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       SoCalculator — a general-purpose calculator


       SoBase > SoFieldContainer > SoEngine > SoCalculator


       #include <Inventor/engines/SoCalculator.h>

          Inputs from class SoCalculator:

     SoMFFloat           a
     SoMFFloat           b
     SoMFFloat           c
     SoMFFloat           d
     SoMFFloat           e
     SoMFFloat           f
     SoMFFloat           g
     SoMFFloat           h
     SoMFVec3f           A
     SoMFVec3f           B
     SoMFVec3f           C
     SoMFVec3f           D
     SoMFVec3f           E
     SoMFVec3f           F
     SoMFVec3f           G
     SoMFVec3f           H
     SoMFString          expression

          Outputs from class SoCalculator:

     (SoMFFloat)         oa
     (SoMFFloat)         ob
     (SoMFFloat)         oc
     (SoMFFloat)         od
     (SoMFVec3f)         oA
     (SoMFVec3f)         oB
     (SoMFVec3f)         oC
     (SoMFVec3f)         oD

          Methods from class SoCalculator:


          Methods from class SoEngine:

     static SoType       getClassTypeId()
     virtual int         getOutputs(SoEngineOutputList &list) const
     SoEngineOutput *    getOutput(const SbName &outputName) const
     SbBool              getOutputName(const SoEngineOutput *output, SbName &outputName) const
     SoEngine *          copy() const
     static SoEngine *   getByName(const SbName &name)
     static int          getByName(const SbName &name, SoEngineList &list)

          Methods from class SoFieldContainer:

     void                setToDefaults()
     SbBool              hasDefaultValues() const
     SbBool              fieldsAreEqual(const SoFieldContainer *fc) const
     void                copyFieldValues(const  SoFieldContainer  *fc,  SbBool  copyConnections =
     SbBool              set(const char *fieldDataString)
     void                get(SbString &fieldDataString)
     virtual int         getFields(SoFieldList &resultList) const
     virtual SoField *   getField(const SbName &fieldName) const
     SbBool              getFieldName(const SoField *field, SbName &fieldName) const
     SbBool              isNotifyEnabled() const
     SbBool              enableNotify(SbBool flag)

          Methods from class SoBase:

     void                ref()
     void                unref() const
     void                unrefNoDelete() const
     void                touch()
     virtual SoType      getTypeId() const
     SbBool              isOfType(SoType type) const
     virtual void        setName(const SbName &name)
     virtual SbName      getName() const


       This engine is a general-purpose calculator. The  calculator  operates  on  floating-point
       values  and  3D  floating-point  vectors. The engine takes up to eight inputs of each type
       (SoMFFloat and SoMFVec3f), and produces up to four outputs of each type.

       Each input field (a-h, A-H) can have multiple values, allowing the engine to evaluate  the
       expression  with  different  values  in  parallel.  Some  inputs may have more values than
       others.  In such cases, the  last  value  of  the  shorter  inputs  will  be  repeated  as

       The  expression  input  string specifies the expression to be evaluated. An expression can
       consist of multiple subexpressions. Several subexpressions can be specified in one string,
       separated  by  semicolons (;). Alternatively, the subexpressions can be stored in separate
       strings in the multiple-valued input field.

       Each subexpression is of the form:

          <lhs> = <rhs>

     The <lhs> can be any one of the outputs or a  temporary  variable.  The  engine  provides  8
     temporary  floating-point  variables  (ta,  tb, tc, td, te, tf, tg, and th), and 8 temporary
     vector variables (tA, tB, tC, tD, tE, tF, tG, and  tH).  You  can  assign  a  value  to  one
     component  of  a  vector output (A-H) or a vector variable (tA-tH) by using the [] operator.
     For example, oA[0] = <rhs>, will evaluate the right hand side and assign the  value  to  the
     first component of the output vector oA.

     The <rhs> supports arithmetic, logical and conditional operators. They are:

          (unary)   !, -
          (binary)  +, -, *, /, %, <, > <=, >=, ==, !=, &&, ||
          (ternary) ? :

     The  ternary  operator is a conditional operator. For example, a ? b : c evaluates to b if a
     != 0, and to c if a==0.

     Valid operands for the <rhs> include the inputs, outputs,  temporary  variables,  and  their
     components  (e.g.  oA[0]).  Operands  can  also be numeric constants (e.g. 1.0), pre-defined
     named constants, or pre-defined functions.

     The named constants are:

          M_SQRT2  = sqrt(2)
          M_SQRT1_2 = sqrt(1/2)

     Most of the pre-defined functions come from the math library:

          cos, sin, tan,
          acos, asin, atan, atan2,
          cosh, sinh, tanh,
          sqrt, pow, exp, log, log10,
          ceil, floor, fabs, fmod.

     Other functions are defined by SoCalculator. They are:

          rand(f) - Random number generator
          cross(v1, v2) - Vector cross product
          dot(v1, v2) - Vector dot product
          length(v) - Vector length
          normalize(v) - Normalize vector
          vec3f(f1, f2, f3) - Generate a vector from 3 floats

     The subexpressions are evaluated in order, so a variable set in  the  <lhs>  of  an  earlier
     expression may be used in the <rhs> of a later expression.

     Note, when the input has multiple values, all the subexpressions specified in the expression
     are applied to all the multiple input values. This is  unlike  the  SoBoolOperation  engine,
     where  each  operation  is applied only to the corresponding entries of the input data. Note
     also, that even though the inputs and outputs can have multiple values the  []  operator  is
     only  for  indexing  into the values of a single vector. It does not index into the multiple
     values of a field. For example, if the floating-point input field a has two values: 1.0, and
     2.0, then the expression

          "oA[0]=a; oA[1]=a; oA[2]=0.0"

     will produce two output vectors in oA: (1.0, 1.0, 0.0) and (2.0, 2.0, 0.0).

     Examples of expressions:

          "ta = oA[0]*floor(a)"
          "tb = (a+b)*sin(M_PI)"
          "oA = vec3f(ta, tb, ta+tb)"
          "oB = normalize(oA)"
          "ta = a; tb = sin(ta); oA = vec3f(ta, tb, 0)"


     SoMFFloat           a
     SoMFFloat           b
     SoMFFloat           c
     SoMFFloat           d
     SoMFFloat           e
     SoMFFloat           f
     SoMFFloat           g
     SoMFFloat           h
          Inputs a-h are the floating-point values.

     SoMFVec3f           A
     SoMFVec3f           B
     SoMFVec3f           C
     SoMFVec3f           D
     SoMFVec3f           E
     SoMFVec3f           F
     SoMFVec3f           G
     SoMFVec3f           H
          Inputs A-H are the vectors.

     SoMFString          expression
          The expression to be evaluated.


     (SoMFFloat)         oa
     (SoMFFloat)         ob
     (SoMFFloat)         oc
     (SoMFFloat)         od
          Outputs oa-od are the floating-point values.

     (SoMFVec3f)         oA
     (SoMFVec3f)         oB
     (SoMFVec3f)         oC
     (SoMFVec3f)         oD
          Outputs oA-oD are the vectors.




       Calculator {
          a           0
          b           0
          c           0
          d           0
          e           0
          f           0
          g           0
          h           0
          A           0 0 0
          B           0 0 0
          C           0 0 0
          D           0 0 0
          E           0 0 0
          F           0 0 0
          G           0 0 0
          H           0 0 0
          expression  ""


       SoEngineOutput, SoBoolOperation
