Provided by: opa-address-resolution_10. bug



       Performs stress test on SM and distributed SA query system.


       opa_osd_exercise [-d | -s | -r | -x | -X | -D | -p | -S | -t | -e] guidlist


       --help    Produces full help text.

       -d debug level
                 Sets debugging level.

       -s seconds
                 Specifies running for at least seconds seconds.

       -r remote Specifies the host running the fabric simulator.

       -x count  Number of destinations to toggle up or down after each pass.
                 Maximum = MAX_TOGGLES.

       -X count  Specifies how often to toggle a source port up or down
                 (in seconds).

       -D seconds
                 Specifies how long to sleep after each pass. This value gives the Subnet Manager
                 time to process port events.

       -p pkey   Specifies to include pkey in the searches. Can be specified up to 8 times.

       -S sid    Specifies to include SID in the searches.

       -t error threshold
                 Cancels the test if the number of path errors to a  single  destination  exceeds
                 error  threshold. The count is reset to zero when a correct result is retrieved.
                 Can be specified up to 8 times. Note that providing  both  SIDs  and  pkeys  may
                 cause problems.

       -e        Instructs simulator to enable all ports before starting.

       guidlist  Text  file that lists the source and destination GUIDs and LIDs. guidlist format

                 •      lid_0;guid_0;node_desc_0

                 •      lid_1;guid_1;node_desc_1

                 •      and so on.


       opa_osd_exercise -p 0x9001 guidtable