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Temporal data processing in GRASS GIS

       The temporal enabled GRASS introduces three new datatypes that are designed to handle time
       series data:

           •   Space time raster datasets (strds) are designed to manage raster map time  series.
               Modules that process strds have the naming prefix t.rast.

           •   Space  time  3D raster datasets (str3ds) are designed to manage 3D raster map time
               series. Modules that process str3ds have the naming prefix t.rast3d.

           •   Space time vector datasets (stvds) are designed to manage vector map time  series.
               Modules that process stvds have the naming prefix t.vect.
       These new data types can be managed, analyzed and processed with temporal modules that are
       based on the GRASS GIS temporal framework.

   Temporal data management in general
       Space time datasets are stored in a temporal database. SQLite3 or PostgreSQL are supported
       as  SQL  database back end. Temporal databases stored in other mapsets can be used as long
       as they are in the user’s current mapset search path (managed with g.mapsets).

       Connection settings are performed with t.connect.  As default a sqlite3 database  will  be
       created  in  the  current  mapset  that stores all space time datasets and registered time
       series maps.

       New space time datasets are created in the temporal database with t.create.  The  name  of
       the  new  dataset,  the type (strds, str3ds, stvds), the title and the description must be
       provided for creation. Optional  the  temporal  type  (absolute,  relative)  and  semantic
       information can be provided.

       The  module  t.remove  will remove the space time datasets from the temporal database. Use to modify the metadata of space time datasets or to update the metadata that  is
       derived  from  registered  maps. This module also checks for removed and modified maps and
       updates the space time datasets accordingly.  Rename a space time dataset with t.rename.

       The module t.register is designed to register raster, 3D raster and  vector  maps  in  the
       temporal  database  and  optionally  in  a space time dataset. It supports different input
       options. Maps to register can be provided as a comma separated string at the command line,
       or  in an input file. The module supports the definition of time stamps (time instances or
       intervals) for each map in the input file.  With  t.unregister maps  can  be  unregistered
       from space time datasets and the temporal database.

       To  print information about space time datasets or registered maps, the module can
       be used.  t.list will list all space time datasets and registered  maps  in  the  temporal

       To  compute and check the temporal topology of a space time datasets the module t.topology
       was designed. The module t.sample samples input space time dataset(s) with a sample  space
       time  dataset  and  print the result to standard output.  Several different sample methods
       are supported that can be combined.

       List of general management modules:

           •   t.connect

           •   t.create

           •   t.rename

           •   t.remove

           •   t.register

           •   t.unregister


           •   t.list

           •   t.sample


           •   t.topology

   Modules to visualize space time datasets and temporal data
           •   g.gui.animation

           •   g.gui.timeline

           •   g.gui.mapswipe

   Modules to process space time raster datasets
       The focus of the temporal GIS framework is the processing  and  analysis  of  raster  time
       series.  Hence  the  majority  of  the temporal modules are designed to process space time
       raster datasets. However, there are several  modules  to  process  space  time  3D  raster
       datasets and space time vector datasets.

   Querying and map calculation
       Registered  maps  of  a  space  time raster datasets can be listed using t.rast.list. This
       module supports several methods how the  maps  should  be  listed  using  SQL  queries  do
       determine  how  they are selected and sorted. Subsets of space time raster datasets can be
       extracted with t.rast.extract that allows additionally to perform  mapcalc  operations  on
       the selected raster maps.

           •   t.rast.extract

           •   t.rast.gapfill

           •   t.rast.mapcalc

           •   t.rast.colors

           •   t.rast.neighbors
       Additionally, there is v.what.strds.

   Aggregation and accumulation analysis
       The  temporal framework support the aggregation of space time raster datasets. It provides
       three modules to perform aggregation using different approaches. To aggregate a space time
       raster   map  using  a  temporal  granularity  like  4  months,  7  days  and  so  on  use
       t.rast.aggregate. The module t.rast.aggregate.ds allows  the  aggregation  of  raster  map
       series  using  the intervals of the maps (raster, 3D raster and vector) of a 2. space time
       dataset. A simple interface to r.series is the module  t.rast.series  that  processes  the
       whole input space time raster dataset or a subset of it.

           •   t.rast.aggregate

           •   t.rast.aggregate.ds

           •   t.rast.series

           •   t.rast.accumulate

           •   t.rast.accdetect

   Export/import conversion
       Space  time  raster datasets can be exported with t.rast.export as compressed tar archive.
       Such archives can be imported using t.rast.import,

       The module converts space time  raster  datasets  into  space  time  voxel
       cubes.  All  3D  raster  modules  can be used to process such voxel cubes. This conversion
       allows the export of space time raster datasets as netcdf files that include time  as  one

           •   t.rast.export

           •   t.rast.import

           •   t.rast.out.vtk


           •   r3.out.netcdf

   Statistics and gap filling
           •   t.rast.gapfill

           •   t.rast.univar

   Modules to manage, process and analyze STR3DS and STVDS
       Several  space time vector dataset modules were developed, to allow the handling of vector
       time series data.

           •   t.vect.extract

           •   t.vect.import

           •   t.vect.export

           •   t.vect.observe.strds

           •   t.vect.univar

           •   t.vect.what.strds

       The space time 3D raster dataset modules are  doing  exactly  the  same  as  their  raster
       pendants but with 3D raster map layers:

           •   t.rast3d.list

           •   t.rast3d.extract

           •   t.rast3d.mapcalc

           •   t.rast3d.univar

   See also
           •   Gebbert,   S.,  Pebesma,  E.,  2014.  TGRASS:  A  temporal  GIS  for  field  based
               environmental modeling. Environmental Modelling & Software 53, 1-12.  (DOI)

           •   Temporal data processing (Wiki)

           •   Vaclav Petras, Anna  Petrasova,  Helena  Mitasova,  Markus  Neteler,  FOSS4G  2014
               Spatio-temporal data handling and visualization in GRASS GIS

           •   GEOSTAT 2012 TGRASS Course

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       © 2003-2016 GRASS Development Team, GRASS GIS 7.0.3 Reference Manual