Provided by: postgresql-client-common_253_all bug


       ~/.postgresqlrc - Per-user PostgreSQL cluster configuration


       The file ~/.postgresqlrc configures the default PostgreSQL version/cluster and the default
       database   for   an   user.   If   it   is   not    present,    the    system-wide    file
       /etc/postgresql-common/user_clusters is used instead.


       Comments are introduced by the character #.  Comments may follow data on a line; the first
       comment character terminates the data.  Leading whitespace and blank lines are ignored.

       The first uncommented, non-blank line is used, all following lines are ignored.

       Fields must be given in the following order, separated by white space:

              The major PostgreSQL version of the cluster to connect to.

              The name of a cluster to connect to. A remote cluster is specified with  host:port.
              If port is empty, it defaults to 5432.

              Within  the  cluster,  the database to which the user will connect by default if he
              does not specify a database on the  command  line.   If  this  is  *,  the  default
              database will be the one named by the user's login id.


       pg_wrapper(1), user_clusters(5)