Provided by: gcli_2.2.0-1build2_amd64 bug


     gcli releases — manage releases on git forges


     gcli [-sl] [-n n] [-o owner -r repo]
     gcli create -t tagname [-n name] [-c commitish] [-a asset] [-o owner -r repo] [-d] [-p]
     gcli delete [-o owner -r repo] [-y] release-id


     Use gcli to list, create or delete releases for repositories on git(1) forges such as
     GitLab, Gitea or GitHub. Without a subcommand specified, gcli will list releases in the
     given or autodetected repository. If you are the owner of that repo, you will also see draft
     releases. You will not see those if you are not the owner of that particular repository.


     -s, --sorted
             Reverse the output such that most recent items appear at the bottom.

     -l, --long
             Print a long list instead of a short table.

     -o, --owner owner
             List releases in the repo of the given owner. This option can only be used in
             combination with -r.

     -r, --repo repo
             List releases in the given repo. This option can only be used in combination with

     -n, --count n
             Fetch at least n releases. Setting n to -1 will fetch all releases. Default: 30.
             Note that on repositories with many releases fetching all releases can take a
             considerable amount of time and may result in rate limiting by the GitHub API.


     create  Create a new release on the given or autodetected repository. The editor will come
             up and ask you to enter a message for the release.

             The following flags can be specified:

             -t, --tag tagname
                     Specify a tag to be used or to be created for the release. This option is
                     mandatory. See -c for how to specify from what the tag should be created.

             -n, --name name
                     Name of the release.

             -c, --commitish commitish
                     When a new tag is to be created, this specifies what the tag is based on. It
                     can be either a branch or a commit hash. Unused if the tag already exists.
                     Otherwise this defaults to the default branch from git(1).

             -o, --owner owner
                     Operate on the repository of the specified owner. This option can only be
                     used in combination with -r.  Use this if you want to e.g. create the
                     release in an organization and not your own account.

             -r, --repo repo
                     Create the release in the given repository. This option can only be used in
                     combination with -o.

             -a, --asset asset
                     Attach the given asset to the release. It will be uploaded to Github and be
                     made available for download. You can specify this option multiple times to
                     attach more than one asset to the release.

             -y, --yes
                     Do not ask for confirmation before creating the release. Assume yes.

     delete  Delete a release.

             The following options can be specified:

             -r, --repo repo
                     Delete the release in the given repository. This option can only be used in
                     combination with -o.

             -o, --owner owner
                     Delete the release in the repository of the given owner. This option can
                     only be used in combination with -r.  Use this if you want to delete a
                     release in a given organization and not your own account.

             -y, --yes
                     Do not ask for confirmation before deleting the repository. Assume yes.


     Delete release with ID 54656866 in herrhotzenplotz/gcli-playground without asking for

           $ gcli releases delete --owner herrhotzenplotz \
             --repo gcli-playground --yes 54656866

     Create a new release named Foobar in herrhotzenplotz/gcli-playground.  Create a new tag
     called banana based on the commit with the hash 0fed3c9 and upload foobar.tar.xz,
     barfoo.tar.gz and CHANGELOG as assets to the release.

           $ gcli releases create --owner herrhotzenplotz \
             --repo gcli-playground --tag banana --name Foobar \
             --commitish 0fed3c9 --asset foobar.tar.xz \
             --asset barfoo.tar.gz --asset CHANGELOG


     git(1), gcli(1)


     Nico Sonack aka. herrhotzenplotz <> and contributors.


     Currently uploading release assets to GitLab doesn't work.  Prereleases and draft releases
     are unsupported by GitLab. Using those flags in a GitLab forge type remote will produce
     warnings but still create the release.

     Please report bugs via E-Mail to ~herrhotzenplotz/

     Alternatively you can report them on any of the forges linked at However, the preferred and quickest method is to use the
     mailing list.