Provided by: libnlopt-dev_2.7.1-5build2_amd64 bug


       nlopt_minimize - Minimize a multivariate nonlinear function


       #include <nlopt.h>

       nlopt_result nlopt_minimize(nlopt_algorithm algorithm,
                                   int n,
                                   nlopt_func f,
                                   void* f_data,
                                   const double* lb,
                                   const double* ub,
                                   double* x,
                                   double* minf,
                                   double minf_max,
                                   double ftol_rel,
                                   double ftol_abs,
                                   double xtol_rel,
                                   const double* xtol_abs,
                                   int maxeval,
                                   double maxtime);

       You should link the resulting program with the linker flags
       -lnlopt -lm on Unix.


       nlopt_minimize()  attempts  to minimize a nonlinear function f of n design variables using
       the specified algorithm.  The minimum function value found is returned in minf,  with  the
       corresponding  design  variable  values  returned  in  the array x of length n.  The input
       values in x should be a starting guess for the optimum.  The inputs lb and ub  are  arrays
       of  length  n  containing lower and upper bounds, respectively, on the design variables x.
       The other parameters specify stopping criteria (tolerances, the maximum number of function
       evaluations,  etcetera)  and  other  information  as  described in more detail below.  The
       return value is a integer code indicating success (positive)  or  failure  (negative),  as
       described below.

       By  changing  the  parameter algorithm among several predefined constants described below,
       one can switch easily between  a  variety  of  minimization  algorithms.   Some  of  these
       algorithms  require  the  gradient (derivatives) of the function to be supplied via f, and
       other algorithms do not require derivatives.  Some of the algorithms  attempt  to  find  a
       global minimum within the given bounds, and others find only a local minimum.

       The  nlopt_minimize  function  is  a  wrapper around several free/open-source minimization
       packages.  as well as some new implementations of published optimization algorithms.   You
       could,  of course, compile and call these packages separately, and in some cases this will
       provide greater flexibility than is available via the nlopt_minimize interface.   However,
       depending  upon  the specific function being minimized, the different algorithms will vary
       in effectiveness.  The intent of nlopt_minimize is to allow you to quickly switch  between
       algorithms  in  order  to  experiment  with  them  for your problem, by providing a simple
       unified interface to these subroutines.


       nlopt_minimize() minimizes an objective function f of the form:

             double f(int n,
                      const double* x,
                      double* grad,
                      void* f_data);

       The return value should be the value of the function at the point x, where x points to  an
       array of length n of the design variables.  The dimension n is identical to the one passed
       to nlopt_minimize().

       In addition, if the argument grad is not NULL, then grad points to an array  of  length  n
       which  should  (upon  return)  be  set to the gradient of the function with respect to the
       design variables at x.  That is, grad[i] should upon return contain the partial derivative
       df/dx[i],  for  0  <=  i < n, if grad is non-NULL.  Not all of the optimization algorithms
       (below) use the gradient information: for algorithms listed as "derivative-free," the grad
       argument  will  always  be  NULL  and need never be computed.  (For algorithms that do use
       gradient information, however, grad may still be NULL for some calls.)

       The f_data argument is the same as the one passed to nlopt_minimize(), and may be used  to
       pass  any  additional data through to the function.  (That is, it may be a pointer to some
       caller-defined data structure/type containing information your function needs,  which  you
       convert from void* by a typecast.)


       Most  of  the  algorithms  in NLopt are designed for minimization of functions with simple
       bound constraints on the inputs.  That is, the input vectors x[i] are constrainted to  lie
       in  a  hyperrectangle  lb[i]  <= x[i] <= ub[i] for 0 <= i < n, where lb and ub are the two
       arrays passed to nlopt_minimize().

       However, a few of the algorithms support partially or totally unconstrained  optimization,
       as  noted below, where a (totally or partially) unconstrained design variable is indicated
       by a lower bound equal to -Inf and/or an upper bound equal to  +Inf.   Here,  Inf  is  the
       IEEE-754 floating-point infinity, which (in ANSI C99) is represented by the macro INFINITY
       in math.h.  Alternatively, for older C versions you may also use the macro HUGE_VAL  (also
       in math.h).

       With  some of the algorithms, especially those that do not require derivative information,
       a simple (but not especially efficient) way to implement arbitrary  nonlinear  constraints
       is  to  return  Inf  (see above) whenever the constraints are violated by a given input x.
       More generally, there are various ways to implement constraints by adding "penalty  terms"
       to  your  objective  function, which are described in the optimization literature.  A much
       more   efficient   way   to   specify   nonlinear   constraints   is   provided   by   the
       nlopt_minimize_constrained() function (described in its own manual page).


       The  algorithm  parameter  specifies the optimization algorithm (for more detail on these,
       see the README files in the source-code subdirectories),  and  can  take  on  any  of  the
       following  constant  values.   Constants  with  _G{N,D}_  in  their  names refer to global
       optimization methods, whereas _L{N,D}_ refers to local optimization methods (that  try  to
       find  a  local minimum starting from the starting guess x).  Constants with _{G,L}N_ refer
       to non-gradient (derivative-free) algorithms that do not require the objective function to
       supply a gradient, whereas _{G,L}D_ refers to derivative-based algorithms that require the
       objective function to supply a gradient.  (Especially for local optimization,  derivative-
       based  algorithms  are generally superior to derivative-free ones: the gradient is good to
       have if you can compute it cheaply, e.g. via an adjoint method.)

              Perform a global (G) derivative-free (N) optimization  using  the  DIRECT-L  search
              algorithm  by  Jones  et  al.  as  modified by Gablonsky et al. to be more weighted
              towards local search.  Does not support  unconstrainted  optimization.   There  are
              also   several   other  variants  of  the  DIRECT  algorithm  that  are  supported:
              NLOPT_GN_DIRECT, which is the original DIRECT algorithm; NLOPT_GN_DIRECT_L_RAND,  a
              slightly  randomized  version  of  DIRECT-L  that may be better in high-dimensional
              search    spaces;     NLOPT_GN_DIRECT_NOSCAL,     NLOPT_GN_DIRECT_L_NOSCAL,     and
              NLOPT_GN_DIRECT_L_RAND_NOSCAL,  which  are  versions of DIRECT where the dimensions
              are not rescaled to a unit hypercube  (which  means  that  dimensions  with  larger
              bounds are given more weight).

              A  global  (G)  derivative-free optimization using the DIRECT-L algorithm as above,
              along with NLOPT_GN_ORIG_DIRECT which is the  original  DIRECT  algorithm.   Unlike
              NLOPT_GN_DIRECT_L  above,  these two algorithms refer to code based on the original
              Fortran code of Gablonsky et al., which has  some  hard-coded  limitations  on  the
              number  of  subdivisions  etc.  and  does  not  support  all  of the NLopt stopping
              criteria, but on  the  other  hand  supports  arbitrary  nonlinear  constraints  as
              described above.

              Global  (G) optimization using the StoGO algorithm by Madsen et al.  StoGO exploits
              gradient information (D) (which must be supplied by the objective)  for  its  local
              searches,  and  performs  the  global search by a branch-and-bound technique.  Only
              bound-constrained optimization is supported.  There is also another variant of this
              algorithm,  NLOPT_GD_STOGO_RAND,  which is a randomized version of the StoGO search
              scheme.  The StoGO algorithms are only available if  NLopt  is  compiled  with  C++
              enabled, and should be linked via -lnlopt_cxx (via a C++ compiler, in order to link
              the C++ standard libraries).

              Perform a local (L) derivative-free (N) optimization,  starting  at  x,  using  the
              Nelder-Mead simplex algorithm, modified to support bound constraints.  Nelder-Mead,
              while popular, is known  to  occasionally  fail  to  converge  for  some  objective
              functions,  so  it  should  be used with caution.  Anecdotal evidence, on the other
              hand, suggests that it works fairly well for discontinuous  objectives.   See  also
              NLOPT_LN_SBPLX below.

              Perform  a  local  (L)  derivative-free  (N)  optimization, starting at x, using an
              algorithm based on the Subplex algorithm of Rowan et  al.,  which  is  an  improved
              variant  of  Nelder-Mead (above).  Our implementation does not use Rowan's original
              code, and  has  some  minor  modifications  such  as  explicit  support  for  bound
              constraints.   (Like  Nelder-Mead,  Subplex  often works well in practice, even for
              discontinuous  objectives,  but  there  is  no  rigorous  guarantee  that  it  will
              converge.)   Nonlinear  constraints can be crudely supported by returning +Inf when
              the constraints are violated, as explained above.

              Local (L) derivative-free (N) optimization using the principal-axis  method,  based
              on  code by Richard Brent.  Designed for unconstrained optimization, although bound
              constraints are supported too (via the inefficient method of  returning  +Inf  when
              the constraints are violated).

              Local  (L)  gradient-based  (D) optimization using the limited-memory BFGS (L-BFGS)
              algorithm.  (The objective  function  must  supply  the  gradient.)   Unconstrained
              optimization  is  supported  in  addition  to simple bound constraints (see above).
              Based on an implementation by Luksan et al.

              Local (L) gradient-based (D) optimization using a shifted limited-memory  variable-
              metric  method  based  on  code by Luksan et al., supporting both unconstrained and
              bound-constrained optimization.  NLOPT_LD_VAR2  uses  a  rank-2  method,  while  .B
              NLOPT_LD_VAR1 is another variant using a rank-1 method.

              Local  (L)  gradient-based (D) optimization using an LBFGS-preconditioned truncated
              Newton method with steepest-descent restarting, based on code  by  Luksan  et  al.,
              supporting  both  unconstrained  and  bound-constrained  optimization.   There  are
              several other variants of this algorithm:  NLOPT_LD_TNEWTON_PRECOND  (same  without
              restarting),   NLOPT_LD_TNEWTON_RESTART   (same   without   preconditioning),   and
              NLOPT_LD_TNEWTON (same without restarting or preconditioning).

              Global (G) derivative-free (N) optimization  using  the  controlled  random  search
              (CRS2) algorithm of Price, with the "local mutation" (LM) modification suggested by
              Kaelo and Ali.

              Global (G) derivative-based (D)  or  derivative-free  (N)  optimization  using  the
              multi-level  single-linkage (MLSL) algorithm with a low-discrepancy sequence (LDS).
              This algorithm executes a quasi-random (LDS) sequence of  local  searches,  with  a
              clustering  heuristic  to avoid multiple local searches for the same local minimum.
              The   local   search   uses   the   derivative/nonderivative   algorithm   set   by
              nlopt_set_local_search_algorithm   (currently   defaulting   to   NLOPT_LD_MMA  and
              NLOPT_LN_COBYLA for derivative/nonderivative searches,  respectively).   There  are
              also  two  other variants, NLOPT_GD_MLSL and NLOPT_GN_MLSL, which use pseudo-random
              numbers (instead of an LDS) as in the original MLSL algorithm.

              Local (L) gradient-based (D) optimization using the  method  of  moving  asymptotes
              (MMA),  or  rather  a  refined  version  of  the algorithm as published by Svanberg
              (2002).  (NLopt uses an  independent  free-software/open-source  implementation  of
              Svanberg's  algorithm.)  The NLOPT_LD_MMA algorithm supports both bound-constrained
              and unconstrained optimization, and  also  supports  an  arbitrary  number  (m)  of
              nonlinear constraints via the nlopt_minimize_constrained() function.

              Local  (L)  derivative-free  (N)  optimization using the COBYLA algorithm of Powell
              (Constrained Optimization BY Linear Approximations).  The NLOPT_LN_COBYLA algorithm
              supports  both  bound-constrained and unconstrained optimization, and also supports
              an    arbitrary    number    (m)    of    nonlinear     constraints     via     the
              nlopt_minimize_constrained() function.

              Local  (L)  derivative-free  (N)  optimization  using  a  variant of the the NEWUOA
              algorithm of Powell, based on successive quadratic approximations of the  objective
              function.  We  have  modified  the  algorithm  to  support  bound constraints.  The
              original NEWUOA algorithm is also available, as NLOPT_LN_NEWUOA, but this algorithm
              ignores  the  bound  constraints  lb  and  ub,  and  so  it should only be used for
              unconstrained problems.


       Multiple stopping criteria for  the  optimization  are  supported,  as  specified  by  the
       following arguments to nlopt_minimize().  The optimization halts whenever any one of these
       criteria is satisfied.   In  some  cases,  the  precise  interpretation  of  the  stopping
       criterion depends on the optimization algorithm above (although we have tried to make them
       as consistent as reasonably possible), and some algorithms  do  not  support  all  of  the
       stopping criteria.

              Stop when a function value less than or equal to minf_max is found.  Set to -Inf or
              NaN (see constraints section above) to disable.

              Relative tolerance on function  value:  stop  when  an  optimization  step  (or  an
              estimate  of  the  minimum)  changes  the  function  value  by  less  than ftol_rel
              multiplied by the absolute value of the function value.  (If there  is  any  chance
              that  your  minimum  function  value  is  close  to  zero, you might want to set an
              absolute tolerance with ftol_abs as well.)  Disabled if non-positive.

              Absolute tolerance on function  value:  stop  when  an  optimization  step  (or  an
              estimate  of  the  minimum)  changes  the  function  value  by  less than ftol_abs.
              Disabled if non-positive.

              Relative tolerance on design variables: stop  when  an  optimization  step  (or  an
              estimate  of  the  minimum)  changes  every  design  variable by less than xtol_rel
              multiplied by the absolute value of the design variable.  (If there is  any  chance
              that an optimal design variable is close to zero, you might want to set an absolute
              tolerance with xtol_abs as well.)  Disabled if non-positive.

              Pointer to an array of length n giving absolute  tolerances  on  design  variables:
              stop when an optimization step (or an estimate of the minimum) changes every design
              variable x[i] by less than xtol_abs[i].  Disabled if non-positive, or  if  xtol_abs
              is NULL.

              Stop  when  the  number  of  function  evaluations exceeds maxeval.  (This is not a
              strict maximum: the number of function evaluations  may  exceed  maxeval  slightly,
              depending upon the algorithm.)  Disabled if non-positive.

              Stop  when  the  optimization  time  (in  seconds) exceeds maxtime.  (This is not a
              strict maximum: the time may exceed maxtime slightly, depending upon the  algorithm
              and on how slow your function evaluation is.)  Disabled if non-positive.


       The value returned is one of the following enumerated constants.

   Successful termination (positive return values):
              Generic success return value.

              Optimization stopped because minf_max (above) was reached.

              Optimization stopped because ftol_rel or ftol_abs (above) was reached.

              Optimization stopped because xtol_rel or xtol_abs (above) was reached.

              Optimization stopped because maxeval (above) was reached.

              Optimization stopped because maxtime (above) was reached.

   Error codes (negative return values):
              Generic failure code.

              Invalid  arguments  (e.g.  lower  bounds  are  bigger than upper bounds, an unknown
              algorithm was specified, etcetera).

              Ran out of memory.


       For stochastic optimization algorithms, we  use  pseudorandom  numbers  generated  by  the
       Mersenne Twister algorithm, based on code from Makoto Matsumoto.  By default, the seed for
       the random numbers is generated from the system time, so that they will be different  each
       time  you  run  the program.  If you want to use deterministic random numbers, you can set
       the seed by calling:

                   void nlopt_srand(unsigned long seed);

       Some of the algorithms also support using low-discrepancy sequences (LDS), sometimes known
       as  quasi-random  numbers.   NLopt uses the Sobol LDS, which is implemented for up to 1111
       dimensions.  maxeval.


       Written by Steven G. Johnson.

       Copyright (c) 2007 Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

