Provided by: libmongoc-doc_1.26.0-1.1ubuntu2_all bug


          mongoc_client_encryption_encrypt_expression (
             mongoc_client_encryption_t *client_encryption,
             const bson_t *expr,
             mongoc_client_encryption_encrypt_opts_t *opts,
             bson_t *expr_out,
             bson_error_t *error);

          The Range algorithm is experimental only and not intended for public use. It is subject
          to breaking changes. This API is part of the experimental Queryable Encryption API  and
          may be subject to breaking changes in future releases.

       New in version 1.24.0.

       Encrypts a Match Expression or Aggregate Expression to query a range index.

       To  query  with  a  RangePreview  encrypted payload, use a mongoc_client_t configured with
       mongoc_auto_encryption_opts_t. The  mongoc_auto_encryption_opts_t  may  be  configured  to
       bypass  query  analysis with mongoc_auto_encryption_opts_set_bypass_query_analysis().  The
       mongoc_auto_encryption_opts_t must not be configured to bypass automatic  encryption  with

       To query with a RangePreview payload, expr must be one of the following forms:

       1. A Match Expression of the following form:

             // $gt may also be $gte. $lt may also be $lte.
             // Can include one of $gt/$gte/$lt/$lte. It is not required to include both.
             {"$and": [{"<field>": {"$gt": "<value1>"}}, {"<field>": {"$lt": "<value2>" }}]}

       2. An Aggregation Expression of this form:

             // $gt may also be $gte. $lt may also be $lte
             // Can include one of $gt/$gte/$lt/$lte. It is not required to include both.
             {"$and": [{"$gt": ["<fieldpath>", "<value1>"]}, {"$lt": ["<fieldpath>", "<value2>"]}]


client_encryption: A mongoc_client_encryption_texpr: The expression to encrypt.

       • opts: A mongoc_client_encryption_encrypt_opts_t.

       • expr_out:   A  bson_t  for  the  resulting  encrypted  expression.  expr_out  is  always
         initialized (even on failure). Caller must call bson_destroy() to free.

       • error: A bson_error_t set on failure.


       Returns true if successful. Returns false and sets error otherwise.

       SEE ALSO:




       MongoDB, Inc


       2017-present, MongoDB, Inc

1.26.0                                     Mar 31, MONGOC_CLIENT_ENCRYPTION_ENCRYPT_EXPRESSION(3)