Provided by: omt_0.1.16_all bug

NAME  -  OpaL Mirror Tool (OMT)


       Creates a mirror of a webpage. It has a number of features such as link rewriting and
       more. (See the options below).

USAGE [options] [url] [options] [url] [...]


          --images             : Include <img src=xxx>:s in the download. (default)
          --noimages           : Do not include <img src=xxx>:s in the download.
          --depth n            : Maximum recursion depth. (default 1)
          --store "regexp"     : Files matching regexp are actually stored locally.
                               : It is possible to | separate (with or).
          --rewrite "from=>to" : Urls are rewritten using this rules.
                               : It is possible to | separate (with or).
                               : Do not rewrite the dir, because that it will affect
                               : later lookup. Have to fix this sometime.
          --what "regexp"      : Files matching regexp are downloaded and traversed.
                               : It is possible to | separate (with or).
          --dir basedir        : Where to store local files.
          --nohostcheck        : Do not check if url points to other host.
          --notreecheck        : Do not check if url points to other dirtree.
          --force              : Overwrite all files.
          --debug              : Print debug-messages.
          --retry n            : Number of times an url will be retried (default 1)
          --auth user:pass     : use Basic Authentication
          --proxy url          : Use a proxy server (like http://u:p@localhost/).
          --help               : Print this text.


       Ola Lundqvist <>