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       wxSizeEvent - Functions for wxSizeEvent class


       A size event holds information about size change events of wxWindow.

       The EVT_SIZE handler function will be called when the window has been resized.

       You may wish to use this for frames to resize their child windows as appropriate.

       Note  that  the  size passed is of the whole window: call wxWindow:getClientSize/1 for the
       area which may be used by the application.

       When a window is resized, usually only a small part of the window is damaged and  you  may
       only  need  to  repaint  that  area.  However,  if your drawing depends on the size of the
       window, you may need to clear the DC explicitly and repaint the  whole  window.  In  which
       case, you may need to call wxWindow:refresh/2 to invalidate the entire window.

       Important  :  Sizers  (  see  overview_sizer  ) rely on size events to function correctly.
       Therefore, in a sizer-based layout, do not forget to call Skip  on  all  size  events  you
       catch (and don't catch size events at all when you don't need to).

       See: {Width,Height}, Overview events

       This class is derived (and can use functions) from: wxEvent

       wxWidgets docs: wxSizeEvent


       Use wxEvtHandler:connect/3 with wxSizeEventType to subscribe to events of this type.


       wxSizeEvent() = wx:wx_object()

       wxSize() =
           #wxSize{type = wxSizeEvent:wxSizeEventType(),
                   size = {W :: integer(), H :: integer()},
                   rect =
                       {X :: integer(),
                        Y :: integer(),
                        W :: integer(),
                        H :: integer()}}

       wxSizeEventType() = size


       getSize(This) -> {W :: integer(), H :: integer()}


                 This = wxSizeEvent()

              Returns the entire size of the window generating the size change event.

              This  is  the new total size of the window, i.e. the same size as would be returned
              by wxWindow:getSize/1 if it were called now. Use  wxWindow:getClientSize/1  if  you
              catch  this  event in a top level window such as wxFrame to find the size available
              for the window contents.

       getRect(This) ->
                  {X :: integer(),
                   Y :: integer(),
                   W :: integer(),
                   H :: integer()}


                 This = wxSizeEvent()