Provided by: libbson-doc_1.26.0-1.1ubuntu2_all bug


       A Cross Platform BSON Library for C

       libbson builds, parses, and iterates BSON documents, the native data format of MongoDB. It
       also converts BSON to and from JSON, and provides a platform compatibility layer  for  the
       MongoDB C Driver.

   Using libbson In Your C Program
   Include bson.h
       All libbson's functions and types are available in one header file. Simply include bson.h:


          #include <stdio.h>
          #include <bson/bson.h>

          main (int argc, const char **argv)
             bson_t *b;
             char *j;

             b = BCON_NEW ("hello", BCON_UTF8 ("bson!"));
             j = bson_as_canonical_extended_json (b, NULL);
             printf ("%s\n", j);

             bson_free (j);
             bson_destroy (b);

             return 0;

       The  libbson  installation  includes  a  CMake config-file package, so you can use CMake's
       find_package command to import libbson's CMake target and link to  libbson  (as  a  shared


          # Specify the minimum version you require.
          find_package (bson-1.0 1.7 REQUIRED)

          # The "hello_bson.c" sample program is shared among four tests.
          add_executable (hello_bson ../../hello_bson.c)
          target_link_libraries (hello_bson PRIVATE mongo::bson_shared)

       You  can  also  use  libbson as a static library instead: Use the mongo::bson_static CMake

          # Specify the minimum version you require.
          find_package (bson-1.0 1.7 REQUIRED)

          # The "hello_bson.c" sample program is shared among four tests.
          add_executable (hello_bson ../../hello_bson.c)
          target_link_libraries (hello_bson PRIVATE mongo::bson_static)

       If you're not using CMake, use pkg-config on the command line to set  header  and  library

          gcc -o hello_bson hello_bson.c $(pkg-config --libs --cflags libbson-1.0)

       Or to statically link to libbson:

          gcc -o hello_bson hello_bson.c $(pkg-config --libs --cflags libbson-static-1.0)

   Creating a BSON Document
   The bson_t structure
       BSON  documents  are  created  using the bson_t structure. This structure encapsulates the
       necessary logic for encoding using the BSON Specification. At the core, bson_t is a buffer
       manager and set of encoding routines.

          BSON  documents  can  live  on  the stack or the heap based on the performance needs or
          preference of the consumer.

       Let's start by creating a new BSON document on the stack.  Whenever  using  libbson,  make
       sure you #include <bson/bson.h>.

          bson_t b;

          bson_init (&b);

       This creates an empty document. In JSON, this would be the same as {}.

       We  can  now proceed to adding items to the BSON document. A variety of functions prefixed
       with bson_append_ can be used based on the type of field you want to append. Let's  append
       a UTF-8 encoded string.

          bson_append_utf8 (&b, "key", -1, "value", -1);

       Notice  the  two -1 parameters. The first indicates that the length of key in bytes should
       be determined with strlen(). Alternatively, we could have passed the number  3.  The  same
       goes for the second -1, but for value.

       Libbson  provides  macros  to  make  this  less  tedious  when  using string literals. The
       following two appends are identical.

          bson_append_utf8 (&b, "key", -1, "value", -1);
          BSON_APPEND_UTF8 (&b, "key", "value");

       Now let's take a look at an example that adds a  few  different  field  types  to  a  BSON

          bson_t b = BSON_INITIALIZER;

          BSON_APPEND_INT32 (&b, "a", 1);
          BSON_APPEND_UTF8 (&b, "hello", "world");
          BSON_APPEND_BOOL (&b, "bool", true);

       Notice  that  we  omitted  the  call to bson_init(). By specifying BSON_INITIALIZER we can
       remove the need to initialize the structure to a base state.

   Sub-Documents and Sub-Arrays
       To simplify the creation of sub-documents  bson_append_document_begin()  can  be  used  to
       build a sub-document using the parent's memory region as the destination buffer.

          bson_t parent = BSON_INITIALIZER;
          bson_t child;

          bson_append_document_begin (&parent, "foo", 3, &child);
          bson_append_int32 (&child, "baz", 3, 1);
          bson_append_document_end (&parent, &child);

          char *str = bson_as_relaxed_extended_json (&parent, NULL);
          printf ("%s\n", str); // Prints: { "foo" : { "baz" : 1 } }
          bson_free (str);

          bson_destroy (&parent);

       To  simplify  the  creation  of  sub-arrays  bson_array_builder_t  can  be used to build a
       sub-array using the parent's memory region as the destination buffer.

          bson_t parent = BSON_INITIALIZER;
          bson_array_builder_t *bab;

          bson_append_array_builder_begin (&parent, "foo", 3, &bab);
          bson_array_builder_append_int32 (bab, 9);
          bson_array_builder_append_int32 (bab, 8);
          bson_array_builder_append_int32 (bab, 7);
          bson_append_array_builder_end (&parent, bab);

          char *str = bson_as_relaxed_extended_json (&parent, NULL);
          printf ("%s\n", str); // Prints: { "foo" : [ 9, 8, 7 ] }
          bson_free (str);

          bson_destroy (&parent);

   Simplified BSON C Object Notation
       Creating BSON documents by hand can be tedious and time consuming. BCON, or BSON C  Object
       Notation,  was  added  to  allow for the creation of BSON documents in a format that looks
       closer to the destination format.

       The following example shows the use of BCON. Notice that values for fields are wrapped  in
       the  BCON_*  macros.  These  are  required  for  the  variadic  processor to determine the
       parameter type.

          bson_t *doc;

          doc = BCON_NEW ("foo",
                          BCON_INT32 (1),
                          BCON_INT32 (100),
                          BCON_UTF8 ("value"),

       Creates the following document

          { "foo" : { "int" : 1, "array" : [ 100, { "sub" : "value" } ] } }

   Handling Errors
       Many libbson  functions  report  errors  by  returning  NULL  or  -1  and  filling  out  a
       bson_error_t structure with an error domain, error code, and message.

       • error.domain names the subsystem that generated the error.

       • error.code is a domain-specific error type.

       • error.message describes the error.

       Some  error  codes overlap with others; always check both the domain and code to determine
       the type of error.

       │BSON_ERROR_JSONBSON_JSON_ERROR_READ_CORRUPT_JSbson_json_reader_t tried         │
       │                  │ BSON_JSON_ERROR_READ_INVALID_PARAM │ to parse invalid MongoDB         │
       │                  │ BSON_JSON_ERROR_READ_CB_FAILURE    │ Extended JSON.  Tried to         │
       │                  │                                    │ parse   a   valid   JSON         │
       │                  │                                    │ document that is invalid         │
       │                  │                                    │ as MongoDBExtended JSON.         │
       │                  │                                    │ An   internal   callback         │
       │                  │                                    │ failure   during    JSON         │
       │                  │                                    │ parsing.                         │
       │BSON_ERROR_READERBSON_ERROR_READER_BADFDbson_json_reader_new_from_file() │
       │                  │                                    │ could not open the file.         │

       Libbson provides a simple way to generate ObjectIDs. It can be used in  a  single-threaded
       or multi-threaded manner depending on your requirements.

       The bson_oid_t structure represents an ObjectID in MongoDB. It is a 96-bit identifier.

       • 4 bytes : The UNIX timestamp in big-endian format.

       • 5 bytes : A random number.

       • 3 bytes : A 24-bit monotonic counter incrementing from rand() in big-endian.

   Sorting ObjectIDs
       The  typical  way  to  sort  in  C is using qsort(). Therefore, Libbson provides a qsort()
       compatible callback function named bson_oid_compare(). It returns  less  than  1,  greater
       than 1, or 0 depending on the equality of two bson_oid_t structures.

   Comparing Object IDs
       If   you   simply   want   to   compare   two  bson_oid_t  structures  for  equality,  use

       To generate a bson_oid_t, you may use the following.

          bson_oid_t oid;

          bson_oid_init (&oid, NULL);

   Parsing ObjectID Strings
       You can also parse a  string  containing  a  bson_oid_t.  The  input  string  MUST  be  24
       characters or more in length.

          bson_oid_t oid;

          bson_oid_init_from_string (&oid, "123456789012345678901234");

          bson_oid_t oid;

          bson_oid_init_from_string_unsafe (&oid, "123456789012345678901234");

   Hashing ObjectIDs
       If  you need to store items in a hashtable, you may want to use the bson_oid_t as the key.
       Libbson provides a hash function for just this purpose. It is based on DJB hash.

          unsigned hash;

          hash = bson_oid_hash (oid);

   Fetching ObjectID Creation Time
       You can easily fetch the time that a bson_oid_t was generated using bson_oid_get_time_t().

          time_t t;

          t = bson_oid_get_time_t (oid);
          printf ("The OID was generated at %u\n", (unsigned) t);

   Parsing and Iterating BSON Documents
       BSON documents are lazily parsed as necessary. To begin parsing a BSON document,  use  one
       of  the  provided  Libbson  functions  to  create  a new bson_t from existing data such as
       bson_new_from_data(). This will make a copy of the data so that additional  mutations  may
       occur to the BSON document.

          If  you  only  want to parse a BSON document and have no need to mutate it, you may use
          bson_init_static() to avoid making a copy of the data.

          bson_t *b;

          b = bson_new_from_data (my_data, my_data_len);
          if (!b) {
             fprintf (stderr, "The specified length embedded in <my_data> did not match "

          bson_destroy (b);

       Only two checks are performed when creating a new bson_t from an existing  buffer.  First,
       the  document must begin with the buffer length, matching what was expected by the caller.
       Second, the document must end with the expected trailing \0 byte.

       To parse the document further we use a bson_iter_t to  iterate  the  elements  within  the
       document. Let's print all of the field names in the document.

          bson_t *b;
          bson_iter_t iter;

          if ((b = bson_new_from_data (my_data, my_data_len))) {
             if (bson_iter_init (&iter, b)) {
                while (bson_iter_next (&iter)) {
                   printf ("Found element key: \"%s\"\n", bson_iter_key (&iter));
             bson_destroy (b);

       Converting  a document to JSON uses a bson_iter_t and bson_visitor_t to iterate all fields
       of a BSON document recursively and generate a UTF-8 encoded JSON string.

          bson_t *b;
          char *json;

          if ((b = bson_new_from_data (my_data, my_data_len))) {
             if ((json = bson_as_canonical_extended_json (b, NULL))) {
                printf ("%s\n", json);
                bson_free (json);
             bson_destroy (b);

   Recursing into Sub-Documents
       Libbson provides convenient sub-iterators to dive down into a sub-document  or  sub-array.
       Below  is  an  example that will dive into a sub-document named "foo" and print it's field

          bson_iter_t iter;
          bson_iter_t child;
          char *json;

          if (bson_iter_init_find (&iter, doc, "foo") &&
              BSON_ITER_HOLDS_DOCUMENT (&iter) && bson_iter_recurse (&iter, &child)) {
             while (bson_iter_next (&child)) {
                printf ("Found sub-key of \"foo\" named \"%s\"\n",
                        bson_iter_key (&child));

   Finding Fields using Dot Notation
       Using the bson_iter_recurse() function exemplified above, bson_iter_find_descendant()  can
       find a field for you using the MongoDB style path notation such as "".

       Let's create a document like {"foo": {"bar": [{"baz: 1}]}} and locate the "baz" field.

          bson_t *b;
          bson_iter_t iter;
          bson_iter_t baz;

          b =
             BCON_NEW ("foo", "{", "bar", "[", "{", "baz", BCON_INT32 (1), "}", "]", "}");

          if (bson_iter_init (&iter, b) &&
              bson_iter_find_descendant (&iter, "", &baz) &&
              BSON_ITER_HOLDS_INT32 (&baz)) {
             printf ("baz = %d\n", bson_iter_int32 (&baz));

          bson_destroy (b);

   Validating a BSON Document
       If  all  you  want  to  do  is  validate  that  a  BSON  document  is  valid,  you can use

          size_t err_offset;

          if (!bson_validate (doc, BSON_VALIDATE_NONE, &err_offset)) {
             fprintf (stderr,
                      "The document failed to validate at offset: %u\n",
                      (unsigned) err_offset);

       See the bson_validate() documentation for more information and examples.

       Libbson expects that you are always working with UTF-8  encoded  text.  Anything  else  is
       invalid API use.

       If  you  should need to walk through UTF-8 sequences, you can use the various UTF-8 helper
       functions distributed with Libbson.

   Validating a UTF-8 Sequence
       To validate the string contained in my_string, use the following. You may pass -1 for  the
       string length if you know the string is NULL-terminated.

          if (!bson_utf8_validate (my_string, -1, false)) {
             printf ("Validation failed.\n");

       If my_string has NULL bytes within the string, you must provide the string length. Use the
       following format. Notice the true at the end indicating \0 is allowed.

          if (!bson_utf8_validate (my_string, my_string_len, true)) {
             printf ("Validation failed.\n");

       For more information see the API reference for bson_utf8_validate().

   Streaming BSON
       bson_reader_t provides a streaming reader which can be initialized with  a  filedescriptor
       or  memory region. bson_writer_t provides a streaming writer which can be initialized with
       a memory region. (Streaming BSON to a file descriptor is not yet supported.)

   Reading from a BSON Stream
       bson_reader_t provides  a  convenient  API  to  read  sequential  BSON  documents  from  a
       file-descriptor or memory buffer. The bson_reader_read() function will read forward in the
       underlying stream and return a bson_t that can be inspected and iterated upon.

          #include <stdio.h>
          #include <bson/bson.h>

          main (int argc, char *argv[])
             bson_reader_t *reader;
             const bson_t *doc;
             bson_error_t error;
             bool eof;

             reader = bson_reader_new_from_file ("mycollection.bson", &error);

             if (!reader) {
                fprintf (stderr, "Failed to open file.\n");
                return 1;

             while ((doc = bson_reader_read (reader, &eof))) {
                char *str = bson_as_canonical_extended_json (doc, NULL);
                printf ("%s\n", str);
                bson_free (str);

             if (!eof) {
                fprintf (stderr,
                         "corrupted bson document found at %u\n",
                         (unsigned) bson_reader_tell (reader));

             bson_reader_destroy (reader);

             return 0;

       See          bson_reader_new_from_fd(),          bson_reader_new_from_file(),          and
       bson_reader_new_from_data() for more information.

   Writing a sequence of BSON Documents
       bson_writer_t  provides a convenient API to write a sequence of BSON documents to a memory
       buffer that  can  grow  with  realloc().  The  bson_writer_begin()  and  bson_writer_end()
       functions will manage the underlying buffer while building the sequence of documents.

       This  could  also be useful if you want to write to a network packet while serializing the
       documents from a higher level language, (but do so just after the packets header).

          #include <stdio.h>
          #include <bson/bson.h>
          #include <assert.h>

          main (int argc, char *argv[])
             bson_writer_t *writer;
             bson_t *doc;
             uint8_t *buf = NULL;
             size_t buflen = 0;
             bool r;
             int i;

             writer = bson_writer_new (&buf, &buflen, 0, bson_realloc_ctx, NULL);

             for (i = 0; i < 10000; i++) {
                r = bson_writer_begin (writer, &doc);
                assert (r);

                r = BSON_APPEND_INT32 (doc, "i", i);
                assert (r);

                bson_writer_end (writer);

             bson_free (buf);

             return 0;

       See bson_writer_new() for more information.

       Libbson provides routines for converting to and from the JSON format.  In  particular,  it
       supports the MongoDB extended JSON format.

   Converting BSON to JSON
       There  are  often  times  where  you  might want to convert a BSON document to JSON. It is
       convenient for debugging as well as an interchange format.  To  help  with  this,  Libbson
       contains         the         functions        bson_as_canonical_extended_json()        and
       bson_as_relaxed_extended_json(). The canonical format preserves BSON type information  for
       values that may have ambiguous representations in JSON (e.g. numeric types).

          bson_t *b;
          size_t len;
          char *str;

          b = BCON_NEW ("a", BCON_INT32 (1));

          str = bson_as_canonical_extended_json (b, &len);
          printf ("%s\n", str);
          bson_free (str);

          bson_destroy (b);

          { "a" : { "$numberInt": "1" } }

       The  relaxed  format  prefers  JSON  primitives for numeric values and may be used if type
       fidelity is not required.

          bson_t *b;
          size_t len;
          char *str;

          b = BCON_NEW ("a", BCON_INT32 (1));

          str = bson_as_relaxed_extended_json (b, &len);
          printf ("%s\n", str);
          bson_free (str);

          bson_destroy (b);

          { "a" : 1 }

   Converting JSON to BSON
       Converting  back  from  JSON  is  also  useful   and   common   enough   that   we   added
       bson_init_from_json() and bson_new_from_json().

       The following example creates a new bson_t from the JSON string {"a":1}.

          bson_t *b;
          bson_error_t error;

          b = bson_new_from_json ("{\"a\":1}", -1, &error);

          if (!b) {
             printf ("Error: %s\n", error.message);
          } else {
             bson_destroy (b);

   Streaming JSON Parsing
       Libbson provides bson_json_reader_t to allow for parsing a sequence of JSON documents into
       BSON. The interface is similar to bson_reader_t but expects the input to be in the MongoDB
       extended JSON format.

           * Copyright 2013 MongoDB, Inc.
           * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
           * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
           * You may obtain a copy of the License at
           * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
           * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
           * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
           * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
           * limitations under the License.

           * This program will print each JSON document contained in the provided files
           * as a BSON string to STDOUT.

          #include <bson/bson.h>
          #include <stdlib.h>
          #include <stdio.h>

          main (int argc, char *argv[])
             bson_json_reader_t *reader;
             bson_error_t error;
             const char *filename;
             bson_t doc = BSON_INITIALIZER;
             int i;
             int b;

              * Print program usage if no arguments are provided.
             if (argc == 1) {
                fprintf (stderr, "usage: %s FILE...\n", argv[0]);
                return 1;

              * Process command line arguments expecting each to be a filename.
             for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
                filename = argv[i];

                 * Open the filename provided in command line arguments.
                if (0 == strcmp (filename, "-")) {
                   reader = bson_json_reader_new_from_fd (STDIN_FILENO, false);
                } else {
                   if (!(reader = bson_json_reader_new_from_file (filename, &error))) {
                      fprintf (
                         stderr, "Failed to open \"%s\": %s\n", filename, error.message);

                 * Convert each incoming document to BSON and print to stdout.
                while ((b = bson_json_reader_read (reader, &doc, &error))) {
                   if (b < 0) {
                      fprintf (stderr, "Error in json parsing:\n%s\n", error.message);
                      abort ();

                   if (fwrite (bson_get_data (&doc), 1, doc.len, stdout) != doc.len) {
                      fprintf (stderr, "Failed to write to stdout, exiting.\n");
                      exit (1);
                   bson_reinit (&doc);

                bson_json_reader_destroy (reader);
                bson_destroy (&doc);

             return 0;

       The following example reads BSON documents from stdin and prints them to stdout as JSON.

           * Copyright 2013 MongoDB, Inc.
           * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
           * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
           * You may obtain a copy of the License at
           * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
           * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
           * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
           * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
           * limitations under the License.

           * This program will print each BSON document contained in the provided files
           * as a JSON string to STDOUT.

          #include <bson/bson.h>
          #include <stdio.h>

          main (int argc, char *argv[])
             bson_reader_t *reader;
             const bson_t *b;
             bson_error_t error;
             const char *filename;
             char *str;
             int i;

              * Print program usage if no arguments are provided.
             if (argc == 1) {
                fprintf (stderr, "usage: %s [FILE | -]...\nUse - for STDIN.\n", argv[0]);
                return 1;

              * Process command line arguments expecting each to be a filename.
             for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
                filename = argv[i];

                if (strcmp (filename, "-") == 0) {
                   reader = bson_reader_new_from_fd (STDIN_FILENO, false);
                } else {
                   if (!(reader = bson_reader_new_from_file (filename, &error))) {
                      fprintf (
                         stderr, "Failed to open \"%s\": %s\n", filename, error.message);

                 * Convert each incoming document to JSON and print to stdout.
                while ((b = bson_reader_read (reader, NULL))) {
                   str = bson_as_canonical_extended_json (b, NULL);
                   fprintf (stdout, "%s\n", str);
                   bson_free (str);

                 * Cleanup after our reader, which closes the file descriptor.
                bson_reader_destroy (reader);

             return 0;

   bson_t lifetimes
       A  bson_t  may contain its data directly or may contain pointers to heap-allocated memory.
       Overwriting an existing bson_t or allowing a stack-allocated bson_t to go out of scope may
       cause a memory leak. A bson_t should always be destroyed with bson_destroy().

   bson_t out parameters
       A  bson_t  pointer used as an out parameter must point to valid overwritable storage for a
       new bson_t which must be one of:

       1. Uninitialized storage for a bson_t.

       2. A zero-initialized bson_t object.

       3. A bson_t object initialized with BSON_INITIALIZER.

       4. A bson_t object not created with bson_new() that was destroyed with bson_destroy().

       This can be on the stack:

          bson_t stack_doc = BSON_INITIALIZER;
          example_get_doc (&stack_doc);
          bson_destroy (&stack_doc);

       Or on the heap:

          bson_t *heap_doc = bson_malloc (sizeof (bson_t));
          example_get_doc (heap_doc);
          bson_destroy (heap_doc);
          bson_free (heap_doc);

       Omitting bson_destroy() in either case may cause memory leaks.

          Passing a bson_t pointer obtained from bson_new() as an out parameter will result in  a
          leak of the bson_t struct.

              bson_t *heap_doc = bson_new ();
              example_get_doc (heap_doc);
              bson_destroy (heap_doc); // Leaks the `bson_t` struct!

   Cross Platform Notes
       The  BSON  specification  dictates  that  the  encoding  format  is in little-endian. Many
       implementations simply ignore endianness altogether and expect that they are to be run  on
       little-endian.  Libbson  supports  both  Big  and Little Endian systems. This means we use
       memcpy() when appropriate instead of dereferencing and properly convert to  and  from  the
       host endian format. We expect the compiler intrinsics to optimize it to a dereference when

       Libbson's data structures are NOT thread-safe.  You  are  responsible  for  accessing  and
       mutating these structures from one thread at a time.

       Libbson  requires  POSIX  threads  (pthreads)  on all UNIX-like platforms. On Windows, the
       native threading interface is used. Libbson uses your system's threading library to safely
       generate  unique ObjectIds, and to provide a fallback implementation for atomic operations
       on platforms without built-in atomics.

   API Reference
       BSON Document Abstraction

          #include <bson/bson.h>

           * bson_empty:
           * @b: a bson_t.
           * Checks to see if @b is an empty BSON document. An empty BSON document is
           * a 5 byte document which contains the length (4 bytes) and a single NUL
           * byte indicating end of fields.
          #define bson_empty(b) /* ... */

           * bson_empty0:
           * Like bson_empty() but treats NULL the same as an empty bson_t document.
          #define bson_empty0(b) /* ... */

           * bson_clear:
           * Easily free a bson document and set it to NULL. Use like:
           * bson_t *doc = bson_new();
           * bson_clear (&doc);
           * BSON_ASSERT (doc == NULL);
          #define bson_clear(bptr) /* ... */

           * BSON_MAX_SIZE:
           * The maximum size in bytes of a BSON document.
          #define BSON_MAX_SIZE /* ... */

          #define BSON_APPEND_ARRAY(b, key, val) \
             bson_append_array (b, key, (int) strlen (key), val)

          #define BSON_APPEND_ARRAY_BEGIN(b, key, child) \
             bson_append_array_begin (b, key, (int) strlen (key), child)

          #define BSON_APPEND_BINARY(b, key, subtype, val, len) \
             bson_append_binary (b, key, (int) strlen (key), subtype, val, len)

          #define BSON_APPEND_BOOL(b, key, val) \
             bson_append_bool (b, key, (int) strlen (key), val)

          #define BSON_APPEND_CODE(b, key, val) \
             bson_append_code (b, key, (int) strlen (key), val)

          #define BSON_APPEND_CODE_WITH_SCOPE(b, key, val, scope) \
             bson_append_code_with_scope (b, key, (int) strlen (key), val, scope)

          #define BSON_APPEND_DBPOINTER(b, key, coll, oid) \
             bson_append_dbpointer (b, key, (int) strlen (key), coll, oid)

          #define BSON_APPEND_DOCUMENT_BEGIN(b, key, child) \
             bson_append_document_begin (b, key, (int) strlen (key), child)

          #define BSON_APPEND_DOUBLE(b, key, val) \
             bson_append_double (b, key, (int) strlen (key), val)

          #define BSON_APPEND_DOCUMENT(b, key, val) \
             bson_append_document (b, key, (int) strlen (key), val)

          #define BSON_APPEND_INT32(b, key, val) \
             bson_append_int32 (b, key, (int) strlen (key), val)

          #define BSON_APPEND_INT64(b, key, val) \
             bson_append_int64 (b, key, (int) strlen (key), val)

          #define BSON_APPEND_MINKEY(b, key) \
             bson_append_minkey (b, key, (int) strlen (key))

          #define BSON_APPEND_DECIMAL128(b, key, val) \
             bson_append_decimal128 (b, key, (int) strlen (key), val)

          #define BSON_APPEND_MAXKEY(b, key) \
             bson_append_maxkey (b, key, (int) strlen (key))

          #define BSON_APPEND_NULL(b, key) bson_append_null (b, key, (int) strlen (key))

          #define BSON_APPEND_OID(b, key, val) \
             bson_append_oid (b, key, (int) strlen (key), val)

          #define BSON_APPEND_REGEX(b, key, val, opt) \
             bson_append_regex (b, key, (int) strlen (key), val, opt)

          #define BSON_APPEND_UTF8(b, key, val) \
             bson_append_utf8 (b, key, (int) strlen (key), val, (int) strlen (val))

          #define BSON_APPEND_SYMBOL(b, key, val) \
             bson_append_symbol (b, key, (int) strlen (key), val, (int) strlen (val))

          #define BSON_APPEND_TIME_T(b, key, val) \
             bson_append_time_t (b, key, (int) strlen (key), val)

          #define BSON_APPEND_TIMEVAL(b, key, val) \
             bson_append_timeval (b, key, (int) strlen (key), val)

          #define BSON_APPEND_DATE_TIME(b, key, val) \
             bson_append_date_time (b, key, (int) strlen (key), val)

          #define BSON_APPEND_TIMESTAMP(b, key, val, inc) \
             bson_append_timestamp (b, key, (int) strlen (key), val, inc)

          #define BSON_APPEND_UNDEFINED(b, key) \
             bson_append_undefined (b, key, (int) strlen (key))

          #define BSON_APPEND_VALUE(b, key, val) \
             bson_append_value (b, key, (int) strlen (key), (val))

          BSON_ALIGNED_BEGIN (128)
          typedef struct {
             uint32_t flags;       /* Internal flags for the bson_t. */
             uint32_t len;         /* Length of BSON data. */
             uint8_t padding[120]; /* Padding for stack allocation. */
          } bson_t BSON_ALIGNED_END (128);

       The bson_t structure represents a BSON document. This  structure  manages  the  underlying
       BSON encoded buffer. For mutable documents, it can append new data to the document.

   Performance Notes
       The bson_t structure attempts to use an inline allocation within the structure to speed up
       performance of small documents. When this internal  buffer  has  been  exhausted,  a  heap
       allocated  buffer  will  be  dynamically  allocated.  Therefore,  it  is essential to call
       bson_destroy() on allocated documents.

   Duplicate Keys
       The BSON specification allows BSON documents to have duplicate keys. Documents are  stored
       as  an  ordered list of key-value pairs. A bson_t may contain duplicate keys. Applications
       should refrain  from  generating  such  documents,  because  MongoDB  server  behavior  is
       undefined when a BSON document contains duplicate keys.

          static void
          create_on_heap (void)
             bson_t *b = bson_new ();

             BSON_APPEND_INT32 (b, "foo", 123);
             BSON_APPEND_UTF8 (b, "bar", "foo");
             BSON_APPEND_DOUBLE (b, "baz", 1.23f);

             bson_destroy (b);

          typedef struct _bson_array_builder_t bson_array_builder_t;

       bson_array_builder_t  may  be  used  to build BSON arrays. bson_array_builder_t internally
       tracks and uses the array index as a key ("0", "1", "2", ...) when appending elements.

   Appending an array value
          typedef struct _bson_array_builder_t bson_array_builder_t;

          bson_append_array_builder_begin (bson_t *bson,
                                           const char *key,
                                           int key_length,
                                           bson_array_builder_t **child);

          bson_append_array_builder_end (bson_t *bson, bson_array_builder_t *child);

          #define BSON_APPEND_ARRAY_BUILDER_BEGIN(b, key, child) \
            bson_append_array_builder_begin (b, key, (int) strlen (key), child)

       bson_append_array_builder_begin may be used to append an array as a value. Example:

          bson_t parent = BSON_INITIALIZER;
          bson_array_builder_t *bab;

          bson_append_array_builder_begin (&parent, "foo", 3, &bab);
          bson_array_builder_append_int32 (bab, 9);
          bson_array_builder_append_int32 (bab, 8);
          bson_array_builder_append_int32 (bab, 7);
          bson_append_array_builder_end (&parent, bab);

          char *str = bson_as_relaxed_extended_json (&parent, NULL);
          printf ("%s\n", str); // Prints: { "foo" : [ 9, 8, 7 ] }
          bson_free (str);

          bson_destroy (&parent);

   Creating a top-level array
          bson_array_builder_t * bson_array_builder_new (void);

          bson_array_builder_build (bson_array_builder_t *bab, bson_t *out);

          BSON_EXPORT (void)
          bson_array_builder_destroy (bson_array_builder_t *bab);

       bson_array_builder_new and bson_array_builder_build may be used to build a top-level  BSON
       array.   bson_array_builder_build   initializes   and   moves   BSON   data  to  out.  The
       bson_array_builder_t may be reused and will start appending a new array at index "0":


          bson_t out;
          bson_array_builder_t *bab = bson_array_builder_new ();

          bson_array_builder_append_int32 (bab, 9);
          bson_array_builder_append_int32 (bab, 8);
          bson_array_builder_append_int32 (bab, 7);
          bson_array_builder_build (bab, &out);

          char *str = bson_array_as_relaxed_extended_json (&out, NULL);
          printf ("%s\n", str); // Prints: [ 9, 8, 7 ]
          bson_free (str);

          bson_array_builder_destroy (bab);

   Appending values to an array
       bson_array_builder_append_* functions are provided to append values to a BSON  array.  The
       bson_array_builder_append_*  functions  internally use bson_append_* and provide the array
       index as a key:

          bson_array_builder_append_value (bson_array_builder_t *bab,
                                           const bson_value_t *value);

          bson_array_builder_append_array (bson_array_builder_t *bab,
                                           const bson_t *array);

          bson_array_builder_append_binary (bson_array_builder_t *bab,
                                            bson_subtype_t subtype,
                                            const uint8_t *binary,
                                            uint32_t length);

          bson_array_builder_append_bool (bson_array_builder_t *bab, bool value);

          bson_array_builder_append_code (bson_array_builder_t *bab,
                                          const char *javascript);

          bson_array_builder_append_code_with_scope (bson_array_builder_t *bab,
                                                     const char *javascript,
                                                     const bson_t *scope);

          bson_array_builder_append_dbpointer (bson_array_builder_t *bab,
                                               const char *collection,
                                               const bson_oid_t *oid);

          bson_array_builder_append_double (bson_array_builder_t *bab, double value);

          bson_array_builder_append_document (bson_array_builder_t *bab,
                                              const bson_t *value);

          bson_array_builder_append_document_begin (bson_array_builder_t *bab,
                                                    bson_t *child);

          bson_array_builder_append_document_end (bson_array_builder_t *bab,
                                                  bson_t *child);

          bson_array_builder_append_int32 (bson_array_builder_t *bab, int32_t value);

          bson_array_builder_append_int64 (bson_array_builder_t *bab, int64_t value);

          bson_array_builder_append_decimal128 (bson_array_builder_t *bab,
                                                const bson_decimal128_t *value);

          bson_array_builder_append_iter (bson_array_builder_t *bab,
                                          const bson_iter_t *iter);

          bson_array_builder_append_minkey (bson_array_builder_t *bab);

          bson_array_builder_append_maxkey (bson_array_builder_t *bab);

          bson_array_builder_append_null (bson_array_builder_t *bab);

          bson_array_builder_append_oid (bson_array_builder_t *bab,
                                         const bson_oid_t *oid);

          bson_array_builder_append_regex (bson_array_builder_t *bab,
                                           const char *regex,
                                           const char *options);

          bson_array_builder_append_regex_w_len (bson_array_builder_t *bab,
                                                const char *regex,
                                                int regex_length,
                                                const char *options);

          bson_array_builder_append_utf8 (bson_array_builder_t *bab,
                                          const char *value,
                                          int length);

          bson_array_builder_append_symbol (bson_array_builder_t *bab,
                                            const char *value,
                                            int length);

          bson_array_builder_append_time_t (bson_array_builder_t *bab, time_t value);

          bson_array_builder_append_timeval (bson_array_builder_t *bab,
                                             struct timeval *value);

          bson_array_builder_append_date_time (bson_array_builder_t *bab, int64_t value);

          bson_array_builder_append_now_utc (bson_array_builder_t *bab);

          bson_array_builder_append_timestamp (bson_array_builder_t *bab,
                                               uint32_t timestamp,
                                               uint32_t increment);

          bson_array_builder_append_undefined (bson_array_builder_t *bab);

          bson_array_builder_append_array_builder_begin (bson_array_builder_t *bab,
                                                         bson_array_builder_t **child);

          bson_array_builder_append_array_builder_end (bson_array_builder_t *bab,
                                                       bson_array_builder_t *child);

       BSON OID Generation Context

          #include <bson/bson.h>

          typedef enum {
            BSON_CONTEXT_NONE = 0,
            BSON_CONTEXT_DISABLE_PID_CACHE = (1 << 2),
          } bson_context_flags_t;

          typedef struct _bson_context_t bson_context_t;

          bson_context_t *
          bson_context_get_default (void) BSON_GNUC_CONST;
          bson_context_t *
          bson_context_new (bson_context_flags_t flags);
          bson_context_destroy (bson_context_t *context);

       The bson_context_t structure is context for generation of BSON Object  IDs.  This  context
       allows   overriding   behavior  of  generating  ObjectIDs.  The  flags  BSON_CONTEXT_NONE,
       BSON_CONTEXT_THREAD_SAFE, and BSON_CONTEXT_DISABLE_PID_CACHE are the only ones  used.  The
       others have no effect.

          #include <bson/bson.h>

          main (int argc, char *argv[])
             bson_context_t *ctx = NULL;
             bson_oid_t oid;

             /* use default context, via bson_context_get_default() */
             bson_oid_init (&oid, NULL);

             /* specify a local context for additional control */
             ctx = bson_context_new (BSON_CONTEXT_NONE);
             bson_oid_init (&oid, ctx);

             bson_context_destroy (ctx);

             return 0;

       BSON Decimal128 Abstraction

          #include <bson/bson.h>

          #define BSON_DECIMAL128_STRING 43
          #define BSON_DECIMAL128_INF "Infinity"
          #define BSON_DECIMAL128_NAN "NaN"

          typedef struct {
             uint64_t low;
             uint64_t high;
             uint64_t high;
             uint64_t low;
          } bson_decimal128_t;

       The  bson_decimal128_t  structure  represents  the IEEE-754 Decimal128 data type. The type
       bson_decimal128_t is an aggregate that contains two uint64_ts, named  high  and  low.  The
       declaration  and  layout  order  between  them  depends  on the endian order of the target
       platform: low will always correspond to the low-order bits of the Decimal128 object, while
       high  corresponds  to  the  high-order  bits.  The  bson_decimal128_t always has a size of
       sixteen (16), and can be bit-cast to/from a _Decimal128.

          #include <bson/bson.h>
          #include <stdio.h>

          main (int argc, char *argv[])
             char string[BSON_DECIMAL128_STRING];
             bson_decimal128_t decimal128;

             bson_decimal128_from_string ("100.00", &decimal128);
             bson_decimal128_to_string (&decimal128, string);
             printf ("Decimal128 value: %s\n", string);

             return 0;

       BSON Error Encapsulation

          #include <bson/bson.h>

          typedef struct {
             uint32_t domain;
             uint32_t code;
             char message[504];
          } bson_error_t;

       The bson_error_t structure is used as an out-parameter to pass error  information  to  the
       caller. It should be stack-allocated and does not requiring freeing.

       See Handling Errors.

          bson_reader_t *reader;
          bson_error_t error;

          reader = bson_reader_new_from_file ("dump.bson", &error);
          if (!reader) {
             fprintf (
                stderr, "ERROR: %d.%d: %s\n", error.domain, error.code, error.message);

       BSON Document Iterator

          #include <bson/bson.h>

          #define BSON_ITER_HOLDS_DOUBLE(iter) /* ... */

          #define BSON_ITER_HOLDS_UTF8(iter) /* ... */

          #define BSON_ITER_HOLDS_DOCUMENT(iter) /* ... */

          #define BSON_ITER_HOLDS_ARRAY(iter) /* ... */

          #define BSON_ITER_HOLDS_BINARY(iter) /* ... */

          #define BSON_ITER_HOLDS_UNDEFINED(iter) /* ... */

          #define BSON_ITER_HOLDS_OID(iter) /* ... */

          #define BSON_ITER_HOLDS_BOOL(iter) /* ... */

          #define BSON_ITER_HOLDS_DATE_TIME(iter) /* ... */

          #define BSON_ITER_HOLDS_NULL(iter) /* ... */

          #define BSON_ITER_HOLDS_REGEX(iter) /* ... */

          #define BSON_ITER_HOLDS_DBPOINTER(iter) /* ... */

          #define BSON_ITER_HOLDS_CODE(iter) /* ... */

          #define BSON_ITER_HOLDS_SYMBOL(iter) /* ... */

          #define BSON_ITER_HOLDS_CODEWSCOPE(iter) /* ... */

          #define BSON_ITER_HOLDS_INT32(iter) /* ... */

          #define BSON_ITER_HOLDS_TIMESTAMP(iter) /* ... */

          #define BSON_ITER_HOLDS_INT64(iter) /* ... */

          #define BSON_ITER_HOLDS_DECIMAL128(iter) /* ... */

          #define BSON_ITER_HOLDS_MAXKEY(iter) /* ... */

          #define BSON_ITER_HOLDS_MINKEY(iter) /* ... */

          #define BSON_ITER_HOLDS_INT(iter) \
             (BSON_ITER_HOLDS_INT32 (iter) || BSON_ITER_HOLDS_INT64 (iter))

          #define BSON_ITER_HOLDS_NUMBER(iter) \
             (BSON_ITER_HOLDS_INT (iter) || BSON_ITER_HOLDS_DOUBLE (iter))

          #define BSON_ITER_IS_KEY(iter, key) \
             (0 == strcmp ((key), bson_iter_key ((iter))))

          typedef struct {
             /*< private >*/
          } bson_iter_t;

       bson_iter_t  is  a structure used to iterate through the elements of a bson_t. It is meant
       to be used on the stack and can be discarded at  any  time  as  it  contains  no  external
       allocation.  The  contents  of  the  structure should be considered private and may change
       between releases, however the structure size will not change.

       The bson_t MUST be valid for the lifetime of the iter and it is an  error  to  modify  the
       bson_t while using the iter.

          bson_iter_t iter;

          if (bson_iter_init (&iter, my_bson_doc)) {
             while (bson_iter_next (&iter)) {
                printf ("Found a field named: %s\n", bson_iter_key (&iter));

          bson_iter_t iter;

          if (bson_iter_init (&iter, my_bson_doc) && bson_iter_find (&iter, "my_field")) {
             printf ("Found the field named: %s\n", bson_iter_key (&iter));

          bson_iter_t iter;
          bson_iter_t sub_iter;

          if (bson_iter_init_find (&iter, my_bson_doc, "mysubdoc") &&
              (BSON_ITER_HOLDS_DOCUMENT (&iter) || BSON_ITER_HOLDS_ARRAY (&iter)) &&
              bson_iter_recurse (&iter, &sub_iter)) {
             while (bson_iter_next (&sub_iter)) {
                printf ("Found key \"%s\" in sub document.\n", bson_iter_key (&sub_iter));

          bson_iter_t iter;

          if (bson_iter_init (&iter, my_doc) &&
              bson_iter_find_descendant (&iter, "a.b.c.d", &sub_iter)) {
             printf ("The type of a.b.c.d is: %d\n", (int) bson_iter_type (&sub_iter));

       Bulk JSON to BSON conversion

          #include <bson/bson.h>

          typedef struct _bson_json_reader_t bson_json_reader_t;

          typedef enum {
          } bson_json_error_code_t;

       The  bson_json_reader_t  structure  is  used  for reading a sequence of JSON documents and
       transforming them to bson_t documents.

       This can often be useful if you want to perform bulk operations that are defined in a file
       containing JSON documents.

          bson_json_reader_t works upon JSON documents formatted in MongoDB extended JSON format.

           * Copyright 2013 MongoDB, Inc.
           * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
           * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
           * You may obtain a copy of the License at
           * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
           * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
           * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
           * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
           * limitations under the License.

           * This program will print each JSON document contained in the provided files
           * as a BSON string to STDOUT.

          #include <bson/bson.h>
          #include <stdlib.h>
          #include <stdio.h>

          main (int argc, char *argv[])
             bson_json_reader_t *reader;
             bson_error_t error;
             const char *filename;
             bson_t doc = BSON_INITIALIZER;
             int i;
             int b;

              * Print program usage if no arguments are provided.
             if (argc == 1) {
                fprintf (stderr, "usage: %s FILE...\n", argv[0]);
                return 1;

              * Process command line arguments expecting each to be a filename.
             for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
                filename = argv[i];

                 * Open the filename provided in command line arguments.
                if (0 == strcmp (filename, "-")) {
                   reader = bson_json_reader_new_from_fd (STDIN_FILENO, false);
                } else {
                   if (!(reader = bson_json_reader_new_from_file (filename, &error))) {
                      fprintf (
                         stderr, "Failed to open \"%s\": %s\n", filename, error.message);

                 * Convert each incoming document to BSON and print to stdout.
                while ((b = bson_json_reader_read (reader, &doc, &error))) {
                   if (b < 0) {
                      fprintf (stderr, "Error in json parsing:\n%s\n", error.message);
                      abort ();

                   if (fwrite (bson_get_data (&doc), 1, doc.len, stdout) != doc.len) {
                      fprintf (stderr, "Failed to write to stdout, exiting.\n");
                      exit (1);
                   bson_reinit (&doc);

                bson_json_reader_destroy (reader);
                bson_destroy (&doc);

             return 0;

       BSON ObjectID Abstraction

          #include <bson/bson.h>

          typedef struct {
             uint8_t bytes[12];
          } bson_oid_t;

       The  bson_oid_t  structure  contains  the  12-byte  ObjectId  notation defined by the BSON
       ObjectID specification.

       ObjectId is a 12-byte BSON type, constructed using:

       • a 4-byte value representing the seconds since the Unix epoch (in Big Endian).

       • a 5-byte random value.

       • a 3-byte counter (Big Endian), starting with a random value.

   String Conversion
       You can convert an Object  ID  to  a  string  using  bson_oid_to_string()  and  back  with

       A   bson_oid_t   can  be  used  in  hashtables  using  the  function  bson_oid_hash()  and

       A bson_oid_t can be  compared  to  another  using  bson_oid_compare()  for  qsort()  style
       comparing and bson_oid_equal() for direct equality.

       You  can  validate  that  a  string  containing  a hex-encoded ObjectID is valid using the
       function bson_oid_is_valid().

          #include <bson/bson.h>
          #include <stdio.h>

          main (int argc, char *argv[])
             bson_oid_t oid;
             char str[25];

             bson_oid_init (&oid, NULL);
             bson_oid_to_string (&oid, str);
             printf ("%s\n", str);

             if (bson_oid_is_valid (str, sizeof str)) {
                bson_oid_init_from_string (&oid, str);

             printf ("The UNIX time was: %u\n", (unsigned) bson_oid_get_time_t (&oid));

             return 0;

       Streaming BSON Document Reader

          #include <bson/bson.h>

          typedef struct _bson_reader_t bson_reader_t;

          bson_reader_t *
          bson_reader_new_from_handle (void *handle,
                                       bson_reader_read_func_t rf,
                                       bson_reader_destroy_func_t df);
          bson_reader_t *
          bson_reader_new_from_fd (int fd, bool close_on_destroy);
          bson_reader_t *
          bson_reader_new_from_file (const char *path, bson_error_t *error);
          bson_reader_t *
          bson_reader_new_from_data (const uint8_t *data, size_t length);

          bson_reader_destroy (bson_reader_t *reader);

       bson_reader_t is a structure used for reading a sequence of BSON documents.  The  sequence
       can come from a file-descriptor, memory region, or custom callbacks.

           * Copyright 2013 MongoDB, Inc.
           * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
           * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
           * You may obtain a copy of the License at
           * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
           * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
           * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
           * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
           * limitations under the License.

           * This program will print each BSON document contained in the provided files
           * as a JSON string to STDOUT.

          #include <bson/bson.h>
          #include <stdio.h>

          main (int argc, char *argv[])
             bson_reader_t *reader;
             const bson_t *b;
             bson_error_t error;
             const char *filename;
             char *str;
             int i;

              * Print program usage if no arguments are provided.
             if (argc == 1) {
                fprintf (stderr, "usage: %s [FILE | -]...\nUse - for STDIN.\n", argv[0]);
                return 1;

              * Process command line arguments expecting each to be a filename.
             for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
                filename = argv[i];

                if (strcmp (filename, "-") == 0) {
                   reader = bson_reader_new_from_fd (STDIN_FILENO, false);
                } else {
                   if (!(reader = bson_reader_new_from_file (filename, &error))) {
                      fprintf (
                         stderr, "Failed to open \"%s\": %s\n", filename, error.message);

                 * Convert each incoming document to JSON and print to stdout.
                while ((b = bson_reader_read (reader, NULL))) {
                   str = bson_as_canonical_extended_json (b, NULL);
                   fprintf (stdout, "%s\n", str);
                   bson_free (str);

                 * Cleanup after our reader, which closes the file descriptor.
                bson_reader_destroy (reader);

             return 0;

   Character and String Routines
       We  provide  a  small number of character and string routines to substitute for those that
       are not available on all platforms, and routines  to  make  UTF-8  character  manipulation

       String Building Abstraction

          #include <bson/bson.h>

          typedef struct {
             char *str;
             uint32_t len;
             uint32_t alloc;
          } bson_string_t;

       bson_string_t  is  an abstraction for building strings. As chunks are added to the string,
       allocations are performed in powers of two.

       This API is useful if you need to build UTF-8 encoded strings.

          bson_string_t *str;

          str = bson_string_new (NULL);
          bson_string_append_printf (str, "%d %s %f\n", 0, "some string", 0.123);
          printf ("%s\n", str->str);

          bson_string_free (str, true);

          You can call bson_string_free() with false if you  would  like  to  take  ownership  of
          str->str. Some APIs that do this might call return bson_string_free (str, false); after
          building the string.

       Binary Field Subtype

          #include <bson/bson.h>

          typedef enum {
             BSON_SUBTYPE_BINARY = 0x00,
             BSON_SUBTYPE_FUNCTION = 0x01,
             BSON_SUBTYPE_UUID = 0x04,
             BSON_SUBTYPE_MD5 = 0x05,
             BSON_SUBTYPE_COLUMN = 0x07,
             BSON_SUBTYPE_SENSITIVE = 0x08,
             BSON_SUBTYPE_USER = 0x80,
          } bson_subtype_t;

       This enumeration contains the various subtypes that may be used in  a  binary  field.  See for more information.

          bson_t doc = BSON_INITIALIZER;

          BSON_APPEND_BINARY (&doc, "binary", BSON_SUBTYPE_BINARY, data, data_len);

       BSON Type Enumeration

          #include <bson/bson.h>

          typedef enum {
             BSON_TYPE_EOD = 0x00,
             BSON_TYPE_DOUBLE = 0x01,
             BSON_TYPE_UTF8 = 0x02,
             BSON_TYPE_DOCUMENT = 0x03,
             BSON_TYPE_ARRAY = 0x04,
             BSON_TYPE_BINARY = 0x05,
             BSON_TYPE_UNDEFINED = 0x06,
             BSON_TYPE_OID = 0x07,
             BSON_TYPE_BOOL = 0x08,
             BSON_TYPE_DATE_TIME = 0x09,
             BSON_TYPE_NULL = 0x0A,
             BSON_TYPE_REGEX = 0x0B,
             BSON_TYPE_DBPOINTER = 0x0C,
             BSON_TYPE_CODE = 0x0D,
             BSON_TYPE_SYMBOL = 0x0E,
             BSON_TYPE_CODEWSCOPE = 0x0F,
             BSON_TYPE_INT32 = 0x10,
             BSON_TYPE_TIMESTAMP = 0x11,
             BSON_TYPE_INT64 = 0x12,
             BSON_TYPE_DECIMAL128 = 0x13,
             BSON_TYPE_MAXKEY = 0x7F,
             BSON_TYPE_MINKEY = 0xFF,
          } bson_type_t;

       The  bson_type_t enumeration contains all of the types from the BSON Specification. It can
       be used to determine the type of a field at runtime.

          bson_iter_t iter;

          if (bson_iter_init_find (&iter, doc, "foo") &&
              (BSON_TYPE_INT32 == bson_iter_type (&iter))) {
             printf ("'foo' is an int32.\n");

       Unicode Character Abstraction

          typedef uint32_t bson_unichar_t;

       bson_unichar_t provides an abstraction on a single unicode character.  It  is  the  32-bit
       representation  of a character. As UTF-8 can contain multi-byte characters, this should be
       used when iterating through UTF-8 text.

          static void
          print_each_char (const char *str)
             bson_unichar_t c;

             for (; *str; str = bson_utf8_next_char (str)) {
                c = bson_utf8_get_char (str);
                printf ("The numberic value is %u.\n", (unsigned) c);

       BSON Boxed Container Type

          #include <bson/bson.h>

          typedef struct _bson_value_t {
             bson_type_t value_type;
             union {
                bson_oid_t v_oid;
                int64_t v_int64;
                int32_t v_int32;
                int8_t v_int8;
                double v_double;
                bool v_bool;
                int64_t v_datetime;
                struct {
                   uint32_t timestamp;
                   uint32_t increment;
                } v_timestamp;
                struct {
                   uint32_t len;
                   char *str;
                } v_utf8;
                struct {
                   uint32_t data_len;
                   uint8_t *data;
                } v_doc;
                struct {
                   uint32_t data_len;
                   uint8_t *data;
                   bson_subtype_t subtype;
                } v_binary;
                struct {
                   char *regex;
                   char *options;
                } v_regex;
                struct {
                   char *collection;
                   uint32_t collection_len;
                   bson_oid_t oid;
                } v_dbpointer;
                struct {
                   uint32_t code_len;
                   char *code;
                } v_code;
                struct {
                   uint32_t code_len;
                   char *code;
                   uint32_t scope_len;
                   uint8_t *scope_data;
                } v_codewscope;
                struct {
                   uint32_t len;
                   char *symbol;
                } v_symbol;
                bson_decimal128_t v_decimal128;
             } value;
          } bson_value_t;

       The bson_value_t structure is a boxed type for encapsulating a runtime determined type.

          const bson_value_t *value;

          value = bson_iter_value (&iter);

          if (value->value_type == BSON_TYPE_INT32) {
             printf ("%d\n", value->value.v_int32);

          #include <bson/bson.h>

          typedef struct {
             /* run before / after descending into a document */
             bool (*visit_before) (const bson_iter_t *iter, const char *key, void *data);
             bool (*visit_after) (const bson_iter_t *iter, const char *key, void *data);
             /* corrupt BSON, or unsupported type and visit_unsupported_type not set */
             void (*visit_corrupt) (const bson_iter_t *iter, void *data);
             /* normal bson field callbacks */
             bool (*visit_double) (const bson_iter_t *iter,
                                   const char *key,
                                   double v_double,
                                   void *data);
             bool (*visit_utf8) (const bson_iter_t *iter,
                                 const char *key,
                                 size_t v_utf8_len,
                                 const char *v_utf8,
                                 void *data);
             bool (*visit_document) (const bson_iter_t *iter,
                                     const char *key,
                                     const bson_t *v_document,
                                     void *data);
             bool (*visit_array) (const bson_iter_t *iter,
                                  const char *key,
                                  const bson_t *v_array,
                                  void *data);
             bool (*visit_binary) (const bson_iter_t *iter,
                                   const char *key,
                                   bson_subtype_t v_subtype,
                                   size_t v_binary_len,
                                   const uint8_t *v_binary,
                                   void *data);
             /* normal field with deprecated "Undefined" BSON type */
             bool (*visit_undefined) (const bson_iter_t *iter,
                                      const char *key,
                                      void *data);
             bool (*visit_oid) (const bson_iter_t *iter,
                                const char *key,
                                const bson_oid_t *v_oid,
                                void *data);
             bool (*visit_bool) (const bson_iter_t *iter,
                                 const char *key,
                                 bool v_bool,
                                 void *data);
             bool (*visit_date_time) (const bson_iter_t *iter,
                                      const char *key,
                                      int64_t msec_since_epoch,
                                      void *data);
             bool (*visit_null) (const bson_iter_t *iter, const char *key, void *data);
             bool (*visit_regex) (const bson_iter_t *iter,
                                  const char *key,
                                  const char *v_regex,
                                  const char *v_options,
                                  void *data);
             bool (*visit_dbpointer) (const bson_iter_t *iter,
                                      const char *key,
                                      size_t v_collection_len,
                                      const char *v_collection,
                                      const bson_oid_t *v_oid,
                                      void *data);
             bool (*visit_code) (const bson_iter_t *iter,
                                 const char *key,
                                 size_t v_code_len,
                                 const char *v_code,
                                 void *data);
             bool (*visit_symbol) (const bson_iter_t *iter,
                                   const char *key,
                                   size_t v_symbol_len,
                                   const char *v_symbol,
                                   void *data);
             bool (*visit_codewscope) (const bson_iter_t *iter,
                                       const char *key,
                                       size_t v_code_len,
                                       const char *v_code,
                                       const bson_t *v_scope,
                                       void *data);
             bool (*visit_int32) (const bson_iter_t *iter,
                                  const char *key,
                                  int32_t v_int32,
                                  void *data);
             bool (*visit_timestamp) (const bson_iter_t *iter,
                                      const char *key,
                                      uint32_t v_timestamp,
                                      uint32_t v_increment,
                                      void *data);
             bool (*visit_int64) (const bson_iter_t *iter,
                                  const char *key,
                                  int64_t v_int64,
                                  void *data);
             bool (*visit_maxkey) (const bson_iter_t *iter, const char *key, void *data);
             bool (*visit_minkey) (const bson_iter_t *iter, const char *key, void *data);
             /* if set, called instead of visit_corrupt when an apparently valid BSON
              * includes an unrecognized field type (reading future version of BSON) */
             void (*visit_unsupported_type) (const bson_iter_t *iter,
                                             const char *key,
                                             uint32_t type_code,
                                             void *data);
             bool (*visit_decimal128) (const bson_iter_t *iter,
                                       const char *key,
                                       const bson_decimal128_t *v_decimal128,
                                       void *data);

             void *padding[7];
          } bson_visitor_t bson_visitor_t;

       The bson_visitor_t structure provides a series of  callbacks  that  can  be  called  while
       iterating  a BSON document. This may simplify the conversion of a bson_t to a higher level
       language structure.

       If  the  optional  callback  visit_unsupported_type  is  set,  it  is  called  instead  of
       visit_corrupt  in  the specific case of an unrecognized field type. (Parsing is aborted in
       either case.) Use this callback to report an error like  "unrecognized  type"  instead  of
       simply "corrupt BSON". This future-proofs code that may use an older version of libbson to
       parse future BSON formats.

   Basic Example
          #include <bson/bson.h>
          #include <stdio.h>

          static bool
          my_visit_before (const bson_iter_t *iter, const char *key, void *data)
             int *count = (int *) data;


             /* returning true stops further iteration of the document */

             return false;

          static void
          count_fields (bson_t *doc)
             bson_visitor_t visitor = {0};
             bson_iter_t iter;
             int count = 0;

             visitor.visit_before = my_visit_before;

             if (bson_iter_init (&iter, doc)) {
                bson_iter_visit_all (&iter, &visitor, &count);

             printf ("Found %d fields.\n", count);

       The example below demonstrates how to set your own callbacks to provide information  about
       the location of corrupt or unsupported BSON document entries.

   Example Corruption Check
          #include <bson/bson.h>
          #include <stdio.h>

          typedef struct {
             ssize_t *err_offset;
          } my_state_t;

          static void
          my_visit_corrupt (const bson_iter_t *iter, void *data)
             *(((my_state_t *) data)->err_offset) = iter->off;

          static void
          my_visit_unsupported_type (const bson_iter_t *iter,
                                     const char *key,
                                     uint32_t type_code,
                                     void *data)
             *(((my_state_t *) data)->err_offset) = iter->off;

          static void
          find_error_location (bson_t *doc)
             bson_visitor_t visitors = {0};
             bson_iter_t iter;
             my_state_t state;
             ssize_t err_offset = -1;

             visitors.visit_corrupt = my_visit_corrupt;
             visitors.visit_unsupported_type = my_visit_unsupported_type;
             /* provide additional visitors as needed based on your requirements */
             state.err_offset = &err_offset;

             if (!bson_iter_init (&iter, doc)) {
                printf ("Could not initialize iterator!");
                exit (1);

             if (bson_iter_visit_all (&iter, &visitors, &state) ||
                 err_offset != -1) {
                printf ("Found error at offset %d.\n", err_offset);
             } else {
                printf ("BSON document had no errors.\n");

       The  example below demonstrates how to use a visitor to validate a BSON document's maximum

   Example Custom Validation

          /* Reports the maximum nested depth of a BSON document. */
          #include <bson/bson.h>

          #include <assert.h>
          #include <inttypes.h>
          #include <stdio.h>
          #include <stdlib.h>

          typedef struct {
             uint32_t depth;
             uint32_t max_depth;
             bool valid;
          } check_depth_t;

          _check_depth_document (const bson_iter_t *iter,
                                 const char *key,
                                 const bson_t *v_document,
                                 void *data);

          static const bson_visitor_t check_depth_funcs = {

          _check_depth_document (const bson_iter_t *iter,
                                 const char *key,
                                 const bson_t *v_document,
                                 void *data)
             check_depth_t *state = (check_depth_t *) data;
             bson_iter_t child;

             BSON_UNUSED (iter);
             BSON_UNUSED (key);

             if (!bson_iter_init (&child, v_document)) {
                fprintf (stderr, "corrupt\n");
                return true; /* cancel */

             if (state->depth > state->max_depth) {
                state->valid = false;
                return true; /* cancel */

             bson_iter_visit_all (&child, &check_depth_funcs, state);
             return false; /* continue */

          check_depth (const bson_t *bson, uint32_t max_depth)
             bson_iter_t iter;
             check_depth_t state = {0};

             if (!bson_iter_init (&iter, bson)) {
                fprintf (stderr, "corrupt\n");

             state.valid = true;
             state.max_depth = max_depth;
             _check_depth_document (&iter, NULL, bson, &state);
             if (!state.valid) {
                printf ("document exceeds maximum depth of %" PRIu32 "\n",
             } else {
                char *as_json = bson_as_canonical_extended_json (bson, NULL);
                printf ("document %s ", as_json);
                printf ("is valid\n");
                bson_free (as_json);

          main (int argc, char **argv)
             bson_reader_t *bson_reader;
             const bson_t *bson;
             bool reached_eof;
             bson_error_t error;

             if (argc != 3) {
                fprintf (stderr, "usage: %s FILE MAX_DEPTH\n", argv[0]);
                fprintf (stderr, "Checks that the depth of the BSON contained in FILE\n");
                fprintf (stderr, "does not exceed MAX_DEPTH\n");

             const char *const filename = argv[1];
             const int max_depth = atoi (argv[2]);

             bson_reader = bson_reader_new_from_file (filename, &error);
             if (!bson_reader) {
                printf ("could not read %s: %s\n", filename, error.message);
                return 1;

             BSON_ASSERT (bson_in_range_signed (uint32_t, max_depth));

             while ((bson = bson_reader_read (bson_reader, &reached_eof))) {
                check_depth (bson, (uint32_t) max_depth);

             if (!reached_eof) {
                printf ("error reading BSON\n");

             bson_reader_destroy (bson_reader);
             return 0;

       Bulk BSON serialization Abstraction

          #include <bson/bson.h>

          typedef struct _bson_writer_t bson_writer_t;

          bson_writer_t *
          bson_writer_new (uint8_t **buf,
                           size_t *buflen,
                           size_t offset,
                           bson_realloc_func realloc_func,
                           void *realloc_func_ctx);
          bson_writer_destroy (bson_writer_t *writer);

       The bson_writer_t API provides an abstraction for serializing many  BSON  documents  to  a
       single  memory  region. The memory region may be dynamically allocated and re-allocated as
       more memory is demanded.  This  can  be  useful  when  building  network  packets  from  a
       high-level  language.  For  example,  you  can serialize a Python Dictionary directly to a
       single buffer destined for a TCP packet.

          #include <bson/bson.h>

          main (int argc, char *argv[])
             bson_writer_t *writer;
             uint8_t *buf = NULL;
             size_t buflen = 0;
             bson_t *doc;

             writer = bson_writer_new (&buf, &buflen, 0, bson_realloc_ctx, NULL);

             for (i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
                bson_writer_begin (writer, &doc);
                BSON_APPEND_INT32 (&doc, "i", i);
                bson_writer_end (writer);

             bson_writer_destroy (writer);

             bson_free (buf);

             return 0;

   System Clock
       BSON Clock Abstraction

          bson_get_monotonic_time (void);
          bson_gettimeofday (struct timeval *tv);

       The clock abstraction in Libbson provides a cross-platform way to handle  timeouts  within
       the  BSON  library.  It  abstracts the differences in implementations of gettimeofday() as
       well as providing a monotonic (incrementing only) clock in microseconds.

   Memory Management
       BSON Memory Abstraction.

       Libbson contains a lightweight memory abstraction to make  portability  to  new  platforms
       easier.  Additionally,  it helps us integrate with interesting higher-level languages. One
       caveat, however, is that Libbson is  not  designed  to  deal  with  Out  of  Memory  (OOM)
       situations.  Doing so requires extreme diligence throughout the application stack that has
       rarely been implemented correctly. This may change  in  the  future.  As  it  stands  now,
       Libbson will abort() under OOM situations.

       To  aid  in  language  binding  integration,  Libbson  allows  for setting a custom memory
       allocator   via   bson_mem_set_vtable().    This   allocation   may   be   reversed    via

   Libbson Versioning
       Versioning Macros and Functions

       The  following  preprocessor  macros  can  be  used to perform various checks based on the
       version of the library you are compiling against. This may be useful if you only  want  to
       enable a feature on a certain version of the library.

          #define BSON_CHECK_VERSION(major, minor, micro)

          #define BSON_MAJOR_VERSION (1)
          #define BSON_MINOR_VERSION (4)
          #define BSON_MICRO_VERSION (1)
          #define BSON_VERSION_S "1.4.1"

          #define BSON_VERSION_HEX                                  \
             (BSON_MAJOR_VERSION << 24 | BSON_MINOR_VERSION << 16 | \
              BSON_MICRO_VERSION << 8)

       Only compile a block on Libbson 1.1.0 and newer.

          #if BSON_CHECK_VERSION(1, 1, 0)
          static void
          do_something (void)


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       2017-present, MongoDB, Inc