Provided by: uvicorn_0.27.1-1_all bug


       Running - ASGI server implementation, using uvloop and httptools


       uvicorn [OPTIONS] APP


       --host TEXT
              Bind socket to this host.  [default:]

       --port INTEGER
              Bind socket to this port. If 0, an available port will be picked.  [default: 8000]

       --uds TEXT
              Bind to a UNIX domain socket.

       --fd INTEGER
              Bind to socket from this file descriptor.

              Enable auto-reload.

       --reload-dir PATH
              Set reload directories explicitly, instead of using the current working directory.

       --reload-include TEXT
              Set  glob patterns to include while watching for files. Includes '*.py' by default;
              these defaults can be overridden with `--reloadexclude`. This option has no  effect
              unless watchfiles is installed.

       --reload-exclude TEXT
              Set  glob  patterns  to  exclude  while watching for files. Includes '.*, .py[cod],
              .sw.*, ~*' by default; these defaults can be  overridden  with  `--reload-include`.
              This option has no effect unless watchfiles is installed.

       --reload-delay FLOAT
              Delay  between  previous  and  next  check  if application needs to be. Defaults to
              0.25s.  [default: 0.25]

       --workers INTEGER
              Number of worker processes. Defaults to the $WEB_CONCURRENCY  environment  variable
              if available, or 1. Not valid with --reload.

       --loop [auto|asyncio|uvloop]
              Event loop implementation.  [default: auto]

       --http [auto|h11|httptools]
              HTTP protocol implementation.  [default: auto]

       --ws [auto|none|websockets|wsproto]
              WebSocket protocol implementation.  [default: auto]

       --ws-max-size INTEGER
              WebSocket max size message in bytes [default: 16777216]

       --ws-max-queue INTEGER
              The maximum length of the WebSocket message queue.  [default: 32]

       --ws-ping-interval FLOAT
              WebSocket ping interval in seconds.  [default: 20.0]

       --ws-ping-timeout FLOAT
              WebSocket ping timeout in seconds.  [default: 20.0]

       --ws-per-message-deflate BOOLEAN
              WebSocket per-message-deflate compression [default: True]

       --lifespan [auto|on|off]
              Lifespan implementation.  [default: auto]

       --interface [auto|asgi3|asgi2|wsgi]
              Select ASGI3, ASGI2, or WSGI as the application interface.  [default: auto]

       --env-file PATH
              Environment configuration file.

       --log-config PATH
              Logging configuration file. Supported formats: .ini, .json, .yaml.

       --log-level [critical|error|warning|info|debug|trace]
              Log level. [default: info]

       --access-log / --no-access-log
              Enable/Disable access log.

       --use-colors / --no-use-colors
              Enable/Disable colorized logging.

       --proxy-headers / --no-proxy-headers
              Enable/Disable  X-Forwarded-Proto,  X-Forwarded-For,  X-Forwarded-Port  to populate
              remote address info.

       --server-header / --no-server-header
              Enable/Disable default Server header.

       --date-header / --no-date-header
              Enable/Disable default Date header.

       --forwarded-allow-ips TEXT
              Comma separated  list  of  IPs  to  trust  with  proxy  headers.  Defaults  to  the
              $FORWARDED_ALLOW_IPS environment variable if available, or ''.

       --root-path TEXT
              Set the ASGI 'root_path' for applications submounted below a given URL path.

       --limit-concurrency INTEGER
              Maximum number of concurrent connections or tasks to allow, before issuing HTTP 503

       --backlog INTEGER
              Maximum number of connections to hold in backlog

       --limit-max-requests INTEGER
              Maximum number of requests to service before terminating the process.

       --timeout-keep-alive INTEGER
              Close Keep-Alive connections if no  new  data  is  received  within  this  timeout.
              [default: 5]

       --timeout-graceful-shutdown INTEGER
              Maximum number of seconds to wait for graceful shutdown.

       --ssl-keyfile TEXT
              SSL key file

       --ssl-certfile TEXT
              SSL certificate file

       --ssl-keyfile-password TEXT
              SSL keyfile password

       --ssl-version INTEGER
              SSL version to use (see stdlib ssl module's) [default: 17]

       --ssl-cert-reqs INTEGER
              Whether client certificate is required (see stdlib ssl module's)  [default: 0]

       --ssl-ca-certs TEXT
              CA certificates file

       --ssl-ciphers TEXT
              Ciphers to use (see stdlib ssl module's) [default: TLSv1]

       --header TEXT
              Specify custom default HTTP response headers as a Name:Value pair

              Display the uvicorn version and exit.

       --app-dir TEXT
              Look for APP in the specified directory, by adding this to the PYTHONPATH. Defaults
              to the current working directory.

       --h11-max-incomplete-event-size INTEGER
              For h11, the maximum number of bytes to buffer of an incomplete event.

              Treat APP as an application factory, i.e. a () -> <ASGI app> callable.

       --help Show this message and exit.


       The full documentation for Running is maintained as a Texinfo manual.   If  the  info  and
       Running programs are properly installed at your site, the command

              info Running

       should give you access to the complete manual.

Running uvicorn 0.27.1 with CPython 3.12.2Februaryx2024                                RUNNING(1)