Provided by: gmt_6.0.0+dfsg-1build2_amd64 bug


       gmt - The Generic Mapping Tools data processing and display software package


       GMT  is  a  collection  of  public-domain Unix tools that allows you to manipulate x,y and
       x,y,z data sets  (filtering,  trend  fitting,  gridding,  projecting,  etc.)  and  produce
       PostScript  illustrations ranging from simple x-y plots, via contour maps, to artificially
       illuminated surfaces and 3-D perspective views  in  black/white  or  full  color.  Linear,
       log10,  and  power scaling is supported in addition to over 30 common map projections. The
       processing and display routines within GMT are completely  general  and  will  handle  any
       (x,y) or (x,y,z) data as input.


       gmt is the main program that can start any of the modules:

       gmt module module-options
              Starts  a  given GMT module with the module-options that pertain to that particular
              module.  A few special commands are also available:

       gmt clear items
              Deletes current defaults, or the  cache,  data  or  sessions  directories.   Choose
              between  defaults  (deletes  the  current gmt.conf file used for the current modern
              session), cache (deletes the user’s cache directory and all of its  content),  data
              (deletes  the  user’s data download directory and all of its content), or all (does
              all of the above).

       gmt begin [session-prefix] [format] [options]
              Initializes a new GMT session under modern mode [Default  is  classic  mode].   All
              work  is  performed  in  a  temporary  work directory.  The optional session-prefix
              assigns a  name  to  the  session,  and  this  may  be  used  as  figure  name  for
              single-figure  sessions [gmtsession].  Likewise, the optional format can be used to
              override the default graphics format [PDF].

       gmt figure prefix [format(s)] [options]
              Specifies the desired name, output format(s) and any custom arguments  that  should
              be passed to psconvert when producing this figure.  All subsequent plotting will be
              directed to this current figure until another gmt figure command is issued  or  the
              session  ends.   The prefix is used to build final figure names when extensions are
              automatically appended. The format setting is a  comma-separated  list  of  desired
              extensions (e.g., pdf,png).

       gmt inset [arguments]
              Allows  users  to  place  a  map inset by temporarily changing where plotting takes
              place as well as the region and projection, then resets to previous stage.

       gmt subplot [arguments]
              Allows users to create a matrix of panels with automatic labeling and advancement.

       gmt end [show]
              Terminates a GMT modern mode session  and  automatically  converts  the  registered
              illustration(s)  to  the  specified  formats,  then  eliminates  the temporary work
              directory.  The figures are placed in the current directory.

       If no module is given then several other options are available:

       --help List and description of GMT modules.

              Write a GMT modern mode script template to stdout. Optionally  append  the  desired
              scripting language among bash, csh, or batch.  Default is the main shell closest to
              your current shell (e.g., bash for zsh, csh for tcsh).

              Show directory of executables and exit.

              Show the citation for the latest GMT publication.

              Show number of available cores.

              Show data directory/ies and exit.

              Show URL of the remote GMT data server.

              Show the DOI of the current release.

              List module names on stdout and exit.

              Show the path of the shared GMT library.

              Show plugin directory and exit.

              Show share directory and exit.

              Print version and exit.

       =      Check if that module exist and if so the  program  will  exit  with  status  of  0;
              otherwise the status of exit will be non-zero.


       GMT  provides  basic  command-line  completion  (tab completion) for bash.  The completion
       rules      are      either      installed      in      /etc/bash_completion.d/gmt       or
       <prefix>/share/tools/gmt_completion.bash.   Depending  on  the distribution, you may still
       need to source the gmt completion file from ~/.bash_completion  or  ~/.bashrc.   For  more
       information see Section command-line-completion in the CookBook.


       Run  gmt  --help to print the list of all core and supplementals modules within GMT, and a
       very short description of their purpose.  Detailed information about each program  can  be
       found in the separate manual pages.


       The  gmt  program can also load custom modules from shared libraries built as specified in
       the GMT API documentation.  This way your modules can benefit form the GMT  infrastructure
       and extend GMT in specific ways.


        -B[p|s]parameters -Jparameters -Jz|Zparameters -K -O
        -Y[a|c|f|r][yshift[u]]  -aflags  -bbinary  -dnodata -eregexp -fflags -ggaps -hheaders -i‐
       flags -jflags -nflags -oflags -pflags -rreg -sflags -ttransp -x[[-]n] -:[i|o]


       These are all the common GMT options that remain the same for all GMT programs.  No  space
       between the option flag and the associated arguments.

              Set map Frame and Axes parameters. The Frame parameters are specified by


              where  axes  selects  which axes to plot. By default, all 4 map boundaries (or plot
              axes) are plotted (named W, E, S, N). To customize, append the codes for those  you
              want  (e.g.,  WSn).  Upper case means plot and annotate while lower case just plots
              and ticks the specified axes.  To just draw an axis without  annotation  and  ticks
              you  can  use  the l(eft), r(ight), b(ottom), t(opt) and (for 3-D) u(p) codes. If a
              3-D basemap is selected with -p  and  -Jz,  append  Z,  z,  or  u  to  control  the
              appearance  of the vertical axis. By default a single vertical axes will be plotted
              at the most suitable map corner. Override the default by appending any  combination
              of  corner  ids  1234,  where 1 represents the lower left corner and the order goes
              counter-clockwise. Append +b to draw the outline of the 3-D  cube  defined  by  -R;
              this modifier is also needed to display gridlines in the x-z, y-z planes. Note that
              for 3-D views the title, if given, will be suppressed. You can paint  the  interior
              of  the  canvas  with  +gfill.   Append  +n to have no frame and annotations at all
              [Default is controlled by  the  codes].   Optionally  append  +oplon/plat  to  draw
              oblique  gridlines  about  specified pole [regular gridlines]. Ignored if gridlines
              are not requested (below) and disallowed for the oblique Mercator  projection.   To
              add  a  plot title (+ttitle). The Frame setting is optional but can be invoked once
              to override the above defaults.

              The Axes parameters are specified by


              but you may also split this into two separate invocations for clarity, i.e.,

       • -B[p|s][x|y|z][+aangle|n|p][+l|Llabel][+pprefix][+s|Sseclabel][+uunit]

       • -B[p|s][x|y|z]intervals

         The first optional flag following -B selects p (rimary) [Default] or s  (econdary)  axes
         information  (mostly  used  for time axes annotations).  The [x|y|z] flags specify which
         axes you are providing information for.  If none are given then we default  to  xy.   If
         you  wish to give different annotation intervals or labels for the various axes then you
         must repeat the B option for each axis (If a 3-D basemap is selected with  -p  and  -Jz,
         use  -Bz  to  give  settings  for  the vertical axis.).  To add a label to an axis, just
         append +llabel (Cartesian projections only). Use +L to  force  a  horizontal  label  for
         y-axes  (useful for very short labels).  For Cartesian axes you may specify an alternate
         via +s which is used for right or upper axis axis label (with any +l label used for left
         and  bottom  axes).   If  the  axis  annotation should have a leading text prefix (e.g.,
         dollar sign for those plots of your net worth) you can append +pprefix.  For  geographic
         maps  the  addition  of  degree  symbols,  etc.  is automatic (and controlled by the GMT
         default setting FORMAT_GEO_MAP). However, for other plots you can add specific units  by
         adding  +uunit.   If  any of these text strings contain spaces or special characters you
         will need to enclose them in quotes.  Cartesian  x-axes  also  allow  for  the  optional
         +aangle,  which  will  plot  slanted  annotations; angle is measured with respect to the
         horizontal and must be in the -90 <= angle <= 90 range only.  Also, +an is  a  shorthand
         for normal (i.e., +a90) and +ap for parallel (i.e., +a0) annotations [Default].  For the
         y-axis, arbitrary angles are not allowed but +an  and  +ap  specify  annotations  normal
         [Default]  and  parallel  to  the  axis,  respectively.  Note that these defaults can be
         changed via MAP_ANNOT_ORTHO.

         The intervals specification is a concatenated string made up of substrings of the form


         The leading a is used to specify the annotation and major tick spacing [Default], f  for
         minor  tick  spacing, and g for gridline spacing. stride is the desired stride interval.
         The optional phase shifts the annotation interval by that amount (positive or negative).
         The  optional  unit  indicates  the unit of the stride and can be any of the ones listed

         • Y (year, plot with 4 digits)

         • y (year, plot with 2 digits)

         • O (month, plot using FORMAT_DATE_MAP)

         • o (month, plot with 2 digits)

         • U (ISO week, plot using FORMAT_DATE_MAP)

         • u (ISO week, plot using 2 digits)

         • r (Gregorian week, 7-day stride from start of week TIME_WEEK_START)

         • K (ISO weekday, plot name of weekdays in selected language)

         • k (weekday, plot number of day in the week (1–7) (see TIME_WEEK_START))

         • D (date, plot using FORMAT_DATE_MAP)

         • d (day, plot day of month 0-31 or year 1-366, via FORMAT_DATE_MAP)

         • R (day, same as d, aligned with TIME_WEEK_START)

         • H (hour, plot using FORMAT_CLOCK_MAP)

         • h (hour, plot with 2 digits)

         • M (minute, plot using FORMAT_CLOCK_MAP)

         • m (minute, plot with 2 digits)

         • S (second, plot using FORMAT_CLOCK_MAP)

         • s (second, plot with 2 digits).

         Note for geographic axes m and s instead mean arc minutes and arc seconds.  All entities
         that  are language-specific are under control by GMT_LANGUAGE. Alternatively, for linear
         maps, we can omit stride, thus setting xinfo, yinfo, or zinfo to a plots annotations  at
         automatically determined intervals,

         • ag plots both annotations and grid lines with the same spacing,

         • afg adds suitable minor tick intervals,

         • g plots grid lines with the same interval as if -Bf was used.

         For  custom annotations and intervals, let intervals be given as cintfile, where intfile
         contains any number of records with coord type  [label].  Here,  type  is  one  or  more
         letters  from a|i, f, and g. For a|i you must supply a label that will be plotted at the
         coord location.  For non-geographical projections: Give negative scale (in -Jx) or  axis
         length  (in  -JX)  to  change the direction of increasing coordinates (i.e., to make the
         y-axis positive down).  For log10 axes: Annotations can be specified  in  one  of  three

         1. stride  can  be  1,  2,  3,  or  -n.  Annotations  will  then  occur  at 1, 1-2-5, or
            1-2-3-4-…-9, respectively; for -n we annotate every n’t magnitude.  This  option  can
            also be used for the frame and grid intervals.

         2. An  l is appended to the tickinfo string. Then, log10 of the tick value is plotted at
            every integer log10 value.

         3. A p is appended to the tickinfo string. Then, annotations  appear  as  10  raised  to
            log10 of the tick value.

         For power axes: Annotations can be specified in one of two ways:

         1. stride sets the regular annotation interval.

         2. A  p is appended to the tickinfo string. Then, the annotation interval is expected to
            be in transformed units, but the annotation value will be  plotted  as  untransformed
            units. E.g., if stride = 1 and power = 0.5 (i.e., sqrt), then equidistant annotations
            labeled 1-4-9…  will appear.

         Finally, if your axis is in radians you can use multiples or fractions of pi to set such
         annotation  intervals.  The format is [n]pi[m], for an optional integer n and optional m
         fractions 2, 3, or 4.

         These GMT parameters can affect the appearance of the map boundary: MAP_ANNOT_MIN_ANGLE,
         the gmt.conf man page for details.


       Select map projection. The following character determines the projection. If the character
       is upper case then the argument(s) supplied as scale(s) is interpreted to be the map width
       (or axis lengths), else the scale argument(s) is the map scale  (see  its  definition  for
       each projection). UNIT is cm, inch, or point, depending on the PROJ_LENGTH_UNIT setting in
       gmt.conf, but this can be overridden on the command line by appending c, i, or  p  to  the
       scale  or  width values. Append +dh, +du, or +dl to the given width if you instead want to
       set map  height,  the  maximum  (upper)  dimension,  or  the  minimum  (lower)  dimension,
       respectively  [Default  is  +dw  for  width].  In case the central meridian is an optional
       parameter and it is being omitted, then the center of the longitude range given by the  -R
       option  is  used. The default standard parallel is the equator.  The ellipsoid used in the
       map projections is user-definable by editing the gmt.conf file in your home directory.  73
       commonly used ellipsoids and spheroids are currently supported, and users may also specify
       their own custom ellipsoid parameters [Default is WGS-84].   Several  GMT  parameters  can
       affect   the   projection:   PROJ_ELLIPSOID,   GMT_INTERPOLANT,   PROJ_SCALE_FACTOR,   and
       PROJ_LENGTH_UNIT; see the gmt.conf man page for details.   Choose  one  of  the  following
       projections  (The  E  or  C  after  projection  names stands for Equal-Area and Conformal,
          -Jclon0/lat0/scale or -JClon0/lat0/width (Cassini).
              Give projection center lon0/lat0 and scale (1:xxxx or UNIT/degree).
          -Jcyl_stere/[lon0/[lat0/]]scale   or    -JCyl_stere/[lon0/[lat0/]]width    (Cylindrical
              Give central meridian lon0 (optional), standard parallel lat0 (optional), and scale
              along parallel (1:xxxx or UNIT/degree). The standard parallel is typically  one  of
              these (but can be any value):

                 • 66.159467 - Miller’s modified Gall

                 • 55 - Kamenetskiy’s First

                 • 45 - Gall’s Stereographic

                 • 30 - Bolshoi Sovietskii Atlas Mira or Kamenetskiy’s Second

                 • 0 - Braun’s Cylindrical
          -Jj[lon0/]scale or -JJ[lon0/]width (Miller Cylindrical Projection).
              Give the central meridian lon0 (optional) and scale (1:xxxx or UNIT/degree).
          -Jm[lon0/[lat0/]]scale or -JM[lon0/[lat0/]]width (Mercator [C])
              Give central meridian lon0 (optional), standard parallel lat0 (optional), and scale
              along parallel (1:xxxx or UNIT/degree).
          -Joparameters (Oblique Mercator [C]).
              Typically used with -RLLx/LLy/URx/URyr or with projected coordinates.  Specify  one

              -Jo[a|A]lon0/lat0/azimuth/scale or -JO[a|A]lon0/lat0/azimuth/width
                     Set projection center lon0/lat0, azimuth of oblique equator, and scale.

              -Jo[b|B]lon0/lat0/lon1/lat1/scale or -JO[b|B]lon0/lat0/lon1/lat1/scale
                     Set  projection  center  lon0/lat0,  another  point  on  the oblique equator
                     lon1/lat1, and scale.

              -Joc|Clon0/lat0/lonp/latp/scale or -JOc|Clon0/lat0/lonp/latp/scale
                     Set projection center lon0/lat0, pole of oblique projection  lonp/latp,  and
                     scale.   Give  scale  along  oblique  equator  (1:xxxx or UNIT/degree).  Use
                     upper-case A|B|C to remove enforcement of a northern hemisphere pole.
          -Jq[lon0/[lat0/]]scale or -JQ[lon0/[lat0/]]width (Cylindrical Equidistant).
              Give the central meridian lon0 (optional), standard parallel lat0  (optional),  and
              scale (1:xxxx or UNIT/degree). The standard parallel is typically one of these (but
              can be any value):

                 • 61.7 - Grafarend and Niermann, minimum linear distortion

                 • 50.5 - Ronald Miller Equirectangular

                 • 43.5 - Ronald Miller, minimum continental distortion

                 • 42 - Grafarend and Niermann

                 • 37.5 - Ronald Miller, minimum overall distortion

                 • 0 - Plate Carree, Simple Cylindrical, Plain/Plane Chart
          -Jtlon0/[lat0/]scale or -JTlon0/[lat0/]width (Transverse Mercator [C])
              Give the central meridian lon0, central parallel lat0 (optional), and scale (1:xxxx
              or UNIT/degree).
          -Juzone/scale or -JUzone/width (UTM - Universal Transverse Mercator [C]).
              Give  the  UTM zone (A,B,1-60[C-X],Y,Z)) and scale (1:xxxx or UNIT/degree).  Zones:
              If C-X not given, prepend -  or  +  to  enforce  southern  or  northern  hemisphere
              conventions [northern if south > 0].
          -Jy[lon0/[lat0/]]scale or -JY[lon0/[lat0/]]width (Cylindrical Equal-Area [E]).
              Give  the  central meridian lon0 (optional), standard parallel lat0 (optional), and
              scale (1:xxxx or UNIT/degree). The standard parallel is typically one of these (but
              can be any value):

                 • 50 - Balthasart

                 • 45 - Gall

                 • 37.0666 - Caster

                 • 37.4 - Trystan Edwards

                 • 37.5 - Hobo-Dyer

                 • 30 - Behrman

                 • 0 - Lambert (default)


          -Jblon0/lat0/lat1/lat2/scale or -JBlon0/lat0/lat1/lat2/width (Albers [E]).
                 Give  projection  center  lon0/lat0, two standard parallels lat1/lat2, and scale
                 (1:xxxx or UNIT/degree).

          -Jdlon0/lat0/lat1/lat2/scale or -JDlon0/lat0/lat1/lat2/width (Conic Equidistant)
                 Give projection center lon0/lat0, two standard parallels  lat1/lat2,  and  scale
                 (1:xxxx or UNIT/degree).

          -Jllon0/lat0/lat1/lat2/scale or -JLlon0/lat0/lat1/lat2/width (Lambert [C])
                 Give  origin  lon0/lat0, two standard parallels lat1/lat2, and scale along these
                 (1:xxxx or UNIT/degree).

          -Jpoly/[lon0/[lat0/]]scale or -JPoly/[lon0/[lat0/]]width ((American) Polyconic).
                 Give the central meridian lon0 (optional), reference  parallel  lat0  (optional,
                 default = equator), and scale along central meridian (1:xxxx or UNIT/degree).


          Except  for  polar  aspects,  -Rw/e/s/n  will  be reset to -Rg.  Use -R<…>r for smaller

          -Jalon0/lat0[/horizon]/scale or -JAlon0/lat0[/horizon]/width (Lambert [E]).
                 lon0/lat0 specifies the projection center. horizon specifies  the  max  distance
                 from projection center (in degrees, <= 180, default 90). Give scale as 1:xxxx or
                 radius/lat, where radius is distance in UNIT from origin to the oblique latitude

          -Jelon0/lat0[/horizon]/scale or -JElon0/lat0[/horizon]/width (Azimuthal Equidistant).
                 lon0/lat0  specifies  the  projection center. horizon specifies the max distance
                 from projection center (in degrees, <= 180, default 180). Give scale  as  1:xxxx
                 or  radius/lat,  where  radius  is  distance  in UNIT from origin to the oblique
                 latitude lat.

          -Jflon0/lat0[/horizon]/scale or -JFlon0/lat0[/horizon]/width (Gnomonic).
                 lon0/lat0 specifies the projection center. horizon specifies  the  max  distance
                 from  projection  center (in degrees, < 90, default 60). Give scale as 1:xxxx or
                 radius/lat, where radius is distance in UNIT from origin to the oblique latitude

          -Jglon0/lat0[/horizon]/scale or -JGlon0/lat0[/horizon]/width (Orthographic).
                 lon0/lat0  specifies  the  projection center. horizon specifies the max distance
                 from projection center (in degrees, <= 90, default 90). Give scale as 1:xxxx  or
                 radius/lat, where radius is distance in UNIT from origin to the oblique latitude

          -Jglon0/lat0/altitude/azimuth/tilt/twist/Width/Height/scale                          or
          -JGlon0/lat0/altitude/azimuth/tilt/twist/Width/Height/width (General Perspective).
                 lon0/lat0 specifies the projection center. altitude is the height (in km) of the
                 viewpoint above local sea level. If altitude is less than 10,  then  it  is  the
                 distance  from  the  center  of  the  earth  to the viewpoint in earth radii. If
                 altitude has a suffix r then it is the radius from the center of  the  earth  in
                 kilometers. azimuth is measured to the east of north of view. tilt is the upward
                 tilt of the plane of projection. If tilt is  negative,  then  the  viewpoint  is
                 centered on the horizon. Further, specify the clockwise twist, Width, and Height
                 of the viewpoint in degrees. Give scale as 1:xxxx or radius/lat, where radius is
                 distance in UNIT from origin to the oblique latitude lat.

          -Jslon0/lat0[/horizon]/scale  or  -JSlon0/lat0[/horizon]/width  (General  Stereographic
                 lon0/lat0 specifies the projection center. horizon specifies  the  max  distance
                 from  projection  center  (in  degrees, < 180, default 90). Give scale as 1:xxxx
                 (true at pole) or lat0/1:xxxx (true at  standard  parallel  lat)  or  radius/lat
                 (radius in UNIT from origin to the oblique latitude lat). Note if 1:xxxx is used
                 then to specify horizon  you  must  also  specify  the  lat  as  +-90  to  avoid


          -Jh[lon0/]scale or -JH[lon0/]width (Hammer [E]).
                 Give  the  central  meridian  lon0 (optional) and scale along equator (1:xxxx or

          -Ji[lon0/]scale or -JI[lon0/]width (Sinusoidal [E]).
                 Give the central meridian lon0 (optional) and scale  along  equator  (1:xxxx  or

          -Jkf[lon0/]scale or -JKf[lon0/]width (Eckert IV) [E]).
                 Give  the  central  meridian  lon0 (optional) and scale along equator (1:xxxx or

          -Jk[s][lon0/]scale or -JK[s][lon0/]width (Eckert VI) [E]).
                 Give the central meridian lon0 (optional) and scale  along  equator  (1:xxxx  or

          -Jn[lon0/]scale or -JN[lon0/]width (Robinson).
                 Give  the  central  meridian  lon0 (optional) and scale along equator (1:xxxx or

          -Jr[lon0/]scale -JR[lon0/]width (Winkel Tripel).
                 Give the central meridian lon0 (optional) and scale  along  equator  (1:xxxx  or

          -Jv[lon0/]scale or -JV[lon0/]width (Van der Grinten).
                 Give  the  central  meridian  lon0 (optional) and scale along equator (1:xxxx or

          -Jw[lon0/]scale or -JW[lon0/]width (Mollweide [E]).
                 Give the central meridian lon0 (optional) and scale  along  equator  (1:xxxx  or

          -Jp[a]scale[/origin][r|z] or -JP[a]width[/origin][r|z] (Polar coordinates (theta,r))

          Optionally  insert  a  after  -Jp  [  or  -JP]  for  azimuths  CW from North instead of
          directions CCW from East [Default]. Optionally append /origin in degrees to indicate an
          angular  offset [0]).  Finally, append r if r is elevations in degrees (requires s >= 0
          and n <= 90) or z if you want to annotate depth  rather  than  radius  [Default].  Give
          scale in UNIT/r-unit.
          -Jxx-scale[/y-scale] or -JXwidth[/height] (Linear, log, and power scaling)

          Give x-scale (1:xxxx or UNIT/x-unit) and/or y-scale (1:xxxx or UNIT/y-unit); or specify
          width and/or height in UNIT. y-scale=x-scale if  not  specified  separately  and  using
          1:xxxx  implies that x-unit and y-unit are in meters.  Use negative scale(s) to reverse
          the direction of an axis (e.g., to have y be positive down). Set height or width  to  0
          to  have it recomputed based on the implied scale of the other axis. Optionally, append
          to x-scale, y-scale, width or height one of the following:

              d      Data are geographical coordinates (in degrees).

              l      Take log10 of values before scaling.

              ppower Raise values to power before scaling.

              t      Input coordinates are time relative to TIME_EPOCH.

              T      Input coordinates are absolute time.

              For mixed axes with only one geographic axis you may need to set -f as well.

       When -J is used without any further arguments, or  just  with  the  projection  type,  the
       arguments  of  the  last  used  -J, or the last used -J with that projection type, will be

              Set z-axis scaling; same syntax as -Jx.

              Starting at GMT6 it is possible to use the PROJ.4  library  to  do  coordinate  and
              datum  transforms.   This  is  achieved  via  GDAL so it requires that GMT build is
              linked to that library. It is, however, beyond the scope of this manual to document
              the  PROJ.4 syntax (that is the syntax of the proj and cs2cs programs) so users are
              referred to it for the details.

              The usage of PROJ.4 follows  very  closely  the  syntax  of  proj  and  cs2cs.  The
              projection  parameters  are  encapsulated  under  the  -J option. Because there are
              normally several parameters defining a referencing system separated by  spaces  (in
              PROJ.4  or  GDAL)  we can either use double quotes as in -J+proj=merc +ellps=WGS84
              +units=m” or just glue all parameters like in -J+proj=merc+ellps=WGS84+units=m.

              Using EPSG  codes  is  also  possible  (but  need  the  setting  of  the  GDAL_DATA
              environment  variable  to  point  to  the  GDAL’s  data sub-directory). For example
              -JEPSG:4326 sets the WGS-84 system.

              For mapproject and grdproject we can go directly from the referencing system A to B
              without  the  intermediate  step  of converting to geographic coordinates.  That is
              obtained   (like   in   cs2cs)    by    using    the    +to    keyword.    Example:
              -JEPSG:4326+to+proj=aeqd+ellps=WGS84+units=m.  A much awaited bonus is also that we
              now do not need to set -R to do point coordinate conversions.

              While for point and grid conversions done by mapproject and grdproject we  can  use
              all PROJ.4 projections, the situations is, however, rather more limited for mapping
              purposes.  Here, only the subset of the PROJ.4 projections that can be mapped  into
              the  GMT projections syntax is available to use. Another aspect that is not present
              in PROJ.4, because it’s not a mapping library, is how to set the map scale  or  map
              dimension. We introduced the two extensions +width=size and +scale=1:xxxx that work
              exactly like the map width and scale in  classical  GMT.  It  is  also  allowed  to
              provide  the  scale (but NOT the width) by appending the string “/1:xxx” to the end
              of the projection parameters.

              xmin, xmax, ymin, and ymax specify the region of interest.  For geographic regions,
              these limits correspond to west, east, south, and north and you may specify them in
              decimal degrees or in [±]dd:mm[][W|E|S|N] format. Append +r  if  lower  left
              and upper right map coordinates are given instead of west/east/south/north. The two
              shorthands -Rg and -Rd stand for global domain (0/360 and  -180/+180  in  longitude
              respectively,  with -90/+90 in latitude).  Set geographic regions by specifying ISO
              country codes from the Digital Chart of the World using -Rcode1,code2,…[+r|R[incs]]
              instead:  Append  one  or  more comma-separated countries using the 2-character ISO
              3166-1 alpha-2 convention.  To select a state of a country (if  available),  append
              .state,  e.g,  US.TX  for Texas.  To specify a whole continent, prepend = to any of
              the continent codes AF (Africa),  AN  (Antarctica),  AS  (Asia),  EU  (Europe),  OC
              (Oceania),  NA  (North  America),  or  SA  (South  America).   Use +r to modify the
              bounding  box  coordinates  from  the  polygon(s):  Append   inc,   xinc/yinc,   or
              winc/einc/sinc/ninc  to  adjust  the  region  to  be  a multiple of these steps [no
              adjustment]. Alternatively, use +R to extend the region  outward  by  adding  these
              increments   instead   [no  extension].   Alternatively  for  grid  creation,  give
              -Rcodex0/y0/nx/ny, where code is a 2-character combination of L, C,  R  (for  left,
              center,  or right) and T, M, B for top, middle, or bottom. e.g., BL for lower left.
              This indicates which point on a rectangular region the x0/y0 coordinate refers  to,
              and  the  grid dimensions nx and ny with grid spacings via -I is used to create the
              corresponding region.  Alternatively, specify the name of an existing grid file and
              the -R settings (and grid spacing, if applicable) are copied from the grid. When -R
              is used without any further arguments, the values from the last  use  of  -R  in  a
              previous  GMT  command  will be used.  For calendar time coordinates you may either
              give (a) relative time (relative to the selected TIME_EPOCH  and  in  the  selected
              TIME_UNIT;  append  t  to  -JX|x),  or (b) absolute time of the form [date]T[clock]
              (append T to -JX|x). At least one of date and clock  must  be  present;  the  T  is
              always  required.  The date string must be of the form [-]yyyy[-mm[-dd]] (Gregorian
              calendar) or yyyy[-Www[-d]] (ISO week calendar), while the clock string must be  of
              the form hh:mm:ss[.xxx]. The use of delimiters and their type and positions must be
              exactly as indicated (however, input, output and plot formats are customizable; see
              gmt.conf).   You  can  also use Cartesian projected coordinates compatible with the
              chosen  projection.   Append  the  length  unit  via  the   +u   modifier,   (e.g.,
              -R-200/200/-300/300+uk  for  a  400  by  600  km  rectangular  area centered on the
              projection center (0,  0).  These  coordinates  are  internally  converted  to  the
              corresponding  geographic  (longitude, latitude) coordinates for the lower left and
              upper right corners. This form is convenient when you  want  to  specify  a  region
              directly  in the projected units (e.g., UTM meters).  For Cartesian data in radians
              you can also use [±][s]pi[f], for optional integer scales s and fractions f.

       In case of perspective view -p, a z-range (zmin, zmax) can be  appended  to  indicate  the
       third dimension. This needs to be done only when using the -Jz option, not when using only
       the -p option. In the latter case a perspective view of the  plane  is  plotted,  with  no
       third dimension.

              Draw  the  GMT  Unix  System  time  stamp  on the plot.  By appending +jjust and/or
              +odx/dy, the user may specify the justification of the stamp and  where  the  stamp
              should  fall  on  the page relative to lower left corner of the plot.  For example,
              +jBL+o0/0 will align the lower left corner of the time stamp with the  bottom  left
              corner of the plot [BL]. Optionally, append a label, or give +c which will plot the
              command  string.  The  GMT  parameters  MAP_LOGO,   MAP_LOGO_POS,   FONT_LOGO   and
              FORMAT_TIME_STAMP can affect the appearance; see the gmt.conf man page for details.
              The time string will be in the locale set by the environment variable TZ (generally
              local time).

              Select  verbose  mode,  which will send progress reports to stderr.  Choose among 6
              levels of verbosity; each level adds more messages: q - Complete silence, not  even
              fatal  error messages are produced.  n - Normal verbosity: produce only fatal error
              messages.  c - Produce also compatibility warnings (same as when -V is omitted).  v
              -  Produce also warnings and progress messages (same as -V only).  l - Produce also
              detailed progress messages.  d - Produce also debugging messages.


              Shift plot origin relative to the current origin by (xshift,yshift) and  optionally
              append  the length unit (c, i, or p). You can prepend a to shift the origin back to
              the original position after plotting, prepend c to center the plot on the center of
              the  paper  (optionally  add  shift), prepend f to shift the origin relative to the
              fixed lower left corner of the page, or prepend r  [Default]  to  move  the  origin
              relative to its current location. For overlays the default (xshift,yshift) is (r0),
              otherwise it is (r1i). When -X or -Y are used without any  further  arguments,  the
              values  from  the  last  use of that option in a previous GMT command will be used.
              Note that -X and -Y can also access the  previous  plot  dimensions  w  and  h  and
              construct  offsets  that  involves  them.  For instance, to move the origin up 2 cm
              beyond the height of the previous plot, use -Yh+2c.  To move the  origin  half  the
              width to the right, use -Xw/2.

              Control  how  aspatial  data  are  handled in GMT during input and output.  Reading
              OGR/GMT-formatted files: To assign certain aspatial data items to GMT data columns,
              give  one  or more comma-separated associations col=name, where name is the name of
              an aspatial attribute field in a OGR/GMT file and whose value we  wish  to  use  as
              data  input  for column col. In addition, to assign an aspatial value to non-column
              data, you may specify col as D for distance, G for fill, I for ID, L for  label,  T
              for  text,  W for pen, and Z for value [e.g., used to look up color via a CPT].  If
              you skip the leading “col=” in the  argument  then  we  supply  (and  automatically
              increment) a column value starting at 2.  Give just -a to select all aspatial items
              to be added to  the  input  record.   Writing  OGR/GMT-formatted  files:  To  write
              OGR/GMT-formatted   files,   give   one   or   more   comma-separated  associations
              col=name[:type], with an optional data type  from  DOUBLE,  FLOAT,  INTEGER,  CHAR,
              STRING, DATETIME, or LOGICAL [DOUBLE]. To extract information from GMT multisegment
              headers encoded in the -Ddistance, -Gfill, -IID, -Llabel, -Ttext, -Wpen, or -Zvalue
              settings,  specify  COL  as  D,  G, I, L, T, W or Z, respectively; type will be set
              automatically. Finally, you must append +ggeometry, where geometry is either POINT,
              LINE,  or  POLY.  Optionally,  prepend M for multi-versions of these geometries. To
              force the clipping of features crossing the Dateline, use  upper-case  +G  instead.
              See GMT Appendix Q for details of the OGR/GMT file format.

              Select  native binary format for primary input (secondary inputs are always ASCII).
              Here, ncols is the number of data columns of given type, which must  be  one  of  c
              (int8_t, aka char), u (uint8_t, aka unsigned char), h (int16_t, 2-byte signed int),
              H (uint16_t, 2-byte unsigned int), i (int32_t, 4-byte signed int), I  ((capital  i)
              uint32_t,  4-byte  unsigned int), l ((lower case el) int64_t, 8-byte signed int), L
              (uint64_t, 8-byte unsigned int), f (4-byte single-precision float), and  d  (8-byte
              double-precision  float).  In  addition,  use x to skip ncols bytes anywhere in the
              record.  For records with mixed types,  simply  append  additional  comma-separated
              combinations of ncols type (no space). Append w to any item to force byte-swapping.
              Alternatively, append +l|b to indicate that the entire data file should be read  as
              little-  or big-endian, respectively. The cumulative number of ncols may exceed the
              columns actually needed by the program. If ncols is not specified  we  assume  that
              type  applies  to  all  columns and that ncols is implied by the expectation of the
              program. If the input file is netCDF, no -b is needed; simply  append  ?var1/var2/
              to the filename to specify the variables to be read.

              Select  native  binary  output. Here, ncols is the actual number of data columns of
              type type, which must be one of c, u, h, H, i, I (capital i), l (lower  case  ell),
              L,  f,  and  d  (see  -bi).   For  a  mixed-type  output  record, append additional
              comma-separated combinations of ncols type (no space).  Append w  to  any  item  to
              force byte-swapping or +l|b for byte-swapping of the entire record. If ncols is not
              specified we assume that type applies to all columns and that ncols is  implied  by
              the default output of the program. Note: NetCDF file output is not supported.

       -c[row,col |index]
              Used  to advance to the selected subplot panel.  Only allowed when in subplot mode.
              Available to all plot modules.  If no arguments are given then we  advance  to  the
              next  panel  in  the  selected order. If no -c is given and we just entered subplot
              mode then the first panel (top, left) is selected.  Instead of  row,  col  you  may
              give  the  one-dimensional index which depends on the order you set via -A when the
              subplot was defined. Note: row, col, and index all start at 0.

              Control how user-coded missing data values are translated to official NaN values in
              GMT.   For  input data we replace any value that equals nodata with NaN. For output
              data we replace any NaN with the chosen nodata value.   Use  -di  or  -do  to  only
              affect input or output.

              Examine  all input columns and if any item equals nodata we interpret this value as
              a missing data item and substitute the value NaN.

              Examine all output columns and if any item equals NAN we  substitute  it  with  the
              chosen missing data value nodata.

       -e[~]”pattern” | -e[~]/regexp/[i]
              Only accept ASCII data records that contains the specified pattern.  To reverse the
              search, i.e., to only accept data record that do not contain the specified pattern,
              use  -e~.  Should  your  pattern  happen  to  start  with ~ you need to escape this
              character with a backslash [Default accepts all data records].  For  matching  data
              records  against  extended  regular  expressions enclose the expression in slashes.
              Append i for case-insensitive matching.  For a list of such patterns,  give  +ffile
              with  one  pattern  per line.  To give a single pattern starting with +f, escape it
              with a backslash.

              Specify the data types of input and/or output columns (time or geographical  data).
              Specify  i  or  o  to  make  this apply only to input or output [Default applies to
              both]. Give one or more columns (or column ranges) separated by commas, or  use  -f
              multiple  times  (column ranges must be given in the format start[:inc]:stop, where
              inc defaults to 1  if  not  specified).   Append  T  (absolute  calendar  time),  t
              (relative  time in chosen TIME_UNIT since TIME_EPOCH), x (longitude), y (latitude),
              p[unit] (projected x,y map coordinates in given unit [meter]) or f (floating point)
              to  each  column  or  column  range  item.  Shorthands  -f[i|o]g means -f[i|o]0x,1y
              (geographic coordinates) and -f[i|o]c means -f[i|o]0-1f (Cartesian coordinates)

              Examine the spacing between consecutive data points in order to  impose  breaks  in
              the  line. Append x|X or y|Y to define a gap when there is a large enough change in
              the x or y coordinates, respectively, or d|D for distance gaps; use upper  case  to
              calculate  gaps  from  projected  coordinates. For gap-testing on other columns use
              [col]z; if col is not prepended the it defaults to 2 (i.e.,  3rd  column).   Append
              gap  and optionally a unit u and modifiers +n or +p.  Here, +n means previous minus
              current column value must exceed gap to  be  a  gap  and  +p  means  current  minus
              previous  column  value  must  exceed  gap.  Otherwise  the  absolute  value of the
              difference must exceed gap. For geographic data (x|y|d), the  unit  u  may  be  arc
              degree,  minute,  or  second,  or  meter [Default], foot, kilometer, Mile, nautical
              mile, or survey foot. For projected data (X|Y|D), choose from inch, centimeter,  or
              point  [Default  unit  set by PROJ_LENGTH_UNIT]. Note: For x|y|z with time data the
              unit is instead controlled by TIME_UNIT. Repeat  the  option  to  specify  multiple
              criteria,  of which any can be met to produce a line break. Issue an additional -ga
              to indicate that all criteria must be met instead.

              Primary input file(s) has header record(s). If used, the default number  of  header
              records is IO_N_HEADER_RECS [1]. Use -hi if only the primary input data should have
              header records [Default will write out header records if the input data have them].
              Blank  lines  and  lines  starting  with  #  are always skipped. For output you may
              request additional headers to be written via the option modifiers, and  use  +d  to
              remove  existing  header  records.  Append +c to issue a header comment with column
              names to the output [none].  Append +r to  add  a  remark  comment  to  the  output
              [none].   Append  +t  to  add a title comment to the output [none].  These optional
              strings may contain n to indicate line-breaks).  If used with native binary data we
              interpret n to instead mean the number of bytes to skip on input or pad on output.

              Select  specific  data  columns  for primary input, in arbitrary order. Columns not
              listed will be skipped. Give individual columns (or column  ranges  in  the  format
              start[:inc]:stop,  where  inc  defaults  to 1 if not specified) separated by commas
              [Default reads all columns in order, starting with the first column  (0)].  Columns
              may  be  repeated.   To each column, optionally add any of  the following: +l takes
              log10 of the input values first; +sscale, subsequently multiplies by a given  scale
              factor [1]; +ooffset, finally adds a given offset [0].  Normally, any trailing text
              is read but when i is used you must explicitly add the column t to retain the text.
              To  only ingest a single word from the trailing text, append the word number (first
              word is 0).  Finally, -in will  simply  read  the  numerical  input  and  skip  any
              trailing text.

              Determine  how spherical distances are calculated in modules that support this.  By
              default (-jg) we perform great circle distance calculations and parameters such  as
              distance  increments  or  radii  will  be  compared against calculated great circle
              distances. To simplify and speed up calculations you can  select  Flat  Earth  mode
              (-jf)  which  gives  an approximate and fast result.  Alternatively, you can select
              ellipsoidal  (-je)  or  geodesic  mode  for  the  highest  precision  (and  slowest
              calculation  time).   All  spherical  distance  calculations depends on the current
              ellipsoid (PROJ_ELLIPSOID), the definition of the mean  radius  (PROJ_MEAN_RADIUS),
              and  the  specification  of  latitude  type (PROJ_AUX_LATITUDE).  Geodesic distance
              calculations is also controlled by method (PROJ_GEODESIC).

              [beta  version]  Add  a map legend entry to the session legend information file for
              the current plot.  Optionally append a text label to describe the  entry.   Several
              modifiers  allow further changes to the legend (to be built when legend is called):
              Use +d to draw a horizontal line before the legend entry is placed [no  line],  use
              +f  to  set  the  font  used for the legend header [FONT_TITLE], use +g to add some
              vertical space [0], use +h to add a legend header [no header], +j to set  placement
              of  the  legend [TR], use +l to set a line text; prepend a horizontal justification
              code L, C, or R [C], use +n to change  the  number  of  columns  used  to  set  the
              following  legend  items [1], use +s to override the size of the current symbol for
              the legend or set a length if plotting a line or contour [same as plotted], use  +v
              to  start  and  +vpen  to  stop  drawing  vertical  line  from  previous to current
              horizontal line [no vertical line], use +w to set  legend  width  [auto],  and  use
              +xscale  to resize all symbol and length sizes in the legend.  Default pen is given
              by MAP_DEFAULT_PEN.  Note that +h, +j, +w, and +x will only take effect if given on
              the  very  first  -l  option  for a plot.  The +n modifier, if used on the first -l
              option, affects the legend width (unless set via +w); otherwise it just  subdivides
              the  available width among the specified columns.  The automatic legend has a fixed
              white background with a solid black pen outline and offset  0.2  cm  from  the  map
              frame.   The  modifiers  largely  reflect  legend  codes described in legend, which
              provide more details and customization.  If legend is not called explicitly we will
              call it implicitly when finishing the plot via end.

              Select  grid  interpolation  mode by adding b for B-spline smoothing, c for bicubic
              interpolation, l for bilinear interpolation, or n for nearest-neighbor  value  (for
              example to plot categorical data). Optionally, append +a to switch off antialiasing
              (where supported). Append +bBC to override the boundary conditions used,  adding  g
              for  geographic,  p  for  periodic,  or  n for natural boundary conditions. For the
              latter two you may append x or y to specify just one direction, otherwise both  are
              assumed.  Append  +c  to clip the interpolated grid to input z-min/max [Default may
              exceed limits]. Append +tthreshold to control how close  to  nodes  with  NaNs  the
              interpolation  will go. A threshold of 1.0 requires all (4 or 16) nodes involved in
              interpolation to be non-NaN. 0.5 will interpolate about half  way  from  a  non-NaN
              value;  0.1  will  go about 90% of the way, etc.  [Default is bicubic interpolation
              with antialiasing and a threshold of 0.5, using geographic (if grid is known to  be
              geographic) or natural boundary conditions].

              Select  specific  data  columns for primary output, in arbitrary order. Columns not
              listed  will  be  skipped.  Give  columns  (or  column   ranges   in   the   format
              start[:inc]:stop,  where  inc  defaults to 1 if not specified) separated by commas.
              Columns may be repeated.  [Default writes all columns  in  order].   Normally,  any
              trailing  text in the internal records will be written but when -o is used you must
              explicitly add the column t. To only output a single word from the  trailing  text,
              append  the  word  number  (first  word  is 0).  Finally, -on will simply write the
              numerical output only and skip any trailing text.  Note: If -i is  also  used  then
              columns  given  to  -o  correspond  to the order after the -i selection and not the
              columns in the original record.

              Selects perspective view and sets  the  azimuth  and  elevation  of  the  viewpoint
              [180/90]. When -p is used in consort with -Jz or -JZ, a third value can be appended
              which indicates at which z-level all 2D material, like the plot frame,  is  plotted
              (in  perspective). [Default is at the bottom of the z-axis]. Use -px or -py to plot
              against the “wall” x = level or y = level (default  is  on  the  horizontal  plane,
              which  is  the  same  as using -pz). For frames used for animation, note we fix the
              center of your data domain.   Specify  another  center  using  a  particular  world
              coordinate  point  with  +wlon0/lat0[/z0]) which will project to the center of your
              page size, or specify the coordinates of the projected 2-D view point with +vx0/y0.
              When  -p  is used without any further arguments, the values from the last use of -p
              in a previous GMT command will be used.  Alternatively, you can  perform  a  simple
              rotation about the z-axis by just giving the rotation angle.  Optionally, use +v or
              +w to select another axis location than the plot origin.

              Force gridline or pixel node registration [Just -r sets pixel registration].  If no
              -r  is  given  then  gridline  registration  is  selected.  (Node registrations are
              defined in Section option_nodereg of the GMT Technical Reference and Cookbook.)

              Suppress output for records whose z-value equals NaN [Default outputs all records].
              Append  +a  to  skip  records  where  at least one field equal NaN, or append +r to
              reverse the suppression, i.e., only output the records whose  z-value  equals  NaN.
              Alternatively,  indicate  a comma-separated list of all columns or column ranges to
              consider  for  this  NaN  test  (Column  ranges  must  be  given  in   the   format
              start[:inc]:stop, where inc defaults to 1 if not specified).

              Set  transparency  level  for  an overlay, in (0-100] percent range. [Default is 0,
              i.e., opaque].  Only visible when PDF or raster format output is selected.

              Limit the  number  of  cores  to  be  used  in  any  OpenMP-enabled  multi-threaded
              algorithms.  By  default we try to use all available cores.  Append n to only use n
              cores (if too large it will be truncated to the maximum cores available).  Finally,
              give  a  negative n to select (all - n) cores (or at least 1 if n equals or exceeds
              all).  The -x option is only available to GMT modules compiled with OpenMP support.

              Swap 1st and 2nd column on input and/or output [Default is no swapping].  Append  i
              to  select  input  only  or  o  to select output only. [Default affects both]. This
              option  is  typically  used  to  handle  (latitude,  longitude)  files;  see   also

       -^ or just -
              Print a short message about the syntax of the command, then exits (NOTE: on Windows
              just use -).

       -+ or just +
              Print  an  extensive  usage  (help)  message,  including  the  explanation  of  any
              module-specific option (but not the GMT common options), then exits.

       -? or no arguments
              Print  a  complete  usage (help) message, including the explanation of all options,
              then exits.

              Temporarily  override  a  GMT  default  setting;  repeatable.  See  /gmt.conf   for

   Specifying Color
       color  The color of lines, areas and patterns can be specified by a valid color name, by a
              gray shade (in the range 0-255), by a decimal color  code  (r/g/b,  each  in  range
              0-255;  h-s-v,  ranges  0-360,  0-1,  0-1;  or c/m/y/k, each in range 0-1), or by a
              hexadecimal color code  (#rrggbb,  as  used  in  HTML).  For  transparency,  append
              @transparency  in  the  0-100 percent range [0 or opaque] (Only visible when PDF or
              raster format output is selected.).  See gmtcolors for more information and a  full
              list of color names.

   Specifying Fill
       fill   The  attribute  fill specifies the solid shade or solid color (see Specifying Color
              above) or the pattern  used  for  filling  polygons.   Patterns  are  specified  as
              ppattern,  where  pattern set the number of the built-in pattern (1-90) or the name
              of a raster image file. The optional +rdpi sets the resolution of the image [1200].
              For  1-bit  rasters:  use upper case P  for inverse video, or append +fcolor and/or
              +bcolor to specify fore- and background colors (use color =  -  for  transparency).
              See  GMT  Cookbook  &  Technical Reference Appendix E for information on individual
              built-in patterns.

   Specifying Fonts
       font   The attributes of text fonts as defined by font is a comma delimited list of  size,
              fonttype  and  fill,  each  of which is optional. size is the font size (usually in
              points) but c or i can be added to indicate other units. fonttype is the name (case
              sensitive!) of the font or its equivalent numerical ID (e.g., Helvetica-Bold or 1).
              fill specifies the gray shade, color or pattern of the text  (see  Specifying  Fill
              above).  Optionally,  you may append =pen to the fill value in order to draw a text
              outline. If you want to avoid that the outline partially obscures the text,  append
              append  =~pen  instead;  in  that  case  only  half the linewidth is plotted on the
              outside of the font only.  If an outline is requested, you may optionally skip  the
              text  fill  by setting it to -, in which case the full pen width is always used. If
              any of the font attributes is omitted their default or  previous  setting  will  be

              The 35 available fonts (plus 4 optional Japanese fonts) are:

              0.   Helvetica

              1.   Helvetica-Bold

              2.   Helvetica-Oblique

              3.   Helvetica-BoldOblique

              4.   Times-Roman

              5.   Times-Bold

              6.   Times-Italic

              7.   Times-BoldItalic

              8.   Courier

              9.   Courier-Bold

              10.  Courier-Oblique

              11.  Courier-BoldOblique

              12.  Symbol

              13.  AvantGarde-Book

              14.  AvantGarde-BookOblique

              15.  AvantGarde-Demi

              16.  AvantGarde-DemiOblique

              17.  Bookman-Demi

              18.  Bookman-DemiItalic

              19.  Bookman-Light

              20.  Bookman-LightItalic

              21.  Helvetica-Narrow

              22.  Helvetica-Narrow-Bold

              23.  Helvetica-Narrow-Oblique

              24.  Helvetica-Narrow-BoldOblique

              25.  NewCenturySchlbk-Roman

              26.  NewCenturySchlbk-Italic

              27.  NewCenturySchlbk-Bold

              28.  NewCenturySchlbk-BoldItalic

              29.  Palatino-Roman

              30.  Palatino-Italic

              31.  Palatino-Bold

              32.  Palatino-BoldItalic

              33.  ZapfChancery-MediumItalic

              34.  ZapfDingbats

              35.  Ryumin-Light-EUC-H

              36.  Ryumin-Light-EUC-V

              37.  GothicBBB-Medium-EUC-H

              38.  GothicBBB-Medium-EUC-V

   Specifying Pens
       pen    The  attributes of lines and symbol outlines as defined by pen is a comma-delimited
              list of width, color and style, each of which is optional. width can  be  indicated
              as a measure (in points (this is the default), centimeters, or inches) or as faint,
              default, thin[ner|nest], thick[er|est], fat[ter|test], or obese. color specifies  a
              gray  shade  or  color  (see  Specifying Color above). style can be any of ‘solid’,
              ‘dashed’ ‘dotted’, ‘dashdot’, or ‘dotdash’, or a custom combination of  dashes  ‘-‘
              and dots ‘.’. If any of the attributes is omitted their default or previous setting
              will be retained. See GMT Cookbook & Technical Reference Specifying pen  attributes
              for more information.


       The  ASCII  output formats of numerical data are controlled by parameters in your gmt.conf
       file. Longitude and latitude are formatted according to FORMAT_GEO_OUT, absolute  time  is
       under  the control of FORMAT_DATE_OUT and FORMAT_CLOCK_OUT, whereas general floating point
       values are formatted according to FORMAT_FLOAT_OUT. Be aware that the format in effect can
       lead  to loss of precision in ASCII output, which can lead to various problems downstream.
       If you find the output is not written with enough precision, consider switching to  binary
       output (-bo if available) or specify more decimals using the FORMAT_FLOAT_OUT setting.


       By  default  GMT  writes out grids as single precision floats in a COARDS-complaint netCDF
       file format.  However, GMT is able to produce and read grid files in many  other  commonly
       used  grid  file  formats  and  also facilitates so called “packing” of grids, writing out
       floating point data as 1- or 2-byte integers. To specify the precision, scale and  offset,
       the  user  should  add  the  suffix  [=id][+sscale][+ooffset][+ninvalid],  where  id  is a
       two-letter identifier of the grid type and precision, and the scale,  offset  and  invalid
       are  the  arguments of optional modifiers to be applied to all grid values,  Here, invalid
       is the value used to indicate missing data. In case the id is not provided, as in  +sscale
       than  a  id=nf  is  assumed.   When  reading  grids, the format is generally automatically
       recognized from almost all of those formats that GMT and GDAL combined offer. If not,  the
       same  suffix  can  be  added  to  input  grid  file  names.   See  grdconvert  and Section
       grid-file-format of the GMT Technical Reference and Cookbook for more information.

       When reading a netCDF file that contains multiple grids, GMT will read,  by  default,  the
       first  2-dimensional  grid  that  can  find in that file. To coax GMT into reading another
       multi-dimensional variable in the grid file, append  ?varname  to  the  file  name,  where
       varname  is the name of the variable. Note that you may need to escape the special meaning
       of ? in your shell program by putting a backslash in  front  of  it,  or  by  placing  the
       filename  and suffix between quotes or double quotes. The ?varname suffix can also be used
       for output grids to  specify  a  variable  name  different  from  the  default:  “z”.  See
       grdconvert  and  Sections  modifiers-for-CF  and  grid-file-format  of  the  GMT Technical
       Reference and Cookbook for more information, particularly on how to read  splices  of  3-,
       4-, or 5-dimensional grids.


       These options are only used in classic mode and are listed here just for reference.

       -K     More  PostScript  code will be appended later [Default terminates the plot system].
              Required for all but the last plot command when building multi-layer plots.

       -O     Selects Overlay plot mode [Default initializes a new plot  system].   Required  for
              all but the first plot command when building multi-layer plots.

       -P     Select  “Portrait” plot orientation [Default is “Landscape”; see gmt.conf or gmtset
              to     change      the      PS_PAGE_ORIENTATION      parameter,      or      supply
              --PS_PAGE_ORIENTATION=orientation on the command line].


       Look  up the individual man pages for more details and full syntax. Run gmt --help to list
       all GMT programs and to show all installation  directories.  For  an  explanation  of  the
       various GMT settings in this man page (like FORMAT_FLOAT_OUT), see the man page of the GMT
       configuration file gmt.conf. Information is also available on the GMT  documentation  site


       2019, The GMT Team.