Provided by: python-fedmsg_0.7.1-1_all bug


       fedmsg-config - Manpages for the fedmsg suite



              "zmq_strict":     false,     "irc_method":     "notice",    "zmq_enabled":    true,
              "tweet_hibernate_duration":     180,     "io_threads":      1,      "crl_location":
              "",  "print_config":  false,  "zmq_linger":
              1000, "routing_policy": {

              "": [



              }, "ssldir": "/etc/pki/fedmsg", "relay_inbound": [


              ], "zmq_tcp_keepalive_cnt": 3, "environment": "dev", "zmq_tcp_keepalive_intvl":  5,
              "fedmsg.consumers.gateway.port":  9940, "fedmsg.consumers.gateway.high_water_mark":
              10000, "topic_prefix": "org.debian", "irc_color_lookup": {

              "wiki": "purple", "planet": "light green",  "bodhi":  "green",  "tagger":  "brown",
              "pkgdb": "teal", "git": "red", "fas": "light blue", "logger": "orange", "buildsys":

              }, "bitly_settings": {

              "api_key": "", "api_user": "get this from"

              }, "irc": [


              "timeout": 120, "make_pretty": true, "make_terse": true, "filters": {

              "body": [


              ], "topic": []

              },  "nickname":  "fedmsg-dev",  "port":   6667,   "channel":   "my-fedmsg-channel",
              "network": ""


              ],    "ca_cert_cache_expiry":    0,    "ca_cert_cache":   "/var/run/fedmsg/ca.crt",
              "crl_cache": "/var/run/fedmsg/crl.pem", "tweet_endpoints": [


              "access_token_key": "generate these with", "consumer_secret":  "",
              "access_token_secret":        "",        "base_url":
              "", "consumer_key": "get this from"


              ],    "active":    false,    "topic_prefix_re":    "org\\.debian\\.(dev|stg|prod)",
              "zmq_tcp_keepalive":                     1,                     "ca_cert_location":
              "",      "zmq_tcp_keepalive_idle":       60,
              "high_water_mark": 0, "logging": {

              "loggers": {

              "fedmsg": {

              "handlers": [


              ], "propagate": false, "level": "INFO"

              }, "moksha": {

              "handlers": [


              ], "propagate": false, "level": "INFO"


              }, "version": 1, "handlers": {

              "console": {

              "formatter":      "bare",      "class":      "logging.StreamHandler",     "stream":
              "ext://sys.stdout", "level": "INFO"


              }, "formatters": {

              "bare": {

              "datefmt": "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", "format": "[%(asctime)s][%(name)10s %(levelname)7s]



              },  "persistent_store": null, "tweet_intermessage_pause": 1, "validate_signatures":
              true, "certnames": {}, "timeout": 2,  "post_init_sleep":  0.5,  "routing_nitpicky":
              false, "endpoints": {

              "fedora-infrastructure": [


              ], "relay_outbound": [



              }, "crl_cache_expiry": 10, "sign_messages": false



       The  full  documentation for fedmsg-config is maintained as a Texinfo manual.  If the info
       and fedmsg-config programs are properly installed at your site, the command

              info fedmsg-config

       should give you access to the complete manual.