Provided by: calibre_6.24.0+ds-1_all bug


       calibre-debug - calibre-debug

          calibre-debug [valkostir]

       Various  command  line  interfaces  useful  for  debugging  calibre. With no options, this
       command starts an embedded Python interpreter. You can also run the main calibre GUI,  the
       calibre E-book viewer and the calibre editor in debug mode.

       It  also contains interfaces to various bits of calibre that do not have dedicated command
       line tools, such as font subsetting, the E-book diff tool and so on.

       You can also use calibre-debug to run standalone scripts. To do that use it like this:
          calibre-debug -e -- --option1 --option2 file1 file2 ...

       Everything after the -- is passed to the script. You  can  also  use  calibre-debug  as  a
       shebang in scripts, like this:
          #!/usr/bin/env -S calibre-debug -e -- --

       Whenever  you  pass  arguments  to  calibre-debug  that  have  spaces in them, enclose the
       arguments in quotation marks. For example: "/some path/with spaces"


              Bæta við einfaldri viðbót (þ.e. viðbót sem  er  einungis  .py  skrá),  með  því  að
              tilgreina slóðina á py skránna sem inniheldur kóða viðbótarinnar.

       --command, -c
              Keyra Python-kóða.

       --debug-device-driver, -d
              Kemba tækjauppgötvun

              (Af)skrá  Calibre  úr  eða í hóp sjálfgefinna Windows forrita. --default-programs =

       --diff Keyra calibre diff tólið. Dæmi: calibre-debug --diff file1 file2

              Keyra Calibre-verkfærið "Breyta bók" í aflúsunarham.

       --exec-file, -e
              Keyra Python-kóða í skrá.

       --explode-book, -x
              Explode the book into the specified folder. Usage: -x file.epub output_dir  Exports
              the  book  as  a  collection  of  HTML files and metadata, which you can edit using
              standard HTML editing tools. Works with EPUB, AZW3, HTMLZ and DOCX files.

              Export all calibre data (books/settings/plugins). Normally, you will be  asked  for
              the export folder and the libraries to export. You can also specify them as command
              line arguments to skip the questions. Use absolute paths for the export folder  and
              libraries. The special keyword "all" can be used to export all libraries. Examples:
              calibre-debug --export-all-calibre-data   #  for  interactive  use    calibre-debug
              --export-all-calibre-data   /path/to/empty/export/folder   /path/to/library/folder1
              /path/to/library2   calibre-debug --export-all-calibre-data /export/folder  all   #
              export all known libraries

              For internal use

       --gui, -g
              Keyra GUI með kembun virka. Skilaboð frá kembun skrifast í stdout og stderr.

              Keyra  GUI-ið  með  kembunarstjórnborði, sem tengist tilgreindri slóð. Einungis til
              innri notkunar, notið -g valikostinn til að keyra GUI í kembunarham.

       --help, -h
              sýna þessi hjálparskilaboð og hætta

       --implode-book, -i
              Implode a previously exploded book. Usage: -i output_dir file.epub Imports the book
              from  the  files  in  output_dir which must have been created by a previous call to
              --explode-book. Be sure to specify the same file type as was used when exploding.

              Flytja inn áður útflutt gögn

       --inspect-mobi, -m
              Kanna MOBI skrá(r) á tilgreindri slóð/slóðum

              Keyra út allar slóðir sem nauðsynlegar eru til að setja upp Calibre umhverfið

       --run-plugin, -r
              Run a plugin that provides a command line interface. For example: calibre-debug  -r
              "Plugin  name"  --  file1  --option1  Everything after the -- will be passed to the
              plugin as arguments.

       --run-test, -t
              Run the named test(s). Use the special value "all" to run all tests.  If  the  test
              name  starts  with  a  period  it  is assumed to be a module name. If the test name
              starts with @ it is assumed to be a category name.

              Don't run with the DEBUG flag set

       --shutdown-running-calibre, -s
              Keyrir niður Calibre vinnslu, ef hún er í gangi. Athugið að ef keyrslur eru í gangi
              þá verður þeim hætt án viðvörunar og notið þetta því af varkárni.

       --subset-font, -f
              Setja tilgreindar stafagerðir í undirmengi. Notaðu -- á eftir þessum valkost til að
              koma valkostinum til undirmengjaforritsins.

              Prófa tvíundareiningu í byggju

              sýna útgáfunúmer forrits og hætta

       --viewer, -w
              Keyra rafbókalesarann í aflúsunarham


       Kovid Goyal


       Kovid Goyal