Provided by: twine_3.1.1-1_all bug


       twine - twine Documentation

   Table of ContentsTwine user documentationWhy Should I Use This?FeaturesInstallationUsing TwineKeyring SupportDisabling KeyringOptionstwine uploadtwine checktwine registerEnvironment VariablesResourcesContributingCode of Conduct


       Twine is a utility for publishing Python packages on PyPI.

       It  provides  build system independent uploads of source and binary distribution artifacts
       for both new and existing projects.


       The goal of twine is to improve PyPI interaction by improving security and testability.

       The biggest reason to use twine is that it securely authenticates you to PyPI  over  HTTPS
       using  a  verified  connection,  regardless  of  the underlying Python version. Meanwhile,
       python upload will only work correctly and securely if your build system,  Python
       version, and underlying operating system are configured properly.

       Secondly,  twine  encourages  you to build your distribution files. python upload
       only allows you to upload a package as a final  step  after  building  with  distutils  or
       setuptools,  within the same command invocation. This means that you cannot test the exact
       file you’re going to upload to PyPI to ensure that it works before uploading it.

       Finally, twine allows you to pre-sign your files and pass the .asc files into the  command
       line  invocation  (twine  upload  myproject-1.0.1.tar.gz myproject-1.0.1.tar.gz.asc). This
       enables you to be assured that you’re typing your gpg passphrase into gpg itself  and  not
       anything  else,  since  you  will  be  the  one  directly  executing  gpg --detach-sign -a


       • Verified HTTPS connections

       • Uploading doesn’t require executing

       • Uploading files that have already been created, allowing testing of distributions before

       • Supports uploading any packaging format (including wheels)


          $ pip install twine


       1. Create some distributions in the normal way:

             $ python sdist bdist_wheel

       2.  Upload  with twine to Test PyPI and verify things look right. Twine will automatically
       prompt for your username and password:

              $ twine upload --repository-url dist/*
              username: ...

       3. Upload to PyPI:

             $ twine upload dist/*

       4. Done!

       More documentation on using twine to upload packages to PyPI is in  the  Python  Packaging
       User Guide.


       Instead  of  typing  in  your  password every time you upload a distribution, Twine allows
       storing a username and password securely using keyring.  Keyring is installed  with  Twine
       but for some systems (Linux mainly) may require additional installation steps.

       Once Twine is installed, use the keyring program to set a username and password to use for
       each package index (repository) to which you may upload.

       For example, to set a username and password for PyPI:

          $ keyring set your-username
          # or
          $ python3 -m keyring set your-username

       And enter the password when prompted.

       For a different repository, replace the URL with the relevant repository URL. For example,
       for Test PyPI, use

       The  next  time  you  run  twine,  it  will  prompt  you  for a username and will grab the
       appropriate password from the keyring.

          If you are using Linux in a headless environment (such as on a server) you’ll  need  to
          do  some  additional steps to ensure that Keyring can store secrets securely. See Using
          Keyring on headless systems.

   Disabling Keyring
       In most cases, simply not setting a password in keyring will allow twine to fall  back  to
       prompting  for a password. In some cases, the presence of keyring will cause unexpected or
       undesirable prompts from the backing system. In  these  cases,  it  may  be  desirable  to
       disable keyring altogether.  To disable keyring, simply invoke:

          $ keyring --disable
          $ python -m keyring --disable

       That command will configure for the current user the “null” keyring, effectively disabling
       the functionality, and allowing Twine to prompt for passwords.

       See twine 338 for discussion and background.


   twine upload
       Uploads one or more distributions to a repository.

          $ twine upload -h

          usage: twine upload [-h] [-r REPOSITORY] [--repository-url REPOSITORY_URL]
                              [-s] [--sign-with SIGN_WITH] [-i IDENTITY] [-u USERNAME]
                              [-p PASSWORD] [-c COMMENT] [--config-file CONFIG_FILE]
                              [--skip-existing] [--cert path] [--client-cert path]
                              [--verbose] [--disable-progress-bar]
                              dist [dist ...]

          positional arguments:
            dist                  The distribution files to upload to the repository
                                  (package index). Usually dist/* . May additionally
                                  contain a .asc file to include an existing signature
                                  with the file upload.

          optional arguments:
            -h, --help            show this help message and exit
            -r REPOSITORY, --repository REPOSITORY
                                  The repository (package index) to upload the package
                                  to. Should be a section in the config file (default:
                                  pypi). (Can also be set via TWINE_REPOSITORY
                                  environment variable.)
            --repository-url REPOSITORY_URL
                                  The repository (package index) URL to upload the
                                  package to. This overrides --repository. (Can also be
                                  set via TWINE_REPOSITORY_URL environment variable.)
            -s, --sign            Sign files to upload using GPG.
            --sign-with SIGN_WITH
                                  GPG program used to sign uploads (default: gpg).
            -i IDENTITY, --identity IDENTITY
                                  GPG identity used to sign files.
            -u USERNAME, --username USERNAME
                                  The username to authenticate to the repository
                                  (package index) as. (Can also be set via
                                  TWINE_USERNAME environment variable.)
            -p PASSWORD, --password PASSWORD
                                  The password to authenticate to the repository
                                  (package index) with. (Can also be set via
                                  TWINE_PASSWORD environment variable.)
            --non-interactive     Do not interactively prompt for username/password
                                  if the required credentials are missing. (Can also
                                  be set via TWINE_NON_INTERACTIVE environment
            -c COMMENT, --comment COMMENT
                                  The comment to include with the distribution file.
            --config-file CONFIG_FILE
                                  The .pypirc config file to use.
            --skip-existing       Continue uploading files if one already exists. (Only
                                  valid when uploading to PyPI. Other implementations
                                  may not support this.)
            --cert path           Path to alternate CA bundle (can also be set via
                                  TWINE_CERT environment variable).
            --client-cert path    Path to SSL client certificate, a single file
                                  containing the private key and the certificate in PEM
            --verbose             Show verbose output.
                                  Disable the progress bar.

   twine check
       Checks whether your distribution’s long description will render correctly on PyPI.

          $ twine check -h
          usage: twine check [-h] dist [dist ...]

          positional arguments:
          dist        The distribution files to check, usually dist/*

          optional arguments:
          -h, --help  show this help message and exit

   twine register
       WARNING: The register command is no longer necessary if you are uploading to  As
       such,  it is no longer supported in Warehouse (the new PyPI software running on
       However, you may need this if you are using a different package index.

       For completeness, its usage:

          $ twine register -h

          usage: twine register [-h] -r REPOSITORY [--repository-url REPOSITORY_URL]
                                [-u USERNAME] [-p PASSWORD] [-c COMMENT]
                                [--config-file CONFIG_FILE] [--cert path]
                                [--client-cert path]

          positional arguments:
            package               File from which we read the package metadata.

          optional arguments:
            -h, --help            show this help message and exit
            -r REPOSITORY, --repository REPOSITORY
                                  The repository (package index) to register the package
                                  to. Should be a section in the config file. (Can also
                                  be set via TWINE_REPOSITORY environment variable.)
                                  Initial package registration no longer necessary on
            --repository-url REPOSITORY_URL
                                  The repository (package index) URL to register the
                                  package to. This overrides --repository. (Can also be
                                  set via TWINE_REPOSITORY_URL environment variable.)
            -u USERNAME, --username USERNAME
                                  The username to authenticate to the repository
                                  (package index) as. (Can also be set via
                                  TWINE_USERNAME environment variable.)
            -p PASSWORD, --password PASSWORD
                                  The password to authenticate to the repository
                                  (package index) with. (Can also be set via
                                  TWINE_PASSWORD environment variable.)
            --non-interactive     Do not interactively prompt for username/password
                                  if the required credentials are missing. (Can also
                                  be set via TWINE_NON_INTERACTIVE environment
            -c COMMENT, --comment COMMENT
                                  The comment to include with the distribution file.
            --config-file CONFIG_FILE
                                  The .pypirc config file to use.
            --cert path           Path to alternate CA bundle (can also be set via
                                  TWINE_CERT environment variable).
            --client-cert path    Path to SSL client certificate, a single file
                                  containing the private key and the certificate in PEM

   Environment Variables
       Twine also supports configuration via environment variables. Options passed on the command
       line  will  take  precedence  over  options  set via environment variables. Definition via
       environment variable is helpful in environments where it is not  convenient  to  create  a
       .pypirc file, such as a CI/build server, for example.

       • TWINE_USERNAME - the username to use for authentication to the repository.

       • TWINE_PASSWORD - the password to use for authentication to the repository.

       • TWINE_REPOSITORY  - the repository configuration, either defined as a section in .pypirc
         or provided as a full URL.

       • TWINE_REPOSITORY_URL - the repository URL to use.

       • TWINE_CERT - custom CA certificate to use for repositories with self-signed or untrusted

       • TWINE_NON_INTERACTIVE  -  Do  not  interactively  prompt  for  username/password  if the
         required credentials are missing.


IRC (#pypa -

       • GitHub repository

       • User and developer documentationPython Packaging User Guide


       See our developer documentation for how to get started, an architectural overview, and our
       future development plans.


       Everyone  interacting  in  the  twine project’s codebases, issue trackers, chat rooms, and
       mailing lists is expected to follow the PyPA Code of Conduct.

       We are happy you have decided to contribute to twine.

       Please see the GitHub repository for code and more documentation, and the official  Python
       Packaging  User  Guide  for  user  documentation.  You can also join #pypa or #pypa-dev on
       Freenode, or the pypa-dev mailing list, to ask questions or get involved.

   Getting started
       We recommend you use a development environment. Using a virtualenv keeps your  development
       environment  isolated,  so twine and its dependencies do not interfere with other packages
       installed on your machine.  You can use virtualenv or pipenv to isolate  your  development

       Clone  the  twine repository from GitHub, and then make and activate a virtual environment
       that uses Python 3.6 or newer as the default Python. Example:

          mkvirtualenv -p /usr/bin/python3.7 twine

       Then, run the following command:

          pip install -e /path/to/your/local/twine

       Now, in your virtual environment, twine is pointing at your local copy, so when  you  make
       changes, you can easily see their effect.

   Building the documentation
       Additions and edits to twine’s documentation are welcome and appreciated.

       We use tox to build docs. Activate your virtual environment, then install tox.

          pip install tox

       If  you  are  using pipenv to manage your virtual environment, you may need the tox-pipenv
       plugin so that tox can use pipenv environments instead of virtualenvs.

       After making docs changes, lint and build the docs locally, using  tox,  before  making  a
       pull request. Activate your virtual environment, then, in the root directory, run:

          tox -e docs

       The HTML of the docs will be visible in twine/docs/_build/.

       Tests  with twine are run using tox, and tested against Python versions 3.6, 3.7, and 3.8.
       To run these tests locally, you will need to have these versions of  Python  installed  on
       your machine.

       Either use tox to build against all supported Python versions (if you have them installed)
       or use tox -e py{version} to test against a specific version, e.g., tox -e py36 or tox  -e

       Also, always run tox -e lint before submitting a pull request.

   Submitting changes
       1. Fork the GitHub repository.

       2. Make a branch off of master and commit your changes to it.

       3. Run the tests with tox and lint any docs changes with tox -e docs.

       4. Ensure  that  your  name  is added to the end of the AUTHORS file using the format Name
          <> (url), where the (url) portion is optional.

       5. Submit a pull request to the master branch on GitHub.

   Architectural overview
       Twine is a command-line tool for interacting with PyPI  securely  over  HTTPS.  Its  three
       purposes are to be:

       1. A user-facing tool for publishing on

       2. A  user-facing  tool  for  publishing  on  other  Python  package  indexes (e.g., devpi

       3. A useful API for other programs (e.g., zest.releaser) to call  for  publishing  on  any
          Python package index

       Currently,  twine  has two principle functions: uploading new packages and registering new
       projects (register is no longer supported on PyPI, and is in  Twine  for  use  with  other
       package indexes).

       Its  command  line  arguments  are  parsed  in  twine/ The code for registering new
       projects  is  in  twine/commands/,  and  the   code   for   uploading   is   in
       twine/commands/  The file twine/ contains a single class, PackageFile,
       which hashes the project files and extracts their metadata. The  file  twine/
       contains  the  Repository  class, whose methods control the URL the package is uploaded to
       (which the user can specify either as a default, in the  .pypirc  file,  or  pass  on  the
       command line), and the methods that upload the package securely to a URL.

   Where Twine gets configuration and credentials
       A  user  can  set  the repository URL, username, and/or password via command line, .pypirc
       files, environment variables, and keyring.

   Adding a maintainer
       A checklist for adding a new maintainer to the project.

       1. Add them as a Member in the GitHub repo settings. (This will also give them  privileges
          on the Travis CI project.)

       2. Get  them  Test  PyPI and canon PyPI usernames and add them as a Maintainer on our Test
          PyPI project and canon PyPI.

   Making a new release
       A checklist for creating, testing, and distributing a new version.

       1. Choose a version number, e.g. “1.15.0”

       2. Update the changelog:

          1. Add missing changes to docs/changelog.rst.

          2. Add a release line at the beginning referencing the release  and  the  date  of  the

          3. Commit, push, ensure Travis build passes.

       3. Create a new git tag with git tag -m tag {number}.

       4. Push the new tag: git push upstream {number}.

       5. Watch the release in Travis.

       6. Send announcement email to pypa-dev mailing list and celebrate.

   Future development
       See our open issues.

       In the future, pip and twine may merge into a single tool; see ongoing discussion.

   Changelog#548: Restore --non-interactive as a flag not expecting an argument.

          #547: Add support for specifying --non-interactive as an environment variable.

          #518: Add Python 3.8 to classifiers.

          #524:  Twine  now  unconditionally  requires the keyring library and no longer supports
         uninstalling keyring as a means to disable  that  functionality.  Instead,  use  keyring
         --disable keyring functionality if necessary.

          #489:  Add  --non-interactive  flag to abort upload rather than interactively prompt if
         credentials are missing.

          #336: When a client certificate is indicated, all password processing is disabled.

          #332: More robust handling of server response in --skip-existing#437: Twine now requires Python 3.6 or later. Use pip 9 or pin to “twine<2” to  install
         twine on older Python versions.

          #491:  Require  requests  2.20  or  later to avoid reported security vulnerabilities in
         earlier releases.

          #488:  Improved  output  on  check  command:  Prints  a  message  when  there  are   no
         distributions  given  to check.  Improved handling of errors in a distribution’s markup,
         avoiding messages flowing through to the next distribution’s errors.

          #310: Now provide a more meaningful error on redirect during upload.

          #459: Show Warehouse URL after uploading a package

          #456: Better error handling and gpg2 fallback if gpg not available.

          #341: Fail more gracefully when encountering bad metadata

          #416: Add Python 3.7 to classifiers.

          #418: Support keyring.get_username_and_password.

          #419: Support keyring.get_credential.

          #426: Allow defining an empty username and password in .pypirc.

          #427: Add disable_progress_bar option to disable tqdm.

          #408: Fix keyring support.

          #412: Don’t crash if there’s no package description.

          #421: Remove unnecessary usage of readme_render.markdown.

          #428: Fix –skip-existing for Nexus Repos.

          #432: Use https URLs everywhere.

          #435: Specify python_requires in

          #436: Use modern Python language features.

          #444: Use io.StringIO instead of StringIO.

          #441: Only install pyblake2 if needed.

          #447: Avoid requests-toolbelt to 0.9.0 to prevent attempting to  use  openssl  when  it
         isn’t available.

          #452: Restore prompts while retaining support for suppressing prompts.

          #439: Refactor tox env and travis config.

          #404: Fix regression with upload exit code

          #363: Empower --skip-existing for Artifactory repositories

          #392: Drop support for Python 3.3

          #395: Add twine check command to check long description

          #367: Avoid MD5 when Python is compiled in FIPS mode

          #319: Support Metadata 2.1 (PEP 566), including Markdown for description fields.

          #320: Remove PyPI as default register package index.

          #322: Raise exception if attempting upload to deprecated legacy PyPI URLs.

          #269:  Avoid uploading to PyPI when given alternate repository URL, and require http://
         or https:// in repository_url.

          #318: Update PyPI URLs.

          #314: Add new maintainer, release checklists.

          #277: Add instructions on how to use keyring.

          #256: Improve progressbar

          #257: Declare support for Python 3.6

          #303: Revise docs predicting future of twine#296: Add architecture overview to docs

          #295: Add doc building instructions

          #46: Link to changelog from README#304: Reorganize & improve user & developer documentation.

          #265: Fix --repository[-url] help text

          #268: Print progress to stdout, not stderr#297: Fix Read the Docs, tox, Travis configuration

          #286: Fix Travis CI and test configuration

          #200: Remove obsolete registration guidance

          #299: Fix changelog formatting

          #298: Fix syntax highlighting in README#315: Degrade gracefully when keyring is unavailable

       • :  Blacklist known bad versions of Requests. See also  #253:

       • :  Check if a package exists if the URL is one of:


            This helps people with still in their .pypirc file.

       • :  Fix precedence of --repository-url over --repository. See also  #206:

       • :  Fix --skip-existing when used to upload a package  for  the  first  time.   See  also

       • :   Twine  sends  less information about the user’s system in the User-Agent string. See
         also  #229:

       • :  Twine will use hashlib.blake2b on Python 3.6+ instead of using  pyblake2  for  Blake2
         hashes 256 bit hashes.

       • :   Twine  will  now  resolve  passwords  using the keyring if available.  Module can be
         required with the keyring extra.

          #171: Generate Blake2b 256 digests for packages if pyblake2 is installed. Users can use
         python -m pip install twine[with-blake2] to have pyblake2 installed with Twine.

          #166: Allow the Repository URL to be provided on the command-line (--repository-url) or
         via an environment variable (TWINE_REPOSITORY_URL).

          #144: Retrieve configuration from the environment as a default.

            • Repository URL will default to TWINE_REPOSITORY

            • Username will default to TWINE_USERNAME

            • Password will default to TWINE_PASSWORD#201: Switch from to

       • :  Do not generate traffic to Legacy PyPI unless we’re uploading to it or  uploading  to
         Warehouse  (e.g., This avoids the attempt to upload a package to the index if
         we can find it on Legacy PyPI already.

       • :  Warn users if they receive a 500 error when uploading to *

       • :  Stop testing on Python 2.6. 2.6 support will be “best effort” until 2.0.0

       • :  Generate SHA256 digest for all packages by default.

       • :  Correct a packaging error.

          #195: Fix uploads to  instances  of  pypiserver  using  --skip-existing.  We  were  not
         properly checking the return status code on the response after attempting an upload.

          #189:,   #191:  Fix  issue where we were checking the existence of packages even if the
         user didn’t specify --skip-existing.

          #187: Clint was not specified in the wheel metadata as a dependency.

          #177: Switch Twine to upload to instead of

          #167: Implement retries when the CDN in front of PyPI gives us a 5xx error.

          #162: Allow --skip-existing to work for 409 status codes.

          #152: Add progress bar to uploads.

          #142: Support --cert and --client-cert command-line flags and config file  options  for
         feature  parity  with pip. This allows users to verify connections to servers other than
         PyPI (e.g., local package repositories) with different certificates.

          #186: Allow passwords to have %s in them.

          #155: Bump requests-toolbelt version to ensure we avoid ConnectionErrors

          #146: Exception while accessing the  repository  key  (sic)  when  raising  a  redirect

          #145: Paths with hyphens in them break the Wheel regular expression.

          #137:,   #140: Uploading signatures was broken due to the pull request that added large
         file support via requests-toolbelt. This caused  a  500  error  on  PyPI  and  prevented
         package and signature upload in twine 1.6.0

          #132: Upload signatures with packages appropriately
            As  part  of the refactor for the 1.6.0 release, we were using the wrong name to find
            the signature file.

            This also uncovered a bug where if you’re using twine in a situation where *  is  not
            expanded  by  your  shell, we might also miss uploading signatures to PyPI. Both were
            fixed as part of this.

          #130: Fix signing support for uploads

          #8: Support registering new packages with twine register#115: Add the --skip-existing flag to twine upload to allow users to skip releases that
         already exist on PyPI.

          #97: Allow the user to specify the location of their .pypirc#104: Large file support via the requests-toolbelt#106: Upload wheels first to PyPI

          #111: Provide more helpful messages if .pypirc is out of date.

          #116: Work around problems with Windows when using getpass.getpass#114:  Warnings  triggered  by pkginfo searching for PKG-INFO files should no longer be
         user visible.

          #92: Raise an exception on redirects

          #29: Support commands not named “gpg” for signing

          #61: Support deprecated pypirc file format

          #85: Display information about the version of setuptools installed

       • :  Add lower-limit to requests dependency

          #6: Switch to a git style dispatching for the commands to enable simpler  commands  and
         programmatic invocation.

          #13:  Parse  ~/.pypirc  ourselves  and  use  subprocess  instead of the distutils.spawn

          #65: Expand globs and check for existence of dists to upload

          #26: Add support for uploading Windows installers

          #47: Fix issue uploading packages with _s in the name

          #32: Use pkg_resources to load registered commands

          #34: List registered commands in help text

          #28: Prevent ResourceWarning from being shown

       • :  Additional functionality.

       • :  Basic functionality.

       • search


       Donald Stufft, Individual contributors


       2019, Donald Stufft and individual contributors