Provided by: haveged_1.7c-1_amd64 bug


       haveged - Generate random numbers and feed linux random device.


       haveged [options]


       The  HAVEGE  (HArdware  Volatile  Entropy  Gathering and Expansion) algorithm harvests the
       indirect effects of hardware events on hidden processor state (caches, branch  predictors,
       memory  translation  tables, etc) to generate a random sequence.  The effects of interrupt
       service on processor state are visible from user land  as  timing  variations  in  program
       execution  speed. Using a branch-rich calculation that fills the processor instruction and
       data cache, a high resolution timer source such as the processor time  stamp  counter  can
       generate a random sequence even on an "idle" system.

       In  Linux,  the hardware events that are the ultimate source of any random number sequence
       are pooled for distribution by the /dev/random  and  /dev/urandom  device  interface.  The
       standard  mechanism  of  harvesting  randomness for the pool may not be sufficient to meet
       demand, especially on those systems with high needs or limited user  interaction.  Haveged
       provides  a  daemon  to fill /dev/random whenever the supply of random bits in /dev/random
       falls below the low water mark of the device.

       Haveged also provides a direct file system interface to the collection mechanism  that  is
       also  useful in other circumstances where access to the dev/random interface is either not
       available or inappropriate.

       The size of the processor level 1 instruction and data caches are used to tune the  HAVEGE
       algorithm  for maximum sensitivity. The sizes of these caches may be input directly on the
       command line. For sizes not  specified,  haveged  will  attempt  to  determine  the  sizes
       dynamically  from  the  Linux sysfs and/or cpuid instruction with a fallback to a compiled
       default (usually 16k) if better information is not available.

       Haveged includes a run time test facility based upon the test suite defined in the  AIS-31
       specification  from the  The German Federal Office for Information Security (Bundesamt für
       Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik). The test suite consists  of  9  statistical  tests
       packaged  into  two  test  suites  ("A"  and  "B"). The tests can be run at initialization
       (a.k.a. a "tot" test), or continuously to monitor all output.  Failure  of  a  suite  will
       terminate execution unless explicitly waived in the onlinetest command line option.

       Procedure  A  contains  6  test  procedures. The first test, 'test0', is run once. This is
       followed by 257 repetitions of the FIPS140-1 tests, 'test1' through 'test4', and an  auto-
       correlation  test,  'test5'.  The  fixed  size of the Procedure A input makes it ideal for
       continuous use but test5 is several orders of magnitude slower than any  other  individual
       AIS  test. As an alternative for those who cannot tolerate this load, procedure A variants
       A<n> are provided that execute all included  tests  but  executes  test5  only  every  2^n

       Procedure B contains 3 tests, 'test6', 'test7', 'test8'. Because first two tests check the
       distribution of disjoint bit sequences, the input size for the test is variable. The  last
       test  provides  an  entropy estimate of the input which makes this test well suited to the
       haveged daemon role.

       Each test procedure requires more than 1MB of data. In those cases where a continuous test
       procedure  cannot  be completed in the available buffer space (see --buffer), the complete
       buffer will be discarded on a single failed individual test  and  a  refill  initiated  to
       resolve the outcome of the built in retry before additional data becomes available.


       -b nnn, --buffer=nnn
              Set collection buffer size to nnn KW. Default is 128KW (or 512KB).

       -d nnn, --data=nnn
              Set data cache size to nnn KB. Default is 16 or as determined dynamically.

       -f file, --file=file
              Set output file path for non-daemon use. Default is "sample", use '-' for stdout.

       -F , --Foreground
              Run daemon in foreground. Do not fork and detach, use '-' for stdout.

       -i nnn, --inst=nnn
              Set instruction cache size to nnn KB. Default is 16 or as determined dynamically.

       -n nnn, --number=nnn
              Set  number  of  bytes written to the output file. The value may be specified using
              one of the suffixes k, m, g, or t. The upper bound of this  value  is  "16t"  (2^44
              Bytes  =  16TB).   A  value  of  0  indicates unbounded output and forces output to

       -o <spec>, --onlinetest=<spec>
              Specify online tests to run. The <spec> consists of optional 't'ot and 'c'ontinuous
              groups,  each  group indicates the procedures to be run, using "a<n>" to indicate a
              AIS-31 procedure A variant, and "b" to indicate AIS procedure B. The specifications
              are  order  independent (procedure B always runs first) and case insensitive. A "w"
              can be appended to any test token to make the test advisory only.  The  default  is
              "ta8bcb" if run as a daemon and "ta8b" otherwise.

              For example, the string "tbca8b" is suitable for an AIS NTG.1 device (use procedure
              B for the "tot" test, then cycle between procedure A8 and procedure B  continuously
              for  all  further  output).  The  default is "tb". Resources are allocated only for
              tests used, in minimal resource situations, "tc" can be used to disable all testing
              and avoid all test resource allocations.

       -p file, --pidfile=file
              Set file path for the daemon pid file. Default is "/var/run/",

       -r n, --run=n
              Set run level for daemon interface:

              n  =  0  Run  as daemon - must be root. Fills /dev/random when the supply of random
               falls below the low water mark of the device. This argument is required if the
               daemon interface is not present. If the daemon interface is present, this takes
               precedence over any -r value.

              n = 1 Display configuration info and terminate.

              n > 1 Write <n> kb of output.  Deprecated  (use  -n  instead),  only  provided  for
              backward compatibility.

       -v n, --verbose=n
              Set output level 0=minimal, 1=config/fill items, use -1 for all diagnostics.

       -w nnn, --write=nnn
              Set  write_wakeup_threshold  of  daemon  interface to nnn bits. Applies only to run
              level 0.

       -?, --help
              This summary of program options.


       The following diagnostics may be issued to stderr upon termination:

       Cannot fork into the background
              Call to daemon(3) failed.

       Cannot open file <s> for writing.
              Could not open sample file <s> for writing.

       Cannot write data in file:
              Could not write data to the sample file.

       Couldn't get poolsize.
              Unable to read /proc/sys/kernel/random/poolsize

       Couldn't initialize HAVEGE rng
              Invalid data or instruction cache size.

       Couldn't open PID file <s> for writing
              Unable to write daemon PID

       Couldn't open random device
              Could not open /dev/random for read-write.

       Couldn't query entropy-level from kernel: error
              Call to ioctl(2) failed.

       Couldn't open PID file <path> for writing
              Error writing /var/run/

              Unable to write to /proc/sys/kernel/random/write_wakeup_threshold

       RNDADDENTROPY failed!
              Call to ioctl(2) to add entropy failed

       RNG failed
              The random number generator failed self-test or encountered a fatal error.

       Select error
              Call to select(2) failed.

       Stopping due to signal
              Signal caught

       Unable to setup online tests
              Memory unavailable for online test resources.


       Write 1.5MB of random data to the file /tmp/random
              haveged -n 1.5M -f /tmp/random

       Generate a /tmp/keyfile for disk encryption with LUKS
              haveged -n 2048 -f /tmp/keyfile

       Overwrite partition /dev/sda1 with random data. Be careful, all data on the partition will
       be lost!
              haveged -n 0 | dd of=/dev/sda1

       Generate random ASCII passwords of the length 16 characters
              (haveged  -n  1000  -f  - 2>/dev/null | tr -cd '[:graph:]' | fold -w 16 && echo ) |

       Write endless stream of random bytes to the pipe. Utility pv measures the speed  by  which
       data are written to the pipe.
              haveged -n 0 | pv > /dev/null

       Evaluate speed of haveged to generate 1GB of random data
              haveged -n 1g -f - | dd of=/dev/null

       Create a random key file containing 65 random keys for the encryption program aespipe.
              haveged -n 3705 -f - 2>/dev/null | uuencode -m - | head -n 66 | tail -n 65

       Test the randomness of the generated data with dieharder test suite
              haveged -n 0 | dieharder -g 200 -a

       Generate  16k  of  data, testing with procedure A and B with detailed test results. Note c
       test never completes
              haveged -n 16k -o tba8ca8 -v 33

       Generate 16k of data as above with larger buffer. Note c test completion
              haveged -n 16k -o tba8ca8 -v 33 -b 256

       Generate 16m of data as above, Note c test completions with default buffer size.
              haveged -n 16m -o tba8ca8 -v 33


       libhavege(3), cryptsetup(8), aespipe(1), pv(1), openssl(1), uuencode(1)


       HArdware Volatile Entropy Gathering and Expansion: generating unpredictable random numbers
       at user level by A. Seznec, N. Sendrier, INRIA Research Report, RR-4592, October 2002

       A  proposal  for: Functionality classes for random number generators by W. Killmann and W.
       Schindler, version  2.0,  Bundesamt  fur  Sicherheit  in  der  Informationstechnik  (BSI),
       September, 2011

       A  Statistical  Test Suite for the Validation of Random NUmber Generators and Pseudorandom
       Number Generators for Cryptographic Applications, special publication  SP800-22,  National
       Institute of Standards and Technology, revised April, 2010


       Gary Wuertz <> and Jirka Hladky <hladky jiri AT gmail DOT com>

