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       Eliom_service  -  Functions  to  add  non localised parameters to services and client side
       declaration of void coservices.


       Module   Eliom_service


       Module Eliom_service
        : sig end

       Functions to add non localised parameters to services and client side declaration of  void
       coservices. Void coservices are the only ones defined on client side.

       type suff = [ `WithSuffix | `WithoutSuffix ]

       Types of services

       type servcoserv = [ `Coservice | `Service ]

       type getpost = [ `Get | `Post ]

       type attached_service_kind = [ `External | `Internal of servcoserv ]

       type internal = [ `Internal of servcoserv ]

       type registrable = [ `Registrable | `Unregistrable ]

       type (+'a, +'b) a_s

       You can call register function only on registrable services

       type +'a na_s

       type  service_kind = [ `Attached of (attached_service_kind, getpost) a_s | `Nonattached of
       getpost na_s ]

       type internal_service_kind = [ `Attached of (internal,  getpost)  a_s  |  `Nonattached  of
       getpost na_s ]

       type   get_service_kind  =  [  `Attached  of  (attached_service_kind,  [  `Get  ])  a_s  |
       `Nonattached of [ `Get ] na_s ]

       type post_service_kind  =  [  `Attached  of  (attached_service_kind,  [  `Post  ])  a_s  |
       `Nonattached of [ `Post ] na_s ]

       type attached = [ `Attached of (attached_service_kind, getpost) a_s ]

       type nonattached = [ `Nonattached of getpost na_s ]

       type http

       type appl_service

       default return type for services

       === return type for service that are entry points for an application ===

       type ('a, 'b, +'c, +[< suff ], +'e, +'f , +[< registrable ], +'h) service

       Type of services.

       - 'a is the type of GET parameters expected by the service.

       - 'b is the type of POST parameters expected by the service.

       -  'c  describes  the services's kind: attached or non-attached, internal or external, GET
       only or with POST parameters. It is a subtype of Eliom_service.service_kind .

       - 'd is a phantom type, subtype of Eliom_service.suff stating the kind  of  parameters  it
       uses: suffix or not.

       -  'e  is  the  type  of  GET  parameters  names.  See Eliom_parameter.param_name and form
       generation functions (e. g.  Eliom_registration.Html5.get_form ).

       - 'f is the type  of  POST  parameters  names.  See  Eliom_parameter.param_name  and  form
       generation functions (e. g.  Eliom_registration.Html5.post_form ).

       -  'g is a phantom type,  subtype of Eliom_service.registrable , telling if it is possible
       to register a handler on this service.

       - 'h is an information on what the service returns.  See Eliom_registration.kind .

       val void_coservice' : (unit, unit, [> `Nonattached of 'a na_s ], [ `WithoutSuffix ], unit,
       unit, [< registrable > `Unregistrable ], 'return) service

       Void non-attached coservices

       val https_void_coservice' : (unit, unit, [> `Nonattached of 'a na_s ], [ `WithoutSuffix ],
       unit, unit, [< registrable > `Unregistrable ], 'return) service

       A predefined non-attached action with special behaviour: it has no parameter at all,  even
       non-attached  parameters.   Use  it if you want to make a link to the current page without
       non-attached parameters.  It is almost equivalent to a POST non-attached  service  without
       POST  parameters,  on  which  you register an action that does nothing, but you can use it
       with <a> links, not only forms.  It does not keep non attached GET parameters.

       val void_hidden_coservice' : (unit, unit, [> `Nonattached of 'a na_s ],  [  `WithoutSuffix
       ], unit, unit, [< registrable > `Unregistrable ], 'return) service

       The same, but forcing https.

       val  https_void_hidden_coservice'  :  (unit,  unit,  [>  `Nonattached  of  'a  na_s  ],  [
       `WithoutSuffix ], unit, unit, [< registrable > `Unregistrable ], 'return) service

       Same as void_coservice' but keeps non attached GET parameters.

       === The same, but forcing https. ===

       === Miscellaneous ===

       val   add_non_localized_get_parameters   :   params:('p,   [   `WithoutSuffix   ],    'pn)
       Eliom_parameter.non_localized_params  ->  service:('a, 'b, 'c, [< suff ] as 'd, 'e, 'f, [<
       registrable ] as 'g, 'return) service -> ('a * 'p, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e * 'pn, 'f, 'g,  'return)

       Localized parameters

       val   add_non_localized_post_parameters   :   params:('p,   [   `WithoutSuffix   ],   'pn)
       Eliom_parameter.non_localized_params -> service:('a, 'b, 'c, [< suff ] as 'd, 'e,  'f,  [<
       registrable  ] as 'g, 'return) service -> ('a, 'b * 'p, 'c, 'd, 'e, 'f * 'pn, 'g, 'return)

       Adds non localized GET parameters to a service

       === Adds non localized POST parameters to a service ===

       === Static files ===

       val static_dir : unit -> (string list, unit, [> `Attached of ([> `Internal of [>  `Service
       ]   ],   [>   `Get   ])   a_s   ],   [   `WithSuffix   ],   [   `One   of  string  list  ]
       Eliom_parameter.param_name, unit, [< registrable > `Unregistrable ], 'return) service

       The predefined service static_dir allows one to create links to static files. This service
       takes  the  name  of  a  static  file as a parameter (a string list, slash separated). The
       actual directory in filesystem where static pages will be found must  be  set  up  in  the
       configuration file with the staticmod extension.

       val  https_static_dir  :  unit  -> (string list, unit, [> `Attached of ([> `Internal of [>
       `Service  ]  ],  [>  `Get  ])  a_s  ],  [  `WithSuffix  ],  [  `One  of  string   list   ]
       Eliom_parameter.param_name, unit, [< registrable > `Unregistrable ], 'return) service

       Same as Eliom_service.static_dir but forcing https link.

       val   static_dir_with_params   :  ?keep_nl_params:[  `All  |  `None  |  `Persistent  ]  ->
       get_params:('a, [ `WithoutSuffix ], 'an) Eliom_parameter.params_type ->  unit  ->  (string
       list  *  'a,  unit,  [> `Attached of ([> `Internal of [> `Service ] ], [> `Get ]) a_s ], [
       `WithSuffix ], [ `One  of  string  list  ]  Eliom_parameter.param_name  *  'an,  unit,  [<
       registrable > `Unregistrable ], 'return) service

       Like static_dir , but allows one to put GET parameters

       val  https_static_dir_with_params  :  ?keep_nl_params:[  `All  |  `None | `Persistent ] ->
       get_params:('a, [ `WithoutSuffix ], 'an) Eliom_parameter.params_type ->  unit  ->  (string
       list  *  'a,  unit,  [> `Attached of ([> `Internal of [> `Service ] ], [> `Get ]) a_s ], [
       `WithSuffix ], [ `One  of  string  list  ]  Eliom_parameter.param_name  *  'an,  unit,  [<
       registrable > `Unregistrable ], 'return) service

       Same as Eliom_service.static_dir_with_params but forcing https link.