Provided by: docker.io_24.0.5-0ubuntu1_amd64 bug


       docker-container-exec - Execute a command in a running container


       docker container exec [OPTIONS] CONTAINER COMMAND [ARG...]


       Run a process in a running container.

       The  command started using docker exec will only run while the container's primary process
       (PID 1) is running, and will not be restarted if the container is restarted.

       If the container is paused, then the docker exec command will wait until the container  is
       unpaused, and then run


       privileged  gives  the  process  extended  Linux  capabilities ⟨
       pages/man7/capabilities.7.html⟩ when running in a container.

       Without this flag, the process run by docker exec in a  running  container  has  the  same
       capabilities  as  the  container,  which  may  be  limited.  Set  --privileged to give all
       capabilities to the process.


       user sets the username or UID used and optionally the groupname or GID for  the  specified

       The followings examples are all valid:
          --user [user | user:group | uid | uid:gid | user:gid | uid:group ]

       Without this argument the command will be run as root in the container.

Exit Status

       The exit code from docker exec gives information about why the container failed to exec or
       why it exited.  When docker exec exits with a non-zero code, the  exit  codes  follow  the
       chroot standard, see below:

       126 if the contained command cannot be invoked

              $ docker exec busybox /etc; echo $?
              # exec: "/etc": permission denied
                docker: Error response from daemon: Contained command could not be invoked

       127 if the contained command cannot be found

              $ docker exec busybox foo; echo $?
              # exec: "foo": executable file not found in $PATH
                docker: Error response from daemon: Contained command not found or does not exist

       Exit code of contained command otherwise

              $ docker exec busybox /bin/sh -c 'exit 3'
              # 3


       -d, --detach[=false]      Detached mode: run command in the background

       --detach-keys=""      Override the key sequence for detaching a container

       -e, --env=      Set environment variables

       --env-file=      Read in a file of environment variables

       -h, --help[=false]      help for exec

       -i, --interactive[=false]      Keep STDIN open even if not attached

       --privileged[=false]      Give extended privileges to the command

       -t, --tty[=false]      Allocate a pseudo-TTY

       -u, --user=""      Username or UID (format: "[:]")

       -w, --workdir=""      Working directory inside the container

