Provided by: libcgi-simple-perl_1.281-1_all bug


       CGI::Simple - A Simple totally OO CGI interface that is compliant


       This document describes CGI::Simple version 1.281.


           use CGI::Simple;
           $CGI::Simple::POST_MAX = 1024;       # max upload via post default 100kB
           $CGI::Simple::DISABLE_UPLOADS = 0;   # enable uploads

           $q = CGI::Simple->new;
           $q = CGI::Simple->new( { 'foo'=>'1', 'bar'=>[2,3,4] } );
           $q = CGI::Simple->new( 'foo=1&bar=2&bar=3&bar=4' );
           $q = CGI::Simple->new( \*FILEHANDLE );

           $q->save( \*FILEHANDLE );   # save current object to a file as used by new

           @params = $q->param;        # return all param names as a list
           $value = $q->param('foo');  # return the first value supplied for 'foo'
           @values = $q->param('foo'); # return all values supplied for foo

           %fields   = $q->Vars;      # returns untied key value pair hash
           $hash_ref = $q->Vars;      # or as a hash ref
           %fields   = $q->Vars("|"); # packs multiple values with "|" rather than "\0";

           @keywords = $q->keywords;  # return all keywords as a list

           $q->param( 'foo', 'some', 'new', 'values' );      # set new 'foo' values
           $q->param( -name=>'foo', -value=>'bar' );
           $q->param( -name=>'foo', -value=>['bar','baz'] );

           $q->param( 'foo', 'some', 'new', 'values' );      # append values to 'foo'
           $q->append( -name=>'foo', -value=>'bar' );
           $q->append( -name=>'foo', -value=>['some', 'new', 'values'] );

           $q->delete('foo'); # delete param 'foo' and all its values
           $q->delete_all;    # delete everything

           <INPUT TYPE="file" NAME="upload_file" SIZE="42">

           $files    = $q->upload()                # number of files uploaded
           @files    = $q->upload();               # names of all uploaded files
           $filename = $q->param('upload_file')    # filename of uploaded file
           $mime     = $q->upload_info($filename,'mime'); # MIME type of uploaded file
           $size     = $q->upload_info($filename,'size'); # size of uploaded file

           my $fh = $q->upload($filename);         # get filehandle to read from
           while ( read( $fh, $buffer, 1024 ) ) { ... }

           # short and sweet upload
           $ok = $q->upload( $q->param('upload_file'), '/path/to/write/' );
           print "Uploaded ".$q->param('upload_file')." and wrote it OK!" if $ok;

           $decoded    = $q->url_decode($encoded);
           $encoded    = $q->url_encode($unencoded);
           $escaped    = $q->escapeHTML('<>"&');
           $unescaped  = $q->unescapeHTML('&lt;&gt;&quot;&amp;');

           $qs = $q->query_string; # get all data in $q as a query string OK for GET

           $q->no_cache(1);        # set Pragma: no-cache + expires
           print $q->header();     # print a simple header
           # get a complex header
           $header = $q->header(   -type       => 'image/gif'
                                   -nph        => 1,
                                   -status     => '402 Payment required',
                                   -expires    =>'+24h',
                                   -cookie     => $cookie,
                                   -charset    => 'utf-7',
                                   -attachment => 'foo.gif',
                                   -Cost       => '$2.00'
           # a p3p header (OK for redirect use as well)
           $header = $q->header( -p3p => 'policyref="' );

           @cookies = $q->cookie();        # get names of all available cookies
           $value   = $q->cookie('foo')    # get first value of cookie 'foo'
           @value   = $q->cookie('foo')    # get all values of cookie 'foo'
           # get a cookie formatted for header() method
           $cookie  = $q->cookie(  -name    => 'Password',
                                   -values  => ['superuser','god','my dog woofie'],
                                   -expires => '+3d',
                                   -domain  => '',
                                   -path    => '/cgi-bin/database',
                                   -secure  => 1
           print $q->header( -cookie=>$cookie );       # set cookie

           print $q->redirect('');   # print a redirect header

           dienice( $q->cgi_error ) if $q->cgi_error;


       CGI::Simple provides a relatively lightweight drop in replacement for  It shares
       an identical OO interface to for parameter parsing, file upload, cookie handling
       and header generation. This module is entirely object oriented, however a complete
       functional interface is available by using the CGI::Simple::Standard module.

       Essentially everything in that relates to the CGI (not HTML) side of things is
       available. There are even a few new methods and additions to old ones! If you are
       interested in what has gone on under the hood see the Compatibility with section at
       the end.

       In practical testing this module loads and runs about twice as fast as depending on
       the precise task.


       Here is a very brief rundown on how you use the interface. Full details follow.

   First you need to initialize an object
       Before you can call a CGI::Simple method you must create a CGI::Simple object.  You do
       that by using the module and then calling the new() constructor:

           use CGI::Simple;
           my $q = CGI::Simple->new;

       It is traditional to call your object $q for query or perhaps $cgi.

   Next you call methods on that object
       Once you have your object you can call methods on it using the -> arrow syntax For example
       to get the names of all the parameters passed to your script you would just write:

           @names = $q->param();

       Many methods are sensitive to the context in which you call them. In the example above the
       param() method returns a list of all the parameter names when called without any

       When you call param('arg') with a single argument it assumes you want to get the value(s)
       associated with that argument (parameter). If you ask for an array it gives you an array
       of all the values associated with it's argument:

           @values = $q->param('foo');  # get all the values for 'foo'

       whereas if you ask for a scalar like this:

           $value = $q->param('foo');   # get only the first value for 'foo'

       then it returns only the first value (if more than one value for 'foo' exists).

       In case you ased for a list it will return all the values preserving the order in which
       the values of the given key were passed in the request.

       Most CGI::Simple routines accept several arguments, sometimes as many as 10 optional ones!
       To simplify this interface, all routines use a named argument calling style that looks
       like this:

           print $q->header( -type=>'image/gif', -expires=>'+3d' );

       Each argument name is preceded by a dash.  Neither case nor order matters in the argument
       list.  -type, -Type, and -TYPE are all acceptable.

       Several routines are commonly called with just one argument.  In the case of these
       routines you can provide the single argument without an argument name.  header() happens
       to be one of these routines.  In this case, the single argument is the document type.

          print $q->header('text/html');

       Sometimes methods expect a scalar, sometimes a reference to an array, and sometimes a
       reference to a hash.  Often, you can pass any type of argument and the routine will do
       whatever is most appropriate.  For example, the param() method can be used to set a CGI
       parameter to a single or a multi-valued value.  The two cases are shown below:



       For convenience a functional interface is provided by the CGI::Simple::Standard module.
       This hides the OO details from you and allows you to simply call methods. You may either
       use AUTOLOADING of methods or import specific method sets into you namespace. Here are the
       first few examples again using the function interface.

           use CGI::Simple::Standard qw(-autoload);
           @names  = param();
           @values = param('foo');
           $value  = param('foo');
           print header(-type=>'image/gif',-expires=>'+3d');
           print header('text/html');

       Yes that's it. Not a $q-> in sight. You just use the module and select how/which methods
       to load. You then just call the methods you want exactly as before but without the $q->

       When (if) you read the following docs and are using the functional interface just pretend
       the $q-> is not there.

   Selecting which methods to load
       When you use the functional interface Perl needs to be able to find the functions you
       call. The simplest way of doing this is to use autoloading as shown above. When you use
       CGI::Simple::Standard with the '-autoload' pragma it exports a single AUTOLOAD sub into
       you namespace. Every time you call a non existent function AUTOLOAD is called and will
       load the required function and install it in your namespace. Thus only the AUTOLOAD sub
       and those functions you specifically call will be imported.

       Alternatively CGI::Simple::Standard provides a range of function sets you can import or
       you can just select exactly what you want. You do this using the familiar

           use CGI::Simple::Standard qw( :func_set  some_func);

       notation. This will import the ':func_set' function set and the specific function

   To Autoload or not to Autoload, that is the question.
       If you do not have a AUTOLOAD sub in you script it is generally best to use the
       '-autoload' option. Under autoload you can use any method you want but only import and
       compile those functions you actually use.

       If you do not use autoload you must specify what functions to import. You can only use
       functions that you have imported. For comvenience functions are grouped into related sets.
       If you choose to import one or more ':func_set' you may have potential namespace
       collisions so check out the docs to see what gets imported. Using the ':all' tag is pretty
       slack but it is there if you want. Full details of the function sets are provided in the
       CGI::Simple::Standard docs

       If you just want say the param and header methods just load these two.

           use CGI::Simple::Standard qw(param header);

   Setting globals using the functional interface
       Where you see global variables being set using the syntax:

           $CGI::Simple::DEBUG = 1;

       You use exactly the same syntax when using CGI::Simple::Standard.


   new() Creating a new query object
       The first step in using CGI::Simple is to create a new query object using the new()

            $q = CGI::Simple->new;

       This will parse the input (from both POST and GET methods) and store it into an object
       called $q.

       If you provide a file handle to the new() method, it will read parameters from the file
       (or STDIN, or whatever).

       Historically people were doing this way:

            open FH, "" or die $!;
            $q = CGI::Simple->new(\*FH);

       but this is the recommended way:

            open $fh, '<', "" or die $!;
            $q = CGI::Simple->new($fh);

       The file should be a series of newline delimited TAG=VALUE pairs.  Conveniently, this type
       of file is created by the save() method (see below). Multiple records can be saved and
       restored.  IO::File objects work fine.

       If you are using the function-oriented interface provided by CGI::Simple::Standard and
       want to initialize from a file handle, the way to do this is with restore_parameters().
       This will (re)initialize the default CGI::Simple object from the indicated file handle.


       In fact for all intents and purposes restore_parameters() is identical to new() Note that
       restore_parameters() does not exist in CGI::Simple itself so you can't use it.

       You can also initialize the query object from an associative array reference:

           $q = CGI::Simple->new( { 'dinosaur' => 'barney',
                                   'song'     => 'I love you',
                                   'friends'  => [qw/Jessica George Nancy/] }

       or from a properly formatted, URL-escaped query string:

           $q = CGI::Simple->new( 'dinosaur=barney&color=purple' );

       or from a previously existing CGI::Simple object (this generates an identical clone
       including all global variable settings, etc that are stored in the object):

           $old_query = CGI::Simple->new;
           $new_query = CGI::Simple->new($old_query);

       To create an empty query, initialize it from an empty string or hash:

           $empty_query = CGI::Simple->new("");

           $empty_query = CGI::Simple->new({});

   keywords() Fetching a list of keywords from a query
           @keywords = $q->keywords;

       If the script was invoked as the result of an <ISINDEX> search, the parsed keywords can be
       obtained as an array using the keywords() method.

   param() Fetching the names of all parameters passed to your script
           @names = $q->param;

       If the script was invoked with a parameter list (e.g.
       "name1=value1&name2=value2&name3=value3"), the param() method will return the parameter
       names as a list.  If the script was invoked as an <ISINDEX> script and contains a string
       without ampersands (e.g. "value1+value2+value3") , there will be a single parameter named
       "keywords" containing the "+"-delimited keywords.

       NOTE: The array of parameter names returned will be in the same order as they were
       submitted by the browser.  Usually this order is the same as the order in which the
       parameters are defined in the form (however, this isn't part of the spec, and so isn't

   param() Fetching the value or values of a simple named parameter
           @values = $q->param('foo');

           $value = $q->param('foo');

       Pass the param() method a single argument to fetch the value of the named parameter. If
       the parameter is multi-valued (e.g. from multiple selections in a scrolling list), you can
       ask to receive an array.  Otherwise the method will return a single value.

       If a value is not given in the query string, as in the queries "name1=&name2=" or
       "name1&name2", it will be returned by default as an empty string. If you set the global

           $CGI::Simple::NO_UNDEF_PARAMS = 1;

       Then value-less parameters will be ignored, and will not exist in the query object. If you
       try to access them via param you will get an undef return value.

   param() Setting the values of a named parameter

       This sets the value for the named parameter 'foo' to an array of values.  This is one way
       to change the value of a field.

       param() also recognizes a named parameter style of calling described in more detail later:


           $q->param(-name=>'foo',-value=>'the value');

   param() Retrieving non-application/x-www-form-urlencoded data
       If POSTed or PUTed data is not of type application/x-www-form-urlencoded or
       multipart/form-data, then the data will not be processed, but instead be returned as-is in
       a parameter named POSTDATA or PUTDATA.  To retrieve it, use code like this:

           my $data = $q->param( 'POSTDATA' );

           my $data = $q->param( 'PUTDATA' );

       (If you don't know what the preceding means, don't worry about it.  It only affects people
       trying to use CGI::Simple for REST webservices)

   add_param() Setting the values of a named parameter
       You nay also use the new method add_param to add parameters. This is an alias to the
       _add_param() internal method that actually does all the work.  You can call it like this:

           $q->add_param('foo', 'new');
           $q->add_param('foo', [1,2,3,4,5]);
           $q->add_param( 'foo', 'bar', 'overwrite' );

       The first argument is the parameter, the second the value or an array ref of values and
       the optional third argument sets overwrite mode. If the third argument is absent of false
       the values will be appended. If true the values will overwrite any existing ones

   append() Appending values to a named parameter

       This adds a value or list of values to the named parameter.  The values are appended to
       the end of the parameter if it already exists.  Otherwise the parameter is created.  Note
       that this method only recognizes the named argument calling syntax.

   import_names() Importing all parameters into a namespace.
       This method was silly, non OO and has been deleted. You can get all the params as a hash
       using Vars or via all the other accessors.

   delete() Deleting a parameter completely

       This completely clears a parameter. If you are using the function call interface, use
       Delete() instead to avoid conflicts with Perl's built-in delete operator.

       If you are using the function call interface, use Delete() instead to avoid conflicts with
       Perl's built-in delete operator.

   delete_all() Deleting all parameters

       This clears the CGI::Simple object completely. For compatibility Delete_all() is
       provided however there is no reason to use this in the function call interface other than

       For compatibility Delete_all() is provided as an alias for delete_all however there
       is no reason to use this, even in the function call interface.

   param_fetch() Direct access to the parameter list
       This method is provided for compatibility only. It returns an array ref to the
       values associated with a named param. It is deprecated.

   Vars() Fetching the entire parameter list as a hash
           $params = $q->Vars;  # as a tied hash ref
           print $params->{'address'};
           @foo = split "\0", $params->{'foo'};

           %params = $q->Vars;  # as a plain hash
           print $params{'address'};
           @foo = split "\0", $params{'foo'};

           %params = $q->Vars(','); # specifying a different separator than "\0"
           @foo = split ',', $params{'foo'};

       Many people want to fetch the entire parameter list as a hash in which the keys are the
       names of the CGI parameters, and the values are the parameters' values.  The Vars() method
       does this.

       Called in a scalar context, it returns the parameter list as a tied hash reference.
       Because this hash ref is tied changing a key/value changes the underlying CGI::Simple

       Called in a list context, it returns the parameter list as an ordinary hash.  Changing
       this hash will not change the underlying CGI::Simple object

       When using Vars(), the thing you must watch out for are multi-valued CGI parameters.
       Because a hash cannot distinguish between scalar and list context, multi-valued parameters
       will be returned as a packed string, separated by the "\0" (null) character.  You must
       split this packed string in order to get at the individual values.  This is the convention
       introduced long ago by Steve Brenner in his module for Perl version 4.

       You can change the character used to do the multiple value packing by passing it to Vars()
       as an argument as shown.

   url_param() Access the QUERY_STRING regardless of 'GET' or 'POST'
       The url_param() method makes the QUERY_STRING data available regardless of whether the
       REQUEST_METHOD was 'GET' or 'POST'. You can do anything with url_param that you can do
       with param(), however the data set is completely independent.

       Technically what happens if you use this method is that the QUERY_STRING data is parsed
       into a new CGI::Simple object which is stored within the current object. url_param then
       just calls param() on this new object.

   parse_query_string() Add QUERY_STRING data to 'POST' requests
       When the REQUEST_METHOD is 'POST' the default behavior is to ignore name/value pairs or
       keywords in the $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'}. You can override this by calling
       parse_query_string() which will add the QUERY_STRING data to the data already in our
       CGI::Simple object if the REQUEST_METHOD was 'POST'

           $q = CGI::Simple->new;
           $q->parse_query_string;  # add $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'} data to our $q object

       If the REQUEST_METHOD was 'GET' then the QUERY_STRING will already be stored in our object
       so parse_query_string will be ignored.

       This is a new method in CGI::Simple that is not available in

   save() Saving the state of an object to file

       This will write the current state of the form to the provided filehandle.  You can read it
       back in by providing a filehandle to the new() method.

       The format of the saved file is:


       Both name and value are URL escaped.  Multi-valued CGI parameters are represented as
       repeated names.  A session record is delimited by a single = symbol.  You can write out
       multiple records and read them back in with several calls to new().

           open my $fh, '<', "" or die $!;
           $q1 = CGI::Simple->new($fh);  # get the first record
           $q2 = CGI::Simple->new($fh);  # get the next record

       Note: If you wish to use this method from the function-oriented (non-OO) interface, the
       exported name for this method is save_parameters().  Also if you want to initialize from a
       file handle, the way to do this is with restore_parameters().  This will (re)initialize
       the default CGI::Simple object from the indicated file handle.



       File uploads are easy with CGI::Simple. You use the upload() method.  Assuming you have
       the following in your HTML:

               <INPUT TYPE="file" NAME="upload_file1" SIZE="42">
               <INPUT TYPE="file" NAME="upload_file2" SIZE="42">

       Note that the ENCTYPE is "multipart/form-data". You must specify this or the browser will
       default to "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" which will result in no files being
       uploaded although on the surface things will appear OK.

       When the user submits this form any supplied files will be spooled onto disk and saved in
       temporary files. These files will be deleted when your script.cgi exits so if you want to
       keep them you will need to proceed as follows.

   upload() The key file upload method
       The upload() method is quite versatile. If you call upload() without any arguments it will
       return a list of uploaded files in list context and the number of uploaded files in scalar

           $number_of_files = $q->upload;
           @list_of_files   = $q->upload;

       Having established that you have uploaded files available you can get the browser supplied
       filename using param() like this:

           $filename1 = $q->param('upload_file1');

       You can then get a filehandle to read from by calling upload() and supplying this filename
       as an argument. Warning: do not modify the value you get from param() in any way - you
       don't need to untaint it.

           $fh = $q->upload( $filename1 );

       Now to save the file you would just do something like:

           $save_path = '/path/to/write/';
           open my $out, '>', $save_path or die "Oops $!\n";
           binmode $out;
           print $out $buffer while read( $fh, $buffer, 4096 );
           close $out;

       By utilizing a new feature of the upload method this process can be simplified to:

           $ok = $q->upload( $q->param('upload_file1'), '/path/to/write/' );
           if ($ok) {
               print "Uploaded and wrote file OK!";
           } else {
               print $q->cgi_error();

       As you can see upload will accept an optional second argument and will write the file to
       this file path. It will return 1 for success and undef if it fails. If it fails you can
       get the error from cgi_error

       You can also use just the fieldname as an argument to upload ie:

           $fh = $q->upload( 'upload_field_name' );


           $ok = $q->upload( 'upload_field_name', '/path/to/write/' );

       BUT there is a catch. If you have multiple upload fields, all called 'upload_field_name'
       then you will only get the last uploaded file from these fields.

   upload_info() Get the details about uploaded files
       The upload_info() method is a new method. Called without arguments it returns the number
       of uploaded files in scalar context and the names of those files in list context.

           $number_of_upload_files   = $q->upload_info();
           @filenames_of_all_uploads = $q->upload_info();

       You can get the MIME type of an uploaded file like this:

           $mime = $q->upload_info( $filename1, 'mime' );

       If you want to know how big a file is before you copy it you can get that information from
       uploadInfo which will return the file size in bytes.

           $file_size = $q->upload_info( $filename1, 'size' );

       The size attribute is optional as this is the default value returned.

       Note: The old uploadInfo() method has been deleted.

   $POST_MAX and $DISABLE_UPLOADS has a default setting that allows infinite size file uploads by default. In
       contrast file uploads are disabled by default in CGI::Simple to discourage Denial of
       Service attacks. You must enable them before you expect file uploads to work.

       When file uploads are disabled the file name and file size details will still be available
       from param() and upload_info respectively but the upload filehandle returned by upload()
       will be undefined - not surprising as the underlying temp file will not exist either.

       You can enable uploads using the '-upload' pragma. You do this by specifying this in you
       use statement:

           use CGI::Simple qw(-upload);

       Alternatively you can enable uploads via the $DISABLE_UPLOADS global like this:

           use CGI::Simple;
           $CGI::Simple::DISABLE_UPLOADS = 0;
           $q = CGI::Simple->new;

       If you wish to set $DISABLE_UPLOADS you must do this *after* the use statement and
       *before* the new constructor call as shown above.

       The maximum acceptable data via post is capped at 102_400kB rather than infinity which is
       the default. This should be ample for most tasks but you can set this to whatever
       you want using the $POST_MAX global.

           use CGI::Simple;
           $CGI::Simple::DISABLE_UPLOADS = 0;      # enable uploads
           $CGI::Simple::POST_MAX = 1_048_576;     # allow 1MB uploads
           $q = CGI::Simple->new;

       If you set to -1 infinite size uploads will be permitted, which is the default.

           $CGI::Simple::POST_MAX = -1;            # infinite size upload

       Alternatively you can specify all the default values which allow file uploads of
       infinite size in one easy step by specifying the '-default' pragma in your use statement.

           use CGI::Simple qw( -default ..... );

   binmode() and Win32
       If you are using CGI::Simple be sure to call binmode() on any handle that you create to
       write the uploaded file to disk. Calling binmode() will do no harm on other systems


   escapeHTML() Escaping HTML special characters
       In HTML the < > " and & chars have special meaning and need to be escaped to &lt; &gt;
       &quot; and &amp; respectively.

           $escaped = $q->escapeHTML( $string );

           $escaped = $q->escapeHTML( $string, 'new_lines_too' );

       If the optional second argument is supplied then newlines will be escaped to.

   unescapeHTML() Unescape HTML special characters
       This performs the reverse of escapeHTML().

           $unescaped = $q->unescapeHTML( $HTML_escaped_string );

   url_decode() Decode a URL encoded string
       This method will correctly decode a url encoded string.

           $decoded = $q->url_decode( $encoded );

   url_encode() URL encode a string
       This method will correctly URL encode a string.

           $encoded = $q->url_encode( $string );

   parse_keywordlist() Parse a supplied keyword list
           @keywords = $q->parse_keywordlist( $keyword_list );

       This method returns a list of keywords, correctly URL escaped and split out of the
       supplied string

   put() Send output to browser alias for print. $q->put('Hello World!') will print the usual

   print() Send output to browser alias for print. $q->print('Hello World!') will print the usual

HTTP COOKIES has several methods that support cookies.

       A cookie is a name=value pair much like the named parameters in a CGI query string.  CGI
       scripts create one or more cookies and send them to the browser in the HTTP header.  The
       browser maintains a list of cookies that belong to a particular Web server, and returns
       them to the CGI script during subsequent interactions.

       In addition to the required name=value pair, each cookie has several optional attributes:

       1. an expiration time
           This is a time/date string (in a special GMT format) that indicates when a cookie
           expires.  The cookie will be saved and returned to your script until this expiration
           date is reached if the user exits the browser and restarts it.  If an expiration date
           isn't specified, the cookie will remain active until the user quits the browser.

       2. a domain
           This is a partial or complete domain name for which the cookie is valid.  The browser
           will return the cookie to any host that matches the partial domain name.  For example,
           if you specify a domain name of "", then the browser will return the
           cookie to Web servers running on any of the machines "",
           "", "", etc.  Domain names must contain at
           least two periods to prevent attempts to match on top level domains like ".edu".  If
           no domain is specified, then the browser will only return the cookie to servers on the
           host the cookie originated from.

       3. a path
           If you provide a cookie path attribute, the browser will check it against your
           script's URL before returning the cookie.  For example, if you specify the path
           "/cgi-bin", then the cookie will be returned to each of the scripts
           "/cgi-bin/", "/cgi-bin/", and "/cgi-bin/customer_service/",
           but not to the script "/cgi-private/".  By default, path is set to "/",
           which causes the cookie to be sent to any CGI script on your site.

       4. a "secure" flag
           If the "secure" attribute is set, the cookie will only be sent to your script if the
           CGI request is occurring on a secure channel, such as SSL.

   cookie() A simple access method to cookies
       The interface to HTTP cookies is the cookie() method:

           $cookie = $q->cookie( -name      => 'sessionID',
                                 -value     => 'xyzzy',
                                 -expires   => '+1h',
                                 -path      => '/cgi-bin/database',
                                 -domain    => '',
                                 -secure    => 1
           print $q->header(-cookie=>$cookie);

       cookie() creates a new cookie.  Its parameters include:

           The name of the cookie (required).  This can be any string at all.  Although browsers
           limit their cookie names to non-whitespace alphanumeric characters, removes
           this restriction by escaping and unescaping cookies behind the scenes.

           The value of the cookie.  This can be any scalar value, array reference, or even
           associative array reference.  For example, you can store an entire associative array
           into a cookie this way:

               $cookie=$q->cookie( -name   => 'family information',
                                   -value  => \%childrens_ages );

           The optional partial path for which this cookie will be valid, as described above.

           The optional partial domain for which this cookie will be valid, as described above.

           The optional expiration date for this cookie.  The format is as described in the
           section on the header() method:

               "+1h"  one hour from now

           If set to true, this cookie will only be used within a secure SSL session.

       The cookie created by cookie() must be incorporated into the HTTP header within the string
       returned by the header() method:

           print $q->header(-cookie=>$my_cookie);

       To create multiple cookies, give header() an array reference:

           $cookie1 = $q->cookie( -name  => 'riddle_name',
                                  -value => "The Sphynx's Question"
           $cookie2 = $q->cookie( -name  => 'answers',
                                  -value => \%answers
           print $q->header( -cookie => [ $cookie1, $cookie2 ] );

       To retrieve a cookie, request it by name by calling cookie() method without the -value

           use CGI::Simple;
           $q = CGI::Simple->new;
           $riddle  = $q->cookie('riddle_name');
           %answers = $q->cookie('answers');

       Cookies created with a single scalar value, such as the "riddle_name" cookie, will be
       returned in that form.  Cookies with array and hash values can also be retrieved.

       The cookie and CGI::Simple  namespaces are separate.  If you have a parameter named
       'answers' and a cookie named 'answers', the values retrieved by param() and cookie() are
       independent of each other.  However, it's simple to turn a CGI parameter into a cookie,
       and vice-versa:

           # turn a CGI parameter into a cookie
           $c = $q->cookie( -name=>'answers', -value=>[$q->param('answers')] );
           # vice-versa
           $q->param( -name=>'answers', -value=>[$q->cookie('answers')] );

       Returns the HTTP_COOKIE variable. Cookies have a special format, and this method call just
       returns the raw form (?cookie dough). See cookie() for ways of setting and retrieving
       cooked cookies.

       Called with no parameters, raw_cookie() returns the packed cookie structure.  You can
       separate it into individual cookies by splitting on the character sequence "; ".  Called
       with the name of a cookie, retrieves the unescaped form of the cookie.  You can use the
       regular cookie() method to get the names, or use the raw_fetch() method from the
       CGI::Simmple::Cookie module.


       Normally the first thing you will do in any CGI script is print out an HTTP header.  This
       tells the browser what type of document to expect, and gives other optional information,
       such as the language, expiration date, and whether to cache the document.  The header can
       also be manipulated for special purposes, such as server push and pay per view pages.

   header() Create simple or complex HTTP headers
           print $q->header;

           print $q->header('image/gif');

           print $q->header('text/html','204 No response');

           print $q->header( -type       => 'image/gif',
                             -nph        => 1,
                             -status     => '402 Payment required',
                             -expires    => '+3d',
                             -cookie     => $cookie,
                             -charset    => 'utf-7',
                             -attachment => 'foo.gif',
                             -Cost       => '$2.00'

       header() returns the Content-type: header.  You can provide your own MIME type if you
       choose, otherwise it defaults to text/html.  An optional second parameter specifies the
       status code and a human-readable message.  For example, you can specify 204, "No response"
       to create a script that tells the browser to do nothing at all.

       The last example shows the named argument style for passing arguments to the CGI methods
       using named parameters.  Recognized parameters are -type, -status, -cookie, -target,
       -expires, -nph, -charset and -attachment.  Any other named parameters will be stripped of
       their initial hyphens and turned into header fields, allowing you to specify any HTTP
       header you desire.

       For example, you can produce non-standard HTTP header fields by providing them as named

         print $q->header( -type            => 'text/html',
                           -nph             => 1,
                           -cost            => 'Three smackers',
                           -annoyance_level => 'high',
                           -complaints_to   => 'bit bucket'

       This will produce the following non-standard HTTP header:

           HTTP/1.0 200 OK
           Cost: Three smackers
           Annoyance-level: high
           Complaints-to: bit bucket
           Content-type: text/html

       Note that underscores are translated automatically into hyphens. This feature allows you
       to keep up with the rapidly changing HTTP "standards".

       The -type is a key element that tell the browser how to display your document. The default
       is 'text/html'. Common types are:


       The -status code is the HTTP response code. The default is 200 OK. Common status codes

           200 OK
           204 No Response
           301 Moved Permanently
           302 Found
           303 See Other
           307 Temporary Redirect
           400 Bad Request
           401 Unauthorized
           403 Forbidden
           404 Not Found
           405 Not Allowed
           408 Request Timed Out
           500 Internal Server Error
           503 Service Unavailable
           504 Gateway Timed Out

       The -expires parameter lets you indicate to a browser and proxy server how long to cache
       pages for. When you specify an absolute or relative expiration interval with this
       parameter, some browsers and proxy servers will cache the script's output until the
       indicated expiration date.  The following forms are all valid for the -expires field:

           +30s                                30 seconds from now
           +10m                                ten minutes from now
           +1h                                 one hour from now
           -1d                                 yesterday (i.e. "ASAP!")
           now                                 immediately
           +3M                                 in three months
           +10y                                in ten years time
           Thursday, 25-Apr-1999 00:40:33 GMT  at the indicated time & date

       The -cookie parameter generates a header that tells the browser to provide a "magic
       cookie" during all subsequent transactions with your script.  Netscape cookies have a
       special format that includes interesting attributes such as expiration time.  Use the
       cookie() method to create and retrieve session cookies.

       The -target is for frames use

       The -nph parameter, if set to a true value, will issue the correct headers to work with a
       NPH (no-parse-header) script.  This is important to use with certain servers that expect
       all their scripts to be NPH.

       The -charset parameter can be used to control the character set sent to the browser.  If
       not provided, defaults to ISO-8859-1.  As a side effect, this sets the charset() method as

       The -attachment parameter can be used to turn the page into an attachment.  Instead of
       displaying the page, some browsers will prompt the user to save it to disk.  The value of
       the argument is the suggested name for the saved file.  In order for this to work, you may
       have to set the -type to 'application/octet-stream'.

   no_cache() Preventing browser caching of scripts
       Most browsers will not cache the output from CGI scripts. Every time the browser reloads
       the page, the script is invoked anew. However some browsers do cache pages. You can
       discourage this behavior using the no_cache() function.

           $q->no_cache(1); # turn caching off by sending appropriate headers
           $q->no_cache(1); # do not send cache related headers.

           print header (-type=>'image/gif', -nph=>1);

           This will produce a header like the following:

           HTTP/1.0 200 OK
           Server: Apache - accept no substitutes
           Expires: Thu, 15 Nov 2001 03:37:50 GMT
           Date: Thu, 15 Nov 2001 03:37:50 GMT
           Pragma: no-cache
           Content-Type: image/gif

       Both the Pragma: no-cache header field and an Expires header that corresponds to the
       current time (ie now) will be sent.

   cache() Preventing browser caching of scripts
       The somewhat ill named cache() method is a legacy from It operates the same as the
       new no_cache() method. The difference is/was that when set it results only in the Pragma:
       no-cache line being printed.  Expires time data is not sent.

   redirect() Generating a redirection header
           print $q->redirect('http://somewhere.else/in/movie/land');

       Sometimes you don't want to produce a document yourself, but simply redirect the browser
       elsewhere, perhaps choosing a URL based on the time of day or the identity of the user.

       The redirect() function redirects the browser to a different URL.  If you use redirection
       like this, you should not print out a header as well.

       One hint I can offer is that relative links may not work correctly when you generate a
       redirection to another document on your site.  This is due to a well-intentioned
       optimization that some servers use.  The solution to this is to use the full URL
       (including the http: part) of the document you are redirecting to.

       You can also use named arguments:

           print $q->redirect( -uri=>'http://somewhere.else/in/movie/land',

       The -nph parameter, if set to a true value, will issue the correct headers to work with a
       NPH (no-parse-header) script.  This is important to use with certain servers, such as
       Microsoft ones, which expect all their scripts to be NPH.


       There are a number of pragmas that you can specify in your use CGI::Simple statement.
       Pragmas, which are always preceded by a hyphen, change the way that CGI::Simple functions
       in various ways. You can generally achieve exactly the same results by setting the
       underlying $GLOBAL_VARIABLES.

       For example the '-upload' pargma will enable file uploads:

           use CGI::Simple qw(-upload);

       In CGI::Simple::Standard Pragmas, function sets , and individual functions can all be
       imported in the same use() line.  For example, the following use statement imports the
       standard set of functions and enables debugging mode (pragma -debug):

           use CGI::Simple::Standard qw(:standard -debug);

       The current list of pragmas is as follows:

           If a value is not given in the query string, as in the queries "name1=&name2=" or
           "name1&name2", by default it will be returned as an empty string.

           If you specify the '-no_undef_params' pragma then CGI::Simple ignores parameters with
           no values and they will not appear in the query object.

           This makes produce a header appropriate for an NPH (no parsed header) script.
           You may need to do other things as well to tell the server that the script is NPH.
           See the discussion of NPH scripts below.

           Separate the name=value pairs in CGI parameter query strings with semicolons rather
           than ampersands.  For example:


           Semicolon-delimited query strings are always accepted, but will not be emitted by
           self_url() and query_string() unless the -newstyle_urls pragma is specified.

           Separate the name=value pairs in CGI parameter query strings with ampersands rather
           than semicolons.  This is the default.


           This is only available for CGI::Simple::Standard and uses AUTOLOAD to load functions
           on demand. See the CGI::Simple::Standard docs for details.

           This turns off the command-line processing features. This is the default.

       -debug1 and debug2
           This turns on debugging.  At debug level 1 CGI::Simple will read arguments from the
           command-line. At debug level 2 will produce the prompt "(offline mode: enter
           name=value pairs on standard input)" and wait for input on STDIN. If no number is
           specified then a debug level of 2 is used.

           See the section on debugging for more details.

           This sets the default global values for which will enable infinite size file
           uploads, and specify the '-newstyle_urls' and '-debug1' pragmas

           Disable uploads - the default setting

       - upload
           Enable uploads - the default

           Only allows headers to be generated once per script invocation

           Carp when cgi_error() called, default is to do nothing

           Croak when cgi_error() called, default is to do nothing


       NPH, or "no-parsed-header", scripts bypass the server completely by sending the complete
       HTTP header directly to the browser.  This has slight performance benefits, but is of most
       use for taking advantage of HTTP extensions that are not directly supported by your
       server, such as server push and PICS headers.

       Servers use a variety of conventions for designating CGI scripts as NPH.  Many Unix
       servers look at the beginning of the script's name for the prefix "nph-".  The Macintosh
       WebSTAR server and Microsoft's Internet Information Server, in contrast, try to decide
       whether a program is an NPH script by examining the first line of script output. supports NPH scripts with a special NPH mode.  When in this mode, will
       output the necessary extra header information when the header() and redirect() methods are
       called. You can set NPH mode in any of the following ways:

       In the use statement
           Simply add the "-nph" pragma to the use:

               use CGI::Simple qw(-nph)

       By calling the nph() method:
           Call nph() with a non-zero parameter at any point after using in your program.


       By using -nph parameters
           in the header() and redirect()  statements:

               print $q->header(-nph=>1);

       The Microsoft Internet Information Server requires NPH mode.  CGI::Simple will
       automatically detect when the script is running under IIS and put itself into this mode.
       You do not need to do this manually, although it won't hurt anything if you do.  However,
       note that if you have applied Service Pack 6, much of the functionality of NPH scripts,
       including the ability to redirect while setting a cookie, b<do not work at all> on IIS
       without a special patch from Microsoft.  See Non-Parsed Headers
       Stripped From CGI Applications That Have nph- Prefix in Name.

SERVER PUSH provides four simple functions for producing multipart documents of the type needed
       to implement server push.  These functions were graciously provided by Ed Jordan
       <> with additions from Andrew Benham <>

       You are also advised to put the script into NPH mode and to set $| to 1 to avoid buffering

       Browser support for server push is variable.

       Here is a simple script that demonstrates server push:

           use CGI::Simple::Standard qw/:push -nph/;
           $| = 1;
           print multipart_init(-boundary=>'----here we go!');
           foreach (0 .. 4) {
               print multipart_start(-type=>'text/plain'),
               "The current time is ",scalar(localtime),"\n";
               if ($_ < 4) {
                   print multipart_end;
               else {
                   print multipart_final;
               sleep 1;

       This script initializes server push by calling multipart_init().  It then enters a loop in
       which it begins a new multipart section by calling multipart_start(), prints the current
       local time, and ends a multipart section with multipart_end().  It then sleeps a second,
       and begins again. On the final iteration, it ends the multipart section with
       multipart_final() rather than with multipart_end().

   multipart_init() Initialize the multipart system

       Initialize the multipart system.  The -boundary argument specifies what MIME boundary
       string to use to separate parts of the document.  If not provided, chooses a
       reasonable boundary for you.

   multipart_start() Start a new part of the multipart document

       Start a new part of the multipart document using the specified MIME type.  If not
       specified, text/html is assumed.

   multipart_end() End a multipart part

       End a part.  You must remember to call multipart_end() once for each multipart_start(),
       except at the end of the last part of the multipart document when multipart_final() should
       be called instead of multipart_end().


       End all parts.  You should call multipart_final() rather than multipart_end() at the end
       of the last part of the multipart document.

       Users interested in server push applications should also have a look at the CGI::Push


       If you are running the script from the command line or in the perl debugger, you can pass
       the script a list of keywords or parameter=value pairs on the command line or from
       standard input (you don't have to worry about tricking your script into reading from
       environment variables).  Before you do this you will need to change the debug level from
       the default level of 0 (no debug) to either 1 if you want to debug from @ARGV (the command
       line) of 2 if you want to debug from STDIN. You can do this using the debug pragma like

           use CGI::Simple qw(-debug2);  # set debug to level 2 => from STDIN

               or this:

           $CGI::Simple::DEBUG = 1;      # set debug to level 1 => from @ARGV

       At debug level 1 you can pass keywords and name=value pairs like this:

  keyword1 keyword2 keyword3

               or this:


               or this:

  name1=value1 name2=value2

               or this:


       At debug level 2 you can feed newline-delimited name=value pairs to the script on standard
       input. You will be presented with the following prompt:

           (offline mode: enter name=value pairs on standard input)

       You end the input with your system dependent end of file character.  You should try ^Z ^X
       ^D and ^C if all else fails. The ^ means hold down the [Ctrl] button while you press the
       other key.

       When debugging, you can use quotes and backslashes to escape characters in the familiar
       shell manner, letting you place spaces and other funny characters in your parameter=value

  "name1='I am a long value'" "name2=two\ words"

   Dump() Dumping the current object details
       The Dump() method produces a string consisting of all the query's object attributes
       formatted nicely as a nested list.  This dump includes the name/value pairs and a number
       of other details. This is useful for debugging purposes:

           print $q->Dump

       The actual result of this is HTML escaped formatted text wrapped in <pre> tags so if you
       send it straight to the browser it produces something that looks like:

           $VAR1 = bless( {
                '.parameters' => [
                '.globals' => {
                                'FATAL' => -1,
                                'DEBUG' => 0,
                                'NO_NULL' => 1,
                                'POST_MAX' => 102400,
                                'USE_CGI_PM_DEFAULTS' => 0,
                                'HEADERS_ONCE' => 0,
                                'NPH' => 0,
                                'DISABLE_UPLOADS' => 1,
                                'NO_UNDEF_PARAMS' => 0,
                                'USE_PARAM_SEMICOLONS' => 0
                '.fieldnames' => {
                                   'color' => '1',
                                   'name' => '1'
                '.mod_perl' => '',
                'color' => [
                'name' => [
               }, 'CGI::Simple' );

       You may recognize this as valid Perl syntax (which it is) and/or the output from
       Data::Dumper (also true). This is the actual guts of how the information is stored in the
       query object. All the internal params start with a . char

       Alternatively you can dump your object and the current environment using:

           print $q->Dump(\%ENV);

   PrintEnv() Dumping the environment
       You can get a similar browser friendly dump of the current %ENV hash using:

           print $q->PrintEnv;

       This will produce something like (in the browser):

           $VAR1 = {
                 'QUERY_STRING' => 'name=JaPh%2C&color=red&color=green&color=blue',
                 'CONTENT_TYPE' => 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
                 'REGRESSION_TEST' => '',
                 'VIM' => 'C:\\WINDOWS\\Desktop\\vim',
                 'HTTP_REFERER' => '',
                 'HTTP_USER_AGENT' => 'LWP',
                 'HTTP_ACCEPT' => 'text/html;q=1, image/gif;q=0.42, */*;q=0.001',
                 'REMOTE_HOST' => 'localhost',
                 'HTTP_HOST' => '',
                 'GATEWAY_INTERFACE' => 'bleeding edge',
                 'REMOTE_IDENT' => 'None of your damn business',
                 'SCRIPT_NAME' => '/cgi-bin/foo.cgi',
                 'SERVER_NAME' => '',
                 'HTTP_COOKIE' => '',
                 'CONTENT_LENGTH' => '42',
                 'HTTPS_A' => 'A',
                 'HTTP_FROM' => '',
                 'HTTPS_B' => 'B',
                 'SERVER_PROTOCOL' => 'HTTP/1.0',
                 'PATH_TRANSLATED' => '/usr/local/somewhere/else',
                 'SERVER_SOFTWARE' => 'Apache - accept no substitutes',
                 'PATH_INFO' => '/somewhere/else',
                 'REMOTE_USER' => 'Just another Perl hacker,',
                 'REMOTE_ADDR' => '',
                 'HTTPS' => 'ON',
                 'DOCUMENT_ROOT' => '/vs/www/foo',
                 'REQUEST_METHOD' => 'GET',
                 'REDIRECT_QUERY_STRING' => '',
                 'AUTH_TYPE' => 'PGP MD5 DES rot13',
                 'COOKIE' => 'foo=a%20phrase; bar=yes%2C%20a%20phrase&;I%20say;',
                 'SERVER_PORT' => '8080'

   cgi_error() Retrieving CGI::Simple error messages
       Errors can occur while processing user input, particularly when processing uploaded files.
       When these errors occur, CGI::Simple will stop processing and return an empty parameter
       list.  You can test for the existence and nature of errors using the cgi_error() function.
       The error messages are formatted as HTTP status codes. You can either incorporate the
       error text into an HTML page, or use it as the value of the HTTP status:

           my $error = $q->cgi_error;
           if ($error) {
               print $q->header(-status=>$error);
               print "<H2>$error</H2>;


   version() Get the CGI::Simple version info
           $version = $q->version();

       The version() method returns the value of $VERSION

   nph() Enable/disable NPH (Non Parsed Header) mode
           $q->nph(1);  # enable NPH mode
           $q->nph(0);  # disable NPH mode

       The nph() method enables and disables NPH headers. See the NPH section.

   all_parameters() Get the names/values of all parameters
           @all_parameters = $q->all_parameters();

       The all_parameters() method is an alias for param()

   charset() Get/set the current character set.
           $charset = $q->charset(); # get current charset
           $q->charset('utf-42');    # set the charset

       The charset() method gets the current charset value if no argument is supplied or sets it
       if an argument is supplied.

   crlf() Get the system specific line ending sequence
           $crlf = $q->crlf();

       The crlf() method returns the system specific line ending sequence.

   globals() Get/set the value of the remaining global variables
           $globals = $q->globals('FATAL');     # get the current value of $FATAL
           $globals = $q->globals('FATAL', 1 ); # set croak mode on cgi_error()

       The globals() method gets/sets the values of the global variables after the script has
       been invoked. For globals like $POST_MAX and $DISABLE_UPLOADS this makes no difference as
       they must be set prior to calling the new constructor but there might be reason the change
       the value of others.

   auth_type() Get the current authorization/verification method
           $auth_type = $q->auth_type();

       The auth_type() method returns the value of $ENV{'AUTH_TYPE'} which should contain the
       authorization/verification method in use for this script, if any.

   content_length() Get the content length submitted in a POST
           $content_length = $q->content_length();

       The content_length() method returns the value of $ENV{'AUTH_TYPE'}

   content_type() Get the content_type of data submitted in a POST
           $content_type = $q->content_type();

       The content_type() method returns the content_type of data submitted in a POST, generally
       'multipart/form-data' or 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' as supplied in

   document_root() Get the document root
           $document_root = $q->document_root();

       The document_root() method returns the value of $ENV{'DOCUMENT_ROOT'}

   gateway_interface() Get the gateway interface
           $gateway_interface = $q->gateway_interface();

       The gateway_interface() method returns the value of $ENV{'GATEWAY_INTERFACE'}

   path_translated() Get the value of path translated
           $path_translated = $q->path_translated();

       The path_translated() method returns the value of $ENV{'PATH_TRANSLATED'}

   referer() Spy on your users
           $referer = $q->referer();

       The referer() method returns the value of $ENV{'REFERER'} This will return the URL of the
       page the browser was viewing prior to fetching your script.  Not available for all

   remote_addr() Get the remote address
           $remote_addr = $q->remote_addr();

       The remote_addr() method returns the value of $ENV{'REMOTE_ADDR'} or (localhost)
       if this is not defined.

   remote_host() Get a value for remote host
           $remote_host = $q->remote_host();

       The remote_host() method returns the value of $ENV{'REMOTE_HOST'} if it is defined. If
       this is not defined it returns $ENV{'REMOTE_ADDR'} If this is not defined it returns

   remote_ident() Get the remote identity
           $remote_ident = $q->remote_ident();

       The remote_ident() method returns the value of $ENV{'REMOTE_IDENT'}

   remote_user() Get the remote user
           $remote_user = $q->remote_user();

       The remote_user() method returns the authorization/verification name used for user
       verification, if this script is protected. The value comes from $ENV{'REMOTE_USER'}

   request_method() Get the request method
           $request_method = $q->request_method();

       The request_method() method returns the method used to access your script, usually one of
       'POST', 'GET' or 'HEAD' as supplied by $ENV{'REQUEST_METHOD'}

   script_name() Get the script name
           $script_name = $q->script_name();

       The script_name() method returns the value of $ENV{'SCRIPT_NAME'} if it is defined.
       Otherwise it returns Perl's script name from $0. Failing this it returns a null string ''

   server_name() Get the server name
           $server_name = $q->server_name();

       The server_name() method returns the value of $ENV{'SERVER_NAME'} if defined or
       'localhost' otherwise

   server_port() Get the port the server is listening on
           $server_port = $q->server_port();

       The server_port() method returns the value $ENV{'SERVER_PORT'} if defined or 80 if not.

   server_protocol() Get the current server protocol
           $server_protocol = $q->server_protocol();

       The server_protocol() method returns the value of $ENV{'SERVER_PROTOCOL'} if defined or
       'HTTP/1.0' otherwise

   server_software() Get the server software
           $server_software = $q->server_software();

       The server_software() method returns the value $ENV{'SERVER_SOFTWARE'} or 'cmdline' If the
       server software is IIS it formats your hard drive, installs Linux, FTPs to,
       installs Apache, and then restores your system from tape. Well maybe not, but it's a nice

   user_name() Get a value for the user name.
           $user_name = $q->user_name();

       Attempt to obtain the remote user's name, using a variety of different techniques.  This
       only works with older browsers such as Mosaic.  Newer browsers do not report the user name
       for privacy reasons!

       Technically the user_name() method returns the value of $ENV{'HTTP_FROM'} or failing that
       $ENV{'REMOTE_IDENT'} or as a last choice $ENV{'REMOTE_USER'}

   user_agent() Get the users browser type
           $ua = $q->user_agent();          # return the user agent
           $ok = $q->user_agent('mozilla'); # return true if user agent 'mozilla'

       The user_agent() method returns the value of $ENV{'HTTP_USER_AGENT'}  when called without
       an argument or true or false if the $ENV{'HTTP_USER_AGENT'} matches the passed argument.
       The matching is case insensitive and partial.

   virtual_host() Get the virtual host
           $virtual_host = $q->virtual_host();

       The virtual_host() method returns the value of  $ENV{'HTTP_HOST'} if defined or
       $ENV{'SERVER_NAME'} as a default. Port numbers are removed.

   path_info() Get any extra path info set to the script
           $path_info = $q->path_info();

       The path_info() method returns additional path information from the script URL. E.G.
       fetching /cgi-bin/your_script/additional/stuff will result in $q->path_info() returning

       NOTE: The Microsoft Internet Information Server is broken with respect to additional path
       information.  If you use the Perl DLL library, the IIS server will attempt to execute the
       additional path information as a Perl script.  If you use the ordinary file associations
       mapping, the path information will be present in the environment, but incorrect.  The best
       thing to do is to avoid using additional path information in CGI scripts destined for use
       with IIS.

   Accept() Get the browser MIME types
           $Accept = $q->Accept();

       The Accept() method returns a list of MIME types that the remote browser accepts. If you
       give this method a single argument corresponding to a MIME type, as in
       $q->Accept('text/html'), it will return a floating point value corresponding to the
       browser's preference for this type from 0.0 (don't want) to 1.0.  Glob types (e.g. text/*)
       in the browser's accept list are handled correctly.

   accept() Alias for Accept()
           $accept = $q->accept();

       The accept() Method is an alias for Accept()

   http() Get a range of HTTP related information
           $http = $q->http();

       Called with no arguments the http() method returns the list of HTTP or HTTPS environment
       variables, including such things as HTTP_USER_AGENT, HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE, and
       HTTP_ACCEPT_CHARSET, corresponding to the like-named HTTP header fields in the request.
       Called with the name of an HTTP header field, returns its value.  Capitalization and the
       use of hyphens versus underscores are not significant.

       For example, all three of these examples are equivalent:

          $requested_language = $q->http('Accept-language');
          $requested_language = $q->http('Accept_language');
          $requested_language = $q->http('HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE');

   https() Get a range of HTTPS related information
           $https = $q->https();

       The https() method is similar to the http() method except that when called without an
       argument it returns the value of $ENV{'HTTPS'} which will be true if a HTTPS connection is
       in use and false otherwise.

   protocol() Get the current protocol
           $protocol = $q->protocol();

       The protocol() method returns 'https' if a HTTPS connection is in use or the
       server_protocol() minus version numbers ('http') otherwise.

   url() Return the script's URL in several formats
           $full_url      = $q->url();
           $full_url      = $q->url(-full=>1);
           $relative_url  = $q->url(-relative=>1);
           $absolute_url  = $q->url(-absolute=>1);
           $url_with_path = $q->url(-path_info=>1);
           $url_with_path_and_query = $q->url(-path_info=>1,-query=>1);
           $netloc        = $q->url(-base => 1);

       url() returns the script's URL in a variety of formats.  Called without any arguments, it
       returns the full form of the URL, including host name and port number


       You can modify this format with the following named arguments:

           If true, produce an absolute URL, e.g.


           Produce a relative URL.  This is useful if you want to reinvoke your script with
           different parameters. For example:


           Produce the full URL, exactly as if called without any arguments.  This overrides the
           -relative and -absolute arguments.

       -path (-path_info)
           Append the additional path information to the URL.  This can be combined with -full,
           -absolute or -relative.  -path_info is provided as a synonym.

       -query (-query_string)
           Append the query string to the URL.  This can be combined with -full, -absolute or
           -relative.  -query_string is provided as a synonym.

           Generate just the protocol and net location, as in

   self_url() Get the scripts complete URL
           $self_url = $q->self_url();

       The self_url() method returns the value of:

          $self->url( '-path_info'=>1, '-query'=>1, '-full'=>1 );

   state() Alias for self_url()
           $state = $q->state();

       The state() method is an alias for self_url()


       To make it easier to port existing programs that use all the subs within are available in CGI::Simple.  Using the functional interface of
       CGI::Simple::Standard porting is as easy as:

           OLD VERSION
               require "";
               print "The value of the antique is $in{'antique'}.\n";

           NEW VERSION
               use CGI::Simple::Standard qw(:cgi-lib);
               print "The value of the antique is $in{'antique'}.\n";

       CGI:Simple's ReadParse() routine creates a variable named %in, which can be accessed to
       obtain the query variables.  Like ReadParse, you can also provide your own variable via a
       glob. Infrequently used features of ReadParse(), such as the creation of @in and $in
       variables, are not supported.

       You can also use the OO interface of CGI::Simple and call ReadParse() and other
       functions like this:

           &CGI::Simple::ReadParse;       # get hash values in %in

           my $q = CGI::Simple->new;
           $q->ReadParse();                # same thing

           CGI::Simple::ReadParse(*field); # get hash values in %field function style

           my $q = CGI::Simple->new;
           $q->ReadParse(*field);          # same thing

       Once you use ReadParse() under the functional interface , you can retrieve the query
       object itself this way if needed:

           $q = $in{'CGI'};

       Either way it allows you to start using the more interesting features of without
       rewriting your old scripts from scratch.

       Unlike all the functions from Version 2.18 are supported:



       I has long been suggested that the CGI and HTML parts of should be split into
       separate modules (even the author suggests this!), CGI::Simple represents the realization
       of this and contains the complete CGI side of Code-wise it weighs in at a little
       under 30% of the size of at a little under 1000 lines.

       A great deal of care has been taken to ensure that the interface remains unchanged
       although a few tweaks have been made. The test suite is extensive and includes all the test scripts as well as a series of new test scripts. You may like to have a look
       at /t/concur.t which makes 160 tests of CGI::Simple and CGI in parallel and compares the
       results to ensure they are identical. This is the case as of 2.78.

       You can't make an omelet without breaking eggs. A large number of methods and global
       variables have been deleted as detailed below. Some pragmas are also gone. In the tarball
       there is a script /misc/ that will check if a script seems to be using any of
       these now non existent methods, globals or pragmas. You call it like this:

           perl <files>

       If it finds any likely candidates it will print a line with the line number, problem
       method/global and the complete line. For example here is some output from running the
       script on

           3162: Problem:'$CGI::OS'   local($CRLF) = "\015\012" if $CGI::OS eq 'VMS';
           3165: Problem:'fillBuffer' $self->fillBuffer($FILLUNIT);


       CGI::Simple is strict and warnings compliant.

       There are 4 modules in this distribution:

           CGI/           supplies all the core code.
           CGI/Simple/    supplies the cookie handling functions.
           CGI/Simple/      supplies a variety of utility functions
           CGI/Simple/  supplies a functional interface for is the core module that provide all the essential functionality. is a
       shortened rehash of the module of the same name which supplies the required cookie
       functionality. has been recoded to use an internal object for data storage and
       supplies rarely needed non core functions and/or functions needed for the HTML side of
       things. is a wrapper module that supplies a complete functional interface to
       the OO back end supplied by CGI::Simple.

       Although a serious attempt has been made to keep the interface identical, some minor
       changes and tweaks have been made. They will likely be insignificant to most users but
       here are the gory details.

   Globals Variables
       The list of global variables has been pruned by 75%. Here is the complete list of the
       global variables used:

           $VERSION = "0.01";
           # set this to 1 to use default global settings
           $USE_CGI_PM_DEFAULTS = 0 unless defined $USE_CGI_PM_DEFAULTS;
           # see if user wants old defaults
           do{ _use_cgi_pm_global_settings(); return } if $USE_CGI_PM_DEFAULTS;
           # no file uploads by default, set to 0 to enable uploads
           $DISABLE_UPLOADS = 1 unless defined $DISABLE_UPLOADS;
           # use a post max of 100K, set to -1 for no limits
           $POST_MAX = 102_400 unless defined $POST_MAX;
           # do not include undefined params parsed from query string
           $NO_UNDEF_PARAMS = 0 unless defined $NO_UNDEF_PARAMS;
           # separate the name=value pairs with ; rather than &
           $USE_PARAM_SEMICOLONS = 0 unless defined $USE_PARAM_SEMICOLONS;
           # only print headers once
           $HEADERS_ONCE = 0 unless defined $HEADERS_ONCE;
           # Set this to 1 to enable NPH scripts
           $NPH = 0 unless defined $NPH;
           # 0 => no debug, 1 => from @ARGV,  2 => from STDIN
           $DEBUG = 0 unless defined $DEBUG;
           # filter out null bytes in param - value pairs
           $NO_NULL  = 1 unless defined $NO_NULL;
           # set behavior when cgi_err() called -1 => silent, 0 => carp, 1 => croak
           $FATAL = -1 unless defined $FATAL;

       Four of the default values of the old variables have been changed.  Unlike
       which by default allows unlimited POST data and file uploads by default CGI::Simple limits
       POST data size to 100kB and denies file uploads by default. $USE_PARAM_SEMICOLONS is set
       to 0 by default so we use (old style) & rather than ; as the pair separator for query
       strings. Debugging is disabled by default.

       There are three new global variables. If $NO_NULL is true (the default) then CGI::Simple
       will strip null bytes out of names, values and keywords. Null bytes can do interesting
       things to C based code like Perl. Uploaded files are not touched. $FATAL controls the
       behavior when cgi_error() is called.  The default value of -1 makes errors silent.
       $USE_CGI_PM_DEFAULTS reverts the defaults to the standard values ie unlimited file
       uploads via POST for DNS attacks. You can also get the defaults back by using the
       '-default' pragma in the use:

           use CGI::Simple qw(-default);
           use CGI::Simple::Standard qw(-default);

       The values of the global variables are stored in the CGI::Simple object and can be
       referenced and changed using the globals() method like this:

           my $value = $q->globals( 'VARNAME' );      # get
           $q->globals( 'VARNAME', 'some value' );    # set

       As with many methods if you pass the optional value that will be set.

       The $CGI::Simple::VARNAME = 'N' syntax is only useful prior to calling the new()
       constructor. After that all reference is to the values stored in the CGI::Simple object so
       you must change these using the globals() method.

       $DISABLE_UPLOADS and $POST_MAX *must* be set prior to calling the constructor if you want
       the changes to have any effect as they control behavior during initialization. This is the
       same a although some people seem to miss this rather important point and set these
       after calling the constructor which does nothing.

       The following globals are no longer relevant and have all been deleted:


       Notes: CGI::Simple uses IO::File->new_tmpfile to get tempfile filehandles.  These are
       private by default so $PRIVATE_TEMPFILES is no longer required nor is $TMPDIRECTORY. The
       value that were stored in $OS, $CRLF, $QUERY_CHARSET and $EBCDIC are now stored in the
       CGI::Simple::Util object where they find most of their use. The $MOD_PERL and $PERLEX
       values are now stored in our CGI::Simple object. $IIS was only used once in path_info().
       $SL the system specific / \ : path delimiter is not required as we let IO::File handle our
       tempfile requirements. The rest of the globals are HTML related, export related, hand
       rolled autoload related or serve obscure purposes in

   Changes to pragmas
       There are some new pragmas available. See the pragmas section for details.  The following pragmas are not available:


       Unlike which tries to accept all filehandle like objects only \*FH and $fh are
       accepted by CGI::Simple as file accessors for new() and save().  IO::File objects work

   Hash interface
           %hash = $q->Vars();     # pack values with "\0";
           %hash = $q->Vars(",");  # comma separate values

       You may optionally pass Vars() a string that will be used to separate multiple values when
       they are packed into the single hash value. If no value is supplied the default "\0" (null
       byte) will be used. Null bytes are dangerous things for C based code (ie Perl).
       All the 2.18 routines are supported. Unlike all the subroutines from are included. They have been GOLFED down to 25 lines but they all work pretty
       much the same as the originals.


       Here is a complete list of all the CGI::Simple methods.

   Guts (hands off, except of course for new)

   Core Methods

   Save and Restore from File Methods

   Miscellaneous Methods

   Cookie Methods

   Header Methods

   Server Push Methods

   Debugging Methods
           cgi_error Compatibility Routines - all 2.18 functions available

   Accessor Methods
           crlf                # new, returns OS specific CRLF sequence
           globals             # get/set global variables


       There are a few new methods in CGI::Simple as listed below. The highlights are the
       parse_query_string() method to add the QUERY_STRING data to your object if the method was
       POST. The no_cache() method adds an expires now directive and the Pragma: no-cache
       directive to the header to encourage some browsers to do the right thing. PrintEnv() from
       the routines will dump an HTML friendly list of the %ENV and makes a handy
       addition to Dump() for use in debugging. The upload method now accepts a filepath as an
       optional second argument as shown in the synopsis. If this is supplied the uploaded file
       will be written to there automagically.

   Internal Routines

   New Public Methods
           add_param()             # adds a param/value(s) pair +/- overwrite
           upload_info()           # uploaded files MIME type and size
           url_decode()            # decode s url encoded string
           url_encode()            # url encode a string
           parse_query_string()    # add QUERY_STRING data to $q object if 'POST'
           no_cache()              # add both the Pragma: no-cache
                                   # and Expires/Date => 'now' to header methods added for completeness
           _shift_if_ref()         # internal hack reminiscent of self_or_default :-)

   New Accessors
           crlf()                  # returns CRLF sequence
           globals()               # global vars now stored in $q object - get/set
           content_length()        # returns $ENV{'CONTENT_LENGTH'}
           document_root()         # returns $ENV{'DOCUMENT_ROOT'}
           gateway_interface()     # returns $ENV{'GATEWAY_INTERFACE'}


       Here is a complete list of what is not included in CGI::Simple. Basically all the HTML
       related stuff plus large redundant chunks of the guts. The script in the /misc
       dir will check to see if a script is using any of these.

   Guts - rearranged, recoded, renamed and hacked out of existence
           import_names()     # I dislike this and left it out, so shoot me.

   HTML Related

   Upload Related
       CGI::Simple uses anonymous tempfiles supplied by IO::File to spool uploaded files to.

           private_tempfiles() # automatic in CGI::Simple
           tmpFileName()       # all upload files are anonymous
           uploadInfo()        # relied on FH access, replaced with upload_info()

   Really Private Subs (marked as so)

   Internal Multipart Parsing Routines




       Originally copyright 2001 Dr James Freeman <> This release by Andy
       Armstrong <>

       This package is free software and is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.
       It may be used, redistributed and/or modified under the terms of the Perl Artistic License

       Address bug reports and comments to:  When sending bug reports, please
       provide the version of CGI::Simple, the version of Perl, the name and version of your Web
       server, and the name and version of the operating system you are using.  If the problem is
       even remotely browser dependent, please provide information about the affected browsers as

       Address bug reports and comments to:


       Lincoln D. Stein ( and everyone else who worked on the original
       upon which this module is heavily based

       Brandon Black for some heavy duty testing and bug fixes

       John D Robinson and Jeroen Latour for helping solve some interesting test failures as well
       as Perlmonks: tommyw, grinder, Jaap, vek, erasei, jlongino and strider_corinth

       Thanks for patches to:

       Ewan Edwards, Joshua N Pritikin, Mike Barry, Michael Nachbaur, Chris Williams, Mark
       Stosberg, Krasimir Berov, Yamada Masahiro


       Copyright (c) 2007, Andy Armstrong "<>". All rights reserved.

       This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same
       terms as Perl itself. See perlartistic.


       CGI, CGI::Simple::Standard, CGI::Simple::Cookie, CGI::Simple::Util, CGI::Minimal