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       snmpa_network_interface - Behaviour module for the SNMP agent network interface.


       This    module    defines    the   behaviour   of   the   agent   network   interface.   A
       snmpa_network_interface compliant module must export the following functions:

         * start_link/4

         * info/1

         * get_log_type/1

         * set_log_type/2

         * verbosity/2

       The semantics of them and their exact signatures are explained below.

       But this is not enough. There is also a  set  of  mandatory  messages  which  the  network
       interface entity must be able to receive and be able to send. This is described in chapter


       start_link(Prio, NoteStore, MasterAgent, Opts) -> {ok, Pid} | {error, Reason}


                 Prio = priority()
                 NoteStore = pid()
                 MasterAgent = pid()
                 Opts = [opt()]
                 opt() = {verbosity, verbosity()} | {versions, versions()} | term()
                 versions() = [version()]
                 version() = v1 | v2 | v3

              Start-link the network interface process.

              NoteStore is the pid of the note-store process and MasterAgent is the  pid  of  the
              master-agent process.

              Opts  is  an  (basically)  implementation  dependent list of options to the network
              interface process. There are however a number of options  which  must  be  handled:
              versions and verbosity.

       info(Pid) -> [{Key, Value}]


                 Pid = pid()

              The info returned is basically up to the implementer to decide. This implementation
              provided by the application provides  info  about  memory  allocation  and  various
              socket information.

              The  info  returned by this function is returned together with other info collected
              by the agent when the info function is called (tagged with with the key net_if).

       verbosity(Pid, Verbosity) -> void()


                 Pid = pid()
                 Verbosity = verbosity()

              Change the verbosity of a running network interface process.

       get_log_type(Pid) -> {ok, LogType} | {error, Reason}


                 Pid = pid()
                 LogType = atl_type()
                 Reason = term()

              The Audit Trail Log is managed by the network interface process.  So,  it  is  this
              process that has to retrieve the actual log-type.

       set_log_type(Pid, NewType) -> {ok, OldType} | {error, Reason}


                 Pid = pid()
                 NewType = OldType = atl_type()
                 Reason = term()

              The  Audit  Trail  Log  is managed by the network interface process. So, it is this
              process that has to do the actual changing of the type.

              See set_log_type for more info.