Provided by: libchart-perl_2.403.9-1_all bug


       Chart - a series of charting modules


           use Chart::type;   (type is one of: Points, Lines, Bars, LinesPoints, Composite,
           StackedBars, Mountain, Pie, HorizontalBars, Split, ErrorBars, Pareto, Direction)

           $obj = Chart::type->new;
           $obj = Chart::type->new ( $png_width, $png_height );

           $obj->set ( $key_1, $val_1, ... ,$key_n, $val_n );
           $obj->set ( $key_1 => $val_1,
                   $key_n => $val_n );
           $obj->set ( %hash );

           # API to produce png formatted charts
           @data = ( \@x_tick_labels, \@dataset1, ... , \@dataset_n );
           $obj->png ( "filename", \@data );
           $obj->png ( $filehandle, \@data );
           $obj->png ( FILEHANDLE, \@data );
           $obj->cgi_png ( \@data );

           # API
           $obj->add_pt ($label, $val_1, ... , $val_n);
           $obj->add_dataset ($val_1, ... , $val_n);
           $obj->png ( "filename" );
           $obj->png ( $filehandle );
           $obj->png ( FILEHANDLE );
           $obj->cgi_png ();

           The similar functions are available for j-peg

           # Retrieve image map information
           $obj->set ( 'imagemap' => 'true' );
           $imagemap_ref = $obj->imagemap_dump ();


       Chart helps you to create PNG and JPG images with visualizations of numeric data.  This
       page gives you a summary how to use it.  For a more thorough documentation and lots of
       example code please visit the Chart::Manual.

   use-ing Chart
       Okay, so you caught me.  There's really no Chart::type module.  All of the different chart
       types (Points, Lines, Bars, LinesPoints, Composite, StackedBars, Pie, Pareto,
       HorizontalBars, Split, ErrorBars, Direction and Mountain so far) are classes by
       themselves, each inheriting a bunch of methods from the Chart::Base class.  Simply replace
       the word type with the type of chart you want and you're on your way.  For example,

         use Chart::Lines;

       would invoke the lines module.  Alternatively load all chart types at ones and write:

         use Chart;

   Getting an object
       The new method can either be called without arguments, in which case it returns an object
       with the default image size (400x300 pixels), or you can specify the width and height of
       the image.  Just remember to replace type with the type of graph you want.  For example,

         $obj = Chart::Bars->new (600,400);

       would return a Chart::Bars object containing a 600x400 pixel image.  New also initializes
       most of the default variables, which you can subsequently change with the set method.

   Setting different options
       This is where the fun begins.  Set looks for a hash of keys and values.  You can pass it a
       hash that you've already constructed, like

         %hash = ( property_name => 'new value' );
         $obj->set (%hash);

       or you can try just constructing the hash inside the set call, like

         $obj->set ( property_name => 'new value' );

       Chart::Manual::Properties lists all currently supported keys and values. API
       Sending the image to a file
           Invoking the png method causes the graph to be plotted and saved to a file.  It takes
           the name of the output file and a reference to the data as arguments.  For example,

             $obj->png ("foo.png", \@data);

           would plot the data in @data, and the save the image to foo.png.  Of course, this then
           beggars the question "What should @data look like?".  Well, just like GIFgraph, @data
           should contain references to arrays of data, with the first array reference pointing
           to an array of x-tick labels.  For example,

             @data = ( [ 'foo', 'bar', 'junk' ],
                   [ 30.2,  23.5,  92.1   ] );

           would set up a graph with one dataset, and three data points in that set.  In general,
           the @data array should look something like

             @data = ( \@x_tick_labels, \@dataset1, ... , \@dataset_n );

           And no worries, I make my own internal copy of the data, so that it doesn't mess with

       CGI and Chart
           Okay, so you're probably thinking, "Do I always have to save these images to disk?
           What if I want to use Chart to create dynamic images for my web site?"  Well, here's
           the answer to that.

             $obj->cgi_png ( \@data );

           The cgi_png method will print the chart, along with the appropriate http header, to
           stdout, allowing you to call chart-generating scripts directly from your html pages
           (ie. with a <lt>img<gt> HTML tag).  The @data array should be set up the
           same way as for the normal png method.

   column based API
       You might ask, "But what if I just want to add a few points to the graph, and then display
       it, without all those references to references?".  Well, friend, the solution is simple.
       Borrowing the add_pt idea from Matt Kruse's Graph module, you simply make a few calls to
       the add_pt method, like so:

           $obj->add_pt ('foo', 30, 25);
           $obj->add_pt ('bar', 16, 32);

       Or, if you want to be able to add entire datasets, simply use the add_dataset method:

           $obj->add_dataset ('foo', 'bar');
           $obj->add_dataset (30, 16);
           $obj->add_dataset (25, 32);

       These methods check to make sure that the points and datasets you are adding are the same
       size as the ones already there.  So, if you have two datasets currently stored, and try to
       add a data point with three different values, it will carp (per the Carp module) an error
       message.  Similarly, if you try to add a dataset with 4 data points, and all the other
       datasets have 3 data points, it will carp an error message.

       Don't forget, when using this API, that I treat the first dataset as a series of x-tick
       labels.  So, in the above examples, the graph would have two x-ticks, labeled 'foo' and
       'bar', each with two data points.  Pie and ErrorBars handle it different, look at the
       documentation to see how it works.

       Adding a datafile
           You can also add a complete datafile to a chart object. Just use the add_datafile()

               $obj->add_datafile('file', 'set' or 'pt');

           file can be the name of the data file or a filehandle.  'set' or 'pt is the type of
           the datafile.  If the parameter is 'set' then each line in the data file has to be a
           complete data set. The value of the set has to be separated by white spaces. For
           example the file looks like this:

               'foo'  'bar'
               30     16
               25     32

           If the parameter is 'pt', one line has to include all values of one data point
           separated by white spaces. For example:

               'foo'  30  25
               'bar'  16  32

       Clearing the data
           A simple call to the clear_data method empties any values that may have been entered.

               $obj->clear_data ();

       Getting a copy of the data
           If you want a copy of the data that has been added so far, make a call to the get_data
           method like so:

                   $dataref = $obj->get_data;

           It returns (you guessed it!) a reference to an array of references to datasets.  So
           the x-tick labels would be stored as

                   @x_labels = @{$dataref->[0]};

       Sending the image to a file
           If you just want to print this chart to a file, all you have to do is pass the name of
           the file to the png() method.

               $obj->png ("foo.png");

       Sending the image to a filehandle
           If you want to do something else with the image, you can also pass a filehandle
           (either a typeglob or a FileHandle object) to png, and it will print directly to that.

               $obj->png ($filehandle);
               $obj->png (FILEHANDLE);

       CGI and Chart
           Okay, so you're probably thinking (again), "Do I always have to save these images to
           disk?  What if I want to use Chart to create dynamic images for my web site?"  Well,
           here's the answer to that.

               $obj->cgi_png ();

           The cgi_png method will print the chart, along with the appropriate http header, to
           stdout, allowing you to call chart-generating scripts directly from your html pages
           (ie. with a <lt>img<gt> HTML tag).

       Produce a png image as a scalar
           Like scalar_jpeg() the image is produced as a scalar so that the programmer-user can
           do whatever the heck s/he wants to with it:


       Produce a jpeg image as a scalar
           Like scalar_png() the image is produced as a scalar so that the programmer-user can do
           whatever the heck s/he wants to with it:


   Imagemap Support
       Chart can also return the pixel positioning information so that you can create image maps
       from the pngs Chart generates.  Simply set the 'imagemap' option to 'true' before you
       generate the png, then call the imagemap_dump() method afterwards to retrieve the
       information.  You will be returned a data structure almost identical to the @data array
       described above to pass the data into Chart.

           $imagemap_data = $obj->imagemap_dump ();

       Instead of single data values, you will be passed references to arrays of pixel
       information.  For Bars, HorizontalBars and StackedBars charts, the arrays will contain two
       x-y pairs (specifying the upper left and lower right corner of the bar), like so

           ( $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2 ) = @{ $imagemap_data->[$dataset][$datapoint] };

       For Lines, Points, ErrorBars, Split and LinesPoints, the arrays will contain a single x-y
       pair (specifying the center of the point), like so

           ( $x, $y ) = @{ $imagemap_data->[$dataset][$datapoint] };

       A few caveats apply here.  First of all, GD treats the upper-left corner of the png as the
       (0,0) point, so positive y values are measured from the top of the png, not the bottom.
       Second, these values will most likely contain long decimal values.  GD, of course, has to
       truncate these to single pixel values.  Since I don't know how GD does it, I can't
       truncate it the same way he does.  In a worst-case scenario, this will result in an error
       of one pixel on your imagemap.  If this is really an issue, your only option is to either
       experiment with it, or to contact Lincoln Stein and ask him.  Third, please remember that
       the 0th dataset will be empty, since that's the place in the @data array for the data
       point labels.


       This module is currently under a complete rebuild, that will take place in two phases.
       First: rewrite all functionality within a modular architecture and hierarchical property
       system. This will be accessed via a central API using the so far unutilized Chart module
       'my $c = Chart->new(...);'. This API will have in part different method and property
       names, but the old API will not be touched.  In a second phase we will see hoch much new
       code can be used by the old modules and which new features can be brought to the legacy
       parts, which will be than discouraged, but not scrapped.


       •   Include True Type Fonts

       •   Violine and Box plots

       •   Add some 3-D graphs.

       For more please check the TODO file.


       Probably quite a few, since it's been completely rewritten.  As usual, please mail me with
       any bugs, patches, suggestions, comments, flames, death threats, etc.


       David Bonner (


       •   Chart Group (

       •   Herbert Breunung (


       •   Gregor Herrmann (

       •   Chris Dolan (

       •   (

       •   Ricardo Signes (

       •   Petr Pisar (


       Copyright(c) 1997-1998 by David Bonner, 1999 by Peter Clark, 2001 by the Chart group at
       BKG-Wettzell.  2022 by Herbert Breunung and Chart group

       All rights reserved.  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
       it under the same terms as Perl itself.