Provided by: torque-scheduler_2.4.16+dfsg-1.3ubuntu1.1_amd64 bug


       pbs_sched_basl - pbs BASL scheduler


       pbs_sched [-d home] [-L logfile] [-p print_file] [-a alarm] [-S port] [-c configfile]


       The  pbs_sched  command  starts  the operation of a batch scheduler on the local host.  It
       runs in conjunction with the PBS server.  It queries the server about the state of PBS and
       communicates  with  pbs_mom  to  get  information about the status of running jobs, memory
       available etc.  It then makes decisions as to what jobs to run.

       Typically, this command will be in a local boot file such as /etc/rc.local .

       pbs_sched must be executed with root permission.


       -d home
              Specifies the name of the PBS home directory,  PBS_HOME.   If  not  specified,  the
              value  of  $PBS_SERVER_HOME  as  defined  at compile time is used.  Also see the -L

       -L logfile
            Specifies an absolute path name of  the  file  to  use  as  the  log  file.   If  not
            specified,  the  scheduler  will  open  a  file  named  for  the  current date in the
            PBS_HOME/sched_logs directory.  See the -d option.

       -p print_file
            This specifies the "print" file.  Any output from the scheduler code which is written
            to  standard  out  or standard error will be written to this file.  If this option is
            not given, the file used will be $PBS_HOME/sched_priv/sched_out. See the -d option.

       -a alarm
            This specifies the time in seconds to wait for  a  schedule  run  to  finish.   If  a
            scheduling  iteration  takes  too  long  to  finish, an alarm signal is sent, and the
            scheduler is restarted.  If a core file does not  exist  in  the  current  directory,
            abort()  is  called  and  a  core  file  is  generated.  The default for alarm is 180

       -S port
            Specifies a port on which to talk to the server. This  option  is  not  required.  It
            merely overides the default PBS scheduler port.

       -c configfile
            Specify a configuration file, see description below.  If this is a relative file name
            it will be relative to PBS_HOME/sched_priv, see the -d option.  If the -c  option  is
            not  supplied, pbs_sched will not attempt to open a configuration file. In BASL, this
            config file is almost always needed because it is where the list of  servers,  nodes,
            and host resource queries are specified by the administrator.


       This version of the scheduler requires knowledge of the BASL language. The site must first
       write a function  called  sched_main()  (and  all  functions  supporting  it)  using  BASL
       constructs, and then translate the functions into C using the BASL compiler basl2c , which
       would also attach a main program to  the  resulting  code.   This  main  program  performs
       general  initialization  and  housekeeping  chores  such  as  setting  up  local socket to
       communicate with the server running on the same machine, cd-ing  to  the  priv  directory,
       opening  log  files,  opening  configuration  file (if any), setting up locks, forking the
       child to become a daemon, initializing a scheduling cycle (i.e.  get node attributes  that
       are  static  in  nature),  setting up the signal handlers, executing global initialization
       assignment statements specified by the scheduler writer, and finally  sitting  on  a  loop
       waiting  for  a scheduling command from the server. When the server sends the scheduler an
       appropriate scheduling command  {SCH_SCHEDULE_NEW,  SCH_SCHEDULE_TERM,  SCH_SCHEDULE_TIME,
       SCH_SCHEDULE_RECYC,  SCH_SCHEDULE_CMD,  SCH_SCHEDULE_FIRST},  information about server(s),
       jobs, queues, and execution host(s) are obtained, and then sched_main() is called.


       The BAtch Scheduling Language (BASL) is a C-like procedural language. It provides a number
       of  constructs  and  predefined  functions that facilitate dealing with scheduling issues.
       Information about a PBS server, the queues that it owns, jobs residing on each queue,  and
       the  computational  nodes  where  jobs  can  be  run, are accessed via the BASL data types
       Server, Que, Job, CNode, Set Server, Set Que, Set Job, and Set CNode.

       The following simple sched_main() will cause the server to run  all  queued  jobs  on  the
       local server:

                      Server  s;
                      Que     q;
                      Job     j;
                      Set Que queues;
                      Set Job jobs;

                      s = AllServersLocalHostGet(); // get local server
                      queues = ServerQueuesGet(s);

                      foreach( q in queues ) {
                              jobs = QueJobsGet(q);
                              foreach( j in jobs ) {
                                       JobAction(j, SYNCRUN, NULLSTR);


       For a more complete discussion of the Batch Scheduler Language, see basl2c(1B) .


       A  configuration  file  may be specified with the -c option.  This file is used to specify
       the (1) hosts which are allowed to connect to pbs_sched, (2) the list of server hosts  for
       which the scheduler writer wishes the system to periodically check for status, queues, and
       jobs info, (3) list of execution hosts for which the scheduler writer wants the system  to
       periodically  check  for  information  like  state,  property,  and so on, and (4) various
       queries to send to each execution host.

       (1) specifying client hosts:
             The hosts allowed to connect to pbs_sched are specified in the configuration file in
             a  manner  identical  to that used in pbs_mom.  There is one line per host using the

             $clienthost   hostname

             where clienthost and hostname are separated by white  space.   Two  host  names  are
             always  allowed  to  connection  to  pbs_sched: "localhost" and the name returned to
             pbs_sched by the system call gethostname().  These names need not  be  specified  in
             the configuration file.

       (2) specifying list of servers:
             The list of servers is specified in a one host per line manner, using the syntax:

             $serverhost hostname port_number
             or where $server_host, hostname, and port_number are separated by white space.

             If port_number is 0, then the default PBS server port will be used.

             Regardless  of  what has been specified in the file, the list of servers will always
             include the local server - one running on the  same  host  where  the  scheduler  is

             Within  the  BASL  code,  access  to  data of the list of servers is done by calling
             AllServersGet(), or AllServersLocalHostGet() which returns the local server  on  the

       (3) specifying the list of execution hosts:
             The  list  of  execution  hosts  (nodes),  whose  MOMs  are  to  be queried from the
             scheduler, is specified in a one host per line manner, using the syntax:

             $momhost hostname port_number

             where $momhost, hostname, and port_number are separated by white space.

             If port_number is 0, then the default PBS MOM port will be used.

             The BASL function AllNodesGet()  ,  or  ServerNodesGet(AllServersLocalHostGet())  is
             available for getting the list of nodes known to the local system.

       (4) specifying the list of host resources:
             For  specifying  the  list of host resource queries to send to each execution host's
             MOM, the following syntax is used:

             $node node_name CNode..Get host_resource

             node_name should be the same hostname string that was specified in a $momhost  line.
             A node_name value of "*" (wildcard) means to match any node.

             Please  consult  section 9 of the PBS ERS (Resource Monitor/Resources) for a list of
             possible values to host_resource parameter.

             CNode..Get refers to the actual function name that is called from the scheduler code
             to  obtain  the  return  values  to  host  resource queries.  The list of CNode..Get
             function names that can appear in the configuration file are:


             STATIC function names  return  values  that  are  obtained  only  during  the  first
             scheduling  cycle, or when the scheduler is instructed to reconfig; whereas, DYNAMIC
             function names return attribute values that are taken at every subsequent scheduling

             name  and  type  are  arbitrarily  defined. For example, you can choose to have name
             defined as "$FASTDIR" for the CNodeSrfs* calls,  and  a  sample  configuration  file
             entry would look like:

                $node unicos8 CNodeSrfsSpaceAvailGet[$FASTDIR]

             So  in  a  BASL  code, if you call CNodeSrfsSpaceAvailGet(node, "$FASTDIR"), then it
             will return  the  value  to  the  query  "quota[type=ares_avail,dir=$FASTDIR]"  (3rd
             parameter) as sent to the node's MOM.

             By  default,  the  scheduler  has already internally defined the following mappings,
             which can be overriden in the configuration file:

             keyword  node_name   CNode..Get        host_resource
             =======  =========   ================  =============
             $node    *           CNodeOsGet        arch
             $node    *           CNodeLoadAveGet   loadave
             $node    *           CNodeIdletimeGet  idletime

             The above means that for all declared nodes (via $momhost), the host  queries  arch,
             loadave, and idletime will be sent to each node's MOM. The value to arch is obtained
             internally by the system during the first scheduling cycle because  it  falls  under
             STATIC  category, while values to loadave and idletime are taken at every scheduling
             iteration because they fall under the DYNAMIC category. Access to the return  values
             is     done     by     calling    CNodeOsGet(node),    CNodeLoadAveGet(node),    and
             CNodeIdletimeGet(node), respectively.  The following are some sample $node arguments
             that you may put in the configuration file.
             node_name           CNode..Get                       host res
             ==================  =========================        ==========
             <sunos4_nodename>   CNodeIdletimeGet                 idletime
             <sunos4_nodename>   CNodeLoadAveGet                  loadave
             <sunos4_nodename>   CNodeMemTotalGet[real]           physmem
             <sunos4_nodename>   CNodeMemTotalGet[virtual]        totmem
             <sunos4_nodename>   CNodeMemAvailGet[virtual]        availmem

             <irix5_nodename>    CNodeNumCpusGet                  ncpus
             <irix5_nodename>    CNodeMemTotalGet[real]           physmem
             <irix5_nodename>    CNodeMemTotalGet[virtual]        totmem
             <irix5_nodename>    CNodeIdletimeGet                 idletime
             <irix5_nodename>    CNodeLoadAveGet                  loadave
             <irix5_nodename>    CNodeMemAvailGet[virtual]        availmem

             <linux_nodename>    CNodeNumCpusGet                  ncpus
             <linux_nodename>    CNodeMemTotalGet[real]           physmem
             <linux_nodename>    CNodeMemTotalGet[virtual]        totmem
             <linux_nodename>    CNodeIdletimeGet                 idletime
             <linux_nodename>    CNodeLoadAveGet                  loadave
             <linux_nodename>    CNodeMemAvailGet[virtual]        availmem

             <solaris5_nodename> CNodeIdletimeGet                 idletime
             <solaris5_nodename> CNodeLoadAveGet                  loadave
             <solaris5_nodename> CNodeNumCpusGet                  ncpus
             <solaris5_nodename> CNodeMemTotalGet[real]           physmem

             <aix4_nodename>     CNodeIdletimeGet                 idletime
             <aix4_nodename>     CNodeLoadAveGet                  loadave
             <aix4_nodename>     CNodeMemTotalGet[virtual]        totmem
             <aix4_nodename>     CNodeMemAvailGet[virtual]        availmem

             <unicos8_nodename>  CNodeIdletimeGet                 idletime
             <unicos8_nodename>  CNodeLoadAveGet                  loadave
             <unicos8_nodename>  CNodeNumCpusGet                  ncpus
             <unicos8_nodename>  CNodeMemTotalGet[real]           physme
             <unicos8_nodename>  CNodeMemAvailGet[virtual]        availmem
             <unicos8_nodename>  CNodeSwapSpaceTotalGet[primary]  swaptotal
             <unicos8_nodename>  CNodeSwapSpaceAvailGet[primary]  swapavail
             <unicos8_nodename>  CNodeSwapInBwGet[primary]        swapinrate
             <unicos8_nodename>  CNodeSwapOutBwGet[primary]       swapoutrate
             <unicos8_nodename>  CNodePercentIdleGet              cpuidle
             <unicos8_nodename>  CNodePercentSysGet               cpuunix
             <unicos8_nodename>  CNodePercentGuestGet             cpuguest
             <unicos8_nodename>  CNodePercentUsrGet               cpuuser
             <unicos8_nodename>  CNodeSrfsSpaceAvailGet[$FASTDIR] quota[type

             <unicos8_nodename>  CNodeSrfsSpaceAvailGet[$BIGDIR]  quota[type

             <unicos8_nodename>  CNodeSrfsSpaceAvailGet[$WRKDIR]  quota[type

             <sp2_nodename>      CNodeLoadAveGet                  loadave

             Suppose   you   have  an  execution  host  that  is  of  irix5  os  type,  then  the
             <irix5_node_name> entries will be consulted by the scheduler. The initial scheduling
             cycle  would  involve   sending  the  STATIC  queries  ncpus, physmem, totmem to the
             execution host's MOM, and access to  return  values  of  the  queries  is  done  via
             CNodeNumCpusGet(node),    CNodeMemTotalGet(node,   "real"),   CNodeMemTotalGet(node,
             "virtual") respectively, where node is the CNode  representation  of  the  execution
             host.   The  subsequent  scheduling  cycles will only send DYNAMIC queries idletime,
             loadave, and availmem, and access to the return values of the queries  is  done  via
             CNodeIdleTimeGet(node),  CNodeLoadAveGet(node),  CNodeMemAvailGet(node,  "virtual").

       "Later" entries in the config file take precedence.

       The configuration file must be "secure".  It must be owned by a user id and group id  less
       than 10 and not be world writable.

       On receipt of a SIGHUP signal, the scheduler will close and reopen its log file and reread
       its configuration file (if any).


                 the     default     directory     for     configuration     files,     typically

Signal Handling

       A C based scheduler will handle the following signals:

       SIGHUP The  server  will  close  and reopen its log file and reread the config file if one

              If the site supplied scheduling module exceeds the time limit, the Alarm will cause
              the scheduler to attempt to core dump and restart itself.

              Will result in an orderly shutdown of the scheduler.

       All other signals have the default action installed.


       Upon normal termination, an exit status of zero is returned.


       basl2c(1B), pbs_sched_tcl(8B), pbs_server(8B), and pbs_mom(8B).
       PBS Internal Design Specification