object to use. To
                       disable logging set to False. The default is False.

                     • binary -- True to support binary payloads, False to treat all payloads  as
                       text.  On  Python 2, if this is set to True, unicode values are treated as
                       text, and str and bytes values are treated as binary.  This option has  no
                       effect   on   Python   3,  where  text  and  binary  payloads  are  always
                       automatically discovered.

                     • json -- An alternative json  module  to  use  for  encoding  and  decoding
                       packets.  Custom json modules must have dumps and loads functions that are
                       compatible with the standard  library  versions.  To  use  the  same  json
                       encoder and decoder as a Flask application, use flask.json.

                     • async_handlers -- If set to True, event handlers for a client are executed
                       in separate threads. To run handlers for a client  synchronously,  set  to
                       False. The default is True.

                     • always_connect  --  When set to False, new connections are provisory until
                       the connect handler returns something other than  False,  at  which  point
                       they are accepted. When set to True, connections are immediately accepted,
                       and then if the connect handler returns False a disconnect is issued.  Set
                       to  True  if  you  need  to  emit events from the connect handler and your
                       client  is  confused  when  it  receives  events  before  the   connection
                       acceptance.  In any other case use the default of False.

              The Engine.IO server configuration supports the following settings:

              Parametersasync_mode -- The asynchronous model to use. See the Deployment section in
                       the documentation for a description of the available options. Valid  async
                       modes  are  threading, eventlet, gevent and gevent_uwsgi. If this argument
                       is not given, eventlet is tried first, then gevent_uwsgi, then gevent, and
                       finally  threading.  The  first  async  mode that has all its dependencies
                       installed is then one that is chosen.

                     • ping_timeout -- The time in seconds that the client waits for  the  server
                       to respond before disconnecting. The default is 60 seconds.

                     • ping_interval  --  The  interval  in seconds at which the client pings the
                       server. The default is 25 seconds.

                     • max_http_buffer_size -- The maximum size  of  a  message  when  using  the
                       polling transport. The default is 100,000,000 bytes.

                     • allow_upgrades  -- Whether to allow transport upgrades or not. The default
                       is True.

                     • http_compression -- Whether to compress packages when  using  the  polling
                       transport. The default is True.

                     • compression_threshold  --  Only  compress messages when their byte size is
                       greater than this value. The default is 1024 bytes.

                     • cookie -- Name of the HTTP cookie that contains the client session id.  If
                       set to None, a cookie is not sent to the client.  The default is 'io'.

                     • cors_allowed_origins  --  Origin  or  list  of origins that are allowed to
                       connect to this server. Only the same origin is allowed  by  default.  Set
                       this  argument  to  '*'  to  allow  all  origins, or to [] to disable CORS

                     • cors_credentials --  Whether  credentials  (cookies,  authentication)  are
                       allowed in requests to this server. The default is True.

                     • monitor_clients  -- If set to True, a background task will ensure inactive
                       clients are closed. Set to False  to  disable  the  monitoring  task  (not
                       recommended). The default is True.

                     • engineio_logger  --  To  enable  Engine.IO  logging  set to True or pass a
                       logger object to use. To disable logging set  to  False.  The  default  is

              on(message, namespace=None)
                     Decorator to register a SocketIO event handler.

                     This decorator must be applied to SocketIO event handlers. Example:

                        @socketio.on('my event', namespace='/chat')
                        def handle_my_custom_event(json):
                            print('received json: ' + str(json))

                     Parametersmessage  --  The name of the event. This is normally a user defined
                              string, but a few event names are already defined. Use 'message' to
                              define  a  handler  that takes a string payload, 'json' to define a
                              handler that takes a JSON blob payload, 'connect'  or  'disconnect'
                              to create handlers for connection and disconnection events.

                            • namespace   --  The  namespace  on  which  the  handler  is  to  be
                              registered. Defaults to the global namespace.

                     Decorator to define a custom error handler for SocketIO events.

                     This decorator can be applied to a function that acts as  an  error  handler
                     for  a namespace. This handler will be invoked when a SocketIO event handler
                     raises an exception. The handler function must accept one argument, which is
                     the exception raised. Example:

                        def chat_error_handler(e):
                            print('An error has occurred: ' + str(e))

                            namespace  --  The namespace for which to register the error handler.
                            Defaults to the global namespace.

                     Decorator to define a default error handler for SocketIO events.

                     This decorator can be applied to a function that acts  as  a  default  error
                     handler for any namespaces that do not have a specific handler.  Example:

                        def error_handler(e):
                            print('An error has occurred: ' + str(e))

              on_event(message, handler, namespace=None)
                     Register a SocketIO event handler.

                     on_event is the non-decorator version of 'on'.


                        def on_foo_event(json):
                            print('received json: ' + str(json))

                        socketio.on_event('my event', on_foo_event, namespace='/chat')

                     Parametersmessage  --  The name of the event. This is normally a user defined
                              string, but a few event names are already defined. Use 'message' to
                              define  a  handler  that takes a string payload, 'json' to define a
                              handler that takes a JSON blob payload, 'connect'  or  'disconnect'
                              to create handlers for connection and disconnection events.

                            • handler -- The function that handles the event.

                            • namespace   --  The  namespace  on  which  the  handler  is  to  be
                              registered. Defaults to the global namespace.

              emit(event, *args, **kwargs)
                     Emit a server generated SocketIO event.

                     This function emits a SocketIO event to one or more  connected  clients.   A
                     JSON blob can be attached to the event as payload. This function can be used
                     outside of a SocketIO event context, so it is appropriate to  use  when  the
                     server is the originator of an event, outside of any client context, such as
                     in a regular HTTP request handler or a background task. Example:

                        def ping():
                            socketio.emit('ping event', {'data': 42}, namespace='/chat')

                     Parametersevent -- The name of the user event to emit.

                            • args -- A dictionary with the JSON data to send as payload.

                            • namespace -- The namespace under which the message is to  be  sent.
                              Defaults to the global namespace.

                            • room  --  Send  the  message to all the users in the given room. If
                              this parameter is not included, the event is sent to all  connected

                            • skip_sid  -- The session id of a client to ignore when broadcasting
                              or addressing a room. This is typically set to  the  originator  of
                              the  message,  so  that  everyone  except  that  client receive the
                              message. To skip multiple sids pass a list.

                            • callback -- If given, this function will be called  to  acknowledge
                              that  the  client has received the message. The arguments that will
                              be passed to  the  function  are  those  provided  by  the  client.
                              Callback  functions  can only be used when addressing an individual

              send(data, json=False, namespace=None, room=None, callback=None, include_self=True,
              skip_sid=None, **kwargs)
                     Send a server-generated SocketIO message.

                     This  function  sends  a  simple  SocketIO  message to one or more connected
                     clients. The message can be a string or a  JSON  blob.  This  is  a  simpler
                     version  of  emit(),  which  should  be preferred. This function can be used
                     outside of a SocketIO event context, so it is appropriate to  use  when  the
                     server is the originator of an event.

                     Parametersdata -- The message to send, either a string or a JSON blob.

                            • json -- True if message is a JSON blob, False otherwise.

                            • namespace  --  The namespace under which the message is to be sent.
                              Defaults to the global namespace.

                            • room -- Send the message only to the users in the  given  room.  If
                              this  parameter  is  not  included,  the  message  is  sent  to all
                              connected users.

                            • skip_sid -- The session id of a client to ignore when  broadcasting
                              or  addressing  a  room. This is typically set to the originator of
                              the message, so  that  everyone  except  that  client  receive  the
                              message. To skip multiple sids pass a list.

                            • callback  --  If given, this function will be called to acknowledge
                              that the client has received the message. The arguments  that  will
                              be  passed  to  the  function  are  those  provided  by the client.
                              Callback functions can only be used when addressing  an  individual

              close_room(room, namespace=None)
                     Close a room.

                     This  function removes any users that are in the given room and then deletes
                     the room from the server. This function can be used outside  of  a  SocketIO
                     event context.

                     Parametersroom -- The name of the room to close.

                            • namespace -- The namespace under which the room exists. Defaults to
                              the global namespace.

              run(app, host=None, port=None, **kwargs)
                     Run the SocketIO web server.

                     Parametersapp -- The Flask application instance.

                            • host -- The hostname or IP address for the  server  to  listen  on.
                              Defaults to

                            • port  --  The  port number for the server to listen on. Defaults to

                            • debug -- True to start the server in debug mode, False to start  in
                              normal mode.

                            • use_reloader -- True to enable the Flask reloader, False to disable

                            • extra_files -- A list of additional files that the  Flask  reloader
                              should watch. Defaults to Nonelog_output -- If True, the server logs all incoming connections. If
                              False logging is disabled.  Defaults to True in debug  mode,  False
                              in normal mode. Unused when the threading async mode is used.

                            • kwargs -- Additional web server options. The web server options are
                              specific to the server used in each of the supported  async  modes.
                              Note  that  options  provided  here  will not be seen when using an
                              external web server such as gunicorn,  since  this  method  is  not
                              called in that case.

              stop() Stop a running SocketIO web server.

                     This method must be called from a HTTP or SocketIO handler function.

              start_background_task(target, *args, **kwargs)
                     Start a background task using the appropriate async model.

                     This  is  a utility function that applications can use to start a background
                     task using the method that is compatible with the selected async mode.

                     Parameterstarget -- the target function to execute.

                            • args -- arguments to pass to the function.

                            • kwargs -- keyword arguments to pass to the function.

                     This function returns an object compatible with  the  Thread  class  in  the
                     Python standard library. The start() method on this object is already called
                     by this function.

                     Sleep for the requested amount of time using the appropriate async model.

                     This is a utility function that applications can use to put a task to  sleep
                     without  having to worry about using the correct call for the selected async

              test_client(app,       namespace=None,       query_string=None,       headers=None,
                     The  Socket.IO test client is useful for testing a Flask-SocketIO server. It
                     works in a similar way  to  the  Flask  Test  Client,  but  adapted  to  the
                     Socket.IO server.

                     Parametersapp -- The Flask application instance.

                            • namespace  --  The  namespace  for the client. If not provided, the
                              client connects to the server on the global namespace.

                            • query_string -- A string with custom query string arguments.

                            • headers -- A dictionary with custom HTTP headers.

                            • flask_test_client  --  The  instance  of  the  Flask  test   client
                              currently in use. Passing the Flask test client is optional, but is
                              necessary if you want the Flask user session and any other  cookies
                              set in HTTP routes accessible from Socket.IO events.

       flask_socketio.emit(event, *args, **kwargs)
              Emit a SocketIO event.

              This  function emits a SocketIO event to one or more connected clients. A JSON blob
              can be attached to the event as payload. This is a function that can only be called
              from  a  SocketIO  event  handler,  as in obtains some information from the current
              client context. Example:

                 @socketio.on('my event')
                 def handle_my_custom_event(json):
                     emit('my response', {'data': 42})

              Parametersevent -- The name of the user event to emit.

                     • args -- A dictionary with the JSON data to send as payload.

                     • namespace -- The  namespace  under  which  the  message  is  to  be  sent.
                       Defaults  to  the  namespace  used by the originating event.  A '/' can be
                       used to explicitly specify the global namespace.

                     • callback -- Callback function to invoke with the client's acknowledgement.

                     • broadcast -- True to send the message to all clients,  or  False  to  only
                       reply to the sender of the originating event.

                     • room  --  Send  the  message  to  all the users in the given room. If this
                       argument is set, then broadcast is implied to be True.

                     • include_self -- True to include the sender when broadcasting or addressing
                       a room, or False to send to everyone but the sender.

                     • ignore_queue  --  Only  used when a message queue is configured. If set to
                       True, the event is emitted to the clients directly, without going  through
                       the  queue.   This  is more efficient, but only works when a single server
                       process is used, or when there is a single addresee. It is recommended  to
                       always leave this parameter with its default value of False.

       flask_socketio.send(message, **kwargs)
              Send a SocketIO message.

              This function sends a simple SocketIO message to one or more connected clients. The
              message can be a string or a JSON blob. This is a simpler version of emit(),  which
              should  be  preferred.  This  is a function that can only be called from a SocketIO
              event handler.

              Parametersmessage -- The message to send, either a string or a JSON blob.

                     • json -- True if message is a JSON blob, False otherwise.

                     • namespace -- The  namespace  under  which  the  message  is  to  be  sent.
                       Defaults  to the namespace used by the originating event.  An empty string
                       can be used to use the global namespace.

                     • callback -- Callback function to invoke with the client's acknowledgement.

                     • broadcast -- True to send the message to all connected clients,  or  False
                       to only reply to the sender of the originating event.

                     • room -- Send the message to all the users in the given room.

                     • include_self -- True to include the sender when broadcasting or addressing
                       a room, or False to send to everyone but the sender.

                     • ignore_queue -- Only used when a message queue is configured.  If  set  to
                       True,  the event is emitted to the clients directly, without going through
                       the queue.  This is more efficient, but only works when  a  single  server
                       process  is used, or when there is a single addresee. It is recommended to
                       always leave this parameter with its default value of False.

       flask_socketio.join_room(room, sid=None, namespace=None)
              Join a room.

              This function puts the user in a room, under the current namespace.  The  user  and
              the namespace are obtained from the event context. This is a function that can only
              be called from a SocketIO event handler. Example:

                 def on_join(data):
                     username = session['username']
                     room = data['room']
                     send(username + ' has entered the room.', room=room)

              Parametersroom -- The name of the room to join.

                     • sid -- The session id of the  client.  If  not  provided,  the  client  is
                       obtained from the request context.

                     • namespace -- The namespace for the room. If not provided, the namespace is
                       obtained from the request context.

       flask_socketio.leave_room(room, sid=None, namespace=None)
              Leave a room.

              This function removes the user from a room, under the current namespace.  The  user
              and the namespace are obtained from the event context. Example:

                 def on_leave(data):
                     username = session['username']
                     room = data['room']
                     send(username + ' has left the room.', room=room)

              Parametersroom -- The name of the room to leave.

                     • sid  --  The  session  id  of  the  client. If not provided, the client is
                       obtained from the request context.

                     • namespace -- The namespace for the room. If not provided, the namespace is
                       obtained from the request context.

       flask_socketio.close_room(room, namespace=None)
              Close a room.

              This  function  removes  any  users that are in the given room and then deletes the
              room from the server.

              Parametersroom -- The name of the room to close.

                     • namespace -- The namespace for the room. If not provided, the namespace is
                       obtained from the request context.

       flask_socketio.rooms(sid=None, namespace=None)
              Return a list of the rooms the client is in.

              This function returns all the rooms the client has entered, including its own room,
              assigned by the Socket.IO server.

              Parameterssid -- The session id of the  client.  If  not  provided,  the  client  is
                       obtained from the request context.

                     • namespace -- The namespace for the room. If not provided, the namespace is
                       obtained from the request context.

       flask_socketio.disconnect(sid=None, namespace=None, silent=False)
              Disconnect the client.

              This function terminates the connection with the client. As a result of  this  call
              the client will receive a disconnect event. Example:

                 def receive_message(msg):
                     if is_banned(session['username']):
                         # ...

              Parameterssid  --  The  session  id  of  the  client. If not provided, the client is
                       obtained from the request context.

                     • namespace -- The namespace for the room. If not provided, the namespace is
                       obtained from the request context.

                     • silent -- this option is deprecated.

       class flask_socketio.Namespace(namespace=None)

              trigger_event(event, *args)
                     Dispatch an event to the proper handler method.

                     In the most common usage, this method is not overloaded by subclasses, as it
                     performs the routing of events to  methods.  However,  this  method  can  be
                     overridden  if  special  dispatching rules are needed, or if having a single
                     method that catches all events is desired.

              emit(event, data=None, room=None, include_self=True, namespace=None, callback=None)
                     Emit a custom event to one or more connected clients.

              send(data, room=None, include_self=True, namespace=None, callback=None)
                     Send a message to one or more connected clients.

              close_room(room, namespace=None)
                     Close a room.

       class flask_socketio.SocketIOTestClient(app, socketio, namespace=None,  query_string=None,
       headers=None, flask_test_client=None)
              This class is useful for testing a Flask-SocketIO server. It works in a similar way
              to the Flask Test Client, but adapted to the Socket.IO server.

              Parametersapp -- The Flask application instance.

                     • socketio -- The application's SocketIO instance.

                     • namespace -- The namespace for the client. If  not  provided,  the  client
                       connects to the server on the global namespace.

                     • query_string -- A string with custom query string arguments.

                     • headers -- A dictionary with custom HTTP headers.

                     • flask_test_client  --  The  instance of the Flask test client currently in
                       use. Passing the Flask test client is optional, but is  necessary  if  you
                       want  the  Flask  user  session  and  any other cookies set in HTTP routes
                       accessible from Socket.IO events.

                     Check if a namespace is connected.

                            namespace -- The namespace to check. The global namespace is  assumed
                            if this argument is not provided.

              connect(namespace=None, query_string=None, headers=None)
                     Connect the client.

                     Parametersnamespace  --  The  namespace  for the client. If not provided, the
                              client connects to the server on the global namespace.

                            • query_string -- A string with custom query string arguments.

                            • headers -- A dictionary with custom HTTP headers.

                     Note that it is usually not necessary to explicitly call this method,  since
                     a  connection is automatically established when an instance of this class is
                     created. An example where it  this  method  would  be  useful  is  when  the
                     application accepts multiple namespace connections.

                     Disconnect the client.

                            namespace  --  The  namespace  to disconnect. The global namespace is
                            assumed if this argument is not provided.

              emit(event, *args, **kwargs)
                     Emit an event to the server.

                     Parametersevent -- The event name.

                            • *args --

                              The event arguments.

                            • callback -- True if the client requests a callback, False  if  not.
                              Note  that  client-side  callbacks  are not implemented, a callback
                              request will just tell the  server  to  provide  the  arguments  to
                              invoke  the  callback,  but  no  callback  is invoked. Instead, the
                              arguments that the server provided for the callback are returned by
                              this function.

                            • namespace  --  The  namespace of the event. The global namespace is
                              assumed if this argument is not provided.

              send(data, json=False, callback=False, namespace=None)
                     Send a text or JSON message to the server.

                     Parametersdata -- A string, dictionary or list to send to the server.

                            • json -- True to send a JSON message, False to send a text message.

                            • callback -- True if the client requests a callback, False  if  not.
                              Note  that  client-side  callbacks  are not implemented, a callback
                              request will just tell the  server  to  provide  the  arguments  to
                              invoke  the  callback,  but  no  callback  is invoked. Instead, the
                              arguments that the server provided for the callback are returned by
                              this function.

                            • namespace  --  The  namespace of the event. The global namespace is
                              assumed if this argument is not provided.

                     Return the list of messages received from the server.

                     Since this is not a real client, any time the server  emits  an  event,  the
                     event  is  simply stored. The test code can invoke this method to obtain the
                     list of events that were received since the last call.

                            namespace -- The namespace to get events from. The  global  namespace
                            is assumed if this argument is not provided.


       Miguel Grinberg


       2014, Miguel Grinberg

                                           Jan 02, 2020                         FLASK-SOCKETIO(1)