Provided by: libparse-yapp-perl_1.21-3_all bug


       Parse::Yapp - Perl extension for generating and using LALR parsers.


         yapp -m MyParser grammar_file.yp


         use MyParser;

         $parser=new MyParser();
         $value=$parser->YYParse(yylex => \&lexer_sub, yyerror => \&error_sub);


         $parser->YYData->{DATA}= [ 'Anything', 'You Want' ];



       Parse::Yapp (Yet Another Perl Parser compiler) is a collection of modules that let you
       generate and use yacc like thread safe (reentrant) parsers with perl object oriented

       The script yapp is a front-end to the Parse::Yapp module and let you easily create a Perl
       OO parser from an input grammar file.

   The Grammar file
           Through all your files, comments are either Perl style, introduced by # up to the end
           of line, or C style, enclosed between  /* and */.

       "Tokens and string literals"
           Through all the grammar files, two kind of symbols may appear: Non-terminal symbols,
           called also left-hand-side symbols, which are the names of your rules, and Terminal
           symbols, called also Tokens.

           Tokens are the symbols your lexer function will feed your parser with (see below).
           They are of two flavours: symbolic tokens and string literals.

           Non-terminals and symbolic tokens share the same identifier syntax:


           String literals are enclosed in single quotes and can contain almost anything. They
           will be output to your parser file double-quoted, making any special character as
           such. '"', '$' and '@' will be automatically quoted with '\', making their writing
           more natural. On the other hand, if you need a single quote inside your literal, just
           quote it with '\'.

           You cannot have a literal 'error' in your grammar as it would confuse the driver with
           the error token. Use a symbolic token instead.  In case you inadvertently use it, this
           will produce a warning telling you you should have written it error and will treat it
           as if it were the error token, which is certainly NOT what you meant.

       "Grammar file syntax"
           It is very close to yacc syntax (in fact, Parse::Yapp should compile a clean yacc
           grammar without any modification, whereas the opposite is not true).

           This file is divided in three sections, separated by "%%":

                   header section
                   rules section
                   footer section

           The Header Section section may optionally contain:
               •   One or more code blocks enclosed inside "%{" and "%}" just like in yacc. They
                   may contain any valid Perl code and will be copied verbatim at the very
                   beginning of the parser module. They are not as useful as they are in yacc,
                   but you can use them, for example, for global variable declarations, though
                   you will notice later that such global variables can be avoided to make a
                   reentrant parser module.

               •   Precedence declarations, introduced by %left, %right and %nonassoc specifying
                   associativity, followed by the list of tokens or litterals having the same
                   precedence and associativity.  The precedence being the latter declared will
                   be having the highest level.  (see the yacc or bison manuals for a full
                   explanation of how they work, as they are implemented exactly the same way in

               •   %start followed by a rule's left hand side, declaring this rule to be the
                   starting rule of your grammar. The default, when %start is not used, is the
                   first rule in your grammar section.

               •   %token followed by a list of symbols, forcing them to be recognized as tokens,
                   generating a syntax error if used in the left hand side of a rule declaration.
                   Note that in Parse::Yapp, you don't need to declare tokens as in yacc: any
                   symbol not appearing as a left hand side of a rule is considered to be a
                   token.  Other yacc declarations or constructs such as %type and %union are
                   parsed but (almost) ignored.

               •   %expect followed by a number, suppress warnings about number of Shift/Reduce
                   conflicts when both numbers match, a la bison.

       The Rule Section contains your grammar rules:
           A rule is made of a left-hand-side symbol, followed by a ':' and one or more right-
           hand-sides separated by '|' and terminated by a ';':

               exp:    exp '+' exp
                   |   exp '-' exp

           A right hand side may be empty:

               input:  #empty
                   |   input line

           (if you have more than one empty rhs, Parse::Yapp will issue a warning, as this is
           usually a mistake, and you will certainly have a reduce/reduce conflict)

           A rhs may be followed by an optional %prec directive, followed by a token, giving the
           rule an explicit precedence (see yacc manuals for its precise meaning) and optional
           semantic action code block (see below).

               exp:   '-' exp %prec NEG { -$_[1] }
                   |  exp '+' exp       { $_[1] + $_[3] }
                   |  NUM

           Note that in Parse::Yapp, a lhs cannot appear more than once as a rule name (This
           differs from yacc).

       "The footer section"
           may contain any valid Perl code and will be appended at the very end of your parser
           module. Here you can write your lexer, error report subs and anything relevant to you

       "Semantic actions"
           Semantic actions are run every time a reduction occurs in the parsing flow and they
           must return a semantic value.

           They are (usually, but see below "In rule actions") written at the very end of the
           rhs, enclosed with "{ }", and are copied verbatim to your parser file, inside of the
           rules table.

           Be aware that matching braces in Perl is much more difficult than in C: inside strings
           they don't need to match. While in C it is very easy to detect the beginning of a
           string construct, or a single character, it is much more difficult in Perl, as there
           are so many ways of writing such literals. So there is no check for that today. If you
           need a brace in a double-quoted string, just quote it ("\{" or "\}"). For single-
           quoted strings, you will need to make a comment matching it in the right order.  Sorry
           for the inconvenience.

                   "{ My string block }".
                   "\{ My other string block \}".
                   qq/ My unmatched brace \} /.
                   # Force the match: {
                   q/ for my closing brace } /
                   q/ My opening brace { /
                   # must be closed: }

           All of these constructs should work.

           In Parse::Yapp, semantic actions are called like normal Perl sub calls, with their
           arguments passed in @_, and their semantic value are their return values.

           $_[1] to $_[n] are the parameters just as $1 to $n in yacc, while $_[0] is the parser
           object itself.

           Having $_[0] being the parser object itself allows you to call parser methods. That's
           how the yacc macros are implemented:

                   yyerrok is done by calling $_[0]->YYErrok
                   YYERROR is done by calling $_[0]->YYError
                   YYACCEPT is done by calling $_[0]->YYAccept
                   YYABORT is done by calling $_[0]->YYAbort

           All those methods explicitly return undef, for convenience.

               YYRECOVERING is done by calling $_[0]->YYRecovering

           Four useful methods in error recovery sub


           return respectively the current input token that made the parse fail, its semantic
           value (both can be used to modify their values too, but know what you are doing! See
           Error reporting routine section for an example), a list which contains the tokens the
           parser expected when the failure occurred and a reference to the lexer routine.

           Note that if "$_[0]->YYCurtok" is declared as a %nonassoc token, it can be included in
           "$_[0]->YYExpect" list whenever the input try to use it in an associative way. This is
           not a bug: the token IS expected to report an error if encountered.

           To detect such a thing in your error reporting sub, the following example should do
           the trick:

                   grep { $_[0]->YYCurtok eq $_ } $_[0]->YYExpect
               and do {
                   #Non-associative token used in an associative expression

           Accessing semantics values on the left of your reducing rule is done through the

               $_[0]->YYSemval( index )

           where index is an integer. Its value being 1 .. n returns the same values than $_[1]
           .. $_[n], but -n .. 0 returns values on the left of the rule being reduced (It is
           related to $-n .. $0 .. $n in yacc, but you cannot use $_[0] or $_[-n] constructs in
           Parse::Yapp for obvious reasons)

           There is also a provision for a user data area in the parser object, accessed by the


           which returns a reference to an anonymous hash, which let you have all of your parsing
           data held inside the object (see the Calc.yp or ParseYapp.yp files in the distribution
           for some examples).  That's how you can make you parser module reentrant: all of your
           module states and variables are held inside the parser object.

           Note: unfortunately, method calls in Perl have a lot of overhead,
                 and when YYData is used, it may be called a huge number
                 of times. If you are not a real purist, and efficiency
                 is your concern, you may access directly the user-space
                 in the object: $parser->{USER} which is a reference to an
                 anonymous hash array, and then benchmark.

           If no action is specified for a rule, the equivalant of a default action is run, which
           returns the first parameter:

              { $_[1] }

       "In rule actions"
           It is also possible to embed semantic actions inside of a rule:

               typedef:    TYPE { $type = $_[1] } identlist { ... } ;

           When the Parse::Yapp's parser encounter such an embedded action, it modifies the
           grammar as if you wrote (although @x-1 is not a legal lhs value):

               @x-1:   /* empty */ { $type = $_[1] };
               typedef:    TYPE @x-1 identlist { ... } ;

           where x is a sequential number incremented for each "in rule" action, and -1
           represents the "dot position" in the rule where the action arises.

           In such actions, you can use $_[1]..$_[n] variables, which are the semantic values on
           the left of your action.

           Be aware that the way Parse::Yapp modifies your grammar because of in-rule actions can
           produce, in some cases, spurious conflicts that wouldn't happen otherwise.

       "Generating the Parser Module"
           Now that you grammar file is written, you can use yapp on it to generate your parser

               yapp -v Calc.yp

           will create two files, your parser module, and Calc.output a verbose output of
           your parser rules, conflicts, warnings, states and summary.

           What your are missing now is a lexer routine.

       "The Lexer sub"
           is called each time the parser need to read the next token.

           It is called with only one argument that is the parser object itself, so you can
           access its methods, specially the


           data area.

           It is its duty to return the next token and value to the parser.  They "must" be
           returned as a list of two variables, the first one is the token known by the parser
           (symbolic or literal), the second one being anything you want (usually the content of
           the token, or the literal value) from a simple scalar value to any complex reference,
           as the parsing driver only uses it to call semantic actions:

               ( 'NUMBER', $num )
               ( '>=', '>=' )
               ( 'ARRAY', [ @values ] )

           When the lexer reach the end of input, it must return the '' empty token with an undef

                ( '', undef )

           Note that your lexer should never return 'error' as token value: for the driver, this
           is the error token used for error recovery and would lead to odd reactions.

           Now that you have your lexer written, maybe you will need to output meaningful error
           messages, instead of the default which is to print 'Parse error.' on STDERR.

           So you will need an Error reporting sub.

       "Error reporting routine"
           If you want one, write it knowing that it is passed as parameter the parser object. So
           you can share information with the lexer routine quite easily.

           You can also use the "$_[0]->YYErrok" method in it, which will resume parsing as if no
           error occurred. Of course, since the invalid token is still invalid, you're supposed
           to fix the problem by yourself.

           The method "$_[0]->YYLexer" may help you, as it returns a reference to the lexer
           routine, and can be called as


           to get the next token and semantic value from the input stream. To make them current
           for the parser, use:

               ($_[0]->YYCurtok, $_[0]->YYCurval) = ($tok, $val)

           and know what you're doing...

           Now you've got everything to do the parsing.

           First, use the parser module:

               use Calc;

           Then create the parser object:

               $parser=new Calc;

           Now, call the YYParse method, telling it where to find the lexer and error report

               $result=$parser->YYParse(yylex => \&Lexer,
                                      yyerror => \&ErrorReport);

           (assuming Lexer and ErrorReport subs have been written in your current package)

           The order in which parameters appear is unimportant.

           Et voila.

           The YYParse method will do the parse, then return the last semantic value returned, or
           "undef" if error recovery cannot recover.

           If you need to be sure the parse has been successful (in case your last returned
           semantic value is "undef"), make a call to:


           which returns the total number of time the error reporting sub has been called.

       "Error Recovery"
           in Parse::Yapp is implemented the same way it is in yacc.

       "Debugging Parser"
           To debug your parser, you can call the YYParse method with a debug parameter:

               $parser->YYParse( ... , yydebug => value, ... )

           where value is a bitfield, each bit representing a specific debug output:

               Bit Value    Outputs
               0x01         Token reading (useful for Lexer debugging)
               0x02         States information
               0x04         Driver actions (shifts, reduces, accept...)
               0x08         Parse Stack dump
               0x10         Error Recovery tracing

           To have a full debugging output, use

               debug => 0x1F

           Debugging output is sent to STDERR, and be aware that it can produce "huge" outputs.

       "Standalone Parsers"
           By default, the parser modules generated will need the Parse::Yapp module installed on
           the system to run. They use the Parse::Yapp::Driver which can be safely shared between
           parsers in the same script.

           In the case you'd prefer to have a standalone module generated, use the "-s" switch
           with yapp: this will automagically copy the driver code into your module so you can
           use/distribute it without the need of the Parse::Yapp module, making it really a
           "Standalone Parser".

           If you do so, please remember to include Parse::Yapp's copyright notice in your main
           module copyright, so others can know about Parse::Yapp module.

       "Source file line numbers"
           by default will be included in the generated parser module, which will help to find
           the guilty line in your source file in case of a syntax error.  You can disable this
           feature by compiling your grammar with yapp using the "-n" switch.


       If you find bugs, think of anything that could improve Parse::Yapp or have any questions
       related to it, feel free to contact the author.


       William N. Braswell, Jr. <> (Remove "NOSPAM".)


       yapp(1) perl(1) yacc(1) bison(1).


       The Parse::Yapp module and its related modules and shell scripts are copyright: Copyright
       © 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, Francois Desarmenien.  Copyright © 2017 William N. Braswell, Jr.

       You may use and distribute them under the terms of either the GNU General Public License
       or the Artistic License, as specified in the Perl README file.

       If you use the "standalone parser" option so people don't need to install Parse::Yapp on
       their systems in order to run you software, this copyright noticed should be included in
       your software copyright too, and the copyright notice in the embedded driver should be
       left untouched.