Provided by: libxext-dev_1.3.4-1build2_amd64 bug


       XmbufQueryExtension,     XmbufGetVersion,     XmbufCreateBuffers,     XmbufDestroyBuffers,
       XmbufDisplayBuffers,        XmbufGetWindowAttributes,         XmbufChangeWindowAttributes,
       XmbufGetBufferAttributes,         XmbufChangeBufferAttributes,         XmbufGetScreenInfo,
       XmbufCreateStereoWindow - X multibuffering functions


       #include <X11/extensions/multibuf.h>

       Bool XmbufQueryExtension(
           Display *dpy,
           Display *dpy,
           int *event_base_return,
           int *error_base_return);

       Status XmbufGetVersion(
           Display *dpy,
           int *major_version_return,
           int *minor_version_return);

       int XmbufCreateBuffers(
           Display *dpy,
           Window window,
           int count,
           int update_action,
           int update_hint,
           Multibuffer *buffers_update);

       void XmbufDestroyBuffers(
           Display *dpy,
           Window window);

       void XmbufDisplayBuffers(
           Display *dpy,
           int count,
           Multibuffer *buffers,
           int min_delay,
           int max_delay);

       Status XmbufGetWindowAttributes(
           Display *dpy,
           Window window,
           XmbufWindowAttributes *attributes);

       void XmbufChangeWindowAttributes(
           Display *dpy,
           Window window,
           unsigned long valuemask,
           XmbufSetWindowAttributes *attributes);

       Status XmbufGetBufferAttributes(
           Display *dpy,
           Multibuffer buffer,
           XmbufBufferAttributes *attributes);

       void XmbufChangeBufferAttributes(
           Display *dpy,
           Multibuffer buffer,
           unsigned long valuemask,
           XmbufSetBufferAttributes *attributes);

       Status XmbufGetScreenInfo(
           Display *dpy,
           Drawable drawable,
           int *nmono_return,
           XmbufBufferInfo **mono_info_return,
           int *nstereo_return,
           XmbufBufferInfo **stereo_info_return);

       Window XmbufCreateStereoWindow(
           Display *dpy,
           Window parent,
           int x,
           int y,
           unsigned int width,
           unsigned int height,
           unsigned int border_width,
           int depth,
           unsigned int class,                 /* InputOutput, InputOnly*/
           Visual *visual,
           unsigned long valuemask,
           XSetWindowAttributes *attributes,
           Multibuffer *left_return,
           Multibuffer *right_return);


       typedef struct {
           int type;   /* of event */
           unsigned long serial;       /* # of last request processed by server */
           int send_event;     /* true if this came from a SendEvent request */
           Display *display;   /* Display the event was read from */
           Multibuffer buffer; /* buffer of event */
           int state;  /* see Clobbered constants above */
       } XmbufClobberNotifyEvent;

       typedef struct {
           int type;   /* of event */
           unsigned long serial;       /* # of last request processed by server */
           int send_event;     /* true if this came from a SendEvent request */
           Display *display;   /* Display the event was read from */
           Multibuffer buffer; /* buffer of event */
       } XmbufUpdateNotifyEvent;

       Per-window attributes that can be got:

       typedef struct {
           int displayed_index; /* which buffer is being displayed */
           int update_action;   /* Undefined, Background, Untouched, Copied */
           int update_hint;     /* Frequent, Intermittent, Static */
           int window_mode;     /* Mono, Stereo */
           int nbuffers;   /* Number of buffers */
           Multibuffer *buffers;     /* Buffers */
       } XmbufWindowAttributes;

       Per-window attributes that can be set:

       typedef struct {
           int update_hint;     /* Frequent, Intermittent, Static */
       } XmbufSetWindowAttributes;

       Per-buffer attributes that can be got:

       typedef struct {
           Window window;  /* which window this belongs to */
           unsigned long event_mask; /* events that have been selected */
           int buffer_index;    /* which buffer is this */
           int side;  /* Mono, Left, Right */
       } XmbufBufferAttributes;

       Per-buffer attributes that can be set:

       typedef struct {
           unsigned long event_mask; /* events that have been selected */
       } XmbufSetBufferAttributes;

       Per-screen buffer info (there will be lists of them):

       typedef struct {
           VisualID visualid;   /* visual usable at this depth */
           int max_buffers;     /* most buffers for this visual */
           int depth; /* depth of buffers to be created */
       } XmbufBufferInfo;


       The application programming library for the  X11  Double-Buffering,  Multi-Buffering,  and
       Stereo  Extension  contains  the  interfaces  described  below.   With  the  exception  of
       XmbufQueryExtension, if any of these routines are called with  a  display  that  does  not
       support    the   extension,   the   ExtensionErrorHandler   (which   can   be   set   with
       XSetExtensionErrorHandler and functions the same way as XSetErrorHandler) will  be  called
       and the function will then return.

       XmbufQueryExtension  returns  True  if the multibuffering/stereo extension is available on
       the given display.  If the extension exists, the value of  the  first  event  code  (which
       should   be   added   to   the   event   type   constants   MultibufferClobberNotify   and
       MultibufferUpdateNotify to get the actual values) is stored into event_base_return and the
       value  of  the  first  error  code  (which  should  be  added  to  the error type constant
       MultibufferBadBuffer to get the actual value) is stored into error_base_return.

       XmbufGetVersion gets the major and minor version numbers of  the  extension.   The  return
       value is zero if an error occurs or non-zero if no error happens.

       XmbufCreateBuffers  requests  that "count" buffers be created with the given update_action
       and update_hint and be associated with  the  indicated  window.   The  number  of  buffers
       created  is returned (zero if an error occurred) and buffers_update is filled in with that
       many Multibuffer identifiers.

       XmbufDestroyBuffers destroys the buffers associated with the given window.

       XmbufDisplayBuffers displays  the  indicated  buffers  their  appropriate  windows  within
       max_delay  milliseconds  after  min_delay milliseconds have passed.  No two buffers may be
       associated with the same window or else a Match error is generated.

       XmbufGetWindowAttributes gets the multibuffering attributes  that  apply  to  all  buffers
       associated  with  the  given window.  The list of buffers returns may be freed with XFree.
       Returns non-zero on success and zero if an error occurs.

       XmbufChangeWindowAttributes sets the multibuffering attributes that apply to  all  buffers
       associated with the given window.  This is currently limited to the update_hint.

       XmbufGetBufferAttributes  gets  the attributes for the indicated buffer.  Returns non-zero
       on success and zero if an error occurs.

       XmbufChangeBufferAttributes sets  the  attributes  for  the  indicated  buffer.   This  is
       currently limited to the event_mask.

       XmbufGetScreenInfo  gets  the  parameters  controlling  how mono and stereo windows may be
       created on the screen of the given drawable.  The numbers of sets of visual and depths are
       returned  in  nmono_return and nstereo_return.  If nmono_return is greater than zero, then
       mono_info_return is  set  to  the  address  of  an  array  of  XmbufBufferInfo  structures
       describing  the  various visuals and depths that may be used.  Otherwise, mono_info_return
       is set to NULL.  Similarly, stereo_info_return is set according  to  nstereo_return.   The
       storage  returned in mono_info_return and stereo_info_return may be released by XFree.  If
       no errors are encounted, non-zero will be returned.

       XmbufCreateStereoWindow creates a stereo window in the same way that XCreateWindow creates
       a  mono window.  The buffer ids for the left and right buffers are returned in left_return
       and right_return, respectively.  If an extension error handler that returns is  installed,
       None will be returned if the extension is not available on this display.


       Update_action field:

       Update_hint field:

       Valuemask fields:

       Mono vs. stereo and left vs. right:

       Clobber state:

       Event stuff:


       This manual page needs more work.


       Extending X for Double Buffering, Multi-Buffering, and Stereo