Provided by: bup-doc_0.33.2-1_all bug


       bup-fuse - mount a bup repository as a filesystem


       bup fuse [-d] [-f] [-o] <mountpoint>


       bup fuse opens a bup repository and exports it as a fuse(7) userspace filesystem.

       This feature is only available on systems (such as Linux) which support FUSE.

       WARNING:  bup  fuse  is still experimental and does not enforce any file permissions!  All
       files will be readable by all users.

       When you’re done accessing the  mounted  fuse  filesystem,  you  should  unmount  it  with


       -d, --debug
              run in the foreground and print FUSE debug information for each request.

       -f, --foreground
              run in the foreground and exit only when the filesystem is unmounted.

       -o, --allow-other
              permit  other  users  to  access  the  filesystem.   Necessary  for  exporting  the
              filesystem via Samba, for example.

       --meta report some of the  original  metadata  (when  available)  for  the  mounted  paths
              (currently  the uid, gid, mode, and timestamps).  Without this, only generic values
              will be presented.  This option is not  yet  enabled  by  default  because  it  may
              negatively  affect  performance, and note that any timestamps before 1970-01-01 UTC
              (i.e. before the Unix epoch) will be presented as 1970-01-01 UTC.

       -v, --verbose
              increase verbosity (can be used more than once).


              rm -rf /tmp/buptest
              mkdir /tmp/buptest
              sudo bup fuse -d /tmp/buptest
              ls /tmp/buptest/*/latest
              umount /tmp/buptest


       fuse(7), fusermount(1), bup-ls(1), bup-ftp(1), bup-restore(1), bup-web(1)


       Part of the bup(1) suite.


       Avery Pennarun <>.