Provided by: cephadm_17.2.7-0ubuntu0.22.04.1_amd64 bug


       cephadm - manage the local cephadm host


       cephadm** [-h] [--image IMAGE] [--docker] [--data-dir DATA_DIR]
         [--log-dir LOG_DIR] [--logrotate-dir LOGROTATE_DIR]
         [--unit-dir UNIT_DIR] [--verbose] [--timeout TIMEOUT]
         [--retry RETRY] [--no-container-init]

       cephadm pull

       cephadm inspect-image

       cephadm ls [-h] [--no-detail] [--legacy-dir LEGACY_DIR]

       cephadm list-networks

       cephadm adopt [-h] --name NAME --style STYLE [--cluster CLUSTER]
         [--legacy-dir LEGACY_DIR] [--config-json CONFIG_JSON]
         [--skip-firewalld] [--skip-pull]

       cephadm rm-daemon [-h] --name NAME --fsid FSID [--force]

       cephadm rm-cluster [-h] --fsid FSID [--force]

       cephadm run [-h] --name NAME --fsid FSID

       cephadm shell [-h] [--fsid FSID] [--name NAME] [--config CONFIG]
       [--keyring KEYRING] --mount [MOUNT [MOUNT ...]] [--env ENV]
       [--] [command [command ...]]

       cephadm enter [-h] [--fsid FSID] --name NAME [command [command ...]]

       cephadm ceph-volume [-h] [--fsid FSID] [--config-json CONFIG_JSON]
       [--config CONFIG] [--keyring KEYRING]
       command [command ...]

       cephadm unit  [-h] [--fsid FSID] --name NAME command

       cephadm logs [-h] [--fsid FSID] --name NAME [command [command ...]]

       cephadm bootstrap [-h] [--config CONFIG] [--mon-id MON_ID]
         [--mon-addrv MON_ADDRV] [--mon-ip MON_IP]
         [--mgr-id MGR_ID] [--fsid FSID]
         [--log-to-file] [--single-host-defaults]
         [--output-dir OUTPUT_DIR]
         [--output-keyring OUTPUT_KEYRING]
         [--output-config OUTPUT_CONFIG]
         [--output-pub-ssh-key OUTPUT_PUB_SSH_KEY]
         [--initial-dashboard-user INITIAL_DASHBOARD_USER]
         [--initial-dashboard-password INITIAL_DASHBOARD_PASSWORD]
         [--ssl-dashboard-port SSL_DASHBOARD_PORT]
         [--dashboard-key DASHBOARD_KEY]
         [--dashboard-crt DASHBOARD_CRT]
         [--ssh-config SSH_CONFIG]
         [--ssh-private-key SSH_PRIVATE_KEY]
         [--ssh-public-key SSH_PUBLIC_KEY]
         [--ssh-user SSH_USER] [--skip-mon-network]
         [--skip-dashboard] [--dashboard-password-noupdate]
         [--no-minimize-config] [--skip-ping-check]
         [--skip-pull] [--skip-firewalld] [--allow-overwrite]
         [--allow-fqdn-hostname] [--skip-prepare-host]
         [--orphan-initial-daemons] [--skip-monitoring-stack]
         [--apply-spec APPLY_SPEC]
         [--registry-url REGISTRY_URL]
         [--registry-username REGISTRY_USERNAME]
         [--registry-password REGISTRY_PASSWORD]
         [--registry-json REGISTRY_JSON]

       cephadm deploy [-h] --name NAME --fsid FSID [--config CONFIG]
         [--config-json CONFIG_JSON] [--keyring KEYRING]
         [--key KEY] [--osd-fsid OSD_FSID] [--skip-firewalld]
         [--tcp-ports TCP_PORTS] [--reconfig] [--allow-ptrace]

       cephadm check-host [-h] [--expect-hostname EXPECT_HOSTNAME]

       cephadm prepare-host

       cephadm add-repo [-h] [--release RELEASE] [--version VERSION]
         [--dev DEV] [--dev-commit DEV_COMMIT]
         [--gpg-url GPG_URL] [--repo-url REPO_URL]

       cephadm rm-repo

       cephadm install [-h] [packages [packages ...]]

       cephadm registry-login [-h] [--registry-url REGISTRY_URL]
         [--registry-username REGISTRY_USERNAME]
         [--registry-password REGISTRY_PASSWORD]
         [--registry-json REGISTRY_JSON] [--fsid FSID]


       cephadm is a command line tool to manage the local host for the cephadm orchestrator.

       It provides commands to investigate and modify the state of the current host.

       cephadm is not required on all hosts, but useful when investigating a particular daemon.


       --image IMAGE
              container image. Can also be set via the "CEPHADM_IMAGE" env var (default: None)

              use docker instead of podman (default: False)

       --data-dir DATA_DIR
              base directory for daemon data (default: /var/lib/ceph)

       --log-dir LOG_DIR
              base directory for daemon logs (default: /var/log/ceph)

       --logrotate-dir LOGROTATE_DIR
              location of logrotate configuration files (default: /etc/logrotate.d)

       --unit-dir UNIT_DIR
              base directory for systemd units (default: /etc/systemd/system)

       --verbose, -v
              Show debug-level log messages (default: False)

       --timeout TIMEOUT
              timeout in seconds (default: None)

       --retry RETRY
              max number of retries (default: 10)

              do not run podman/docker with --init (default: False)


       configure local package repository to also include the ceph repository.


       • [--release RELEASE]       use latest version of a named release (e.g., octopus)

       • [--version VERSION]       use specific upstream version (x.y.z)

       • [--dev DEV]               use specified bleeding edge build from git branch or tag

       • [--dev-commit DEV_COMMIT] use specified bleeding edge build from git commit

       • [--gpg-url GPG_URL]       specify alternative GPG key location

       • [--repo-url REPO_URL]     specify alternative repo location

       Adopt a daemon deployed with a different deployment tool.


       • [--name NAME, -n NAME]       daemon name (

       • [--style STYLE]              deployment style (legacy, ...)

       • [--cluster CLUSTER]          cluster name

       • [--legacy-dir LEGACY_DIR]    base directory for legacy daemon data

       • [--config-json CONFIG_JSON]  Additional configuration information in JSON format

       • [--skip-firewalld]           Do not configure firewalld

       • [--skip-pull]                do not pull the latest image before adopting


       When starting the shell, cephadm looks for configuration in the following order.  Only the
       first values found are used:

       1. An explicit, user provided path to a config file (-c/--config option)

       2. Config     file     for      daemon      specified      with      --name      parameter

       3. /var/lib/ceph/<fsid>/config/ceph.conf if it exists

       4. The  config  file  for  a  mon  daemon (/var/lib/ceph/<fsid>/mon.<mon-id>/config) if it

       5. Finally: fallback to the default file /etc/ceph/ceph.conf

       Bootstrap a cluster on the local  host.  It  deploys  a  MON  and  a  MGR  and  then  also
       automatically  deploys the monitoring stack on this host (see --skip-monitoring-stack) and
       calls ceph orch host add $(hostname) (see --skip-ssh).


       • [--config CONFIG, -c CONFIG]    ceph conf file to incorporate

       • [--mon-id MON_ID]               mon id (default: local hostname)

       • [--mon-addrv           MON_ADDRV]                   mon            IPs            (e.g.,

       • [--mon-ip MON_IP]               mon IP

       • [--mgr-id MGR_ID]               mgr id (default: randomly generated)

       • [--fsid FSID]                   cluster FSID

       • [--log-to-file]                 configure cluster to log to traditional log files

       • [--single-host-defaults]        configure cluster to run on a single host

       • [--output-dir OUTPUT_DIR]       directory to write config, keyring, and pub key files

       • [--output-keyring  OUTPUT_KEYRING] location to write keyring file with new cluster admin
         and mon keys

       • [--output-config OUTPUT_CONFIG] location to write conf file to connect to new cluster

       • [--output-pub-ssh-key OUTPUT_PUB_SSH_KEY] location to write the cluster's public SSH key

       • [--skip-ssh                     skip setup of ssh key on local host

       • [--initial-dashboard-user INITIAL_DASHBOARD_USER] Initial user for the dashboard

       • [--initial-dashboard-password  INITIAL_DASHBOARD_PASSWORD]  Initial  password  for   the
         initial dashboard user

       • [--ssl-dashboard-port  SSL_DASHBOARD_PORT]  Port  number  used to connect with dashboard
         using SSL

       • [--dashboard-key DASHBOARD_KEY] Dashboard key

       • [--dashboard-crt DASHBOARD_CRT] Dashboard certificate

       • [--ssh-config SSH_CONFIG] SSH config

       • [--ssh-private-key SSH_PRIVATE_KEY] SSH private key

       • [--ssh-public-key SSH_PUBLIC_KEY] SSH public key

       • [--ssh-user SSH_USER]           set user for SSHing to cluster hosts, passwordless  sudo
         will be needed for non-root users'

       • [--skip-mon-network]            set mon public_network based on bootstrap mon ip

       • [--skip-dashboard]              do not enable the Ceph Dashboard

       • [--dashboard-password-noupdate] stop forced dashboard password change

       • [--no-minimize-config]          do not assimilate and minimize the config file

       • [--skip-ping-check]             do not verify that mon IP is pingable

       • [--skip-pull]                   do not pull the latest image before bootstrapping

       • [--skip-firewalld]              Do not configure firewalld

       • [--allow-overwrite]                 allow     overwrite     of    existing    --output-*
         config/keyring/ssh files

       • [--allow-fqdn-hostname]         allow hostname that is fully-qualified (contains ".")

       • [--skip-prepare-host]           Do not prepare host

       • [--orphan-initial-daemons]      Do not create initial mon, mgr, and crash service specs

       • [--skip-monitoring-stack]        Do  not  automatically  provision   monitoring   stack]
         (prometheus, grafana, alertmanager, node-exporter)

       • [--apply-spec  APPLY_SPEC]        Apply  cluster spec after bootstrap (copy ssh key, add
         hosts and apply services)

       • [--registry-url REGISTRY_URL]   url of custom registry  to  login  to.  e.g.,

       • [--registry-username  REGISTRY_USERNAME]  username  of  account  to  login  to on custom

       • [--registry-password REGISTRY_PASSWORD] password  of  account  to  login  to  on  custom

       • [--registry-json   REGISTRY_JSON]   JSON   file  containing  registry  login  info  (see
         registry-login command documentation)

       Run ceph-volume inside a container:

          cephadm ceph-volume inventory

       Positional arguments: * [command]               command


       • [--fsid FSID]                    cluster FSID

       • [--config-json CONFIG_JSON]      JSON file with config and (client.bootrap-osd) key

       • [--config CONFIG, -c CONFIG]     ceph conf file

       • [--keyring KEYRING, -k KEYRING]  ceph.keyring to pass through to the container

       check host configuration to be suitable for a Ceph cluster.


       • [--expect-hostname EXPECT_HOSTNAME] Check that hostname matches an expected value

       deploy a daemon on the local host. Used by the orchestrator CLI:

          cephadm shell -- ceph orch apply <type> ...


       • [--name NAME]               daemon name (

       • [--fsid FSID]               cluster FSID

       • [--config CONFIG, -c CONFIG] config file for new daemon

       • [--config-json CONFIG_JSON] Additional configuration information in JSON format

       • [--keyring KEYRING]         keyring for new daemon

       • [--key KEY]                 key for new daemon

       • [--osd-fsid OSD_FSID]       OSD uuid, if creating an OSD container

       • [--skip-firewalld]          Do not configure firewalld

       • [--tcp-ports                List of tcp ports to open in the host firewall

       • [--reconfig]                Reconfigure a previously deployed daemon

       • [--allow-ptrace]            Allow SYS_PTRACE on daemon container

       Run an interactive shell inside a running daemon container:

          cephadm enter --name mgr.myhost.ysubfo

       Positional arguments: * [command]               command


       • [--fsid FSID]           cluster FSID

       • [--name NAME, -n NAME]  daemon name (

       install ceph package(s)

       Positional arguments:

       • [packages]    packages

       inspect local ceph container image.

       list IP networks

       list daemon instances known to cephadm on this host:

          $ cephadm ls
                  "style": "cephadm:v1",
                  "name": "",
                  "fsid": "5110cb22-8332-11ea-9148-0894ef7e8bdc",
                  "enabled": true,
                  "state": "running",
                  "container_id": "8562de72370a3836473ecfff8a22c9ccdd99815386b4692a2b30924fb5493c44",
                  "container_image_name": "",
                  "container_image_id": "bc83a388465f0568dab4501fb7684398dca8b50ca12a342a57f21815721723c2",
                  "version": "15.2.1",
                  "started": "2020-04-21T01:16:41.831456",
                  "created": "2020-04-21T01:16:41.775024",
                  "deployed": "2020-04-21T01:16:41.415021",
                  "configured": "2020-04-21T01:16:41.775024"


       • [--no-detail]             Do not include daemon status

       • [--legacy-dir LEGACY_DIR] Base directory for legacy daemon data

       print journald logs for a daemon container:

          cephadm logs --name mgr.myhost.ysubfo

       This is similar to:

          journalctl -u mgr.myhost.ysubfo

       Can also specify additional journal arguments:

          cephadm logs --name mgr.myhost.ysubfo -- -n 20 # last 20 lines
          cephadm logs --name mgr.myhost.ysubfo -- -f # follow the log

       Positional arguments:

       • [command]               command (optional)


       • [--fsid FSID]           cluster FSID

       • [--name NAME, -n NAME]  daemon name (

       prepare a host for cephadm use


       • [--expect-hostname EXPECT_HOSTNAME] Set hostname

       Pull the ceph image:

          cephadm pull

       Give cephadm login information for an authenticated registry (url, username and password).
       Cephadm will attempt to log the calling host into that registry:

          cephadm registry-login --registry-url [REGISTRY_URL] --registry-username [USERNAME]
                                 --registry-password [PASSWORD]

       Can also use a JSON file containing the login info formatted as:


       and turn it in with command:

          cephadm registry-login --registry-json [JSON FILE]


       • [--registry-url REGISTRY_URL]   url of registry to login to. e.g.,

       • [--registry-username REGISTRY_USERNAME] username of account to login to on registry

       • [--registry-password REGISTRY_PASSWORD] password of account to login to on registry

       • [--registry-json REGISTRY_JSON] JSON file containing login info for custom registry

       • [--fsid FSID]                   cluster FSID

       Remove a specific daemon instance


       • [--name NAME, -n NAME]  daemon name (

       • [--fsid FSID]           cluster FSID

       • [--force]               proceed, even though this may destroy valuable data

       • [--force-delete-data]   delete valuable daemon data instead of making a backup

       remove all daemons for a cluster


       • [--fsid FSID]  cluster FSID

       • [--force]      proceed, even though this may destroy valuable data

       remove package repository configuration

       run a ceph daemon, in a container, in the foreground


       • [--name NAME, -n NAME]  daemon name (

       • [--fsid FSID]           cluster FSID

       Run an interactive shell:

          cephadm shell

       Or one specific command inside a container:

          cephadm shell -- ceph orch ls

       Positional arguments:

       • [command]               command (optional)


       • [--fsid FSID]                   cluster FSID

       • [--name NAME, -n NAME]          daemon name (

       • [--config CONFIG, -c CONFIG]    ceph.conf to pass through to the container

       • [--keyring KEYRING, -k KEYRING] ceph.keyring to pass through to the container

       • [--mount MOUNT, -m MOUNT]       mount a file or directory under /mnt in the container

       • [--env ENV, -e ENV]             set environment variable

       Operate on the daemon's systemd unit.

       Positional arguments:

       • [command]               systemd command (start, stop, restart, enable, disable, ...)


       • [--fsid FSID]           cluster FSID

       • [--name NAME, -n NAME]  daemon name (


       cephadm  is  part  of Ceph, a massively scalable, open-source, distributed storage system.
       Please refer to the documentation at for more information.




       2010-2024, Inktank  Storage,  Inc.  and  contributors.  Licensed  under  Creative  Commons
       Attribution Share Alike 3.0 (CC-BY-SA-3.0)