Provided by: ocaml-man_4.14.1-1ubuntu1_all bug


       Stdlib.Sys - no description


       Module   Stdlib.Sys


       Module Sys
        : (module Stdlib__Sys)

       val argv : string array

       The  command  line  arguments given to the process.  The first element is the command name
       used to invoke the program.  The following elements are the command-line  arguments  given
       to the program.

       val executable_name : string

       The  name  of  the  file  containing  the  executable currently running.  This name may be
       absolute or relative to the current directory, depending on the platform and  whether  the
       program was compiled to bytecode or a native executable.

       val file_exists : string -> bool

       Test if a file with the given name exists.

       val is_directory : string -> bool

       Returns  true  if the given name refers to a directory, false if it refers to another kind
       of file.

       Since 3.10.0

       Raises Sys_error if no file exists with the given name.

       val remove : string -> unit

       Remove the given file name from the file system.

       val rename : string -> string -> unit

       Rename a file.  rename oldpath newpath renames the file called oldpath , giving it newpath
       as  its new name, moving it between directories if needed.  If newpath already exists, its
       contents will be replaced with those of oldpath .  Depending on the operating system,  the
       metadata  (permissions,  owner,  etc) of newpath can either be preserved or be replaced by
       those of oldpath .

       Since 4.06 concerning the "replace existing file" behavior

       val getenv : string -> string

       Return the value associated to a variable in the process environment.

       Raises Not_found if the variable is unbound.

       val getenv_opt : string -> string option

       Return the value associated to a variable in  the  process  environment  or  None  if  the
       variable is unbound.

       Since 4.05

       val command : string -> int

       Execute the given shell command and return its exit code.

       The  argument  of  Sys.command is generally the name of a command followed by zero, one or
       several arguments, separated by whitespace.  The given argument is interpreted by a shell:
       either  the  Windows shell cmd.exe for the Win32 ports of OCaml, or the POSIX shell sh for
       other ports.  It can contain shell builtin commands  such  as  echo  ,  and  also  special
       characters such as file redirections > and < , which will be honored by the shell.

       Conversely,  whitespace or special shell characters occurring in command names or in their
       arguments must be quoted or escaped so that  the  shell  does  not  interpret  them.   The
       quoting   rules   vary   between   the   POSIX   shell   and   the   Windows  shell.   The
       Filename.quote_command performs the appropriate quoting given a command name,  a  list  of
       arguments, and optional file redirections.

       val time : unit -> float

       Return  the  processor  time,  in  seconds,  used  by  the  program since the beginning of

       val chdir : string -> unit

       Change the current working directory of the process.

       val mkdir : string -> int -> unit

       Create a directory with the given permissions.

       Since 4.12.0

       val rmdir : string -> unit

       Remove an empty directory.

       Since 4.12.0

       val getcwd : unit -> string

       Return the current working directory of the process.

       val readdir : string -> string array

       Return the names of all files present in the given directory.  Names denoting the  current
       directory  and  the  parent  directory  (  "."  and ".."  in Unix) are not returned.  Each
       string in the result is a file name rather than a complete path.  There  is  no  guarantee
       that  the  name strings in the resulting array will appear in any specific order; they are
       not, in particular, guaranteed to appear in alphabetical order.

       val interactive : bool ref

       This reference is initially set to false in standalone programs and to true if the code is
       being executed under the interactive toplevel system ocaml .

       val os_type : string

       Operating system currently executing the OCaml program. One of

       - "Unix" (for all Unix versions, including Linux and Mac OS X),

       - "Win32" (for MS-Windows, OCaml compiled with MSVC++ or Mingw),

       - "Cygwin" (for MS-Windows, OCaml compiled with Cygwin).

       type backend_type =
        | Native
        | Bytecode
        | Other of string

       Currently,  the  official  distribution  only supports Native and Bytecode , but it can be
       other backends with alternative compilers, for example, javascript.

       Since 4.04.0

       val backend_type : backend_type

       Backend type  currently executing the OCaml program.

       Since 4.04.0

       val unix : bool

       True if Sys.os_type = "Unix" .

       Since 4.01.0

       val win32 : bool

       True if Sys.os_type = "Win32" .

       Since 4.01.0

       val cygwin : bool

       True if Sys.os_type = "Cygwin" .

       Since 4.01.0

       val word_size : int

       Size of one word on the machine currently executing the OCaml program, in bits: 32 or 64.

       val int_size : int

       Size of int , in bits. It is 31 (resp. 63) when using OCaml on  a  32-bit  (resp.  64-bit)
       platform.  It  may differ for other implementations, e.g. it can be 32 bits when compiling
       to JavaScript.

       Since 4.03.0

       val big_endian : bool

       Whether the machine currently executing the Caml program is big-endian.

       Since 4.00.0

       val max_string_length : int

       Maximum length of strings and byte sequences.

       val max_array_length : int

       Maximum length of a normal array (i.e. any array whose elements are not of type  float  ).
       The  maximum length of a float array is max_floatarray_length if OCaml was configured with
       --enable-flat-float-array      and      max_array_length      if      configured      with
       --disable-flat-float-array .

       val max_floatarray_length : int

       Maximum  length  of  a  floatarray.  This is also the maximum length of a float array when
       OCaml is configured with --enable-flat-float-array .

       val runtime_variant : unit -> string

       Return the name of the runtime variant the program is running on.  This  is  normally  the
       argument  given  to  -runtime-variant at compile time, but for byte-code it can be changed
       after compilation.

       Since 4.03.0

       val runtime_parameters : unit -> string

       Return the value of the runtime parameters, in the same format  as  the  contents  of  the
       OCAMLRUNPARAM environment variable.

       Since 4.03.0

   Signal handling
       type signal_behavior =
        | Signal_default
        | Signal_ignore
        | Signal_handle of (int -> unit)

       What to do when receiving a signal:

       - Signal_default : take the default behavior (usually: abort the program)

       - Signal_ignore : ignore the signal

       - Signal_handle f : call function f , giving it the signal number as argument.

       val signal : int -> signal_behavior -> signal_behavior

       Set  the  behavior  of the system on receipt of a given signal.  The first argument is the
       signal number.  Return the behavior previously associated with the signal. If  the  signal
       number  is  invalid  (or  not  available on your system), an Invalid_argument exception is

       val set_signal : int -> signal_behavior -> unit

       Same as Sys.signal but return value is ignored.

   Signal numbers for the standard POSIX signals.
       val sigabrt : int

       Abnormal termination

       val sigalrm : int


       val sigfpe : int

       Arithmetic exception

       val sighup : int

       Hangup on controlling terminal

       val sigill : int

       Invalid hardware instruction

       val sigint : int

       Interactive interrupt (ctrl-C)

       val sigkill : int

       Termination (cannot be ignored)

       val sigpipe : int

       Broken pipe

       val sigquit : int

       Interactive termination

       val sigsegv : int

       Invalid memory reference

       val sigterm : int


       val sigusr1 : int

       Application-defined signal 1

       val sigusr2 : int

       Application-defined signal 2

       val sigchld : int

       Child process terminated

       val sigcont : int


       val sigstop : int


       val sigtstp : int

       Interactive stop

       val sigttin : int

       Terminal read from background process

       val sigttou : int

       Terminal write from background process

       val sigvtalrm : int

       Timeout in virtual time

       val sigprof : int

       Profiling interrupt

       val sigbus : int

       Bus error

       Since 4.03

       val sigpoll : int

       Pollable event

       Since 4.03

       val sigsys : int

       Bad argument to routine

       Since 4.03

       val sigtrap : int

       Trace/breakpoint trap

       Since 4.03

       val sigurg : int

       Urgent condition on socket

       Since 4.03

       val sigxcpu : int

       Timeout in cpu time

       Since 4.03

       val sigxfsz : int

       File size limit exceeded

       Since 4.03

       exception Break

       Exception raised on interactive interrupt if Sys.catch_break is on.

       val catch_break : bool -> unit

       catch_break governs whether interactive  interrupt  (ctrl-C)  terminates  the  program  or
       raises  the  Break  exception.   Call  catch_break  true  to  enable  raising  Break , and
       catch_break false to let the system terminate the program on user interrupt.

       val ocaml_version : string

       ocaml_version   is   the   version   of   OCaml.    It   is   a   string   of   the   form
       "major.minor[.patchlevel][(+|~)additional-info]"  ,  where  major , minor , and patchlevel
       are integers, and additional-info is an arbitrary  string.   The  [.patchlevel]  part  was
       absent   before   version   3.08.0   and   became  mandatory  from  3.08.0  onwards.   The
       [(+|~)additional-info] part may be absent.

       val development_version : bool

       true if this is a development version, false otherwise.

       Since 4.14.0

       type extra_prefix =
        | Plus
        | Tilde

       type extra_info = extra_prefix * string

       type ocaml_release_info = {
        major : int ;
        minor : int ;
        patchlevel : int ;
        extra : extra_info option ;

       val ocaml_release : ocaml_release_info

       val enable_runtime_warnings : bool -> unit

       Control whether the OCaml runtime system can emit warnings on stderr.  Currently, the only
       supported  warning  is  triggered  when a channel created by open_* functions is finalized
       without being closed.  Runtime warnings are disabled by default.

       Since 4.03.0

       val runtime_warnings_enabled : unit -> bool

       Return whether runtime warnings are currently enabled.

       Since 4.03.0

       val opaque_identity : 'a -> 'a

       For the purposes of optimization,  opaque_identity  behaves  like  an  unknown  (and  thus
       possibly side-effecting) function.

       At runtime, opaque_identity disappears altogether.

       A  typical  use of this function is to prevent pure computations from being optimized away
       in benchmarking loops.  For example:
             for _round = 1 to 100_000 do
               ignore (Sys.opaque_identity (my_pure_computation ()))

       Since 4.03.0

       module Immediate64 : sig end