Provided by: python3-sdbus_0.11.1-2build1_amd64 bug


       python-sdbus - python-sdbus

       Python-sdbus is the python D-Bus library that aim to use the modern features of python

       • AsyncioType hintsBased on fast sd-bus

       • Unified client/server interface classes. Write interface class once.

       • D-Bus methods can have keyword and default arguments.


       D-Bus is the inter-process communication standard commonly used on Linux desktop.

       This documentation expects you to be familiar with D-Bus concepts and conventions.

       If you are unfamiliar with D-Bus you might want to read following pages:

       Wikipedia page

       Lennart Poettering post about D-Bus

       D-Bus specification by

       Install D-Feet D-Bus debugger and observe services and objects on your D-Bus

   General Information
   Blocking vs Async
       Python-sdbus supports both blocking and async IO.

       Regular python functions are always blocking.

       Asyncio is a part of python standard library that allows non-blocking io.

       Asyncio documentation

       Generally  blocking  IO  should only be used for simple scripts and programs that interact
       with existing D-Bus objects.

       • Blocking is easier to initiate (no event loop)

       • Properties behave exactly as Python properties do. (i.e. can assign with '=' operator)

       • Only allows one request at a time.

       • No D-Bus signals.

       • Cannot serve objects, only interact with existing object on D-Bus.

       Blocking quick start

       Blocking API

       • Calls need to be await ed.

       • Multiple requests at the same time.

       • Serve object on D-Bus for other programs.

       • D-Bus Signals.

       Asyncio quick start

       Asyncio API

   D-Bus types conversion
       D-Bus types reference

          Python integers are unlimited size but D-Bus integers are not.  All integer types raise
          OverflowError if you try to pass number outside the type size.

          Unsigned integers range is 0 < (2**bit_size)-1.

          Signed integers range is -(2**(bit_size-1)) < (2**(bit_size-1))-1.

                     │Name        │ D-Bus type │ Python type │ Description         │
                     │Boolean     │ b          │ boolTrue or False       │
                     │Byte        │ y          │ int         │ Unsigned      8-bit │
                     │            │            │             │ integer.      Note: │
                     │            │            │             │ array of bytes (ay) │
                     │            │            │             │ has different  type │
                     │            │            │             │ in python domain.   │
                     │Int16       │ n          │ int         │ Signed       16-bit │
                     │            │            │             │ integer.            │
                     │Uint16      │ q          │ int         │ Unsigned     16-bit │
                     │            │            │             │ integer.            │
                     │Int32       │ i          │ int         │ Signed       32-bit │
                     │            │            │             │ integer.            │
                     │Uint32      │ u          │ int         │ Unsigned     32-bit │
                     │            │            │             │ integer.            │
                     │Int64       │ x          │ int         │ Signed       64-bit │
                     │            │            │             │ integer.            │
                     │Uint64      │ t          │ int         │ Unsigned     64-bit │
                     │            │            │             │ integer.            │
                     │Double      │ d          │ float       │ Float point number  │
                     │Unix FD     │ h          │ int         │ File descriptor     │
                     │String      │ s          │ str         │ String              │
                     │Object Path │ o          │ str         │ Syntactically       │
                     │            │            │             │ correct       D-Bus │
                     │            │            │             │ object path         │
                     │Signature   │ g          │ str         │ D-Bus          type │
                     │            │            │             │ signature           │

                     │Array       │ a          │ list        │ List of some single │
                     │            │            │             │ type.               │
                     │            │            │             │                     │
                     │            │            │             │ Example:  as  array │
                     │            │            │             │ of strings          │
                     │Byte Array  │ ay         │ bytes       │ Array of bytes. Not │
                     │            │            │             │ a  unique  type  in │
                     │            │            │             │ D-Bus     but     a │
                     │            │            │             │ different  type  in │
                     │            │            │             │ Python.     Accepts │
                     │            │            │             │ both    bytes   and │
                     │            │            │             │ bytearray.     Used │
                     │            │            │             │ for binary data.    │
                     │Struct      │ ()         │ tuple       │ Tuple.              │
                     │            │            │             │                     │
                     │            │            │             │ Example:     (isax) │
                     │            │            │             │ tuple    of    int, │
                     │            │            │             │ string and array of │
                     │            │            │             │ int.                │
                     │Dictionary  │ a{}        │ dict        │ Dictionary with key │
                     │            │            │             │ type    and   value │
                     │            │            │             │ type.               │
                     │            │            │             │                     │
                     │            │            │             │ Note: Dictionary is │
                     │            │            │             │ always  a  part  of │
                     │            │            │             │ array.  I.E.  a{si} │
                     │            │            │             │ is  the  dict  with │
                     │            │            │             │ string   keys   and │
                     │            │            │             │ integer     values. │
                     │            │            │             │ {si} is NOT a valid │
                     │            │            │             │ signature.          │
                     │Variant     │ v          │ tuple       │ Unknown  type  that │
                     │            │            │             │ can be  any  single │
                     │            │            │             │ type.    In  Python │
                     │            │            │             │ represented  by   a │
                     │            │            │             │ tuple      of     a │
                     │            │            │             │ signature    string │
                     │            │            │             │ and a single type.  │
                     │            │            │             │                     │
                     │            │            │             │ Example:      ("s", │
                     │            │            │             │ "test") variant  of │
                     │            │            │             │ a single string     │

   Name conversions
       D-Bus uses CamelCase for method names.

       Python uses snake_case.

       When  decorating  a  method  name  will  be  automatically  translated  from snake_case to
       CamelCase. Example: close_notification -> CloseNotification

       However, all decorators have a parameter to force D-Bus name to a specific value.  See API
       documentation for a particular decorator.

   Default bus
       Most  object  methods  that  take a bus as a parameter will use a thread-local default bus
       connection if a bus object is not explicitly passed.

       Session bus is default bus when running as a user and system bus otherwise.

       request_default_bus_name_async() can be used to acquire a service name on default bus.

       Use sd_bus_open_user() and sd_bus_open_system() to acquire a specific bus connection.

       Set the default connection to a new default with set_default_bus().  This should  be  done
       before any object that take bus as an init argument are created.

       In the future there will be a better way to create and acquire new bus connections.

   GlossaryBus object representing connection to D-Bus.


         Proxy Python object that represents an object on D-Bus.
                Without proxy you manipulate messages directly.

       • Remote something that exists outside current Python process.

       • Local something that exists inside current Python scope.


         Service Name a well known name that an process can acquire on D-Bus.
                For example, systemd acquires org.freedesktop.systemd1 name.

       • Signature D-Bus type definition. Represented by a string. See D-Bus types conversion.

   ContentsIndexAPI IndexSearch Page

   Common API
       These calls are shared between async and blocking API.

   D-Bus connections calls
       async  sdbus.request_default_bus_name_async(new_name, allow_replacement, replace_existing,
              Acquire a name on the default bus async.

              Parametersnew_name (str) -- the name to acquire.  Must  be  a  valid  D-Bus  service

                     • new_name -- the name to acquire.  Must be a valid D-Bus service name.

                     • allow_replacement (bool) -- If name was acquired allow other peers to take
                       away the name.

                     • replace_existing (bool) -- If current name owner  allows,  take  away  the

                     • queue     (bool)     --     Queue     up     for     name     acquisition.
                       SdBusRequestNameInQueueError will be raised when  successfully  placed  in
                       queue.  Ownership  change signal should be monitored get notified when the
                       name was acquired.

              Raises Name request exceptions and other D-Bus exceptions.

       sdbus.request_default_bus_name(new_name, allow_replacement, replace_existing, queue)
              Acquire a name on the default bus.

              Parametersnew_name (str) -- the name to acquire.  Must  be  a  valid  D-Bus  service

                     • allow_replacement (bool) -- If name was acquired allow other peers to take
                       away the name.

                     • replace_existing (bool) -- If current name owner  allows,  take  away  the

                     • queue     (bool)     --     Queue     up     for     name     acquisition.
                       SdBusRequestNameInQueueError will be raised when  successfully  placed  in
                       queue.  Ownership  change signal should be monitored get notified when the
                       name was acquired.

              Raises Name request exceptions and other D-Bus exceptions.

              Sets default bus.

              Should be called before you create any objects that might use default bus.

              Default bus can be replaced but the change will only affect newly created objects.

                     new_default (SdBus) -- The bus object to set default to.

              Gets default bus.

                     default bus

              Return type

              Opens a new user session bus connection.

                     session bus

              Return type

              Opens a new system bus connection.

                     system bus

              Return type

              Opens a new system bus connection on  a  remote  host  through  SSH.  Host  can  be
              prefixed   with   username@   and   followed  by  :port  and  /machine_name  as  in
              systemd-nspawn container name.

                     host (str) -- Host name to connect.

                     Remote system bus

              Return type

              Opens a new system bus connection in a systemd-nspawn container. Machine  name  can
              be prefixed with username@.  Special machine name .host indicates local system.

                     machine (str) -- Machine (container) name.

                     Remote system bus

              Return type

              Opens  a  new user session bus connection in a systemd-nspawn container. Opens root
              user bus session or can be prefixed with username@ for a specific user.

                     machine (str) -- Machine (container) name.

                     Remote system bus

              Return type

   Helper functions
       sdbus.encode_object_path(prefix, external)
              Encode that arbitrary string as a valid object path prefixed with prefix.

              Parametersprefix (str) -- Prefix path. Must be a valid object path.

                     • external (str) -- Arbitrary string to identify object.

                     valid object path

              Return type

              Example on how systemd encodes unit names on D-Bus:

                 from sdbus import encode_object_path

                 # System uses /org/freedesktop/systemd1/unit as prefix of all units
                 # dbus.service is a name of D-Bus unit but dot . is not a valid object path
                 s = encode_object_path('/org/freedesktop/systemd1/unit', 'dbus.service')
                 # Prints: /org/freedesktop/systemd1/unit/dbus_2eservice

       sdbus.decode_object_path(prefix, full_path)
              Decode object name that was encoded with encode_object_path().

              Parametersprefix (str) -- Prefix path. Must be a valid object path.

                     • full_path (str) -- Full path to be decoded.

                     Arbitrary name

              Return type

              Example decoding systemd unit name:

                 from sdbus import decode_object_path

                 s = decode_object_path(
                 # Prints: dbus.service

       Flags are int values that should be ORed to combine.

       Example, DbusDeprecatedFlag plus DbusHiddenFlag: DbusDeprecatedFlag | DbusHiddenFlag

       sdbus.DbusDeprecatedFlag: int
              Mark this method or property as deprecated in introspection data.

       sdbus.DbusHiddenFlag: int
              Method or property will not show up in introspection data.

       sdbus.DbusUnprivilegedFlag: int
              Mark this method or property as unprivileged. This means anyone can call  it.  Only
              works for system bus as user session bus is fully trusted by default.

       sdbus.DbusNoReplyFlag: int
              This  method  does not have a reply message. It instantly returns and does not have
              any errors.

       sdbus.DbusPropertyConstFlag: int
              Mark that this property does not change during object life time.

       sdbus.DbusPropertyEmitsChangeFlag: int
              This property emits signal when it changes.

       sdbus.DbusPropertyEmitsInvalidationFlag: int
              This property emits signal when it invalidates. (means the value changed  but  does
              not include new value in the signal)

       sdbus.DbusPropertyExplicitFlag: int
              This property is too heavy to calculate so its not included in GetAll method call.

       sdbus.DbusSensitiveFlag: int
              Data  in  messages  in  sensitive and will be scrubbed from memory after message is

   Blocking quick start
   Interface classes
       Python-sdbus works by declaring interface classes.

       Interface classes for blocking IO should be derived from DbusInterfaceCommon.

       The class constructor takes interface_name keyword to determine the D-Bus  interface  name
       for all D-Bus elements declared in the class body.


          class ExampleInterface(DbusInterfaceCommon,

       Interface  class  body  should contain the definitions of methods and properties using the
       decorators dbus_method() and dbus_property() respectively.


          from sdbus import (DbusInterfaceCommon,
                             dbus_method, dbus_property)

          class ExampleInterface(DbusInterfaceCommon,
              # Method that takes an integer and does not return anything
              def close_notification(self, an_int: int) -> None:
                  raise NotImplementedError

              # Read only property of int
              def test_int(self) -> int:
                  raise NotImplementedError

       This is an interface of that defines a one D-Bus method and one property.

       The actual body of the decorated function will not be called. Instead  the  call  will  be
       routed through D-Bus to a another process. Interface can have non-decorated functions that
       will act as regular methods.

       Blocking IO can only interact with existing D-Bus objects and can not be served for  other
       processes to interact with. See Blocking vs Async

   Initiating proxy
       DbusInterfaceCommon.__init__()  method  takes  service_name  and object_path of the remote
       object that the object will proxy to.

       Example creating a proxy and calling method:

          # Initialize the object
          d = ExampleInterface(


          Successfully initiating a proxy object does NOT guarantee that the D-Bus object exists.

       Methods are functions wrapped with dbus_method() decorator.

       If the remote object sends an error reply an exception with base of  DbusFailedError  will
       be raised. See Exceptions for list of exceptions.

       The  wrapped  function  will  not  be called. Its recommended to set the function to raise


          from sdbus import DbusInterfaceCommon, dbus_method

          class ExampleInterface(...):

              # Body of some class

              def close_notification(self, an_int: int) -> None:
                  raise NotImplementedError

       D-Bus property is defined by wrapping a function with dbus_property() decorator.


          from sdbus import DbusInterfaceCommon, dbus_property

          class ExampleInterface(...):

              # Body of some class

              # Property of str
              def test_string(self) -> str:
                  raise NotImplementedError

       The new property behaves very similar to Pythons property() decorator.

          # Initialize the proxy
          d = ExampleInterface(

          # Print it

          # Assign new string
          d.test_string = 'some_string'

       If property is read-only when DbusPropertyReadOnlyError will be raised.

   Multiple interfaces
       A D-Bus object can have multiple interfaces with different methods and properties.

       To implement this define multiple interface classes and do a multiple inheritance  on  all
       interfaces the object has.


          from sdbus import DbusInterfaceCommon, dbus_method

          class ExampleInterface(DbusInterfaceCommon,

              def example_method(self, an_int: int) -> None:
                  raise NotImplementedError

          class TestInterface(DbusInterfaceCommon,

              def test_method(self, str_array: List[str]) -> None:
                  raise NotImplementedError

          class MultipleInterfaces(TestInterface, ExampleInterface):

       MultipleInterfaces  class  will  have  both  test_method  and  example_method that will be
       proxied  to  correct  interface  names.  (org.example.myinterface   and   org.example.test

   Blocking API
       class sdbus.DbusInterfaceCommon(interface_name)
              D-Bus  interface  class.   D-Bus  methods  and  properties  should be defined using
              dbus_property() and dbus_method() decorators.

                     interface_name (str) -- Sets the D-Bus interface name that will be used  for
                     all properties and methods defined in the body of the class

              __init__(service_name, object_path[, bus])
                     Init will create a proxy to a remote object

                     Parametersservice_name  (str)  --  Remote  object D-Bus connection name.  For
                              example, systemd uses org.freedesktop.systemd1object_path (str) -- Remote object D-Bus path.  Should be a forward
                              slash  separated  path.   Starting  object  is usually /.  Example:
                              /org/freedesktop/systemd/unit/dbus_2eservicebus (SdBus) -- Optional D-Bus connection object.  If not passed the
                              default D-Bus will be used.

                     Pings the remote service using D-Bus.

                     Useful to test if connection or remote service is alive.

                        This  method  is ignores the particular object path meaning it can NOT be
                        used to test if object exist.

                     Returns the machine UUID of D-Bus the object is connected to.

                            machine UUID

                     Return type

                     Get D-Bus introspection XML.

                     It is users responsibility to parse that data.

                            string with introspection XML

                     Return type

                     Get all object properties as a dictionary where keys are  member  names  and
                     values are properties values.

                     Equivalent to GetAll method of the org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties interface
                     but  the  member  names  are  automatically  translated  to  python   names.
                     (internally calls it for each interface used in class definition)

                            on_unknown_member   (str)   --  If  an  unknown  D-Bus  property  was
                            encountered either raise an "error" (default), "ignore" the  property
                            or "reuse" the D-Bus name for the member.

                            dictionary of properties

                     Return type
                            Dict[str, Any]


                 from sdbus import (DbusInterfaceCommon,
                                    dbus_method, dbus_property)

                 class ExampleInterface(DbusInterfaceCommon,

                     # Method that takes an integer and does not return anything
                     def close_notification(self, an_int: int) -> None:
                         raise NotImplementedError

                     # Method that does not take any arguments and returns a list of str
                     def get_capabilities(self) -> List[str]:
                         raise NotImplementedError

                     # Method that takes a dict of {str: str} and returns an int
                     def count_entries(self, a_dict: Dict[str, str]) -> int:
                         raise NotImplementedError

                     # Read only property of int
                     def test_int(self) -> int:
                         raise NotImplementedError

                     # Read/Write property of str
                     def test_string(self) -> str:
                         raise NotImplementedError

       class sdbus.DbusObjectManagerInterface(interface_name)
              This  class is almost identical to DbusInterfaceCommon but implements ObjectManager

                     Get the objects this object manager in managing.

                            Triple nested dictionary that contains all  the  objects  paths  with
                            their properties values.

                            Dict[ObjectPath,        Dict[InterfaceName,        Dict[PropertyName,

                     Return type
                            Dict[str, Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]]]

       @sdbus.dbus_method([input_signature[, flags[, method_name]]])
              Define D-Bus method

              Decorated function becomes linked to D-Bus method.  Always use  round  brackets  ()
              even when not passing any arguments.

              Parametersinput_signature  (str)  --  D-Bus input signature.  Defaults to "" meaning
                       method takes no arguments.  Required if method takes any arguments.

                     • flags (int) --

                       modifies behavior.  No  effect  on  remote  connections.   Defaults  to  0
                       meaning no special behavior.

                       See Flags .

                     • method_name  (str)  --  Explicitly define remote method name.  Usually not
                       required as remote method name  will  be  constructed  based  on  original
                       method name.

              Defining methods example:

                 from sdbus import DbusInterfaceCommon, dbus_method

                 class ExampleInterface(DbusInterfaceCommon,

                     # Method that takes an integer and does not return anything
                     def close_notification(self, an_int: int) -> None:
                         raise NotImplementedError

                     # Method that does not take any arguments and returns a list of str
                     def get_capabilities(self) -> List[str]:
                         raise NotImplementedError

                     # Method that takes a dict of {str: str} and returns an int
                     def count_entries(self, a_dict: Dict[str, str]) -> int:
                         raise NotImplementedError

              Calling methods example:

                 # Initialize the object
                 d = ExampleInterface(


                 l = d.get_capabilities()

                 d.count_entries({'a': 'asdasdasd', 'b': 'hgterghead213d'})

       @sdbus.dbus_property([property_signature[, flags[, property_name]]])
              Define D-Bus property

              Property  works  just like @property decorator would.  Always use round brackets ()
              even when not passing any arguments.

              Read only property can be indicated by passing empty D-Bus signature "".

              Trying to assign a read only property will raise AttributeError

              Parametersproperty_signature (str) -- D-Bus property signature.  Empty signature  ""
                       indicates  read-only  property.  Defaults to empty signature "".  Required
                       only for writable properties.

                     • flags (int) --

                       modifies behavior.  No  effect  on  remote  connections.   Defaults  to  0
                       meaning no special behavior.

                       See Flags .

                     • property_name  (str)  --  Explicitly define remote property name.  Usually
                       not required as remote property name will be constructed based on original
                       method name.

              Defining properties example:

                 from sdbus import DbusInterfaceCommon, dbus_property

                 class ExampleInterface(DbusInterfaceCommon,

                     # Property of int
                     def test_int(self) -> int:
                         raise NotImplementedError

                     # Property of str
                     def test_string(self) -> str:
                         raise NotImplementedError

              Properties usage example:

                 # Initialize the object
                 d = ExampleInterface(

                 # Print the int

                 # Assign new string
                 d.test_string = 'some_string'

                 # Print it

       • IndexModule IndexSearch Page

   Asyncio quick start
   Interface classes
       Python-sdbus works by declaring interface classes.

       Interface classes for async IO should be derived from DbusInterfaceCommonAsync.

       The  class  constructor takes interface_name keyword to determine the D-Bus interface name
       for all D-Bus elements declared in the class body.


          from sdbus import DbusInterfaceCommonAsync

          class ExampleInterface(DbusInterfaceCommonAsync,

       Interface class body should contain the definitions of  methods,  properties  and  signals
       using     decorators    such    as    dbus_method_async(),    dbus_property_async()    and


          from sdbus import (DbusInterfaceCommonAsync, dbus_method_async,
                             dbus_property_async, dbus_signal_async)

          class ExampleInterface(DbusInterfaceCommonAsync,
              # Method that takes an integer and multiplies it by 2
              @dbus_method_async('i', 'i')
              async def double_int(self, an_int: int) -> None:
                  return an_int * 2

              # Read only property of str
              def read_string(self) -> int:
                  return 'Test'

              # Signal with a list of strings
              def str_signal(self) -> List[str]:
                  raise NotImplementedError

   Initiating proxy
       DbusInterfaceCommonAsync provides two methods for proxying remote objects.

       DbusInterfaceCommonAsync.new_proxy() class method bypasses the class __init__ and  returns
       proxy object.

       DbusInterfaceCommonAsync._proxify()  should  be  used  inside the __init__ methods if your
       class is a proxy only.

       Recommended to create proxy classes that a subclass of the interface:

          from sdbus import DbusInterfaceCommonAsync

          class ExampleInterface(...):
              # Some interface class

          class ExampleClient(ExampleInterface):
              def __init__(self) -> None:
                  # Your client init can proxy to any object based on passed arguments.
                  self._proxify('org.example.test', '/')

          Successfully initiating a proxy object does NOT guarantee that the D-Bus object exists.

   Serving objects
       DbusInterfaceCommonAsync.export_to_dbus() method will export  the  object  to  the  D-Bus.
       After calling it the object becomes visible on D-Bus for other processes to call.

       Example using ExampleInterface from before:

          from sdbus import request_default_bus_name_async

          loop = get_event_loop()

          i = ExampleInterface()

          async def start() -> None:
              # Acquire a name on the bus
              await request_default_bus_name_async('org.example.test')
              # Start serving at / path


   Connection transparency
       The  interface  objects  are  designed  to be transparent to their connection status. This
       means if the object not proxied to remote the calls to decorated methods will  still  work
       in the local scope.

       This is the call to local object:

          i = ExampleInterface()

          async def test() -> None:
              print(await i.double_int(5))  # Will print 10

       This is a call to remote object at 'org.example.test' service name and '/' path:

          i = ExampleInterface.new_proxy('org.example.test', '/')

          async def test() -> None:
              print(await i.double_int(5))  # Will print 10

       Methods  are async function calls wrapped with dbus_method_async() decorator. (see the API
       reference for decorator parameters)

       Methods have to be async function, otherwise AssertionError will be raised.

       While method calls are async there is a inherit timeout timer for any method call.

       To return an error to caller you need to raise exception which has  a  DbusFailedError  as
       base.  Regular exceptions will not propagate.

       See Exceptions.


          from sdbus import DbusInterfaceCommonAsync, dbus_method_async

          class ExampleInterface(...):

              # Body of some class

              # Method that takes a string
              # and returns uppercase of that string
                  result_args_names=('uppercased', )  # This is optional but
                                                      # makes arguments have names in
                                                      # instrospection data.
              async def upper(self, str_to_up: str) -> str:
                  return str_to_up.upper()

       Methods behave exact same way as Python methods would:

          print(await example_object.upper('test'))  # prints TEST

       Properties are a single value that can be read and write.

       To   declare  a  read  only  property  you  need  to  decorate  a  regular  function  with
       dbus_property_async() decorator.


          from sdbus import DbusInterfaceCommonAsync, dbus_property_async

          class ExampleInterface(...):

              # Body of some class

              # Read only property. No setter defined.
              def read_only_number(self) -> int:
                  return 10

       To create a read/write property you need to decorate the setter function with  the  setter
       attribute of your getter function.


          from sdbus import DbusInterfaceCommonAsync, dbus_property_async

          class ExampleInterface(...):

              # Body of some class

              # Read/write property. First define getter.
              def read_write_str(self) -> str:
                  return self.s

              # Now create setter. Method name does not matter.
              @read_write_str.setter  # Use the property setter method as decorator
              def read_write_str_setter(self, new_str: str) -> None:
                  self.s = new_str

       Properties  are  supposed  to  be  lightweight.  Make sure you don't block event loop with
       getter or setter.

       Async properties do not behave the same way as property() decorator does.

       To get the value of the property  you  can  either  directly  await  on  property  or  use
       get_async() method. (also need to be awaited)

       To set property use set_async() method.


          # Somewhere in async function
          # Assume we have example_object of class defined above
          print(await example_object.read_write_str)  # Print the value of read_write_str

          # Set read_write_str to new value
          await example_object.read_write_str.set_async('test')

       To define a D-Bus signal wrap a function with dbus_signal_async() decorator.

       The  function is only used for type hints information. It is recommended to just put raise
       NotImplementedError in to the body of the function.


          from sdbus import DbusInterfaceCommonAsync, dbus_signal_async

          class ExampleInterface(...):

                  # Body of some class
                  def name_changed(self) -> str:
                      raise NotImplementedError

       To catch a signal use async for loop:

          async for x in example_object.name_changed:

          If you are creating an asyncio task to listen on signals make sure  to  bind  it  to  a
          variable and keep it referenced otherwise garbage collector will destroy your task.

       A signal can be emitted with emit() method.



       Signals  can also be caught from multiple D-Bus objects using catch_anywhere() method. The
       async iterator will yield the path of the object that emitted the signal  and  the  signal

       catch_anywhere()  can  be  called  from  class  but  in such case the service name must be


          async for path, x in ExampleInterface.name_changed('org.example.test'):
              print(f"On {path} caught: {x}")

   Subclass Overrides
       If you define a subclass which overrides a declared D-Bus method or property you  need  to
       use dbus_method_async_override() and dbus_property_async_override() decorators. Overridden
       property can decorate a new setter.

       Overridden methods should take same number and type of arguments.


          from sdbus import (dbus_method_async_override,

          # Some subclass
          class SubclassInterface(...):

              async def upper(self, str_to_up: str) -> str:
                  return 'Upper: ' + str_to_up.upper()

              def str_prop(self) -> str:
                  return 'Test property' + self.s

              # Setter needs to be decorated again to override
              def str_prop_setter(self, new_s: str) -> None:
                  self.s = new_s.upper()

   Multiple interfaces
       A D-Bus object can have multiple interfaces with different methods and properties.

       To implement this define multiple interface classes and do a multiple inheritance  on  all
       interfaces the object has.


          from sdbus import DbusInterfaceCommonAsync

          class ExampleInterface(DbusInterfaceCommonAsync,

              @dbus_method_async('i', 'i')
              async def double_int(self, an_int: int) -> None:
                  return an_int * 2

          class TestInterface(DbusInterfaceCommonAsync,

              @dbus_method_async('as', 's')
              async def join_str(self, str_array: List[str]) -> str:
                  return ''.join(str_array)

          class MultipleInterfaces(TestInterface, ExampleInterface):

       MultipleInterfaces  class will have both test_method and example_method that will be wired
       to correct interface names. (org.example.myinterface and org.example.test respectively)

   Asyncio API
       class sdbus.DbusInterfaceCommonAsync(interface_name)
              D-Bus async interface class.  D-Bus methods and properties should be defined  using
              dbus_property_async(), dbus_signal_async(), and dbus_method_async() decorators.

                 Don't forget to call super().__init__() in derived classes init calls as it sets
                 up important attributes.

              Parametersinterface_name (str) -- Sets the D-Bus interface name that  will  be  used
                       for all properties, methods and signals defined in the body of the class.

                     • serving_enabled  (bool) -- If set to True the interface will not be served
                       on D-Bus. Mostly used for interfaces that sd-bus already provides such  as

              async dbus_ping()
                     Pings the remote service using D-Bus.

                     Useful to test if connection or remote service is alive.

                        This  method  is ignores the particular object path meaning it can NOT be
                        used to test if object exist.

              async dbus_machine_id()
                     Returns the machine UUID of D-Bus the object is connected to.

                            machine UUID

                     Return type

              async dbus_introspect()
                     Get D-Bus introspection XML.

                     It is users responsibility to parse that data.

                            string with introspection XML

                     Return type

              async properties_get_all_dict()
                     Get all object properties as a dictionary where keys are  member  names  and
                     values are properties values.

                     Equivalent to GetAll method of the org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties interface
                     but  the  member  names  are  automatically  translated  to  python   names.
                     (internally calls it for each interface used in class definition)

                            on_unknown_member   (str)   --  If  an  unknown  D-Bus  property  was
                            encountered either raise an "error" (default), "ignore" the  property
                            or "reuse" the D-Bus name for the member.

                            dictionary of properties

                     Return type
                            Dict[str, Any]

              properties_changed: Tuple[str, Dict[str, Tuple[str, Any]], List[str]]
                     Signal when one of the objects properties changes.

                     sdbus.utils.parse_properties_changed()  can be used to transform this signal
                     data in to an easier to work with dictionary.

                     Signal data is:

                     Interface name
                            str Name of the interface where property changed

                     Changed properties
                            Dict[str,  Tuple[str,  Any]]  Dictionary  there  keys  are  names  of
                            properties changed and values are variants of new value.

                     Invalidated properties
                            List[str]  List  of  property names changed but no new value had been

              _proxify(bus, service_name, object_path)
                     Begin proxying to a remote D-Bus object.

                     Parametersservice_name (str) -- Remote object  D-Bus  connection  name.   For
                              example, systemd uses org.freedesktop.systemd1object_path (str) -- Remote object D-Bus path.  Should be a forward
                              slash separated path.  Starting  object  is  usually  /.   Example:
                              /org/freedesktop/systemd/unit/dbus_2eservicebus (SdBus) -- Optional D-Bus connection object.  If not passed the
                              default D-Bus will be used.

              classmethod new_proxy(bus, service_name, object_path)
                     Create new proxy object and bypass __init__.

                     Parametersservice_name (str) -- Remote object  D-Bus  connection  name.   For
                              example, systemd uses org.freedesktop.systemd1object_path (str) -- Remote object D-Bus path.  Should be a forward
                              slash separated path.  Starting  object  is  usually  /.   Example:
                              /org/freedesktop/systemd/unit/dbus_2eservicebus (SdBus) -- Optional D-Bus connection object.  If not passed the
                              default D-Bus will be used.

              export_to_dbus(object_path, bus)
                     Object will appear and become callable on D-Bus.

                     Parametersobject_path (str) -- Object path that it will be available at.

                            • bus (SdBus) -- Optional D-Bus connection object.  If not passed the
                              default D-Bus will be used.

       class sdbus.DbusObjectManagerInterfaceAsync(interface_name)
              This   class   is  almost  identical  to  DbusInterfaceCommonAsync  but  implements
              ObjectManager interface.

              Example of serving objects with ObjectManager:

                 my_object_manager = DbusObjectManagerInterfaceAsync()

                 managed_object = DbusInterfaceCommonAsync()

              async get_managed_objects()
                     Get the objects this object manager in managing.

                            Triple nested dictionary that contains all  the  objects  paths  with
                            their properties values.

                            Dict[ObjectPath,        Dict[InterfaceName,        Dict[PropertyName,

                     Return type
                            Dict[str, Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]]]

              interfaces_added: Tuple[str, Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]]]
                     Signal when a new object is  added  or  and  existing  object  gains  a  new

                     sdbus.utils.parse_interfaces_added()  can be used to make signal data easier
                     to work with.

                     Signal data is:

                     Object path
                            str Path to object that was added or modified.

                     Object interfaces and properties
                            Dict[str,  Dict[str,  Any]]]  Dict[InterfaceName,  Dict[PropertyName,

              interfaces_removed: Tuple[str, List[str]]
                     Signal when existing object or and interface of existing object is removed.

                     sdbus.utils.parse_interfaces_removed()  can  be  used  to  make  signal data
                     easier to work with.

                     Signal data is:

                     Object path
                            str Path to object that was removed or modified.

                     Interfaces list
                            List[str] Interfaces names that were removed.

              export_with_manager(object_path, object_to_export, bus)
                     Export object to D-Bus and emit a signal that it was added.

                     ObjectManager must be exported first.

                     Path should be a subpath of where ObjectManager was exported.   Example,  if
                     ObjectManager  exported  to  /object/manager,  the  managed  object  can  be
                     exported at /object/manager/test.

                     ObjectManager will keep the reference to the object.

                     Parametersobject_path (str) -- Object path that it will be available at.

                            • object_to_export (DbusInterfaceCommonAsync) -- Object to export  to

                            • bus (SdBus) -- Optional D-Bus connection object.  If not passed the
                              default D-Bus will be used.

                     Raises RuntimeError -- ObjectManager was not exported.

                     Emit signal that object was removed.

                     Releases reference to the object.

                        The object will still be accessible over D-Bus until all references to it
                        will be removed.

                            managed_object  (DbusInterfaceCommonAsync)  --  Object to remove from

                     RaisesRuntimeError -- ObjectManager was not exported.

                            • KeyError -- Passed object is not managed by ObjectManager.

       @sdbus.dbus_method_async([input_signature[, result_signature[, flags[, result_args_names[,
       input_args_names[, method_name]]]]]])
              Define a method.

              Underlying function must be a coroutine function.

              Parametersinput_signature  (str)  --  D-Bus input signature.  Defaults to "" meaning
                       method takes no arguments.  Required if you intend to connect to a  remote

                     • result_signature  (str) -- D-Bus result signature.  Defaults to "" meaning
                       method returns empty reply on success.  Required if you  intend  to  serve
                       the object.

                     • flags (int) --

                       modifies  behavior.   No  effect  on  remote  connections.   Defaults to 0
                       meaning no special behavior.

                       See Flags .

                     • result_args_names (Sequence[str]) --

                       sequence of result argument names.

                       These names will show up in  introspection  data  but  otherwise  have  no

                       Sequence  can  be  list, tuple, etc...  Number of elements in the sequence
                       should match the number of result  arguments  otherwise  SdBusLibraryError
                       will be raised.

                       Defaults to result arguments being nameless.

                     • input_args_names (Sequence[str]) --

                       sequence of input argument names.

                       These  names  will  show  up  in  introspection data but otherwise have no

                       Sequence can be list, tuple, etc...  Number of elements  in  the  sequence
                       should match the number of result arguments otherwise RuntimeError will be

                       If result_args_names has been passed when Python function  argument  names
                       will be used otherwise input arguments will be nameless

                     • method_name  (str)  --  Force  specific D-Bus method name instead of being
                       based on Python function name.


                 from sdbus import DbusInterfaceCommonAsync, dbus_method_async

                 class ExampleInterface(DbusInterfaceCommonAsync,

                     # Method that takes a string
                     # and returns uppercase of that string
                         result_args_names=('uppercased', )  # This is optional but
                                                             # makes arguments have names in
                                                             # instrospection data.
                     async def upper(self, str_to_up: str) -> str:
                         return str_to_up.upper()

       @sdbus.dbus_property_async(property_signature[, flags[, property_name]])
              Declare a D-Bus property.

              The underlying function has to be a regular def function.

              The property will be read-only or read/write based on if setter was declared.

                 Properties are supposed to be lightweight to get or  set.   Make  sure  property
                 getter  or  setter  does  not perform heavy IO or computation as that will block
                 other methods or properties.

              Parametersproperty_signature (str) -- Property D-Bus signature.  Has to be a  single
                       type or container.

                     • flags (int) --

                       modifies  behavior.   No  effect  on  remote  connections.   Defaults to 0
                       meaning no special behavior.

                       See Flags .

                     • property_name  (str)  --  Force  specific   property   name   instead   of
                       constructing it based on Python function name.

              Properties have following methods:

                     Defines  the setter function.  This makes the property read/write instead of

                     See example on how to use.

                     Defines the private setter function.  The setter can be called  locally  but
                     property will be read-only from D-Bus.

                     Calling the setter locally will emit properties_changed signal to D-Bus.

              async sdbus.get_async()
                     Get the property value.

                     The property can also be directly await ed instead of calling this method.

              async sdbus.set_async(new_value)
                     Set property value.


                 from sdbus import DbusInterfaceCommonAsync, dbus_property_async

                 class ExampleInterface(DbusInterfaceCommonAsync,

                     def __init__(self) -> None:
                         # This is just a generic init
                         self.i = 12345
                         self.s = 'test'

                     # Read only property. No setter defined.
                     def read_only_number(self) -> int:
                         return self.i

                     # Read/write property. First define getter.
                     def read_write_str(self) -> str:
                         return self.s

                     # Now create setter. Method name does not matter.
                     @read_write_str.setter  # Use the property setter method as decorator
                     def read_write_str_setter(self, new_str: str) -> None:
                         self.s = new_str

       @sdbus.dbus_signal_async([signal_signature[, signal_args_names[, flags[, signal_name]]]])
              Defines a D-Bus signal.

              Underlying function return type hint is used for signal type hints.

              Parameterssignal_signature  (str)  --  signal  D-Bus  signature.   Defaults to empty

                     • signal_args_names (Sequence[str]) --

                       sequence of signal argument names.

                       These names will show up in  introspection  data  but  otherwise  have  no

                       Sequence  can  be  list, tuple, etc...  Number of elements in the sequence
                       should match the number of result arguments otherwise RuntimeError will be

                       Defaults to result arguments being nameless.

                     • flags (int) --

                       modifies  behavior.   No  effect  on  remote  connections.   Defaults to 0
                       meaning no special behavior.

                       See Flags .

                     • signal_name (str) -- Forces specific signal name instead of being based on
                       Python function name.

              Signals have following methods:

                     Catch  D-Bus  signals  using  the  async  generator for loop: async for x in

                     This is main way to await for new events.

                     Both remote and local objects operate the same way.

                     Signal objects  can  also  be  async  iterated  directly:  async  for  x  in

              sdbus.catch_anywhere(service_name, bus)
                     Catch  signal  independent of path.  Yields tuple of path of the object that
                     emitted signal and signal data.

                     async for path, data in something.some_signal.catch_anywhere():

                     This method can be called from both an proxy object and class.  However,  it
                     cannot be called on local objects and will raise NotImplementedError.

                     Parametersservice_name  (str)  --  Service  name  of which signals belong to.
                              Required if called from class. When called from  proxy  object  the
                              service name of the proxy will be used.

                            • bus  (str) -- Optional D-Bus connection object.  If not passed when
                              called from proxy the bus connected to proxy will be used  or  when
                              called from class default bus will be used.

                     Emit a new signal with args data.


                 from sdbus import DbusInterfaceCommonAsync, dbus_signal_async

                 class ExampleInterface(DbusInterfaceCommonAsync,

                     def name_changed(self) -> str:
                         raise NotImplementedError

              Override the method.

              Method name should match the super class method name that you want to override.

              New method should take same arguments.

              You must add round brackets to decorator.


                 from sdbus import (DbusInterfaceCommonAsync, dbus_method_async

                 class ExampleInterface(DbusInterfaceCommonAsync,

                     # Original call
                     @dbus_method_async('s', 's')
                     async def upper(self, str_to_up: str) -> str:
                         return str_to_up.upper()

                 class ExampleOverride(ExampleInterface):

                     async def upper(self, str_to_up: str) -> str:
                         return 'Upper: ' + str_to_up.upper()

              Override property.

              You must add round brackets to decorator.


                 from sdbus import (DbusInterfaceCommonAsync, dbus_property_async

                 class ExampleInterface(DbusInterfaceCommonAsync,

                     def __init__(self) -> None:
                         self.s = 'aaaaaaaaa'

                     # Original property
                     def str_prop(self) -> str:
                         return self.s

                     def str_prop_setter(self, new_s: str) -> None:
                         self.s = new_s

                 class ExampleOverride(ExampleInterface):

                     def str_prop(self) -> str:
                         return 'Test property' + self.s

                     # Setter needs to be decorated again to override
                     def str_prop_setter(self, new_s: str) -> None:
                         self.s = new_s.upper()

   Error name bound exceptions
       These  exceptions are bound to specific D-Bus error names. For example, DbusFailedError is
       bound to org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.Failed error name.

       This means if the remote object sends an error message with this  error  name  the  Python
       will receive this exception.

       When raised in a method callback an error message will be sent back to caller.

       See list of error exceptions.

   New error bound exceptions
       If  you  want  to  create  a  new  error  bound  exception  you  should  subclass  it from
       DbusFailedError and provide a unique  dbus_error_name  attribute  in  the  exception  body


          class DbusExampleError(DbusFailedError):
              dbus_error_name = 'org.example.Error'

       If dbus_error_name is not unique the ValueError will be raised.

       Defining  an  exception  will  automatically  bind  incoming  error  message  to  this new

       Existing exceptions can be manually binded using map_exception_to_dbus_error() function.

   Python built-in exceptions
       All Python built-in exceptions are mapped to D-Bus errors.

       The D-Bus error name is created by appending org.python.Error.  to the exception name.

       For example, AssertionError is bound to org.python.Error.AssertionError name.

       sdbus.exceptions.map_exception_to_dbus_error(exception, dbus_error_name)
              Map exception to a D-bus error. Error name must be unique.

              Parametersexception (Type[Exception]) -- Exception to bind.

                     • dbus_error_name (str) -- D-Bus error name to bind to.

   Other exceptions
       exception sdbus.exceptions.SdBusBaseError
              Base exceptions for all exceptions defined in sdbus.

       exception sdbus.exceptions.SdBusUnmappedMessageError
              Message error that is unmapped.

              The exceptions argument is a tuple of error name and error message.

       exception sdbus.exceptions.SdBusLibraryError
              sd-bus library returned error.

              Exception message contains line number and the error name.

   Name request exceptions
       These exceptions will be raise if an error related to ownership of D-Bus names occurs when
       calling request_default_bus_name_async() or request_default_bus_name().

       exception sdbus.exceptions.SdBusRequestNameError
              Common base exception for any name ownership error.

       exception sdbus.exceptions.SdBusRequestNameInQueueError
              Someone already owns the name but the request has been placed in queue.

       exception sdbus.exceptions.SdBusRequestNameExistsError
              Someone already owns the name.

       exception sdbus.exceptions.SdBusRequestNameAlreadyOwnerError
              The caller already owns the name.

   Error name exception list
       exception sdbus.exceptions.DbusFailedError
              Generic failure exception.

              Recommended to subclass to create a new exception.

              dbus_error_name: str = org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.Failed

       exception sdbus.exceptions.DbusNoMemoryError
              Remote object is out of memory.

              dbus_error_name: str = org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoMemory

       exception sdbus.exceptions.DbusServiceUnknownError
              No service with such name exists.

              Probably should only be raised by bus daemon.

              dbus_error_name: str = org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown

       exception sdbus.exceptions.DbusNameHasNoOwnerError
              No process owns the name you called.

              Probably should only be raised by bus daemon.

              dbus_error_name: str = org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NameHasNoOwner

       exception sdbus.exceptions.DbusNoReplyError
              Timeout on reply.

              dbus_error_name: str = org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoReply

       exception sdbus.exceptions.DbusIOError
              Input/Output error.

              dbus_error_name: str = org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.IOError

       exception sdbus.exceptions.DbusBadAddressError
              Bad address.

              dbus_error_name: str = org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.BadAddress

       exception sdbus.exceptions.DbusNotSupportedError
              Something is unsupported on this platform.

              dbus_error_name: str = org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NotSupported

       exception sdbus.exceptions.DbusLimitsExceededError
              Some resource was exhausted. (for example, file descriptors)

              dbus_error_name: str = org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.LimitsExceeded

       exception sdbus.exceptions.DbusAccessDeniedError
              Caller does not have enough privileges.

              dbus_error_name: str = org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.AccessDenied

       exception sdbus.exceptions.DbusAuthFailedError
              Authentication failed.

              dbus_error_name: str = org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.AuthFailed

       exception sdbus.exceptions.DbusNoServerError
              Unable to connect to bus.

              dbus_error_name: str = org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoServer

       exception sdbus.exceptions.DbusTimeoutError
              Socket timeout.

              This  is  different from DbusNoReplyError as here the connection to bus timeout not
              the remote object not replying.

              dbus_error_name: str = org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.Timeout

       exception sdbus.exceptions.DbusNoNetworkError
              No network access.

              Encountered you use D-Bus over TCP or SSH.

              dbus_error_name: str = org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoNetwork

       exception sdbus.exceptions.DbusAddressInUseError
              Address in use.

              dbus_error_name: str = org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.AddressInUse

       exception sdbus.exceptions.DbusDisconnectedError
              Disconnected from bus.

              dbus_error_name: str = org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.Disconnected

       exception sdbus.exceptions.DbusInvalidArgsError
              Method call args are invalid.

              dbus_error_name: str = org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.InvalidArgs

       exception sdbus.exceptions.DbusFileNotFoundError
              File not found.

              dbus_error_name: str = org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.FileNotFound

       exception sdbus.exceptions.DbusFileExistsError
              Generic failure exception.

              Recommended to subclass to create a new exception.

              dbus_error_name: str = org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.FileExists

       exception sdbus.exceptions.DbusUnknownMethodError
              Unknown D-Bus method.

              dbus_error_name: str = org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.UnknownMethod

       exception sdbus.exceptions.DbusUnknownObjectError
              Unknown D-Bus object.

              dbus_error_name: str = org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.UnknownObject

       exception sdbus.exceptions.DbusUnknownInterfaceError
              Unknown D-Bus interface.

              dbus_error_name: str = org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.UnknownInterface

       exception sdbus.exceptions.DbusUnknownPropertyError
              Unknown D-Bus property.

              dbus_error_name: str = org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.UnknownProperty

       exception sdbus.exceptions.DbusPropertyReadOnlyError
              D-Bus property is read only.

              dbus_error_name: str = org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.PropertyReadOnly

       exception sdbus.exceptions.DbusUnixProcessIdUnknownError
              PID does not exists.

              dbus_error_name: str = org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.UnixProcessIdUnknown

       exception sdbus.exceptions.DbusInvalidSignatureError
              Invalid D-Bus type signature.

              dbus_error_name: str = org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.InvalidSignature

       exception sdbus.exceptions.DbusInvalidFileContentError
              Invalid file content.

              dbus_error_name: str = org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.InvalidFileContent

       exception sdbus.exceptions.DbusInconsistentMessageError
              D-Bus message is malformed.

              dbus_error_name: str = org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.InconsistentMessage

       exception sdbus.exceptions.DbusMatchRuleNotFound
              Match rule does not exist.

              dbus_error_name: str = org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.MatchRuleNotFound

       exception sdbus.exceptions.DbusMatchRuleInvalidError
              Match rule is invalid.

              dbus_error_name: str = org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.MatchRuleInvalid

       exception sdbus.exceptions.DbusInteractiveAuthorizationRequiredError
              Requires interactive authorization.

              dbus_error_name: str = org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.InteractiveAuthorizationRequired

   Parsing utilities
       sdbus.utils.parse_properties_changed(interface,                   properties_changed_data,
              Parse data from properties_changed signal.

              Member  names  will  be translated to python defined names.  Invalidated properties
              will have a value of None.

              Parametersinterface (DbusInterfaceBaseAsync) --  Takes  either  D-Bus  interface  or
                       interface class.

                     • properties_changed_data (Tuple) -- Tuple caught from signal.

                     • on_unknown_member  (str)  --  If an unknown D-Bus property was encountered
                       either raise an "error" (default), "ignore" the property  or  "reuse"  the
                       D-Bus name for the member.

              Return type
                     Dict[str, Any]

                     Dictionary  of  changed  properties  with  keys  translated to python names.
                     Invalidated properties will have value of None.

       sdbus.utils.parse_interfaces_added(interfaces,                      interfaces_added_data,
       on_unknown_interface='error', on_unknown_member='error')
              Parse data from interfaces_added signal.

              Takes  an  iterable  of  D-Bus interface classes (or a single class) and the signal
              data.  Returns the path of new object, the class of the added object (if it matched
              one  of passed interface classes) and the dictionary of python named properties and
              their values.

              Parametersinterfaces (Iterable[DbusInterfaceBaseAsync]) -- Possible interfaces  that
                       were added.  Can accept classes with multiple interfaces defined.

                     • interfaces_added_data (Tuple) -- Tuple caught from signal.

                     • on_unknown_interface   (str)   --   If  an  unknown  D-Bus  interface  was
                       encountered either raise an "error" (default) or return "none" instead  of
                       interface class.

                     • on_unknown_member  (str)  --  If an unknown D-Bus property was encountered
                       either raise an "error" (default), "ignore" the property  or  "reuse"  the
                       D-Bus name for the member.

              Return type
                     Tuple[str, Optional[Type[DbusInterfaceBaseAsync]], Dict[str, Any]]

                     Path  of new added object, object's class (or None) and dictionary of python
                     translated members and their values.

       sdbus.utils.parse_interfaces_removed(interfaces,                  interfaces_removed_data,
              Parse data from interfaces_added signal.

              Takes  an  iterable  of  D-Bus interface classes (or a single class) and the signal
              data.  Returns the path of removed object andthe class of the added object.  (if it
              matched one of passed interface classes)

              Parametersinterfaces  (Iterable[DbusInterfaceBaseAsync]) -- Possible interfaces that
                       were removed.  Can accept classes with multiple interfaces defined.

                     • interfaces_added_data (Tuple) -- Tuple caught from signal.

                     • on_unknown_member (str) -- If an unknown D-Bus interface  was  encountered
                       either  raise  an  "error" (default) or return "none" instead of interface

              Return type
                     Tuple[str, Optional[Type[DbusInterfaceBaseAsync]]]

                     Path of removed object and object's class (or None).

   Asyncio client and server
       In this example we create a simple example server and client.

       There are 3 files:

       • File that contains the interface definition.

       • Server.

       • Client. file:

          from sdbus import (DbusInterfaceCommonAsync, dbus_method_async,
                                 dbus_property_async, dbus_signal_async)

          # This is file only contains interface definition for easy import
          # in server and client files

          class ExampleInterface(
              async def upper(self, string: str) -> str:
                  return string.upper()

              def hello_world(self) -> str:
                  return 'Hello, World!'

              def clock(self) -> int:
                  raise NotImplementedError file:

          from asyncio import get_event_loop, sleep
          from random import randint
          from time import time

          from example_interface import ExampleInterface

          from sdbus import request_default_bus_name_async

          loop = get_event_loop()

          export_object = ExampleInterface()

          async def clock() -> None:
              This coroutine will sleep a random time and emit a signal with current clock
              while True:
                  await sleep(randint(2, 7))  # Sleep a random time
                  current_time = int(time())  # The interface we defined uses integers

          async def startup() -> None:
              """Perform async startup actions"""
              # Acquire a known name on the bus
              # Clients will use that name to address to this server
              await request_default_bus_name_async('org.example.test')
              # Export the object to D-Bus

          task_clock = loop.create_task(clock())
          loop.run_forever() file:

          from asyncio import get_event_loop

          from example_interface import ExampleInterface

          # Create a new proxy object
          example_object = ExampleInterface.new_proxy('org.example.test', '/')

          async def print_clock() -> None:
              # Use async for loop to print clock signals we receive
              async for x in example_object.clock:
                  print('Got clock: ', x)

          async def call_upper() -> None:
              s = 'test string'
              s_after = await example_object.upper(s)

              print('Initial string: ', s)
              print('After call: ', s_after)

          async def get_hello_world() -> None:
              print('Remote property: ', await example_object.hello_world)

          loop = get_event_loop()

          # Always binds your tasks to a variable
          task_upper = loop.create_task(call_upper())
          task_clock = loop.create_task(print_clock())
          task_hello_world = loop.create_task(get_hello_world())


       Start server before client. python

       In separated terminal start client. python

       Use CTRL-C to close client and server.

       You can also use ExampleInterface as a local object:

          from asyncio import run
          from example_interface import ExampleInterface

          example_object = ExampleInterface()

          async def test() -> None:
              print(await example_object.upper('test'))

              print(await example_object.hello_world)


   Interfaces repository
       python-sdbus includes two namespace packages sdbus_async and sdbus_block  which  are  used
       for proxies.

       For  example,  D-Bus  daemon  interface  (which  comes  by  default)  can  be  found under
       sdbus_async.dbus_daemon for async binds and sdbus_block.dbus_daemon for blocking binds.

   Known proxies
   D-Bus daemon interface
       class sdbus_async.dbus_daemon.FreedesktopDbus(bus=None)
              D-Bus daemon.

              This is the D-Bus daemon interface. Used for querying D-Bus state.

              D-Bus  interface  object   path   and   service   name   is   predetermined.    (at
              'org.freedesktop.DBus', '/org/freedesktop/DBus')

                     bus  (SdBus)  -- Optional D-Bus connection.  If not passed the default D-Bus
                     will be used.

              async get_connection_pid(service_name)
                     D-Bus Method

                     Get process ID that owns a specified name.

                            service_name (str) -- Service name to query.

                            PID of name owner

                     Raises DbusNameHasNoOwnerError -- Nobody owns that name

                     Return type

              async get_connection_uid(service_name)
                     D-Bus Method

                     Get process user ID that owns a specified name.

                            service_name (str) -- Service name to query.

                            User ID of name owner

                     Raises DbusNameHasNoOwnerError -- Nobody owns that name

                     Return type

              async get_id()
                     D-Bus Method

                     Returns machine id where bus is run. (stored in /etc/machine-id)

                            Machine id

                     Return type

              async get_name_owner(service_name)
                     D-Bus Method

                     Returns unique bus name (i.e. ':1.94') for given service name.

                            service_name (str) -- Service name to query.

                            Unique bus name.

                     Raises DbusNameHasNoOwnerError -- Nobody owns that name

                     Return type

              async list_activatable_names()
                     D-Bus Method

                     Lists all activatable services names.

                            List of all names.

                     Return type

              async list_names()
                     D-Bus Method

                     List all services and connections currently of the bus.

                            List of all current names.

                     Return type

              async name_has_owner(service_name)
                     D-Bus Method

                     Return True if someone already owns the name, False if nobody does.

                            service_name (str) -- Service name to query.

                            Is the name owned?

                     Return type

              async start_service_by_name(service_name, flags=0)
                     D-Bus Method

                     Starts a specified service.

                     Flags parameter is not used currently and should be omitted or set to 0.

                     Parametersservice_name (str) -- Service name to start.

                            • flags (int) -- Not used. Omit or pass 0.

                            1 on success, 2 if already started.

                     Return type

                     D-Bus property

                     Python type: List[str]

                     D-Bus type: as

                     List of D-Bus daemon features.

                     Features include:

                     • 'AppArmor' - Messages filtered by AppArmor on this bus.

                     • 'HeaderFiltering'  -  Messages  are  filtered  if  they   have   incorrect
                       header fields.

                     • 'SELinux' - Messages filtered by SELinux on this bus.

                     • 'SystemdActivation'   -   services   activated   by   systemd   if   their
                       .service file specifies a D-Bus name.

                     D-Bus property

                     Python type: List[str]

                     D-Bus type: as

                     Extra D-Bus daemon interfaces

                     D-Bus signal

                     Python type: str

                     D-Bus type: s

                     Signal when current process acquires a bus name.

                     D-Bus signal

                     Python type: str

                     D-Bus type: s

                     Signal when current process loses a bus name.

                     D-Bus signal

                     Python type: Tuple[str, str, str]

                     D-Bus type: sss

                     Signal when some name on a bus changes owner.

                     Is a tuple of:

                     • The name that acquired or lost

                     • Old owner (by unique bus name) or empty string if no one owned it

                     • New owner (by unique bus name) or empty string if no one owns it now

       This list contains the known python-sdbus interface collections:

       • D-Bus daemon interface. Built-in.

       • Notifications.

       • NetworkManager.

       • Secrets.

   Interface code generator
       Python-sdbus is able to generate the interfaces code from  the  D-Bus  introspection  XML.
       (either  from a file or live object on D-Bus) Currently async interfaces code is generated
       by default.  Blocking interfaces can be generated by passing --block option.

       Running code generator requires Jinja2 to be installed.

          Do NOT send the generator result to exec() function.  Interface code MUST be  inspected
          before running.

   Generating from XML files
       To  run  generator  on  files  (such  as found under /usr/share/dbus-1/interfaces/ folder)
       execute the sdbus module with gen-from-file first argument and file paths to introspection
       XML files:

          python -m sdbus gen-from-file /usr/share/dbus-1/interfaces/org.gnome.Shell.Screenshot.xml

       The generated interface code will be printed in to stdout. You can use shell redirection >
       to save it in to file.

       Multiple interface files  can  be  passed  which  generates  a  file  containing  multiple

   Generating from run-time introspection
       To   run   generator  on  some  service  on  the  D-Bus  execute  the  sdbus  module  with
       gen-from-connection first argument, the service connection name as second and one or  more
       object paths:

          python -m sdbus gen-from-connection org.freedesktop.systemd1 /org/freedesktop/systemd1

       The generated interface code will be printed in to stdout. You can use shell redirection >
       to save it in to file.

       Multiple object paths can be passed which  generates  a  file  containing  all  interfaces
       encountered in the objects.

       Pass --system option to use system bus instead of session bus.

   Autodoc extensions
       Python-sdbus has an extension for Sphinx autodoc that can document D-Bus interfaces.

       To use it include "sdbus.autodoc" extension in your file.

          extensions = ['sdbus.autodoc']

       The     extension     can     document    interface    class    bodies.    For    example,
       python-sdbus-networkmanager uses it to document the classes.

          .. autoclass:: sdbus_async.networkmanager.NetworkManagerDeviceBluetoothInterfaceAsync

          Autodoc extension is early in development and has multiple  issues.  For  example,  the
          inheritance :inherited-members: does not work on the D-Bus elements.

   Writing docstrings
       The  D-Bus methods should be documented same way as the regular function would. See Sphinx
       documentation on possible fields

       Example docstring for a D-Bus method:

          @dbus_method_async('s', method_name='GetConnectionUnixProcessID')
          async def get_connection_pid(self, service_name: str) -> int:
              """Get process ID that owns a specified name.

              :param service_name: Service name to query.
              :return: PID of name owner
              :raises DbusNameHasNoOwnerError: Nobody owns that name
              raise NotImplementedError

       D-Bus properties and signals will be annotated with type taken from the stub function.

          def features(self) -> List[str]:
              """List of D-Bus daemon features.

              Features include:

              * 'AppArmor' - Messages filtered by AppArmor on this bus.
              * 'HeaderFiltering' - Messages are filtered if they have incorrect \
                                    header fields.
              * 'SELinux' - Messages filtered by SELinux on this bus.
              * 'SystemdActivation' - services activated by systemd if their \
                                     .service file specifies a D-Bus name.
              raise NotImplementedError

       No parameters are supported at the moment for properties and signals.

   Unit testing
       Python-sdbus provides several utilities to enable unit testing.

       class sdbus.unittest.IsolatedDbusTestCase
              Extension of unittest.IsolatedAsyncioTestCase from standard library.

              Creates an isolated instance of session D-Bus. The D-Bus will be closed and cleaned
              up after tests are finished.

              Requires dbus-daemon executable be installed.

              bus: SdBus
                     Bus instance connected to isolated D-Bus environment.

                     It is also set as a default bus.

       Usage example:

          from sdbus import DbusInterfaceCommonAsync, dbus_method_async
          from sdbus.unittest import IsolatedDbusTestCase

          class TestInterface(DbusInterfaceCommonAsync,

              @dbus_method_async("s", "s")
              async def upper(self, string: str) -> str:
                  """Uppercase the input"""
                  return string.upper()

          def initialize_object() -> Tuple[TestInterface, TestInterface]:
              test_object = TestInterface()

              test_object_connection = TestInterface.new_proxy(
              "org.example.test", '/')

              return test_object, test_object_connection

          class TestProxy(IsolatedDbusTestCase):
              async def asyncSetUp(self) -> None:
                  await super().asyncSetUp()
                  await self.bus.request_name_async("org.example.test", 0)

              async def test_method_kwargs(self) -> None:
                  test_object, test_object_connection = initialize_object()

                      await test_object_connection.upper('test'),

   API Index
































































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                                           Apr 11, 2024                           PYTHON-SDBUS(1)