Provided by: googlecl_0.9.13-2_all bug


       google - command-line access to (some) Google services


       google [picasa|blogger|youtube|docs|contacts|calendar|finance] TASK [options]


       This  program provides command-line access to (some) google services via their gdata APIs.
       Called without a service name, it starts an interactive session.

       NOTE: GoogleCL will interpret arguments as required options in the order  they  appear  in
       the  descriptions  below,  excluding options set in the configuration file and non-primary
       terms in parenthesized OR groups. For example:

              $ google picasa get my_album .

       is interpreted as "google picasa get --title=my_album --dest=.

              $ google contacts list john

       is interpreted  as  "$  google  contacts  list  --fields=<config  file  def>  --title=john
       --delimiter=,"  (only  true  if  you have not removed the default definition in the config

              $ google docs get my_doc .

       is interpreted as "$ google docs get --title=my_doc --dest=.  (folder is  NOT  set,  since
       the title option is satisfied first.)

       Available tasks for service picasa: 'get', 'create', 'list', 'list-albums', 'tag', 'post',

              get: Download albums

              Requires: title AND dest Optional: owner, format, photo

              create: Create an album

              Requires: title Optional: src, date, summary, tags, access

              list: List photos

              Requires: fields AND delimiter Optional: title, query, owner, photo

              list-albums: List albums

              Requires: fields AND delimiter Optional: title, owner

              tag: Tag/caption photos

              Requires: (title OR query) AND (tags OR summary) Optional: owner, photo

              post: Post photos to an album

              Requires: title AND src Optional: tags, owner, photo, summary

              delete: Delete photos or albums

              Requires: (title OR query) Optional: photo

       Available tasks for service blogger: 'post', 'tag', 'list', 'delete'

              post: Post content.

              Requires: src AND blog Optional: title, tags, access

              tag: Label posts

              Requires: blog AND title AND tags

              list: List posts in a blog

              Requires: fields AND blog AND delimiter Optional: title, owner

              delete: Delete a post.

              Requires: blog AND title

       Available tasks for service youtube: 'post', 'tag', 'list', 'delete'

              post: Post a video.

              Requires: src AND category AND devkey Optional: title, summary, tags, access

              tag: Add tags to a video and/or change its category.

              Requires: title AND (tags OR category) AND devkey

              list: List videos by user.

              Requires: fields AND delimiter Optional: title, owner

              delete: Delete videos.

              Requires: title AND devkey

       Available tasks for service docs: 'edit', 'delete', 'list', 'upload', 'get'

              edit: Edit a document

              Requires: title Optional: format, editor, folder

              delete: Delete documents

              Requires: title Optional: folder

              list: List documents

              Requires: fields AND delimiter Optional: title, folder

              upload: Upload a document

              Requires: src Optional: title, folder, format

              get: Download a document

              Requires: (title OR folder) AND dest Optional: format

       Available  tasks  for  service  contacts:  'list',  'list-groups',  'add',   'add-groups',
       'delete-groups', 'delete'

              list: List contacts

              Requires: fields AND title AND delimiter

              list-groups: List contact groups

              Requires: title

              add: Add contacts

              Requires: src

              add-groups: Add contact group(s)

              Requires: title

              delete-groups: Delete contact group(s)

              Requires: title

              delete: Delete contacts

              Requires: title

       Available tasks for service calendar: 'add', 'list', 'today', 'delete'

              add: Add event to a calendar

              Requires: src Optional: cal

              list: List events on a calendar

              Requires: fields AND delimiter Optional: title, query, date, cal

              today: List events for the next 24 hours

              Requires: fields AND delimiter Optional: title, query, cal

              delete: Delete event from a calendar

              Requires: (title OR query) Optional: date, cal

       Available tasks for service finance: 'list-txn', 'delete-pos', 'create-pos', 'delete-txn',
       'create', 'create-txn', 'list', 'list-pos', 'delete'

              list-txn: List transactions

              Requires: title AND ticker

              delete-pos: Delete positions

              Requires: title Optional: ticker

              create-pos: Create position

              Requires: title AND ticker

              delete-txn: Delete transactions

              Requires: title AND ticker Optional: txnid

              create: Create a portfolio

              Requires: title AND currency

              create-txn: Create transaction

              Requires: title AND ticker AND ttype AND shares AND price Optional: shares,  price,
              date, commission, currency, notes

              list: List portfolios

              Requires: none Optional: fields

              list-pos: List positions

              Requires: title Optional: fields

              delete: Delete portfolios

              Requires: title


              show program's version number and exit

       -h, --help
              show this help message and exit

              Specify access/visibility level of an upload

              Blogger only - specify a blog other than your primary.

              Calendar only - specify a calendar other than your primary.

       -c CATEGORY, --category=CATEGORY
              YouTube  only  -  specify  video  categories  as a commaseparated list, e.g. "Film,

              Finance only - specify commission for transaction

              Specify location of config file.

              Finance only - specify currency for portfolio

              YouTube only - specify developer tags as a commaseparated list.

              YouTube only - specify a developer key

       -d DATE, --date=DATE
              Calendar only - date of the event to add/look for. Can also specify a range with  a
              comma. Picasa only - sets the date of the album Finance only - transaction creation

              Enable all debugging output, including HTTP data

              Specify a delimiter for the output of the list task.

              Destination. Typically, where to save data being downloaded.

              Blogger only - post as a draft. Shorthand for --access=draft

              Docs only - editor to use on a file.

              Fields to list with list task.

       -f FOLDER, --folder=FOLDER
              Docs only - specify folder(s) to upload to / search in.

              Force validation step for re-used access tokens (Overrides --skip-auth).

              Docs only - format to download documents as.

              Label the machine being used.

       -n TITLE, --title=TITLE
              Title of the item

              Google Apps Premier only - do not convert the file on  upload.  (Else  converts  to
              native Google Docs format)

              Finance only - specify notes for transaction

       -o OWNER, --owner=OWNER
              Username  or  ID  of the owner of the resource. For example, 'picasa list-albums -o
              bob' to list bob's albums

              Picasa only - specify title or name of photo(s)

              Finance only - specify price for transaction

       -q QUERY, --query=QUERY
              Full text query string for specifying items.  Searches  on  titles,  captions,  and

              Print only prompts and error messages

              Calendar only - specify time for added event's reminder, e.g. "10m", "3h", "1d"

              Finance only - specify amount of shares for transaction

              Skip validation step for re-used access tokens.

              Source. Typically files to upload.

       -s SUMMARY, --summary=SUMMARY
              Description of the upload, or file containing the description.

       -t TAGS, --tags=TAGS
              Tags for item, e.g. "Sunsets, Earth Day"

              Finance only - specify ticker

              Finance  only - specify transaction type, e.g. "Bye", "Sell", "Buy to Cover", "Sell

              Finance only - specify transaction id

       -u USER, --user=USER
              Username to log in with for the service.

       -v, --verbose
              Print all messages.

       --yes  Answer "yes" to all prompts


       google blogger post --title 'foo' 'command line posting'

       google calendar add 'Lunch with Jim at noon tomorrow'

       google contacts list --title '.*' --fields name,email,phone > contacts.csv

       google docs edit --title 'Shopping list'

       google picasa create --title 'Cat Photos' ~/photos/cats/*.jpg

       google youtube post --category Education killer_robots.avi