Provided by: golang-golang-x-tools_0.12.0+ds-1ubuntu0.1_amd64 bug


       godoc - extracts and generates documentation for Go programs


       godoc [flag]


       Godoc extracts and generates documentation for Go programs.

       It runs as a web server and presents the documentation as a web page.

             godoc -http=:6060


       -v     verbose mode

              show timestamps with directory listings

       -index enable  identifier  and full text search index (no search box is shown if -index is
              not set)

              glob pattern specifying index files; if not empty, the index  is  read  from  these
              files in sorted order

              index  throttle  value; a value of 0 means no time is allocated to the indexer (the
              indexer will never finish), a value of 1.0 means that index creation is running  at
              full throttle (other goroutines may get no time while the index is built)

              interval  of  indexing; a value of 0 sets it to 5 minutes, a negative value indexes
              only once at startup

              enable playground

              link identifiers to their declarations

              write index to a file; the file name must be specified with -index_files

              maximum number of full text search results shown (no full text index  is  built  if
              maxresults <= 0)

              regular expression matching note markers to show (e.g., "BUG|TODO", ".*")

              Go root directory

              HTTP service address (e.g., '' or just ':6060')

              comma-separated list of analyses to perform
              "type": display identifier resolution, type info, method sets,
                      'implements', and static callees
              "pointer": display channel peers, callers and dynamic callees
                      (significantly slower)
              See for details.

              directory  containing  alternate  template files; if set, the directory may provide
              alternative template files for the files in $GOROOT/lib/godoc

              print to standard output the data that would be served by an HTTP request for path

              zip file providing the file system to serve; disabled if empty


       By default, godoc looks at the packages it finds via $GOROOT and $GOPATH (if set).

       When the -index flag is set, a search index  is  maintained.   The  index  is  created  at

       The  index  contains  both  identifier  and  full  text search information (searchable via
       regular expressions). The maximum number of full text search results shown can be set with
       the  -maxresults flag; if set to 0, no full text results are shown, and only an identifier
       index but no full text search index is created.

       By default, godoc uses the system's GOOS/GOARCH. You can provide the URL parameters "GOOS"
       and "GOARCH" to set the output on the web page for the target system.

       The  presentation  mode  of  web  pages served by godoc can be controlled with the "m" URL
       parameter; it accepts a comma-separated list of flag names as value:

       all    show documentation for all declarations, not just the exported ones

              show all embedded methods, not just those of unexported anonymous fields

       src    show the original source code rather then the extracted documentation

       text   present the page in textual (command-line) form rather than HTML

       flat   present flat (not indented) directory listings using full paths

       For instance,,text shows the documentation  for  all
       (not  just  the exported) declarations of package big, in textual form (as it would appear
       when using godoc from the command line: "godoc -src math/big .*").

       By default, godoc serves files from the file system of the underlying OS. Instead, a  .zip
       file  may be provided via the -zip flag, which contains the file system to serve. The file
       paths stored in the .zip file must use slash ('/') as path separator;  and  they  must  be
       unrooted.  $GOROOT (or -goroot) must be set to the .zip file directory path containing the
       Go root directory. For instance, for a .zip file created by the command:

             zip $HOME/go

       one may run godoc as follows:

             godoc -http=:6060 -goroot=$HOME/go

       Godoc documentation is converted to  HTML  or  to  text  using  the  go/doc  package;  see  for the exact rules.  Godoc also shows example code
       that is runnable by the testing package; see
       for  the conventions.  See "Godoc: documenting Go code" for how to write good comments for


       This manual page was written by Michael Stapelberg <>, for the Debian
       project (and may be used by others).

                                            2019-07-31                                   GODOC(1)