Provided by: canto_0.7.10-4_amd64 bug


       Canto - An ncurses RSS reader


       Canto is an RSS reader built to be flexible and highly customizable on top of python.


       Canto  is  the  client, separate from the fetcher Canto-fetch. In order to update you must
       invoke canto-fetch on a regular basis. Usually the way to do that is to add  a  line  into
       your crontab like this:

       * * * * * canto-fetch

       If  you're not a fan of cron, then you can add `canto-fetch -b` to your startup scripts to
       have canto-fetch run as a daemon on its own.

       After you have your configuration file generated, just run `canto` and it will update  for
       you, if canto-fetch hasn't been run already.


              Simple help

              Print version

              Update feeds before launching client.

              List all configured feeds

              Print number of new items.

       -n/--checknew [feed]
              Print number of new items in feed.

              Print feeds to stdout as OPML file.

       -i/--import [path]
              Import feeds from OPML file to your configuration.

       -r/--url [URL]
              Add feed at URL to your configuration.

       -t/--tag [tag]
              Set tag for feed added with -r

       -D/--dir [path]
              Set the configuration directory (default: ~/.canto/)

       -C/--conf [path]
              Set the configuration file (default: ~/.canto/conf)

       -L/--log [path]
              Set the log file (default: ~/.canto/log)

       -F/--fdir [path]
              Set the feed directory (default: ~/.canto/feeds)

       -S /--sdir [PATH]
              Set the path to execurl scripts (default ~/.canto/scripts/)


       Within the program you can use the following (default) keys.  These can be changed in your
       configuration file by using the "key" configuration option.

       UP / DOWN or k / j
              Select previous or next item. (next_item) (prev_item)

       PGUP / PGDOWN or o / l
              Goto previous or next tag. (next_tag) (prev_tag)

       RIGHT / LEFT
              Set item unread or read (just_unread) (just_read)

       [ / ]  Cycle through defined filters (prev_filter) (next_filter)

       { / }  Cycle through defined tag filters (prev_feed_filter) (next_feed_filter)

       - / =  Cycle through defined tag sorts (prev_tag_sort) (next_tag_sort)

       < / >  Cycle through defined tag sets (prev_tagset) (next_tagset)

       :      Goto a specific tag (order of the config) (goto_tag)

       ;      Goto a specific visible tag (goto_reltag)

       TAB    Switch focus between list and reader (only useful with dedicated reader space)

       h      Display this man page. (help)

       Space  Read a story (reader)

       g      Use the defined browser to goto the item's URL (goto)

       C / V  Collapse/Uncollapse all tags (set_collapse_all) (unset_collapse_all)

       c      Collapse/Uncollapse current tag (toggle_collapse_tag)

       f      Inline search (inline_search)

       m      Toggle item marked/unmark (toggle_mark)

       M      Unmark all items (all_unmarked)

       n / p  Goto next/previous marked item (next_mark) (prev_mark)

       , / .  Goto next/previous unread item (next_unread) (prev_unread)

       r / u  Mark tag read/unread (tag_read) (tag_unread)

       R / U  Mark all read/unread (all_read) (all_unread)

       Ctrl+R Refresh feeds (force_update)

       Ctrl+L Redraw screen (refresh)

       \      Restart Canto (restart)

       q      Quit Canto (quit)


       Inside the reader, there are a number of different keys. These can  be  changed  with  the
       "reader_key" configuration option.

       UP / DOWN or k / j
              Scroll up/down if content off screen (scroll_up) (scroll_down)

       n / p  goto next/previous item without closing reader

       l      Enumerate links (toggle_show_links)

       g      Choose a link to goto (goto)


       The  ~/.canto/  file is where all of the configuration is. You can start by reading . If you're updating from <= 0.6.x then  you  should  read .


              Main  configuration file. ~/.canto/conf (without the extension) is also checked for

              Everyday log file.

              Canto-fetch log file.

              This is the directory where the stories are recorded.


       I'm sure there are some. If you run into a bug (a crash or bad behavior), then send please
       report   it.   Any  of  the  methods  described  in  are
       acceptable. Also, please include your configuration and log files with the report.



       Jack Miller <>