Provided by: xd_5.00.00-2_amd64 bug


       xd - eXtra fast Directory changer


       xd [OPTIONS] arguments


       The  program  xd  is  used  to  perform  eXtra fast Directory changes. Usually to change a
       directory the user is required to enter a command like, e.g., cd /usr/local/bin,  possibly
       using  shell completion. Often this is a tedious task: shell completion shows all entries,
       including files, when we’re only interested in directories and the full  specification  of
       our intented directory may eventually require many keyboard actions.

       Xd  was  designed  a  long  time  ago  (in the early 90s) to reduce the effort of changing
       directories. Often we’re well aware to which directory we want to change, and it’s easy to
       provide  the  initial directory characters of that directory. E.g., if the intent is to cd
       to /usr/local/bin, it’s easy to specify the letters ulb.

       Xd capitalizes on this capability.  By  providing  the  initial  directory  characters  of
       directories  xd determines the expansion(s) allowing you to do fast directory changes. So,
       after entering the command  xd  ulb  xd  may  directly  perform  the  change-directory  to

       Often,  however, multiple alternatives can match the specified series of characters. E.g.,
       when entering xd ulb xd may find several alternatives, like

        1: /usr/lib/base-config
        2: /usr/lib/bonobo
        3: /usr/lib/bonobo-activation
        4: /usr/local/bin

       If these are the alternatives, then this is exactly what xd shows  you.  Then,  by  simply
       pressing the 4 key (no Enter key required) xd performs the required /usr/local/bin.

       Xd’s behavior can be fine-tuned in various ways:

       o      by  default  (as  specified  by  the  configuration  file,  see below) xd looks for
              expansions starting at the user’s home directory or at the system’s root directory;

       o      initial character /: if the first character of the command is / then all expansions
              are  performed  from the system’s root directory. E.g., xd /t produces /tmp but not

       o      initial character .: if the first character of the command is . then by default all
              expansions  are  performed  from  the user’s home directory. E.g., xd .t results in
              /home/user/tmp but not in /tmp. The home directory  recognition  character  can  be
              altered  using  the --homedir-char option, see below (section OPTIONS). When merely
              specifying xd . then xd changes the current directory to the user’s home directory.

       o      initial character 0: If  the  first  character  of  the  command  is  0,  then  all
              expansions start at the current working directory. When merely specifying xd 0 then
              xd returns leaving  the current directory unchanged. When additional characters are
              appended  to  0  then  this  command operates like the following, starting from the
              current working directory;

       o      initial character 1..9: If the first character of the command is a digit between  1
              and  9  then  all  expansions  start  at that parent directory level of the current
              working directory (up to the system’s root directory). E.g., if the current working
              directory  is /usr/share/doc then xd 2lb will offer the alternative /usr/local/bin:
              two steps up, then look for directories starting with  l  and  therein  directories
              starting  with  b.  When  merely  specifying one of these characters xd changes the
              current directory  to  the  indicated  parent,  up  to  the  root-directory  (e.g.,
              specifying xd 5 at /usr/bin changes the current directory to the root-directory)

       o      separators  (space,  and the forward slash (`/’)): sometimes it is clear that there
              are many alternatives and  the  intention  is  to  reduce  that  number.  By  using
              separators  subsequently  nested directories must start with the characters between
              the   separators.   E.g.,   xd   u   l   bi   doesn’t   produce   the   alternative
              /usr/lib/base-config  anymore,  since  base-config  does not start with bi. In this
              case only /usr/local/bin is produced. When used as initial character in  a  pattern
              the forward slash always indicates the root-directory;

       o      search patterns may contain dots (like .s). In such cases the dot represents hidden
              directories. However, xd usually also finds patterns containing /./, as the current
              directory  matches  the  dot.  Such  patterns  are  considered spurious and are not

       If there’s only one solution, Xd prepares for a direct directory change to the  solution’s

       If  there are multiple solutions, then by default lists of at most 62 alternatives (10 for
       the numbers 0..9, 26 for the letters a..z and 26 for the letters A..Z) are written to  the
       standard error stream from which the user may select an alternative by simply pressing the
       key associated with the selection of choice. If no selection is requested  any  other  key
       may  be pressed (e.g., the space bar or the Enter key). If there is no solutioon xd writes
       the text No Solutions to the standard error stream.

       When xd is given at least one argument, all its output  is  sent  to  the  standard  error
       stream,  except  for  the  selected  directory  name  which should become the next working

       Xd may insert the cd command directly into the command shell from where xd was called. See
       also  section  SHELL  SCRIPTS).  In  this  mode of operation xd returns a single dot if no
       selection is made, preventing an unintended change of directory.

       If no selection is made or if the selection process is aborted a single dot is written  to
       the  standard  output stream. Usually xd will be called by a shell alias, providing the cd
       command with xd’s output (see below at the SHELL SCRIPTS section) executing  cd  `xd  $*`.
       The default dot produced by xd prevents an unintended change of directory.

       When xd is merely given an initial directory specification, like a single dot (.) or digit
       (a digit in the set [0..9]) then xd returns the implied path. Specifying a  parent  before
       the  root-directory  (E.g.,  entering `xd 5’ when the current working directory is `/tmp’)
       results in writing the root directory (`/’) to the standard output stream.

       If xd is called without arguments its usage information is written to the  standard  error

       Xd  may  be  further  configured  using options and a configuration file, discussed in the
       OPTIONS and CONFIGURATION FILE sections below.


       Xd also supports generalized directory  search  commands  (GDS).  When  GDS  is  requested
       separators  are  no longer required, and xd finds all possible alternatives resulting from
       all possible sequential combinations of the  initial  search  command.  GDS  is  activated
       either by specifying the -g option or by entering generalized-search in xd’s configuration
       file. Alternatively, when the latter is specified  then  the  --traditional  command  line
       option suppresses GDS.

       When  using  GDS  each initial substring of the command to xd is considered as the initial
       characters of a directory. E.g., if  the  command  xd  tmps  is  entered  using  GDS  then
       directories matching the following search patterns will be found;

       o      /t*/m*/p*/s*/

       o      /t*/m*/ps*/

       o      /t*/mp*/s*/

       o      /t*/mps*/

       o      /tm*/p*/s*/

       o      /tm*/ps*/

       o      /tmp*/s*/

       o      /tmps*/  With  the  traditional  processing  mode  only  the  first  one  of  these
              alternative patterns is considered.

       Multiple command line arguments, the slash, and the underscore can still be used with GDS.
       In  this  case they force a directory change using the considered patterns. E.g., with the
       command xd tm/ps the following patterns will be considered:

       o      /t*/m*/p*/s*/

       o      /t*/m*/ps*/

       o      /tm*/p*/s*/

       o      /tm*/ps*/  In  this  set  all  of  the  previous  patterns  showing  the
              combination  were  dropped,  as  a  directory  change is forced between the m and p


       Xd may return the following values to its caller, allowing  scripts  calling  xd  to  make
       decisions that depend on the actually performed action by xd:

       o      0 is returned if xd issued a cd command;

       o      1  is  returned  if xd received a non-space character, not selecting a directory to
              change to. When the input option has been specified this character is inserted into
              the command shell’s input buffer;

       o      2  is  returned  if  xd  received  a space (or Enter) character, indicating that xd
              should perform no further action;

       o      3 is returned if no directory was found matching the argument passed to xd;

       o      4 is  returned  if  the  --help  or  --version  option  was  specified  (see  their
              descriptions in the OPTIONS section);

       o      5  is returned if an error was encountered (e.g., when a non-existing configuration
              file is specified).


       If available, single  letter  options  are  listed  between  parentheses  following  their
       associated  long-option  variants.  Single  letter  options  require  arguments  if  their
       associated long options require arguments as well.

       Most options can also be specified in xd’s configuration file,  in  which  case  the  long
       option  variants  must  be  used,  omitting  the  initial  two  dashes  (see  the  section
       CONFIGURATION FILE below for specific details about the configuration file.

       By default the options can also be specified in  the  configuration  file.  If  an  option
       cannot be specifiied in the configuration file it is explicitly stated at its description.

       Options that are specified as command-line options take priority over options specified in
       the configuration file.

       o      --add-root condition
              If the search starts at the user’s home directory an additional search starting  at
              the  system’s  root  directory  may  be  performed  as well, depending on the value
              specified for the add-root option. Conditions are

              o      never (no additional search is performed),

              o      if-empty (an additional search is performed if the initial  search  did  not
                     yield any directory),

              o      always (an additional search is always performed);

       o      --all -a
              If  the  configuration  file  (see  below)  contains  ignore  directives then those
              directives are ignored when computing the alternatives  from  which  the  user  may
              select a directory to change to;

       o      --block-size=nr (-b)
              The  possible  directories  matching  xd’s  argument  are  listed in blocks of <nr>
              elements. the possible directories matching xd’s argument are listed in  blocks  of
              <nr>  elements.  The  built-in  minimum  block  size  is  5.  If  there  are  fewer
              alternatives then this built-in minimum then the  actually  available  alternatives
              are displayed;

              When  alternatives are split up in blocks, a + is displayed after listing the first
              block, a - is displayed after listing the last block, and  -+  is  displayed  after
              listing the intermediate blocks. In these cases, pressing - redisplays the previous
              block, pressing + displays the next block;

              Although these block-end prompts only show - and +, the characters , and < (usually
              combined in one key) can be used instead of -, while . and > (also usually combined
              in one key) can be used instead of +.

       o      --config-file=filename (-c)
              The name of an xd configuration file. By default xd looks for the file .xdrc in the
              user’s home directory. The existence of the default file is optional.

              This option cannot be specified in the configuration file;

       o      --directories inclusion
              Directories may be also be reached via symbolic links. The (default) inclusion type
              all adds these symbolic links to the  list  of  alternatives.  The  inclusion  type
              unique prevents symbolic links from being added to the list of alternatives;

       o      --generalized-search -g
              When  specified  xd  uses  GDS unless the directive traditional is specified in the
              configuration file;

       o      --help (-h)
              Basic usage information is written to the  standard  error  stream,  whereafter  xd

              This option cannot be specified in the configuration file;

       o      --homedir-char ch
              By  default  an initial dot character (`.’) initiates a search from the user’s home
              directory. There is a slight disadvantage to using the dot, as it is  also  be  the
              initial  character  of  `hidden’  directories.  Assuming  that you have a directory
              ~/.ssh then the command to xd to that directory would be  xd  ..s,  the  first  dot
              being the home directory indicator, after which .s is used to find .ssh. The option
              --homedir-char can be used to specify another character. Homedir characters  cannot
              be  digits  or  a  slash  (`/’)  as these are used to specify, respectively, parent
              directories and the computer’s root directory. Characters like ``, @ % ^’’ or maybe
              `H’  (assuming  that it doesn’t interfere with an existing directory beginning with
              H) could be used as homedir-characters, other than the default dot character.

              Caveat: command shells by default interpret characters like ``~ $  "  `  <  >  |’’
              etc.,   which  therefore  should  probably  not  be  specified  as  home  directory

       o      --history [filename]
              A history of previously made choices is kept in the file filename. If --history  is
              specified,  but  the filename is left empty the history file $HOME/.xd.his is used.
              This file should only be modified by xd itself. If you can’t resist editing it then
              use the following example showing the format of the lines in the history file.

                  1292596154 1 /home/frank/svn/xd/

              The first field is the time (in seconds since the epoch) the entry was written, the
              second field is the number of times the entry has been selected and the third field
              is the associated path.

              The  following  history-...  options  are only interpreted if the history option is
              also specified.

       o      --history-lifetime spec
              The lifetime of the entries in the history file. The specification  consists  of  a
              number followed by D, W, M or Y, representing, resp. days, weeks, months, or years.
              A month is considered a period of 30 days, a year a period  of  365  days.  If  the
              specification  is  omitted a lifetime of 1M (one month) is used. Entries older than
              history-lifetime are disregarded as history-items and are removed from the  history

       o      --history-maxsize nr
              The  maximum number of entries the history file may contain. By default there is no
              limit. When history-maxsize is specified  and  more  than  the  maximum  number  of
              history  items  are  found in the history file then the nr most popular choices are
              kept. Usually the cut-off point will be somewhere within a popularity category.  In
              that case the most recently selected alternatives within that category are kept;

       o      --history-position [top|bottom]
              Previously found alternatives are displayed either at the top of the list or at the
              bottom of the list. If this option is omitted then the elements in the history  are
              intermixed  with  new  alternatives.  The next option history-separate is only used
              when this option is also  specified.  By  merely  specifying  history-position  the
              history items are shown at the top of the list;

       o      --history-separate
              When  specified  a  blank  line is written between the items in the history and new
              alternatives (not previously selected). This option is only  interpreted  when  the
              previous option is also specified;

       o      --icase -i
              Specify  this  option to use case-insensitive pattern matching. E.g., specifying xd
              /ub returns the directory /usr/bin, but not a  directory  like  /UnSpecified/Books,
              which  is  returned  by xd /UB. However, xd -i /ub (using any letter casing for the
              specification) returns both directories.  The  option  icase  could  of  course  be
              specified  in the configuration file, which which case case-insensitive matching is
              used by default. In the latter case specifying -i as a command line option  reverts
              the  matching  procedure  to case-sensitive directory matching. In general, when an
              even number of icase specifications is provided xd  uses  case-sensitive  directory
              matching,  while  an odd number of icase specifications results in case-insensitive
              directory matching;

       o      ignore path
              This option cannot be specified as command-line option. Instead, the  configuration
              file may contain multiple ignore directives which are (different from the way other
              directives are handled) all interpreted. Each ignore directive  is  followed  by  a
              path  specification as shown in a list of alternatives produced by xd or an initial
              substring of such a path terminating in a * character. When xd  encounters  a  path
              matching  any  of  the  ignore directives (interpreting the final * as `any further
              directory name’ specification) it will  not  display  that  path  in  its  list  of

              This directive is overruled by the ---all command line option;

       o      --input
              Xd itself issues the cd command for the selected directory to the shell, and enters
              other (non alternative-selecting characters) into the shell’s input.

              By specifying this option (or by entering input in the configuration file) an extra
              shell  alias or script is not necessary. In this input mode xd directly inserts the
              requested cd command into the shell’s input buffer. This  mode  has  an  additional
              feature:  if a key is pressed that is not assiciated with a possible directory then
              the current directory is kept, and the character corresponding to the  pressed  key
              is  entered  into  the  shell’s  input buffer. E.g., if xd ulb shows a list of five
              alternatives, but the L key is pressed then xd ends and the  shell’s  input  buffer
              shows l. Merely pressing s + Enter will then show the current directory content. To
              merely end xd in this mode the space bar or Enter key can be pressed;

              To merely end xd press the Enter key or space-bar;

       o      --no-input
              The no-input option can only be specified as a command-line option  and  suppresses
              the  input  option.  The  no-input  option has no effect if the input option is not

              By suppressing the input mode xd writes the name of the directory to change  to  to
              its  standard  output  stream. This allows shell functions to process the directory
              returned by xd. An example of its use is the function pxd (pushd using xd) shown in
              section SHELL SCRIPTS;

       o      --start-at origin
              Defines the default start location of directory searches. Origin home (the default)
              results in all default searches to start at the user’s home directory. Origin  root
              results in searches to begin at the disk’s root (/) directory;

       o      --traditional
              Xd   does   not   use   GDS   but   uses  its  traditional  mode.  It  overrules  a
              generalized-search directive specified in the configuration file as well as the  -g

       o      --verbose (-V)
              More  extensive information about the actions taken by the xd program is written to
              the standard error stream.

              This option cannot be specified in the configuration file;

       o      --version (-v)
              Xd’s version  number  is  written  to  the  standard  error  stream  whereafter  xd

              This option cannot be specified in the configuration file.


       The  default configuration file is .xdrc in the user’s home directory. It may be overruled
       by the program’s --config-file command-line option.

       Empty lines are ignored. Information at and beyond #-characters is interpreted as  comment
       and is also ignored.

       Directives in xd configuration files follow the pattern

           directive value

       (for some directives there is no value term).

       A line may at most contain one directive, but white space (including comment at the end of
       the line) is OK. The same directive may be specified multiple times,  in  which  case  the
       last  directive will be used (except for the ignore directive, which are all interpreted).
       All directives  are  interpreted  case  sensitively  unless  option  icase  is  specified.
       Non-empty lines not beginning with a recognized directive are silently ignored.


       Assuming  xd  is  installed in /usr/bin scripts can be defined around xd for various shell
       programs. This allows the shell to change directories under control of xd.

       o      Example 1.

              To use xd in combination with the pushd shell command xd itself should not  perform
              directory  changes.  In  such  cases the no-input option should be specified in the
              shell function combining pushd and xd.

              To use xd with the bash(1)-shell, the following function can be used  (which  could
              be added to, e.g., .bash_login):

                pxd()                   # function to do `pushd` using `xd`
                    pushd "`/usr/bin/xd --no-input $*`"

              To  use xd with the tcsh(1)-shell, the following alias can be defined in, e.g., the
              ~/.alias file:

                alias  pxd  ’pushd `\xd --no-input \!*`’

       o      Example 2.

              If the input option is specified (as command-line  or  configuration  file  option)
              then this example can be ignored.

              To  use  xd with the bash(1)-shell, the following function can be used (which could
              be added to, e.g., .bash_login):

                xd()                    # function to do `cd` using `xd`
                    cd "`/usr/bin/xd $*`"

              To use xd with the tcsh(1)-shell, the following alias can be defined in, e.g.,  the
              ~/.alias file:

                alias  xd  ’cd `\xd \!*`’

              Having  defined the xd alias or script xd ... commands results in the automatic (or
              optional) change of the current working directory

       If your system uses blanks in directory names, the above tcsh-alias cannot be used as  the
       blanks  are  interpreted  as  argument-separaters. In that case the following alias can be
       defined as the xd alias:

         alias  xd  ’setenv XD "`\xd \!*`";cd "$XD"’


           xd ulb      - all directories starting subsequently,
                         with u, l and b origin is default, or
                         specified in .xdrc as  home or root

           xd 0t       - all directories starting with t below the cwd

           xd 2t       - all directories starting at the `grandparent’
                         (2 steps up) of the cwd

           xd --start-at root t
                       - all directories at the root starting with t

           xd ..       - all directories starting with a dot in the cwd

           xd .        - the user’s home directory

           xd 0        - the current working directory

           xd 1        - the current directory’s parent directory

       Assuming the following directories exist:


       then the following two ignore specifications in xd’s configuration  file  will  result  in
       ignoring the bonobo directory alternatives:

       First specification:

         ignore /usr/lib/bonobo
         ignore /usr/lib/bonobo-activation

       Second specification:

         ignore /usr/lib/bonobo*


       o      $HOME/.xdrc: Default location of the configuration file

       o Home directory


       None reported


       The program xd was initially (before 1994) written for the MS-DOS platform. In 1994 it was
       redesigned to work under Unix (Linux, AIX) and it was converted to C++. The  original  C++
       code is still available from tag start (, find the start
       tag and download) and is funny to look at as it is a remarkable illustration of  C++  code
       written  by  C  programmers  who  had just learned about C++. Versions 2.x were used until
       2008, and in late August 2008 I rewrote xd completely, reflecting my then views about C++,
       eventually  resulting  in  versions  3.x.y  and  beyond.  The  3.x.y  and  later  versions
       extensively use the facilities offered by the bobcat(7) library.


       GDS was added to xd following a suggestion by Bram Neijt (bram at neijt dot nl).


       Frank B. Brokken (