Provided by: libstdc++-11-doc_11.4.0-9ubuntu1_all bug


       std::filesystem::path::iterator - An iterator for the components of a path.


       #include <fs_path.h>

   Public Types
       using difference_type = std::ptrdiff_t
       using iterator_category = std::bidirectional_iterator_tag
       using pointer = const path *
       using reference = const path &
       using value_type = path

   Public Member Functions
       iterator (const iterator &)=default
       reference operator* () const
       iterator & operator++ ()
       iterator operator++ (int)
       iterator & operator-- ()
       iterator operator-- (int)
       pointer operator-> () const
       iterator & operator= (const iterator &)=default

       void __path_iter_advance (iterator &__i, difference_type __n)
       difference_type __path_iter_distance (const iterator &__first, const iterator &__last)
       bool operator!= (const iterator &__lhs, const iterator &__rhs)
       bool operator== (const iterator &__lhs, const iterator &__rhs)
       class path

Detailed Description

       An iterator for the components of a path.


       Generated automatically by Doxygen for libstdc++ from the source code.

                                            libstdc++       std::filesystem::path::iterator(3cxx)