Provided by: libstdc++-11-doc_11.4.0-4ubuntu1_all bug


       std::once_flag - Flag type used by std::call_once.


   Public Member Functions
       once_flag (const once_flag &)=delete
           Deleted copy constructor.
       once_flag & operator= (const once_flag &)=delete
           Deleted assignment operator.

       template<typename _Callable , typename... _Args> void call_once (once_flag &__once,
           _Callable &&__f, _Args &&... __args)
           Invoke a callable and synchronize with other calls using the same flag.

Detailed Description

       Flag type used by std::call_once.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

   std::once_flag::once_flag (const once_flag &) [delete]
       Deleted copy constructor.

Member Function Documentation

   once_flag & std::once_flag::operator= (const once_flag &) [delete]
       Deleted assignment operator.

Friends And Related Function Documentation

   template<typename _Callable , typename... _Args> void call_once (once_flag & __once, _Callable
       && __f, _Args &&... __args) [friend]
       Invoke a callable and synchronize with other calls using the same flag.


       Generated automatically by Doxygen for libstdc++ from the source code.