Provided by: libxml-parser-perl_2.46-4_amd64 bug


       XML::Parser::Style::Stream - Stream style for XML::Parser


         use XML::Parser;
         my $p = XML::Parser->new(Style => 'Stream', Pkg => 'MySubs');

           package MySubs;

           sub StartTag {
             my ($e, $name) = @_;
             # do something with start tags

           sub EndTag {
             my ($e, $name) = @_;
             # do something with end tags

           sub Characters {
             my ($e, $data) = @_;
             # do something with text nodes


       This style uses the Pkg option to find subs in a given package to call for each event.  If
       none of the subs that this style looks for is there, then the effect of parsing with this
       style is to print a canonical copy of the document without comments or declarations.  All
       the subs receive as their 1st parameter the Expat instance for the document they're

       It looks for the following routines:

       •   StartDocument

           Called at the start of the parse .

       •   StartTag

           Called for every start tag with a second parameter of the element type. The $_
           variable will contain a copy of the tag and the %_ variable will contain attribute
           values supplied for that element.

       •   EndTag

           Called for every end tag with a second parameter of the element type. The $_ variable
           will contain a copy of the end tag.

       •   Text

           Called just before start or end tags with accumulated non-markup text in the $_

       •   PI

           Called for processing instructions. The $_ variable will contain a copy of the PI and
           the target and data are sent as 2nd and 3rd parameters respectively.

       •   EndDocument

           Called at conclusion of the parse.