Provided by: libnet-libdnet-perl_0.99-1build4_amd64 bug


       Net::Libdnet::Arp - high level API to access libdnet arp_* functions


          use Net::Libdnet::Arp;

          my $h       = Net::Libdnet::Arp->new;
          my $mac     = $h->get('');
          my $success = $h->add('', '00:11:22:33:44:55');
          my $success = $h->delete('', '00:11:22:33:44:55');

          my $data;
          $h->loop(\&arp_print, \$data);

          sub arp_print {
             my ($e, $data) = @_;
             printf("%s at %s\n", $e->{arp_pa}, $e->{arp_ha});


       This modules is a higher level abstraction for libdnet arp_* functions.


       new ()
           Returns an object to access arp cache table on success, undef otherwise.

       get (scalar)
           Returns the mac address of specified IP address, undef otherwise.

       add (scalar, scalar)
           Adds an entry to arp cache table. Returns 1 on success, undef otherwise. First
           parameter is the IP address, second is the mac address.

       delete (scalar, scalar)
           Deletes an entry from arp cache table. Returns 1 on success, undef otherwise. First
           parameter is the IP address, second is the mac address.

       loop (subref, [ scalarref ])
           Calls the specified sub ref for each entry in the arp cache table. The second optional
           parameter is a scalar ref, to store state information (if any).


       Patrice <GomoR> Auffret


       You may distribute this module under the terms of the BSD license. See LICENSE file in the
       source distribution archive.

       Copyright (c) 2008-2012, Patrice <GomoR> Auffret