Provided by: guacd_1.3.0-1.3ubuntu1_amd64 bug


       guacd - Guacamole proxy daemon


       guacd [-b HOST] [-l PORT] [-p PID FILE] [-L LOG LEVEL] [-C CERTIFICATE FILE] [-K KEY FILE]
       [-f] [-v]


       guacd is the Guacamole proxy daemon used by the Guacamole web application  and  framework.
       As  JavaScript cannot handle binary protocols (like VNC and remote desktop) efficiently, a
       new text-based protocol was developed  which  would  contain  a  common  superset  of  the
       operations  needed  for  efficient remote desktop access, but would be easy for JavaScript
       programs to process.  guacd is the proxy which translates between arbitrary protocols  and
       the Guacamole protocol.


       -b HOST
              Changes the host or address that guacd listens on.

       -l PORT
              Changes the port that guacd listens on (the default is port 4822).

       -p FILE
              Causes  guacd to write the PID of the daemon process to the specified file. This is
              useful for init scripts and is used by the provided init script.

       -L LEVEL
              Sets the maximum level at which guacd will log messages to syslog and,  if  running
              in  the foreground, the console.  Legal values are trace, debug, info, warning, and
              error.  The default value is info.

       -f     Causes guacd to run in the foreground, rather than automatically forking  into  the

       -v     Causes guacd to simply print its version information and exit.


       If libssl was present at the time guacd was compiled, it will contain SSL/TLS support, and
       connections between the web application and guacd can be encrypted if a  certificate  file
       is given.

       When  using  a  chain of certificates, you must append the additional certificates to your
       server certificate. This can be done easily with the standard cat command. Beware that the
       certificate for guacd must be the first certificate in the file.

              Enables  SSL/TLS  using  the  given  cerficiate  file.  Future  connections to this
              instance of guacd will require SSL/TLS enabled in the client (the web application).
              If this option is not given, communication with guacd must be unencrypted.

       -K KEY FILE
              Enables  SSL/TLS  using  the  given  private  key  file. Future connections to this
              instance of guacd will require SSL/TLS enabled in the client (the web application).
              If this option is not given, communication with guacd must be unencrypted.

