Provided by: nvme-cli_1.9-1ubuntu0.1_amd64 bug


       nvme-wdc-vs-smart-add-log - Send NVMe WDC vs-smart-add-log Vendor Unique Command, return


       nvme wdc vs-smart-add-log <device> [--interval=<NUM>, -i <NUM>] [--output-format=<normal|json> -o <normal|json>]


       For the NVMe device given, send a Vendor Unique WDC vs-smart-add-log command and provide
       the additional smart log. The --interval option will return performance statistics from
       the specified reporting interval.

       The <device> parameter is mandatory and may be either the NVMe character device (ex:

       This will only work on WDC devices supporting this feature. Results for any other device
       are undefined.

       On success it returns 0, error code otherwise.


       -i <NUM>, --interval=<NUM>
           Return the statistics from specific interval, defaults to 14

       -o <format>, --output-format=<format>
           Set the reporting format to normal, or json. Only one output format can be used at a
           time. Default is normal.

       Valid Interval values and description :-

       │ValueDescription                     │
       │      │                                 │
       │1     │ Most recent five (5) minute     │
       │      │ accumulated set.                │
       │      │                                 │
       │2-12  │ Previous five (5) minute        │
       │      │ accumulated sets.               │
       │      │                                 │
       │13    │ The accumulated total of sets 1 │
       │      │ through 12 that contain the     │
       │      │ previous hour of accumulated    │
       │      │ statistics.                     │
       │      │                                 │
       │14    │ The statistical set accumulated │
       │      │ since power-up.                 │
       │      │                                 │
       │15    │ The statistical set accumulated │
       │      │ during the entire lifetime of   │
       │      │ the device.                     │


       │FieldDescription                      │
       │                                │                                  │
       │Physical NAND bytes written.    │ The number of bytes written to   │
       │                                │ NAND. 16 bytes - hi/lo           │
       │                                │                                  │
       │Physical NAND bytes read        │ The number of bytes read from    │
       │                                │ NAND. 16 bytes - hi/lo           │
       │                                │                                  │
       │Bad NAND Block Count            │ Raw and normalized count of the  │
       │                                │ number of NAND blocks that have  │
       │                                │ been retired after the drives    │
       │                                │ manufacturing tests (i.e. grown  │
       │                                │ back blocks). 2 bytes            │
       │                                │ normalized, 6 bytes raw count    │
       │                                │                                  │
       │Uncorrectable Read Error Count  │ Total count of NAND reads that   │
       │                                │ were not correctable by read     │
       │                                │ retries, all levels of ECC, or   │
       │                                │ XOR (as applicable). 8 bytes     │
       │                                │                                  │
       │Soft ECC Error Count            │ Total count of NAND reads that   │
       │                                │ were not correctable by read     │
       │                                │ retries, or first-level ECC. 8   │
       │                                │ bytes                            │
       │                                │                                  │
       │SSD End to End Detection Count  │ A count of the detected errors   │
       │                                │ by the SSD end to end error      │
       │                                │ correction which includes DRAM,  │
       │                                │ SRAM, or other storage element   │
       │                                │ ECC/CRC protection mechanism     │
       │                                │ (not NAND ECC). 4 bytes          │
       │                                │                                  │
       │SSD End to End Correction Count │ A count of the corrected errors  │
       │                                │ by the SSD end to end error      │
       │                                │ correction which includes DRAM,  │
       │                                │ SRAM, or other storage element   │
       │                                │ ECC/CRC protection mechanism     │
       │                                │ (not NAND ECC). 4 bytes          │
       │                                │                                  │
       │System Data % Used              │ A normalized cumulative count of │
       │                                │ the number of erase cycles per   │
       │                                │ block since leaving the factory  │
       │                                │ for the system (FW and metadata) │
       │                                │ area. Starts at 0 and            │
       │                                │ increments. 100 indicates that   │
       │                                │ the estimated endurance has been │
       │                                │ consumed.                        │
       │                                │                                  │
       │User Data Max Erase Count       │ The maximum erase count across   │
       │                                │ all NAND blocks in the drive. 4  │
       │                                │ bytes                            │
       │                                │                                  │
       │User Data Min Erase Count       │ The minimum erase count across   │
       │                                │ all NAND blocks in the drive. 4  │
       │                                │ bytes                            │
       │                                │                                  │
       │Refresh Count                   │ A count of the number of blocks  │
       │                                │ that have been re-allocated due  │
       │                                │ to background operations only. 8 │
       │                                │ bytes                            │
       │                                │                                  │
       │Program Fail Count              │ Raw and normalized count of      │
       │                                │ total program failures.          │
       │                                │ Normalized count starts at 100   │
       │                                │ and shows the percent of         │
       │                                │ remaining allowable failures. 2  │
       │                                │ bytes normalized, 6 bytes raw    │
       │                                │ count                            │
       │                                │                                  │
       │User Data Erase Fail Count      │ Raw and normalized count of      │
       │                                │ total erase failures in the user │
       │                                │ area. Normalized count starts at │
       │                                │ 100 and shows the percent of     │
       │                                │ remaining allowable failures. 2  │
       │                                │ bytes normalized, 6 bytes raw    │
       │                                │ count                            │
       │                                │                                  │
       │System Area Erase Fail Count    │ Raw and normalized count of      │
       │                                │ total erase failures in the      │
       │                                │ system area. Normalized count    │
       │                                │ starts at 100 and shows the      │
       │                                │ percent of remaining allowable   │
       │                                │ failures. 2 bytes normalized, 6  │
       │                                │ bytes raw count                  │
       │                                │                                  │
       │Thermal Throttling Status       │ The current status of thermal    │
       │                                │ throttling (enabled or           │
       │                                │ disabled). 2 bytes               │
       │                                │                                  │
       │Thermal Throttling Count        │ A count of the number of thermal │
       │                                │ throttling events. 2 bytes       │
       │                                │                                  │
       │PCIe Correctable Error Count    │ Summation counter of all PCIe    │
       │                                │ correctable errors (Bad TLP, Bad │
       │                                │ DLLP, Receiver error, Replay     │
       │                                │ timeouts, Replay rollovers). 8   │
       │                                │ bytes                            │


       │FieldDescription                      │
       │                               │                                  │
       │Host Read Commands             │ Number of host read commands     │
       │                               │ received during the reporting    │
       │                               │ period.                          │
       │                               │                                  │
       │Host Read Blocks               │ Number of 512-byte blocks        │
       │                               │ requested during the reporting   │
       │                               │ period.                          │
       │                               │                                  │
       │Average Read Size              │ Average Read size is calculated  │
       │                               │ using (Host Read Blocks/Host     │
       │                               │ Read Commands).                  │
       │                               │                                  │
       │Host Read Cache Hit Commands   │ Number of host read commands     │
       │                               │ that serviced entirely from the  │
       │                               │ on-board read cache during the   │
       │                               │ reporting period. No access to   │
       │                               │ the NAND flash memory was        │
       │                               │ required. This count is only     │
       │                               │ updated if the entire command    │
       │                               │ was serviced from the cache      │
       │                               │ memory.                          │
       │                               │                                  │
       │Host Read Cache Hit Percentage │ Percentage of host read commands │
       │                               │ satisfied from the cache.        │
       │                               │                                  │
       │Host Read Cache Hit Blocks     │ Number of 512-byte blocks of     │
       │                               │ data that have been returned for │
       │                               │ Host Read Cache Hit Commands     │
       │                               │ during the reporting period.     │
       │                               │ This count is only updated with  │
       │                               │ the blocks returned for host     │
       │                               │ read commands that were serviced │
       │                               │ entirely from cache memory.      │
       │                               │                                  │
       │Average Read Cache Hit Size    │ Average size of read commands    │
       │                               │ satisfied from the cache.        │
       │                               │                                  │
       │Host Read Commands Stalled     │ Number of host read commands     │
       │                               │ that were stalled due to a lack  │
       │                               │ of resources within the SSD      │
       │                               │ during the reporting period      │
       │                               │ (NAND flash command queue full,  │
       │                               │ low cache page count, cache page │
       │                               │ contention, etc.). Commands are  │
       │                               │ not considered stalled if the    │
       │                               │ only reason for the delay was    │
       │                               │ waiting for the data to be       │
       │                               │ physically read from the NAND    │
       │                               │ flash. It is normal to expect    │
       │                               │ this count to equal zero on      │
       │                               │ heavily utilized systems.        │
       │                               │                                  │
       │Host Read Commands Stalled     │ Percentage of read commands that │
       │Percentage                     │ were stalled. If the figure is   │
       │                               │ consistently high, then          │
       │                               │ consideration should be given to │
       │                               │ spreading the data across        │
       │                               │ multiple SSDs.                   │
       │                               │                                  │
       │Host Write Commands            │ Number of host write commands    │
       │                               │ received during the reporting    │
       │                               │ period.                          │
       │                               │                                  │
       │Host Write Blocks              │ Number of 512-byte blocks        │
       │                               │ written during the reporting     │
       │                               │ period.                          │
       │                               │                                  │
       │Average Write Size             │ Average Write size calculated    │
       │                               │ using (Host Write Blocks/Host    │
       │                               │ Write Commands).                 │
       │                               │                                  │
       │Host Write Odd Start Commands  │ Number of host write commands    │
       │                               │ that started on a non-aligned    │
       │                               │ boundary during the reporting    │
       │                               │ period. The size of the boundary │
       │                               │ alignment is normally 4K;        │
       │                               │ therefore this returns the       │
       │                               │ number of commands that started  │
       │                               │ on a non-4K aligned boundary.    │
       │                               │ The SSD requires slightly more   │
       │                               │ time to process non-aligned      │
       │                               │ write commands than it does to   │
       │                               │ process aligned write commands.  │
       │                               │                                  │
       │Host Write Odd Start Commands  │ Percentage of host write         │
       │Percentage                     │ commands that started on a       │
       │                               │ non-aligned boundary. If this    │
       │                               │ figure is equal to or near 100%, │
       │                               │ and the NAND Read Before Write   │
       │                               │ value is also high, then the     │
       │                               │ user should investigate the      │
       │                               │ possibility of offsetting the    │
       │                               │ file system. For Microsoft       │
       │                               │ Windows systems, the user can    │
       │                               │ use Diskpart. For Unix-based     │
       │                               │ operating systems, there is      │
       │                               │ normally a method whereby file   │
       │                               │ system partitions can be placed  │
       │                               │ where required.                  │
       │                               │                                  │
       │Host Write Odd End Commands    │ Number of host write commands    │
       │                               │ that ended on a non-aligned      │
       │                               │ boundary during the reporting    │
       │                               │ period. The size of the boundary │
       │                               │ alignment is normally 4K;        │
       │                               │ therefore this returns the       │
       │                               │ number of commands that ended on │
       │                               │ a non-4K aligned boundary.       │
       │                               │                                  │
       │Host Write Odd End Commands    │ Percentage of host write         │
       │Percentage                     │ commands that ended on a         │
       │                               │ non-aligned boundary.            │
       │                               │                                  │
       │Host Write Commands Stalled    │ Number of host write commands    │
       │                               │ that were stalled due to a lack  │
       │                               │ of resources within the SSD      │
       │                               │ during the reporting period. The │
       │                               │ most likely cause is that the    │
       │                               │ write data was being received    │
       │                               │ faster than it could be saved to │
       │                               │ the NAND flash memory. If there  │
       │                               │ was a large volume of read       │
       │                               │ commands being processed         │
       │                               │ simultaneously, then other       │
       │                               │ causes might include the NAND    │
       │                               │ flash command queue being full,  │
       │                               │ low cache page count, or cache   │
       │                               │ page contention, etc. It is      │
       │                               │ normal to expect this count to   │
       │                               │ be non-zero on heavily utilized  │
       │                               │ systems.                         │
       │                               │                                  │
       │Host Write Commands Stalled    │ Percentage of write commands     │
       │Percentage                     │ that were stalled. If the figure │
       │                               │ is consistently high, then       │
       │                               │ consideration should be given to │
       │                               │ spreading the data across        │
       │                               │ multiple SSDs.                   │
       │                               │                                  │
       │NAND Read Commands             │ Number of read commands issued   │
       │                               │ to the NAND devices during the   │
       │                               │ reporting period. This figure    │
       │                               │ will normally be much higher     │
       │                               │ than the host read commands      │
       │                               │ figure, as the data needed to    │
       │                               │ satisfy a single host read       │
       │                               │ command may be spread across     │
       │                               │ several NAND flash devices.      │
       │                               │                                  │
       │NAND Read Blocks               │ Number of 512-byte blocks        │
       │                               │ requested from NAND flash        │
       │                               │ devices during the reporting     │
       │                               │ period. This figure would        │
       │                               │ normally be about the same as    │
       │                               │ the host read blocks figure      │
       │                               │                                  │
       │Average NAND Read Size         │ Average size of NAND read        │
       │                               │ commands.                        │
       │                               │                                  │
       │NAND Write Commands            │ Number of write commands issued  │
       │                               │ to the NAND devices during the   │
       │                               │ reporting period. There is no    │
       │                               │ real correlation between the     │
       │                               │ number of host write commands    │
       │                               │ issued and the number of NAND    │
       │                               │ Write Commands.                  │
       │                               │                                  │
       │NAND Write Blocks              │ Number of 512-byte blocks        │
       │                               │ written to the NAND flash        │
       │                               │ devices during the reporting     │
       │                               │ period. This figure would        │
       │                               │ normally be about the same as    │
       │                               │ the host write blocks figure.    │
       │                               │                                  │
       │Average NAND Write Size        │ Average size of NAND write       │
       │                               │ commands. This figure should     │
       │                               │ never be greater than 128K, as   │
       │                               │ this is the maximum size write   │
       │                               │ that is ever issued to a NAND    │
       │                               │ device.                          │
       │                               │                                  │
       │NAND Read Before Write         │ This is the number of read       │
       │                               │ before write operations that     │
       │                               │ were required to process         │
       │                               │ non-aligned host write commands  │
       │                               │ during the reporting period. See │
       │                               │ Host Write Odd Start Commands    │
       │                               │ and Host Write Odd End Commands. │
       │                               │ NAND Read Before Write           │
       │                               │ operations have a detrimental    │
       │                               │ effect on the overall            │
       │                               │ performance of the device.       │


       •   Has the program issue WDC vs-smart-add-log Vendor Unique Command with default interval
           (14) :

               # nvme wdc vs-smart-add-log /dev/nvme0


       Part of the nvme-user suite.