Provided by: libmodern-perl-perl_1.20240115-1_all bug


       Modern::Perl - enable all of the features of Modern Perl with one import


       version 1.20240115


       Modern Perl programs use several modules to enable additional features of Perl and of the
       CPAN.  Instead of copying and pasting all of these "use" lines, instead write only one:

           use Modern::Perl;

       This enables the strict and warnings pragmas, as well as all of the features available in
       Perl 5.10. It also enables C3 method resolution order as documented in "perldoc mro" and
       loads IO::File and IO::Handle so that you may call methods on filehandles. In the future,
       it may include additional core modules and pragmas (but is unlikely to include non-core

       Because so much of this module's behavior uses lexically scoped pragmas, you may disable
       these pragmas within an inner scope with:

           no Modern::Perl;

       See <> for more
       information, <> for further discussion of Modern Perl and
       its implications, and <> for a freely-
       downloadable Modern Perl tutorial.

   CLI Usage
       As of Modern::Perl 2019, you may also enable this pragma from the command line:

           $ perl -Modern::Perl -e 'say "Take that, awk!"'

       You may also enable year-specific features:

           $ perl -Modern::Perl=2020 -e 'say "Looking forward to Perl 5.30!"'

   Wrapping Modern::Perl
       If you want to wrap Modern::Perl in your own import() method, you can do so to add
       additional pragmas or features, such as the use of Try::Tiny. Please note that, if you do
       so, you will not automatically enable C3 method resolution in the calling scope. This is
       due to how the mro pragma works. In your custom import() method, you will need to write
       code such as:

           mro::set_mro( scalar caller(), 'c3' );

   Forward Compatibility
       For forward compatibility, I recommend you specify a string containing a year value as the
       single optional import tag. For example:

           use Modern::Perl '2009';
           use Modern::Perl '2010';

       ... both enable 5.10 features, while:

           use Modern::Perl '2011';

       ... enables 5.12 features:

           use Modern::Perl '2012';

       ... enables 5.14 features:

           use Modern::Perl '2013';

       ... enables 5.16 features, and:

           use Modern::Perl '2014';

       ... enables 5.18 features, and:

           use Modern::Perl '2015';

       ... enables 5.20 features, and:

           use Modern::Perl '2016';

       ... enables 5.24 features, and:

           use Modern::Perl '2017';

       ... enables 5.24 features, and:

           use Modern::Perl '2018';

       ... enables 5.26 features.

           use Modern::Perl '2019';

       ... enables 5.28 features.

           use Modern::Perl '2020';

       ... enables 5.30 features.

           use Modern::Perl '2021';

       ... enables 5.32 features.

           use Modern::Perl '2022';

       ... enables 5.34 features.

           use Modern::Perl '2023';

       ... enables 5.36 features.

           use Modern::Perl '2024';

       ... enables 5.38 features.

       Obviously you cannot use newer features on earlier versions. Perl will throw the
       appropriate exception if you try.

       As of Perl 5.38, you may prefer to write "use v5.38", which is almost entirely equivalent
       to the use of this module. For the purpose of forward compatibility, this module will
       continue to work as expected--and will continue regular maintenance.


       chromatic, "<chromatic at>"


       None known.

       Please report any bugs or feature requests to "bug-modern-perl at", or through
       the web interface at <>.  I will
       be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make


       You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

           perldoc Modern::Perl

       You can also look for information at:

       •   RT: CPAN's request tracker


       •   AnnoCPAN: Annotated CPAN documentation


       •   CPAN Ratings


       •   Search CPAN



       Damian Conway (inspiration from Toolkit), Florian Ragwitz (B::Hooks::Parser, so I didn't
       have to write it myself), chocolateboy (for suggesting that I don't even need
       B::Hooks::Parser), Damien Learns Perl, David Moreno, Evan Carroll, Elliot Shank, Andreas
       König, Father Chrysostomos, Gryphon Shafer, and Norbert E. Grüner for reporting bugs,
       filing patches, and requesting features.




       This software is copyright (c) 20242424242424242424 by

       This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as
       the Perl 5 programming language system itself.