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       SoIntersectionDetectionAction -

       The SoIntersectionDetectionAction class is for detecting intersecting primitives in a


       #include <Inventor/collision/SoIntersectionDetectionAction.h>

       Inherits SoAction.

   Public Types
       typedef SoCallbackAction::Response SoIntersectionVisitationCB (void *closure, const SoPath
       typedef SbBool SoIntersectionFilterCB (void *closure, const SoPath *p1, const SoPath *p2)
       typedef Resp SoIntersectionCB (void *closure, const SoIntersectingPrimitive *p1, const
           SoIntersectingPrimitive *p2)

   Public Member Functions
       virtual SoType getTypeId (void) const
       void setIntersectionDetectionEpsilon (float epsilon)
       float getIntersectionDetectionEpsilon (void) const
       void setTypeEnabled (SoType type, SbBool enable)
       SbBool isTypeEnabled (SoType type, SbBool checkgroups=FALSE) const
       void setManipsEnabled (SbBool enable)
       SbBool isManipsEnabled (void) const
       void setDraggersEnabled (SbBool enable)
       SbBool isDraggersEnabled (void) const
       void setShapeInternalsEnabled (SbBool enable)
       SbBool isShapeInternalsEnabled (void) const
       void addVisitationCallback (SoType type, SoIntersectionVisitationCB *cb, void *closure)
       void removeVisitationCallback (SoType type, SoIntersectionVisitationCB *cb, void *closure)
       virtual void apply (SoNode *node)
       virtual void apply (SoPath *path)
       virtual void apply (const SoPathList &paths, SbBool obeysRules=FALSE)
       virtual void setFilterCallback (SoIntersectionFilterCB *cb, void *closure=NULL)
       virtual void addIntersectionCallback (SoIntersectionCB *cb, void *closure=NULL)
       virtual void removeIntersectionCallback (SoIntersectionCB *cb, void *closure=NULL)

   Static Public Member Functions
       static SoType getClassTypeId (void)
       static void addMethod (const SoType type, SoActionMethod method)
       static void enableElement (const SoType type, const int stackindex)
       static void initClass (void)
       static void setIntersectionEpsilon (float epsilon)
       static float getIntersectionEpsilon (void)

   Protected Member Functions
       virtual const
           SoEnabledElementsList & getEnabledElements (void) const "

   Static Protected Member Functions
       static SoEnabledElementsList * getClassEnabledElements (void)
       static SoActionMethodList * getClassActionMethods (void)

   Additional Inherited Members

Detailed Description

       The SoIntersectionDetectionAction class is for detecting intersecting primitives in a

       Note that only collisions between actual geometry in the scene is detected, so the
       contents of some special nodes like e.g. SoText2 and SoImage (which projects to screen-
       plane bitmap graphics, and not actual polygons) will not be considered for collision

       Note also that the SoIntersectionDetectionAction class is not a high-performance component
       in Coin. Using it in a continuous manner over complex scene graphs is doomed to be a
       performance killer.

       Below is a simple usage example for this class. It was written as a stand-alone framework
       set up for profiling and optimization of the SoIntersectionDetectionAction. It tests
       intersection of all shapes against each other for the loaded file.

       #include <cstdlib>
       #include <Inventor/SbTime.h>
       #include <Inventor/SoDB.h>
       #include <Inventor/SoInteraction.h>
       #include <Inventor/collision/SoIntersectionDetectionAction.h>
       #include <Inventor/errors/SoDebugError.h>
       #include <Inventor/nodekits/SoNodeKit.h>
       #include <Inventor/nodes/SoSeparator.h>

       static SoIntersectionDetectionAction::Resp
       intersectionCB(void * closure,
                      const SoIntersectingPrimitive * pr1,
                      const SoIntersectingPrimitive * pr2)
         (void)fprintf(stdout, "intersection hit!0);
         return SoIntersectionDetectionAction::NEXT_PRIMITIVE;

       main(int argc, char ** argv)

         if (argc != 2) {
           (void)fprintf(stderr, "Usage: testapp <filename.iv>0);

         SoInput in;
         SbBool ok = in.openFile(argv[1]);
         SoSeparator * root = SoDB::readAll(&in);


         SoIntersectionDetectionAction ida;
         ida.addIntersectionCallback(intersectionCB, NULL);

         SbTime starttime = SbTime::getTimeOfDay();
         SoDebugError::postInfo("main", "SoIntersectionDetectionAction::apply");


         SoDebugError::postInfo("main", "apply() done after %f seconds.",
                                (SbTime::getTimeOfDay() - starttime).getValue());


         return 0;

           Coin 2.1

           TGS Inventor 2.4

Member Function Documentation

   SoType SoIntersectionDetectionAction::getTypeId (void) const [virtual]
       Returns the type identification of an action derived from a class inheriting SoAction.
       This is used for run-time type checking and 'downward' casting.

       Usage example:

       void bar(SoAction * action)
         if (action->getTypeId() == SoGLRenderAction::getClassTypeId()) {
           // safe downward cast, know the type
           SoGLRenderAction * glrender = (SoGLRenderAction *)action;
         return; // ignore if not renderaction

       For application programmers wanting to extend the library with new actions: this method
       needs to be overridden in all subclasses. This is typically done as part of setting up the
       full type system for extension classes, which is usually accomplished by using the pre-
       defined macros available through Inventor/nodes/SoSubAction.h: SO_ACTION_SOURCE,

       For more information on writing Coin extensions, see the SoAction class documentation.

       Returns the actual type id of an object derived from a class inheriting SoAction. Needs to
       be overridden in all subclasses.

       Implements SoAction.

   void SoIntersectionDetectionAction::addMethod (const SoTypetype, SoActionMethodmethod)
       This API member is considered internal to the library, as it is not likely to be of
       interest to the application programmer.

   void SoIntersectionDetectionAction::enableElement (const SoTypetype, const intstackindex)
       This API member is considered internal to the library, as it is not likely to be of
       interest to the application programmer.

   const SoEnabledElementsList & SoIntersectionDetectionAction::getEnabledElements (void) const
       [protected],  [virtual]
       Returns a list of the elements used by action instances of this class upon traversal

       Reimplemented from SoAction.

   void SoIntersectionDetectionAction::setIntersectionDetectionEpsilon (floatepsilon)
       Sets the intersection detection distance epsilon value for the action object. This
       overrides the global value.

       See also SoIntersectionDetectionAction::setIntersectionEpsilon() for important information
       about how this setting influences performance.

   float SoIntersectionDetectionAction::getIntersectionDetectionEpsilon (void) const
       Returns the set intersection detection distance epsilon value for the action object.

   void SoIntersectionDetectionAction::setIntersectionEpsilon (floatepsilon) [static]
       Sets the global intersection detection distance epsilon value.

       This makes primitives within the epsilon distance be considered to intersect each other.

       This will affect all intersection detection action objects in use that don't have a
       locally set value.

       The epsilon value is a worldspace value.

       Be aware that increasing the epsilon value can dramatically increase the number of
       primitive intersection tests being done to decide intersections. Increasing the epsilon
       value can therefore cause serious slow-downs in the running time of the intersections

   float SoIntersectionDetectionAction::getIntersectionEpsilon (void) [static]
       Returns the globally set intersection detection distance epsilon value.

   void SoIntersectionDetectionAction::setTypeEnabled (SoTypetype, SbBoolenable)
       Sets whether nodes of specific types (including derived objects) should be tested for
       intersection or not.

       See Also:
           isTypeEnabled(), setManipsEnabled(), setDraggersEnabled()

   SbBool SoIntersectionDetectionAction::isTypeEnabled (SoTypetype, SbBoolcheckgroups = FALSE)
       Returns whether nodes of specific types are enabled or not. The checkgroups argument can
       be set to TRUE if you wan't the return value to reflect whether the node will be implicit
       enabled/disabled through the settings controlled by the setManipsEnabled() and
       setDraggersEnabled() functions.

       The default is that all node types are enabled.

       Note that derivation checks are not performed - the type needs to be the exact same type
       as has been disabled with setTypeEnabled()

       See Also:

   void SoIntersectionDetectionAction::setManipsEnabled (SbBoolenable)
       Sets whether manipulators in the scene graph should be tested for intersection with other
       geometry or not.

       Note that when draggers are disabled with setDraggersEnabled(), this setting has no effect
       - manipulators are disabled too.

       See Also:
           isManipsEnabled(), setDraggersEnabled(), setTypeEnabled()

   SbBool SoIntersectionDetectionAction::isManipsEnabled (void) const
       Returns whether the actions is set up to test intersection on manipulators in the scene or

       Note that when draggers are disabled with setDraggersEnabled(), this setting has no effect
       - manipulators are disabled too.

       The default is that manipulators are enabled for intersection testing with other geometry
       in the scene.

       See Also:

   void SoIntersectionDetectionAction::setDraggersEnabled (SbBoolenable)
       Sets whether draggers in the scene graph should be tested for intersection with other
       geometry or not.

       Note that when you disable draggers, manipulators are also automatically disabled,
       although the isManipsDisabled() setting might reflect otherwise.

       See Also:
           isDraggersEnabled(), setManipsEnabled(), setTypeEnabled()

   SbBool SoIntersectionDetectionAction::isDraggersEnabled (void) const
       Returns whether the actions is set up to test intersection on draggers in the scene or

       The default is that draggers are enabled for intersection testing with other geometry in
       the scene.

       See Also:

   void SoIntersectionDetectionAction::setShapeInternalsEnabled (SbBoolenable)
       Sets whether nodes in the scene graph should be checked for intersecting primitives within

       Default is FALSE.

       See Also:

   SbBool SoIntersectionDetectionAction::isShapeInternalsEnabled (void) const
       Returns whether nodes in the scene graph will be checked for intersecting primitives
       within themselves.

       The default value for this setting is FALSE.

       See Also:

   void SoIntersectionDetectionAction::addVisitationCallback (SoTypetype,
       SoIntersectionVisitationCB *cb, void *closure)
       The scene graph traversal can be controlled with callbacks which you set with this method.
       Use just like you would use SoCallbackAction::addPreCallback().

       See Also:

   void SoIntersectionDetectionAction::removeVisitationCallback (SoTypetype,
       SoIntersectionVisitationCB *cb, void *closure)
       The scene graph traversal can be controlled with callbacks which you remove with this
       method. Use just like you would use SoCallbackAction::removePreCallback().

       See Also:

   void SoIntersectionDetectionAction::apply (SoNode *root) [virtual]
       Applies the action to the scene graph rooted at root.

       Note that you should not apply an action to a node with a zero reference count. The
       behavior in that case is undefined.

       Reimplemented from SoAction.

   void SoIntersectionDetectionAction::apply (SoPath *path) [virtual]
       Applies the action to the parts of the graph defined by path.

       Note that an SoPath will also contain all nodes that may influence e.g. geometry nodes in
       the path. So for instance applying an SoGLRenderAction on an SoPath will render that path
       as expected in the view, where geometry will get its materials, textures, and other
       appearance settings correctly.

       If the path ends in an SoGroup node, the action will also traverse the tail node's

       Reimplemented from SoAction.

   void SoIntersectionDetectionAction::apply (const SoPathList &pathlist, SbBoolobeysrules =
       FALSE) [virtual]
       Applies action to the graphs defined by pathlist. If obeysrules is set to TRUE, pathlist
       must obey the following four conditions (which is the case for path lists returned from
       search actions for non-group nodes and path lists returned from picking actions):

       All paths must start at the same head node. All paths must be sorted in traversal order.
       The paths must be unique. No path can continue through the end point of another path.

       See Also:
           SoAction::apply(SoPath * path)

       Reimplemented from SoAction.

   void SoIntersectionDetectionAction::setFilterCallback (SoIntersectionFilterCB *cb, void
       *closure = NULL) [virtual]
       This callback is called when two shapes are found to have intersecting bounding boxes, and
       are about to be checked for real intersection between their primitives.

       When intersection epsilon values are in use, bounding box intersection testing is done
       approximately and will trigger the filter callback on boxes that are further from each
       other than the epsilon length.

       If the callback returns TRUE, the intersection test will be performed. If the callback
       returns FALSE, the intersection testing will be skipped.

       The API allows only one filter callback.

   void SoIntersectionDetectionAction::addIntersectionCallback (SoIntersectionCB *cb, void
       *closure = NULL) [virtual]
       Adds a callback to be called when two intersecting primitives are found in the scene.

       If the callback returns ABORT, the intersection detection is aborted. If the callback
       returns NEXT_SHAPE, the intersection detection between these two shapes are aborted and
       the action continues checking other shapes. If the callback returns NEXT_PRIMITIVE, the
       intersection detection testing continues checking the other primitives in these two

       See Also:

   void SoIntersectionDetectionAction::removeIntersectionCallback (SoIntersectionCB *cb, void
       *closure = NULL) [virtual]
       Removes a callback set with addIntersectionCallback().

       See Also:


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