Provided by: manpages-sr_4.13-4_all bug


       ascii - ASCII character set encoded in octal, decimal, and hexadecimal


       ASCII  is  the  American  Standard  Code for Information Interchange.  It is a 7-bit code.
       Many 8-bit codes (e.g., ISO 8859-1) contain ASCII as their lower half.  The  international
       counterpart of ASCII is known as ISO 646-IRV.

       Следећа табела садржи 128 ASCII знакова.

       C program '\X' escapes are noted.

       окт   дец   хекс   Знак                             окт   дец   хекс   Знак
       000   0     00     NUL '\0' (null character)        100   64    40     @
       001   1     01     SOH (start of heading)           101   65    41     A
       002   2     02     STX (start of text)              102   66    42     B
       003   3     03     ETX (end of text)                103   67    43     З
       004   4     04     EOT (end of transmission)        104   68    44     D
       005   5     05     ENQ (enquiry)                    105   69    45     E
       006   6     06     ACK (acknowledge)                106   70    46     F
       007   7     07     BEL '\a' (упозорење (ЗВОНЦЕ))    107   71    47     G
       010   8     08     BS  '\b' (повратница)            110   72    48     H
       011   9     09     HT  '\t' (водоравни табулатор)   111   73    49     I
       012   10    0A     LF  '\n' (нови ред)              112   74    4A     J
       013   11    0B     VT  '\v' (усправни табулатор)    113   75    4B     K
       014   12    0C     FF  '\f' (облик довода)          114   76    4C     L
       015   13    0D     CR  '\r' (повратак носиоца)      115   77    4D     M
       016   14    0E     SO  (shift out)                  116   78    4E     N
       017   15    0F     SI  (shift in)                   117   79    4F     O
       020   16    10     DLE (data link escape)           120   80    50     P
       021   17    11     DC1 (device control 1)           121   81    51     Q
       022   18    12     DC2 (device control 2)           122   82    52     R
       023   19    13     DC3 (device control 3)           123   83    53     S
       024   20    14     DC4 (device control 4)           124   84    54     T
       025   21    15     NAK (negative ack.)              125   85    55     U
       026   22    16     SYN (synchronous idle)           126   86    56     V
       027   23    17     ETB (end of trans. blk)          127   87    57     W
       030   24    18     CAN (отказивање)                 130   88    58     X
       031   25    19     EM  (end of medium)              131   89    59     Y
       032   26    1A     SUB (substitute)                 132   90    5A     Z
       033   27    1B     ESC (крај реда)                  133   91    5B     [
       034   28    1C     FS  (file separator)             134   92    5C     \  '\\'
       035   29    1D     GS  (group separator)            135   93    5D     ]
       036   30    1E     RS  (record separator)           136   94    5E     ^
       037   31    1F     US  (unit separator)             137   95    5F     _
       040   32    20     SPACE                            140   96    60     `
       041   33    21     !                                141   97    61     a
       042   34    22     "                                142   98    62     b
       043   35    23     #                                143   99    63     c
       044   36    24     $                                144   100   64     d
       045   37    25     %                                145   101   65     e
       046   38    26     &                                146   102   66     f
       047   39    27     '                                147   103   67     g
       050   40    28     (                                150   104   68     h
       051   41    29     )                                151   105   69     i
       052   42    2A     *                                152   106   6A     j
       053   43    2B     +                                153   107   6B     k
       054   44    2C     ,                                154   108   6C     l
       055   45    2D     -                                155   109   6D     m
       056   46    2E     .                                156   110   6E     n

       057   47    2F     /                                157   111   6F     o
       060   48    30     0                                160   112   70     p
       061   49    31     1                                161   113   71     q
       062   50    32     2                                162   114   72     r
       063   51    33     3                                163   115   73     s
       064   52    34     4                                164   116   74     t
       065   53    35     5                                165   117   75     u
       066   54    36     6                                166   118   76     v
       067   55    37     7                                167   119   77     w
       070   56    38     8                                170   120   78     x
       071   57    39     9                                171   121   79     y
       072   58    3A     :                                172   122   7A     z
       073   59    3B     ;                                173   123   7B     {
       074   60    3C     <                                174   124   7C     |
       075   61    3D     =                                175   125   7D     }
       076   62    3E     >                                176   126   7E     ~
       077   63    3F     ?                                177   127   7F     DEL

       For convenience, below are more compact tables in hex and decimal.

          2 3 4 5 6 7       30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120
        -------------      ---------------------------------
       0:   0 @ P ` p     0:    (  2  <  F  P  Z  d   n   x
       1: ! 1 A Q a q     1:    )  3  =  G  Q  [  e   o   y
       2: " 2 B R b r     2:    *  4  >  H  R  \  f   p   z
       3: # 3 C S c s     3: !  +  5  ?  I  S  ]  g   q   {
       4: $ 4 D T d t     4: "  ,  6  @  J  T  ^  h   r   |
       5: % 5 E U e u     5: #  -  7  A  K  U  _  i   s   }
       6: & 6 F V f v     6: $  .  8  B  L  V  `  j   t   ~
       7: ' 7 G W g w     7: %  /  9  C  M  W  a  k   u  DEL
       8: ( 8 H X h x     8: &  0  :  D  N  X  b  l   v
       9: ) 9 I Y i y     9: '  1  ;  E  O  Y  c  m   w
       A: * : J Z j z
       B: + ; K [ k {
       C: , < L \ l |
       D: - = M ] m }
       E: . > N ^ n ~
       F: / ? O _ o DEL


       An ascii manual page appeared in Version 7 of AT&T UNIX.

       On  older  terminals,  the underscore code is displayed as a left arrow, called backarrow,
       the caret is displayed as an up-arrow and the vertical bar has a hole in the middle.

       Uppercase and lowercase characters differ by just  one  bit  and  the  ASCII  character  2
       differs  from  the  double quote by just one bit, too.  That made it much easier to encode
       characters mechanically or with a non-microcontroller-based electronic keyboard  and  that
       pairing was found on old teletypes.

       The  ASCII  standard  was  published  by  the United States of America Standards Institute
       (USASI) in 1968.


       charsets(7), iso_8859-1(7), iso_8859-2(7),  iso_8859-3(7),  iso_8859-4(7),  iso_8859-5(7),
       iso_8859-6(7),     iso_8859-7(7),     iso_8859-8(7),     iso_8859-9(7),    iso_8859-10(7),
       iso_8859-11(7), iso_8859-13(7), iso_8859-14(7), iso_8859-15(7), iso_8859-16(7), utf-8(7)


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