Provided by: calibre_5.25.0+dfsg-2_all bug


       calibredb - calibredb

          calibredb command [options] [arguments]

       calibredb  is  the  command  line  interface  to  the  calibre  database.  It  has several
       sub-commands, documented below.

       calibredb can be used to manipulate either a calibre  database  specified  by  path  or  a
       calibre  Content  server running either on the local machine or over the internet. You can
       start a calibre Content server using either the calibre-server  program  or  in  the  main
       calibre  program  click  Connect/share   →  Start Content server. Since calibredb can make
       changes to your calibre libraries, you must setup  authentication  on  the  server  first.
       There are two ways to do that:

          · If  you plan to connect only to a server running on the same computer, you can simply
            use the --enable-local-write option of the Content  server,  to  allow  any  program,
            including  calibredb,  running  on the local computer to make changes to your calibre
            data. When running the server from the  main  calibre  program,  this  option  is  in
            Preferences → Sharing over the net → Advanced.

          · If  you  want to enable access over the internet, then you should setup user accounts
            on the server and use the --username and --password options to calibredb to  give  it
            access.   You   can  setup  user  authentication  for  calibre-server  by  using  the
            --enable-auth option and using --manage-users to create the user  accounts.   If  you
            are  running the server from the main calibre program, use Preferences → Sharing over
            the net → Require username/password.

       To connect to a running Content server, pass the URL of the server to  the  --with-library
       option, see the documentation of that option for details and examples.


       · list

       · add


       · remove

       · add_format

       · remove_format

       · show_metadata

       · set_metadata

       · export

       · catalog

         · EPUB OPTIONS

       · saved_searches

       · add_custom_column

       · custom_columns

       · remove_custom_column

       · set_custom

       · restore_database

       · check_library

       · list_categories

       · backup_metadata

       · clone

       · embed_metadata

       · search


       --help, -h
              show this help message and exit

       --library-path, --with-library
              Path to the calibre library. Default is to use the path stored in the settings. You
              can also connect  to  a  calibre  Content  server  to  perform  actions  on  remote
              libraries.  To  do  so  use a URL of the form: http://hostname:port/#library_id for
              example, http://localhost:8080/#mylibrary. library_id is  the  library  id  of  the
              library  you  want  to  connect  to  on the Content server. You can use the special
              library_id value of - to get a list of library ids available  on  the  server.  For
              details    on    how    to    setup    access    via    a   Content   server,   see

              Password for connecting to a calibre Content server.  To  read  the  password  from
              standard  input,  use the special value: <stdin>. To read the password from a file,
              use: <f:/path/to/file> (i.e. <f: followed by the  full  path  to  the  file  and  a
              trailing  >). The angle brackets in the above are required, remember to escape them
              or use quotes for your shell.

              The timeout, in seconds, when connecting to a calibre library over the network. The
              default is two minutes.

              Username for connecting to a calibre Content server

              show program's version number and exit


          calibredb list [options]

       Listet die vorhandenen Bücher in der Calibre Datenbank auf.

       Whenever  you  pass arguments to calibredb that have spaces in them, enclose the arguments
       in quotation marks. For example: "/some path/with spaces"

              Sortiere Ergebnisse in aufsteigender Reihenfolge

       --fields, -f
              The fields to display when listing  books  in  the  database.  Should  be  a  comma
              separated  list of fields. Available fields: author_sort, authors, comments, cover,
              formats, identifiers, isbn, languages, last_modified, pubdate,  publisher,  rating,
              series,  series_index,  size,  tags, timestamp, title, uuid Default: title,authors.
              The special field "all" can be used to  select  all  fields.  In  addition  to  the
              builtin fields above, custom fields are also available as *field_name, for example,
              for a custom field #rating, use the name: *rating

              Generate output in JSON format, which is more suitable for machine parsing.  Causes
              the line width and separator options to be ignored.

              The maximum number of results to display. Default: all

       --line-width, -w
              Maximale  Breite  einer  einzelnen Zeile in der Ausgabe. In der Voreinstellung wird
              die Bildschirmgröße erkannt.

              Der Vorsatzcode zu allen Dateipfaden. Die Voreinstellung ist der absolute Pfad  zum

       --search, -s
              Filtere  die Ergebnisse durch die Suchanfrage. Für das Format der Suchanfrage sehen
              Sie sich bitte die Dokumentation, die die Suche betrifft, im  Benutzerhandbuch  an.
              Voreinstellung ist, keine Filterung durchzuführen.

              Zeichenfolge zur Unterscheidung der Felder. Die Voreinstellung ist ein Leerzeichen.

              The  field  by  which  to sort the results. Available fields: author_sort, authors,
              comments, cover, formats, identifiers,  isbn,  languages,  last_modified,  pubdate,
              publisher,  rating,  series,  series_index,  size,  tags,  timestamp,  title,  uuid
              Default: id


          calibredb add [options] file1 file2 file3 ...

       Add the specified files as books to the database. You can also specify  folders,  see  the
       folder related options below.

       Whenever  you  pass arguments to calibredb that have spaces in them, enclose the arguments
       in quotation marks. For example: "/some path/with spaces"

       --authors, -a
              Set the authors of the added book(s)

       --automerge, -m
              If books with similar titles and authors are  found,  merge  the  incoming  formats
              (files)  automatically  into  existing  book  records.  A  value  of "ignore" means
              duplicate formats are discarded. A value of "overwrite" means duplicate formats  in
              the  library  are  overwritten  with the newly added files. A value of "new_record"
              means duplicate formats are placed into a new book record.

       --cover, -c
              Path to the cover to use for the added book

       --duplicates, -d
              Add books to database even if they already exist. Comparison is done based on  book
              titles and authors. Note that the --automerge option takes precedence.

       --empty, -e
              Add an empty book (a book with no formats)

       --identifier, -I
              Set the identifiers for this book, for e.g. -I asin:XXX -I isbn:YYY

       --isbn, -i
              Set the ISBN of the added book(s)

       --languages, -l
              A comma separated list of languages (best to use ISO639 language codes, though some
              language names may also be recognized)

       --series, -s
              Set the series of the added book(s)

       --series-index, -S
              Set the series number of the added book(s)

       --tags, -T
              Set the tags of the added book(s)

       --title, -t
              Set the title of the added book(s)

       Options to control the adding of books from folders.  By  default  only  files  that  have
       extensions of known e-book file types are added.

       --add  A  filename (glob) pattern, files matching this pattern will be added when scanning
              folders for files, even if they are not  of  a  known  e-book  file  type.  Can  be
              specified multiple times for multiple patterns.

              A  filename  (glob)  pattern,  files  matching  this  pattern  will be ignored when
              scanning folders for files. Can be specified multiple times for multiple  patterns.
              For e.g.: *.pdf will ignore all PDF files

       --one-book-per-directory, -1
              Assume that each folder has only a single logical book and that all files in it are
              different e-book formats of that book

       --recurse, -r
              Process folders recursively


          calibredb remove ids

       Remove the books identified by ids from the database. ids should be a comma separated list
       of  id  numbers  (you  can  get  id  numbers  by  using  the search command). For example,
       23,34,57-85 (when specifying a range, the last number in the range is not included).

       Whenever you pass arguments to calibredb that have spaces in them, enclose  the  arguments
       in quotation marks. For example: "/some path/with spaces"

              Do not use the recycle bin


          calibredb add_format [options] id ebook_file

       Add  the  e-book in ebook_file to the available formats for the logical book identified by
       id. You can get id by using the search command.  If  the  format  already  exists,  it  is
       replaced, unless the do not replace option is specified.

       Whenever  you  pass arguments to calibredb that have spaces in them, enclose the arguments
       in quotation marks. For example: "/some path/with spaces"

              Do not replace the format if it already exists


          calibredb remove_format [options] id fmt

       Remove the format fmt from the logical book identified by id. You can get id by using  the
       search  command.  fmt  should  be a file extension like LRF or TXT or EPUB. If the logical
       book does not have fmt available, do nothing.

       Whenever you pass arguments to calibredb that have spaces in them, enclose  the  arguments
       in quotation marks. For example: "/some path/with spaces"


          calibredb show_metadata [options] id

       Show  the metadata stored in the calibre database for the book identified by id.  id is an
       id number from the search command.

       Whenever you pass arguments to calibredb that have spaces in them, enclose  the  arguments
       in quotation marks. For example: "/some path/with spaces"

              Drucke Metadaten als OPF (XML)


          calibredb set_metadata [options] id [/path/to/metadata.opf]

       Set the metadata stored in the calibre database for the book identified by id from the OPF
       file metadata.opf. id is an id number from the search command. You can get  a  quick  feel
       for the OPF format by using the --as-opf switch to the show_metadata command. You can also
       set the metadata of individual fields with the --field option.  If  you  use  the  --field
       option, there is no need to specify an OPF file.

       Whenever  you  pass arguments to calibredb that have spaces in them, enclose the arguments
       in quotation marks. For example: "/some path/with spaces"

       --field, -f
              The field to set. Format is field_name:value, for example: --field  tags:tag1,tag2.
              Use  --list-fields  to  get  a list of all field names. You can specify this option
              multiple times to set multiple fields. Note: For languages you must use the  ISO639
              language codes (e.g. en for English, fr for French and so on). For identifiers, the
              syntax is --field identifiers:isbn:XXXX,doi:YYYYY. For boolean (yes/no) fields  use
              true and false or yes and no.

       --list-fields, -l
              List the metadata field names that can be used with the --field option


          calibredb export [options] ids

       Export  the books specified by ids (a comma separated list) to the filesystem.  The export
       operation saves all formats of the book, its cover and metadata (in an opf file). You  can
       get id numbers from the search command.

       Whenever  you  pass arguments to calibredb that have spaces in them, enclose the arguments
       in quotation marks. For example: "/some path/with spaces"

       --all  Exportiere alle Bücher der Datenbank, die Liste der IDs wird ignoriert.

              Have calibre convert all non English characters into English  equivalents  for  the
              file  names.  This  is useful if saving to a legacy filesystem without full support
              for Unicode filenames. Die Betätigung dieses Schalters stellt das Verhalten aus.

              Normally, calibre will save the cover in a separate  file  along  with  the  actual
              e-book files. Die Betätigung dieses Schalters stellt das Verhalten aus.

              Normalerweise  aktualisiert  Calibre die Metadaten in den gespeicherten Dateien mit
              den Metadaten in der Calibre Bibliothek. Dies verlangsamt  das  Speichern  auf  die
              Festplatte. Die Betätigung dieses Schalters stellt das Verhalten aus.

              Normalerweise  schreibt Calibre die Metadaten in eine gesonderte OPF Datei zusammen
              mit den eigentlichen eBook Dateien. Die  Betätigung  dieses  Schalters  stellt  das
              Verhalten aus.

              Comma  separated  list  of  formats to save for each book. By default all available
              formats are saved.

              Report progress

              Leerzeichen mit Unterstrichen ersetzen.

              Export all books into a single folder

              The template to control the filename and  folder  structure  of  the  saved  files.
              Default is "{author_sort}/{title}/{title} - {authors}" which will save books into a
              per-author subfolder with filenames containing title and author. Available controls
              are: {author_sort, authors, id, isbn, languages, last_modified, pubdate, publisher,
              rating, series, series_index, tags, timestamp, title}

              The format in which to display dates. %d - day, %b - month, %m - month number, %Y -
              year. Default is: %b, %Y

              Export books to the specified folder. Default is .

              Pfade in Kleinschreibung umwandeln.


          calibredb catalog /path/to/destination.(csv|epub|mobi|xml...) [options]

       Export  a  catalog  in format specified by path/to/destination extension.  Options control
       how entries are displayed in the generated catalog output.  Note  that  different  catalog
       formats  support different sets of options. To see the different options, specify the name
       of the output file and then the --help option.

       Whenever you pass arguments to calibredb that have spaces in them, enclose  the  arguments
       in quotation marks. For example: "/some path/with spaces"

       --ids, -i
              Comma-separated  list of database IDs to catalog. If declared, --search is ignored.
              Default: all

       --search, -s
              Filter the results by the search query. For the format of the search query,  please
              see the search-related documentation in the User Manual. Default: no filtering

       --verbose, -v
              Zeige detailierte Ausgabeinformation. Hilfreich zur Fehlersuche.

              Title  of  generated catalog used as title in metadata. Default: 'My Books' Applies
              to: AZW3, EPUB, MOBI output formats

              Create cross-references  in  Authors  section  for  books  with  multiple  authors.
              Default: 'False' Applies to: AZW3, EPUB, MOBI output formats

              Save  the  output from different stages of the conversion pipeline to the specified
              folder. Useful if you are unsure at which stage of the conversion process a bug  is
              occurring. Default: 'None' Applies to: AZW3, EPUB, MOBI output formats

              Regex  describing tags to exclude as genres. Default: '[.+]|^+$' excludes bracketed
              tags, e.g. '[Project Gutenberg]', and '+', the default tag for read books.  Applies
              to: AZW3, EPUB, MOBI output formats

              Specifies the rules used to exclude books from the generated catalog. The model for
              an exclusion rule is either ('<rule name>','Tags','<comma-separated list of tags>')
              or   ('<rule   name>','<custom   column>','<pattern>').  For  example:  (('Archived
              books','#status','Archived'),) will exclude a book with a value  of  'Archived'  in
              the  custom  column  'status'.  When  multiple rules are defined, all rules will be
              applied. Default:  "(('Catalogs','Tags','Catalog'),)" Applies to: AZW3, EPUB,  MOBI
              output formats

              Include 'Authors' section in catalog. Default: 'False' Applies to: AZW3, EPUB, MOBI
              output formats

              Include 'Descriptions' section in catalog. Default: 'False' Applies to: AZW3, EPUB,
              MOBI output formats

              Include  'Genres' section in catalog. Default: 'False' Applies to: AZW3, EPUB, MOBI
              output formats

              Include 'Recently Added' section in catalog. Default:  'False'  Applies  to:  AZW3,
              EPUB, MOBI output formats

              Include  'Series' section in catalog. Default: 'False' Applies to: AZW3, EPUB, MOBI
              output formats

              Include 'Titles' section in catalog. Default: 'False' Applies to: AZW3, EPUB,  MOBI
              output formats

              Source  field  for  'Genres'  section. Default: 'Etiketten' Applies to: AZW3, EPUB,
              MOBI output formats

              Custom field containing note text to insert  in  Description  header.  Default:  ''
              Applies to: AZW3, EPUB, MOBI output formats

              #<custom  field>:[before|after]:[True|False]  specifying:   <custom  field>  Custom
              field containing notes to merge with comments  [before|after]  Placement  of  notes
              with  respect  to  comments   [True|False]  - A horizontal rule is inserted between
              notes and comments Default: '::' Applies to: AZW3, EPUB, MOBI output formats

              Specifies the output profile. In some cases,  an  output  profile  is  required  to
              optimize the catalog for the device. For example, 'kindle' or 'kindle_dx' creates a
              structured Table of Contents with Sections and Articles.  Default:  'None'  Applies
              to: AZW3, EPUB, MOBI output formats

              Specifies  the rules used to include prefixes indicating read books, wishlist items
              and other  user-specified  prefixes.  The  model  for  a  prefix  rule  is  ('<rule
              name>','<source  field>','<pattern>','<prefix>').  When multiple rules are defined,
              the    first    matching    rule    will     be     used.     Default:     "(('Read
              books','tags','+',''),('Wishlist  item','tags','Wishlist','×'))" Applies to: AZW3,
              EPUB, MOBI output formats

              Use a named preset created with the GUI catalog builder.  A  preset  specifies  all
              settings  for  building  a  catalog.  Default:  'None' Applies to: AZW3, EPUB, MOBI
              output formats

              Size hint (in inches) for book covers in catalog. Range: 1.0 - 2.0  Default:  '1.0'
              Applies to: AZW3, EPUB, MOBI output formats

              Replace  existing  cover  when generating the catalog. Default: 'False' Applies to:
              AZW3, EPUB, MOBI output formats


          calibredb saved_searches [options] (list|add|remove)

       Manage the saved searches stored in this database.  If you try to add a query with a  name
       that already exists, it will be replaced.

       Syntax for adding:

       calibredb saved_searches add search_name search_expression

       Syntax for removing:

       calibredb saved_searches remove search_name

       Whenever  you  pass arguments to calibredb that have spaces in them, enclose the arguments
       in quotation marks. For example: "/some path/with spaces"


          calibredb add_custom_column [options] label name datatype

       Create a custom column. label is the machine friendly  name  of  the  column.  Should  not
       contain  spaces or colons. name is the human friendly name of the column.  datatype is one
       of: bool, comments, composite, datetime, enumeration, float, int, rating, series, text

       Whenever you pass arguments to calibredb that have spaces in them, enclose  the  arguments
       in quotation marks. For example: "/some path/with spaces"

              A  dictionary  of  options  to  customize  how  the  data  in  this  column will be
              interpreted. This is a JSON  string.  For  enumeration  columns,  use  --display"{\
              "enum_values\  ":[\ "val1\ ", \ "val2\ "]}" There are many options that can go into
              the display variable.The options by column type are: composite: composite_template,
              composite_sort,  make_category,contains_html, use_decorations datetime: date_format
              enumeration: enum_values, enum_colors, use_decorations  int,  float:  number_format
              text:  is_names,  use_decorations   The  best  way to find legal combinations is to
              create a custom column of the appropriate type in the GUI then look at  the  backup
              OPF for a book (ensure that a new OPF has been created since the column was added).
              You will see the JSON for the "display" for the new column in the OPF.

              This column stores tag like data  (i.e.  multiple  comma  separated  values).  Only
              applies if datatype is text.


          calibredb custom_columns [options]

       List available custom columns. Shows column labels and ids.

       Whenever  you  pass arguments to calibredb that have spaces in them, enclose the arguments
       in quotation marks. For example: "/some path/with spaces"

       --details, -d
              Show details for each column.


          calibredb remove_custom_column [options] label

       Remove the custom column identified by label. You  can  see  available  columns  with  the
       custom_columns command.

       Whenever  you  pass arguments to calibredb that have spaces in them, enclose the arguments
       in quotation marks. For example: "/some path/with spaces"

       --force, -f
              Do not ask for confirmation


          calibredb set_custom [options] column id value

       Set the value of a custom column for the book identified by id.  You can get a list of ids
       using  the  search  command.   You  can  get  a  list  of  custom  column  names using the
       custom_columns command.

       Whenever you pass arguments to calibredb that have spaces in them, enclose  the  arguments
       in quotation marks. For example: "/some path/with spaces"

       --append, -a
              If  the  column stores multiple values, append the specified values to the existing
              ones, instead of replacing them.


          calibredb restore_database [options]

       Restore this database from the metadata stored in OPF files in each folder of the  calibre
       library. This is useful if your metadata.db file has been corrupted.

       WARNING:  This  command  completely  regenerates  your  database.  You will lose all saved
       searches, user categories, plugboards, stored per-book  conversion  settings,  and  custom
       recipes. Restored metadata will only be as accurate as what is found in the OPF files.

       Whenever  you  pass arguments to calibredb that have spaces in them, enclose the arguments
       in quotation marks. For example: "/some path/with spaces"

       --really-do-it, -r
              Really do the recovery. The command will not run unless this option is specified.


          calibredb check_library [options]

       Perform some checks on the filesystem representing a library. Reports are  invalid_titles,
       extra_titles, invalid_authors, extra_authors, missing_formats, extra_formats, extra_files,
       missing_covers, extra_covers, failed_folders

       Whenever you pass arguments to calibredb that have spaces in them, enclose  the  arguments
       in quotation marks. For example: "/some path/with spaces"

       --csv, -c
              Output in CSV

       --ignore_extensions, -e
              Comma-separated list of extensions to ignore. Default: all

       --ignore_names, -n
              Comma-separated list of names to ignore. Default: all

       --report, -r
              Comma-separated list of reports. Default: all


          calibredb list_categories [options]

       Produce  a  report  of  the  category  information in the database. The information is the
       equivalent of what is shown in the Tag browser.

       Whenever you pass arguments to calibredb that have spaces in them, enclose  the  arguments
       in quotation marks. For example: "/some path/with spaces"

       --categories, -r
              Comma-separated list of category lookup names. Default: all

       --csv, -c
              Output in CSV

              The type of CSV file to produce. Choices: excel, excel-tab, unix

       --item_count, -i
              Output only the number of items in a category instead of the counts per item within
              the category

       --width, -w
              Maximale Breite einer einzelnen Zeile in der Ausgabe. In  der  Voreinstellung  wird
              die Bildschirmgröße erkannt.


          calibredb backup_metadata [options]

       Backup the metadata stored in the database into individual OPF files in each books folder.
       This normally happens automatically, but you can run this command to  force  re-generation
       of the OPF files, with the --all option.

       Note  that  there  is  normally  no  need  to  do  this,  as  the  OPF files are backed up
       automatically, every time metadata is changed.

       Whenever you pass arguments to calibredb that have spaces in them, enclose  the  arguments
       in quotation marks. For example: "/some path/with spaces"

       --all  Normally, this command only operates on books that have out of date OPF files. This
              option makes it operate on all books.


          calibredb clone path/to/new/library

       Create a clone of the current library. This creates a new, empty library that has all  the
       same custom columns, Virtual libraries and other settings as the current library.

       The  cloned  library  will  contain  no  books.  If  you  want to create a full duplicate,
       including all books, then simply use your filesystem tools to copy the library folder.

       Whenever you pass arguments to calibredb that have spaces in them, enclose  the  arguments
       in quotation marks. For example: "/some path/with spaces"


          calibredb embed_metadata [options] book_id

       Update  the  metadata  in  the  actual  book  files stored in the calibre library from the
       metadata in the calibre database.  Normally, metadata is updated only when exporting files
       from  calibre,  this  command is useful if you want the files to be updated in place. Note
       that different file formats support different amounts of metadata. You can use the special
       value  'all'  for  book_id to update metadata in all books. You can also specify many book
       ids separated by spaces and  id  ranges  separated  by  hyphens.  For  example:  calibredb
       embed_metadata 1 2 10-15 23

       Whenever  you  pass arguments to calibredb that have spaces in them, enclose the arguments
       in quotation marks. For example: "/some path/with spaces"

       --only-formats, -f
              Only update metadata in files of the specified format. Specify  it  multiple  times
              for multiple formats. By default, all formats are updated.


          calibredb search [options] search expression

       Search the library for the specified search term, returning a comma separated list of book
       ids matching the search expression. The  output  format  is  useful  to  feed  into  other
       commands that accept a list of ids as input.

       The  search  expression can be anything from calibre's powerful search query language, for
       example: calibredb search author:asimov 'title:"i robot"'

       Whenever you pass arguments to calibredb that have spaces in them, enclose  the  arguments
       in quotation marks. For example: "/some path/with spaces"

       --limit, -l
              The maximum number of results to return. Default is all results.


       Kovid Goyal


       Kovid Goyal