Provided by: gcli_2.2.0-1build2_amd64 bug


     gcli issues — Manage issues in various git forges


     gcli [-n n] [-a] [-s] [-A author] [-L label] [-M milestone] [-o owner -r repo]
     gcli -i issue [-o owner -r repo] actions...
     gcli create [-o owner -r repo] [-y]


     Use gcli to search, list, create, edit or delete issues in repositories in various git(1)
     forges such as GitHub, GitLab and Gitea. Without any action specified, gcli will list issues
     in the given or autodetected repository.


     -s, --sorted
             Reverse the output such that most recent items appear at the bottom.

     -o, --owner owner
             List issues in the repository of the given owner. This option can only be used in
             combination with -r.

     -r, --repo repo
             List issues in the given repository. This option can only be used in combination
             with -o.

     -a      List issues disregarding their state. This will list closed issues as well. Cannot
             be combined with actions. This does not affect the -n option.

     -A, --author user
             Only list issues authored by the given user.

     -L, --label label
             Filter issues by the given label. This option may only be specfied once.

     -M, --milestone milestone
             Filter issues by the given milestone. This option may only be specfied once.

     -n, --count n
             Fetch at least n issues. Setting n to -1 will fetch all issues. Default: 30. Note
             that on large repositories fetching all issues can take a considerable amount of
             time and may result in rate limiting by the respective API. See CAVEATS.

     -i, --id issue
             execute the given actions for the specified issue.


     create  Create a new issue in the given or autodetected repository. The editor will come up
             and ask you to enter an issue message.

             The following flags can be specified:

             -i, --in owner/repo
                     Specify in which repository the issue is to be created.

             -y, --yes
                     Do not ask for confirmation before creating the issue. Assume yes.


     actions... may be one or more of the following:

     all               Display both a summary and the original post of the issue.

     comments          Print a list of comments under the issue.

     status            Print a short summary of the issue.

     op                Print the original post of the issue.

     close             Close the issue.

     reopen            Reopen a closed issue.

     assign assignee   Assign the issue to the given assignee (user name).

     labels [options]  The following options can be specified more than once:

                       add label
                               Add the given label to the issue.

                       remove label
                               Remove the given label from the issue.

     milestone id      Assign the issue to a milestone with the given id.

     milestone -d      Clear associated milestone of the given issue.

     notes             Alias for the comments action that prints the list of comments associated
                       with the issue.

     title new-title   Change the title of the issue to new-title.

     attachments       List bug attachments. This action is only available on Bugzilla.


     Print a list of issues in the current project:

           $ gcli issues

     Search for issues containing “crash” in contour-terminal/contour on GitHub including closed

           $ gcli -t github issues -o contour-terminal -r contour -a crash

     Report a new issue in the current project:

           $ gcli issues create "summary here"

     Print both a summary and comments of issue 1 in herrhotzenplotz/gcli:

           $ gcli issues -o herrhotzenplotz -r gcli -i 1 status comments

     Add the labels ‘foo’ and ‘bar’ to the issue with id 420:

           $ gcli issues -i420 labels add foo add bar

     List issues with the label “bug”:

           $ gcli issues -L bug


     git(1), gcli(1)


     Nico Sonack aka. herrhotzenplotz <> and contributors.


     GitHub and Gitea treat Pull Requests as Issues. Due to the semantics of gcli those issues
     that are actually PRs are dropped from the output. In this case a note will be printed
     indicating how many issues were dropped. You can suppress this warning using the -q program


     GitHub only supports removing labels from issues one by one. If you still want to remove
     multiple issues with a single gcli call, you may do something like:

           $ gcli issues -i42 \
                   labels remove bug \
                   labels remove foo

     Please report bugs via E-Mail to ~herrhotzenplotz/

     Alternatively you can report them on any of the forges linked at However, the preferred and quickest method is to use the
     mailing list.