Provided by: libcatmandu-perl_1.2020-1_all bug


       Catmandu::Exporter::Text - a Text exporter


           # From the command line

           # Write all field values as a line of Text
           $ catmandu convert JSON to Text --field_sep "," < data.json

           # In a Perl script

           use Catmandu;

           # Print to STDOUT
           my $exporter = Catmandu->exporter('Text', fix => 'myfix.txt');

           # Print to file or IO::Handle
           my $exporter = Catmandu->exporter('Text', file => '/tmp/out.yml');
           my $exporter = Catmandu->exporter('Text', file => $fh);

           $exporter->add_many(sub { });


           printf "exported %d items\n" , $exporter->count;


       This "Catmandu::Exporter" exports items as raw text. All field values found in the data
       will be contactenated using "field_sep" as delimiter.


           Write output to a local file given by its path or file handle.  Alternatively a scalar
           reference can be passed to write to a string and a code reference can be used to write
           to a callback function.

       fh  Write the output to an IO::Handle. If not specified, Catmandu::Util::io is used to
           create the output handle from the "file" argument or by using STDOUT.

       fix An ARRAY of one or more fixes or file scripts to be applied to exported items.

           Binmode of the output stream "fh". Set to "":utf8"" by default.

       line_sep STR
           Use the STR at each end of line. Set to ""\n"" by default.

       field_sep STR
           Use the STR at each end of a field.


       Catmandu::Exporter , Catmandu::Importer::Text