Provided by: xtables-addons-common_3.25-2build1_amd64 bug


       xt_geoip_build_maxmind — convert GeoIP.csv to packed format for xt_geoip


       /usr/libexec/xt_geoip/xt_geoip_build_maxmind [-D target_dir] [-S source_dir]


       xt_geoip_build_maxmind  is  used to build packed raw representations of the range database
       that the xt_geoip module  relies  on.  Since  kernel  memory  is  precious,  much  of  the
       preprocessing  is  done  in userspace by this very building tool. One file is produced for
       each country, so that no more addresses than needed are required to be loaded into memory.
       The  ranges  in  the  packed  database  files are also ordered, as xt_geoip relies on this
       property for its bisection approach to work.

       Since the script is usually installed to  the  libexec  directory  of  the  xtables-addons
       package  and  this  is  outside  $PATH (on purpose), invoking the script requires it to be
       called with a path.

       -D target_dir
              Specifies the target directory into which the files are to be put. Defaults to ".".

       -S source_dir
              Specifies the source directory of the MaxMind CSV files. Defaults to ".".

       -s     "System mode". Equivalent to -D /usr/share/xt_geoip.


       Shell commands to build the databases and put them to where they are expected (usually run
       as root):

       xt_geoip_build_maxmind -s

See also
