Provided by: vsearch_1.1.3+dfsg-1_amd64 bug


       vsearch  —  chimera  detection,  clustering,  dereplication,  masking, pairwise alignment,
       searching, shuffling and sorting of amplicons from metagenomic projects.


       Chimera detection:
              vsearch --uchime_denovo fastafile (--chimeras | --nonchimeras | --uchimealns |
              --uchimeout) outputfile [options]

              vsearch --uchime_ref fastafile (--chimeras | --nonchimeras | --uchimealns |
              --uchimeout) outputfile --db fastafile [options]

              vsearch (--cluster_fast | --cluster_size | --cluster_smallmem) fastafile (--alnout
              | --blast6out | --centroids | --clusters | --msaout | --samout | --uc | --userout)
              outputfile --id real [options]

              vsearch --derep_fulllength fastafile (--output | --uc) outputfile [options]

              vsearch --maskfasta fastafile --output outputfile [options]

       Pairwise alignment:
              vsearch --allpairs_global fastafile (--alnout | --blast6out | --matched |
              --notmatched | --samout | --uc | --userout) outputfile (--acceptall | --id real)

              vsearch --usearch_global fastafile --db fastafile (--alnout | --blast6out |
              --samout | --uc | --userout) outputfile --id real [options]

              vsearch --shuffle fastafile --output outputfile [options]

              vsearch (--sortbylength | --sortbysize) fastafile --output outputfile [options]


       Environmental  or clinical molecular diversity studies generate large volumes of amplicons
       (e.g. SSU-rRNA sequences) that need to be  checked  for  chimeras,  dereplicated,  masked,
       sorted,  searched,  clustered or compared to reference sequences. The aim of vsearch is to
       offer a all-in-one open source tool to perform  these  tasks,  using  optimized  algorithm
       implementations and harvesting the full potential of modern computers, thus providing fast
       and accurate data processing.

       Comparing nucleotide sequences is at the core of vsearch. To speed up comparisons, vsearch
       implements  an extremely fast implementation of the Needleman-Wunsch algorithm, making use
       of the Streaming SIMD Extensions (SSE2) of modern x86-64 CPUs. If  SSE2  instructions  are
       not  available,  vsearch  exits with an error message. For comparisons involving sequences
       longer than 5,000 nucleotides, vsearch uses a slower alignment method with smaller  memory

       vsearch  input  is  a  fasta file containing one or several nucleotide sequences. For each
       sequence, the sequence identifier is defined as  the  string  comprised  between  the  ">"
       symbol  and  the first space, or the end of the line, whichever comes first. Additionally,
       if the line starts with ">[;]size=integer;label", contains ">label;size=integer;label"  or
       ends  with  ">label;size=integer[;]",  vsearch  will remove the pattern [;]size=integer[;]
       from the header and interpret integer as the number of occurrences (or abundance)  of  the
       sequence  in  the  study.  That  abundance  information  is used or created during chimera
       detection, clustering, dereplication, sorting and searching.

       The nucleotide sequence is defined  as  a  string  of  IUPAC  symbols  (ACGTURYSWKMDBHVN),
       starting  after the end of the identifier line and ending before the next identifier line,
       or the file end. vsearch silently ignores ascii characters 9 to  13,  and  exits  with  an
       error  message  if  ascii  characters  0 to 8, 14 to 31, "." or "-" are present. All other
       ascii or non-ascii characters are stripped and complained about in a non-blocking  warning

       vsearch operations are case insensitive, except when soft masking is activated. When using
       clustering, masking or searching commands, the case is important if soft masking is  used.
       Soft  masking  is  specified  with the options "--dbmask soft" (for searching) or "--qmask
       soft" (for searching, clustering and masking). When using soft masking, lower case letters
       indicate masked symbols, while upper case letters indicate regular symbols. Masked symbols
       are never included in the unique k-mers used  in  searching.  When  soft  masking  is  not
       activated, all letters are converted to upper case internally and used in result files.

       When   comparing   sequences   during  chimera  detection,  dereplication,  searching  and
       clustering, T and U are considered identical, regardless of their case. If two symbols are
       not  identical,  their  alignment will result in the negative mismatch score (default -4),
       except if one or both of the symbols are ambiguous (RYSWKMDBHVN) in which case  the  score
       is  zero. Alignment of two identical ambiguous symbols (e.g. R vs R) also receives a score
       of zero.

       vsearch can be compiled to  accepted  compressed  fasta  files  as  input  (gz  and  bzip2
       formats).  On  the other hand, special files like pipes, named pipes, or sockets cannot be
       used as input. To present a progress indicator, vsearch  needs  to  seek  to  the  end  of
       filename to find its length. Consequently, filename must be a regular file, not a stream.

       vsearch  recognizes a large number of command-line options. For easier navigation, options
       are grouped  below  by  theme  (chimera  detection,  clustering,  dereplication,  masking,
       shuffling,  sorting,  and  searching).  We  start  with  general options that apply to all

       General options:

              --fasta_width positive integer
                       Fasta files produced by vsearch are  wrapped  (sequences  are  written  on
                       lines  of  integer  nucleotides,  80  by  default). Set that value to 0 to
                       eliminate the wrapping.

              --help   Display a short help and exit.

              --log filename
                       Write messages to the specified log  file.  Information  written  includes
                       program  version,  amount of memory available, number of cores and command
                       line options. The start and finish times are also recorded as well as  the
                       elapsed  time.  The  maximum  amount  of memory consumed is included.  The
                       different commands will usually also write some  information  about  their
                       results. Both fatal, warning and informational messages are written.

              --maxseqlength positive integer
                       All  vsearch  operations will discard sequences of length equal or greater
                       than integer (50,000 nucleotides by default).

              --minseqlength positive integer
                       All vsearch operations will  discard  sequences  of  length  smaller  than
                       integer  (1 nucleotide by default for sorting or shuffling, 32 nucleotides
                       for clustering, dereplication or searching).

                       Do not truncate sequence labels at first space, use  the  full  header  in
                       output files.

              --quiet  Suppress  all  output  to  stdout and stdout except for warnings and fatal
                       error messages.

                       Output version information and exit.

       Chimera detection options:

              Chimera detection is based on a scoring function controlled by five options  (--dn,
              --mindiffs,  --mindiv,  --minh,  --xn).  Sequences  are  first sorted by decreasing
              abundance  (if  available),  and  compared  on  their  plus   strand   only   (case

              In  de  novo  mode,  input fasta file should present abundance annotations (pattern
              [;]size=integer[;] in the fasta header). The input  order  influences  the  chimera
              detection,  so  we  recommend to sort sequences by decreasing abundance (default of
              --derep_fulllength command). If your sequence set needs to be  sorted,  please  see
              the --sortbysize command in the sorting section.

              --abskew real
                       When using --uchime_denovo, the abundance skew is used to distinguish in a
                       3-way alignment which sequence is the chimera and which are  the  parents.
                       The  assumption  is  that  chimeras  appear later in the PCR amplification
                       process and are therefore less abundant than their  parents.  The  default
                       value is 2.0, which means that the parents should be at least 2 times more
                       abundant than their chimera. Any positive value greater than  1.0  can  be

              --alignwidth positive integer
                       Width of the 3-way alignments in --uchimealns output. The default value is
                       80. Set to 0 to eliminate wrapping.

              --chimeras filename
                       Output chimeric sequences to filename, in fasta format. Output  order  may
                       vary when using multiple threads.

              --db filename
                       When   using  --uchime_ref,  detect  chimeras  using  the  fasta-formatted
                       reference sequences contained in filename. Reference sequences are assumed
                       to  be  chimera-free.  Chimeras  will not be detected if their parents (or
                       sufficiently close relatives) are not present in the database.

              --dn real
                       No vote  pseudo-count  (parameter  n  in  the  chimera  scoring  function)
                       (default value is 1.4).

              --mindiffs positive integer
                       Minimum number of differences per segment (default value is 3).

              --mindiv real
                       Minimum divergence from closest parent (default value is 0.8).

              --minh real
                       Minimum  score  (h).  Increasing  this value tends to reduce the number of
                       false positives and to decrease sensitivity. Default value  is  0.28,  and
                       values ranging from 0.0 to 1.0 included are accepted.

              --nonchimeras filename
                       Output  non-chimeric  sequences to filename, in fasta format. Output order
                       may vary when using multiple threads.

              --self   When using --uchime_ref,  ignore  a  reference  sequence  when  its  label
                       matches the label of the query sequence (useful to estimate false-positive
                       rate in reference sequences).

              --selfid When using --uchime_ref, ignore a reference sequence when  its  nucleotide
                       sequence is strictly identical with the query sequence.

              --threads positive integer
                       Number  of  computation  threads to use (1 to 256) with --uchime_ref.  The
                       number of threads should be lesser or equal to the number of available CPU
                       cores.  The  default  is  to use all available resources and to launch one
                       thread per logical core.

              --uchime_denovo filename
                       Detect chimeras present in the fasta-formatted filename, without  external
                       references (i.e. de novo). Automatically sort the sequences in filename by
                       decreasing abundance beforehand (see the  sorting  section  for  details).
                       Multithreading is not supported.

              --uchime_ref filename
                       Detect  chimeras present in the fasta-formatted filename by comparing them
                       with reference sequences (option --db). Multithreading is supported.

              --uchimealns filename
                       Write the 3-way global alignments (parentA, parentB, chimera) to  filename
                       using  a  human-readable  format.  Use  --alignwidth  to  modify alignment
                       length. Output order may vary when using multiple threads.

              --uchimeout filename
                       Write chimera detection results to filename using the uchime tab-separated
                       format of 18 fields (see the list below). Use --uchimeout5 to use a format
                       compatible with usearch v5 and earlier versions.  Rows  output  order  may
                       vary when using multiple threads.

                              1.  score: higher score means a more likely chimeric alignment.

                              2.  Q: query sequence label.

                              3.  A: parent A sequence label.

                              4.  B: parent B sequence label.

                              5.  T:  top  parent sequence label (i.e. parent most similar to the
                                  query). That field is removed when using --uchimeout5.

                              6.  idQM: percentage of similarity  of  query  (Q)  and  model  (M)
                                  constructed as a part of parent A and a part of parent B.

                              7.  idQA: percentage of similarity of query (Q) and parent A.

                              8.  idQB: percentage of similarity of query (Q) and parent B.

                              9.  idAB: percentage of similarity of parent A and parent B.

                              10. idQT: percentage of similarity of query (Q) and top parent (T).

                              11. LY: yes votes in the left part of the model.

                              12. LN: no votes in the left part of the model.

                              13. LA: abstain votes in the left part of the model.

                              14. RY: yes votes in the right part of the model.

                              15. RN: no votes in the right part of the model.

                              16. RA: abstain votes in the right part of the model.

                              17. div: divergence, defined as (idQM - idQT).

                              18. YN:  query is chimeric (Y), or not (N), or is a borderline case

                       When using --uchimeout, write  chimera  detection  results  using  a  tab-
                       separated  format  of  17  fields  (drop  the  5th  field of --uchimeout),
                       compatible with usearch version 5 and earlier versions.

              --xn real
                       No vote weight (parameter beta in the scoring function) (default value  is

       Clustering options:

              vsearch  implements a single-pass, greedy star-clustering algorithm, similar to the
              algorithms implemented in usearch, DNAclust and sumaclust  for  example.  Important
              parameters  are  the  global  clustering threshold (--id) and the pairwise identity
              definition (--iddef).

              --centroids filename
                       Output cluster centroid  sequences  to  filename,  in  fasta  format.  The
                       centroid  is the sequence that seeded the cluster (i.e. the first sequence
                       of the cluster).

              --cluster_fast filename
                       Clusterize the  fasta  sequences  in  filename,  automatically  perform  a
                       sorting by decreasing sequence length beforehand.

              --cluster_size filename
                       Clusterize  the  fasta  sequences  in  filename,  automatically  perform a
                       sorting by decreasing sequence abundance beforehand.

              --cluster_smallmem filename
                       Clusterize the fasta sequences in filename without automatically modifying
                       their  order  beforehand. Sequence are expected to be sorted by decreasing
                       sequence length, unless --usersort is used.

              --clusters string
                       Output each cluster to a separate fasta file using the prefix string and a
                       ticker (0, 1, 2, etc.) to construct the path and filenames.

              --consout filename
                       Output  cluster  consensus  sequences  to  filename.  For  each cluster, a
                       multiple alignment is computed, and a consensus sequence is constructed by
                       taking  the  majority  symbol  (nucleotide or gap) from each column of the
                       alignment. Columns containing a majority of gaps are skipped,  except  for
                       terminal gaps.

              --id real
                       Do  not  add  the  target to the cluster if the pairwise identity with the
                       centroid is lower than real (value ranging from 0.0 to 1.0 included).  The
                       pairwise  identity  is  defined  as  the  number  of  (matching columns) /
                       (alignment length - terminal gaps). That definition  can  be  modified  by

              --iddef 0|1|2|3|4
                       Change the pairwise identity definition used in --id. Values accepted are:

                              0.  CD-HIT  definition:  (matching  columns)  /  (shortest sequence

                              1.  edit distance: (matching columns) / (alignment length).

                              2.  edit distance excluding terminal gaps (same as --id).

                              3.  Marine Biological Lab definition  counting  each  extended  gap
                                  (internal   or   terminal)   as  a  single  difference:  1.0  -
                                  [(mismatches + gaps)/(longest sequence length)]

                              4.  BLAST definition, equivalent to  --iddef  2  in  a  context  of
                                  global pairwise alignment.

              --msaout filename
                       Output  a  multiple  sequence  alignment and a consensus sequence for each
                       cluster  to  filename,  in  fasta  format.  The  consensus   sequence   is
                       constructed  by  taking  the majority symbol (nucleotide or gap) from each
                       column of the  alignment.  Columns  containing  a  majority  of  gaps  are
                       skipped, except for terminal gaps.

              --qmask none|dust|soft
                       Mask simple repeats and low-complexity regions in sequences using the dust
                       or the soft algorithms, or do not mask (none). Warning,  when  using  soft
                       masking,  clustering  becomes case sensitive. The default is to mask using

              --sizein Take into account the abundance annotations present  in  the  input  fasta
                       file (search for the pattern "[>;]size=integer[;]" in sequence headers).

                       Add  abundance  annotations  to  the  output  fasta files (add the pattern
                       ";size=integer;" to sequence headers). If --sizein is specified, abundance
                       annotations  are  reported  to  output  files,  and  each cluster centroid
                       receives a new abundance value corresponding to the total abundance of the
                       amplicons included in the cluster (--centroids option). If --sizein is not
                       specified, input abundances are set to 1 for amplicons, and to the  number
                       of amplicons per cluster for centroids.

              --strand plus|both
                       When comparing sequences with the cluster seed, check the plus strand only
                       (default) or check both strands.

              --threads positive integer
                       Number of computation threads to use (1 to 256).  The  number  of  threads
                       should  be  lesser  or  equal  to  the  number of available CPU cores. The
                       default is to use all available resources and to  launch  one  thread  per
                       logical core.

              --uc filename
                       Output  clustering  results  in filename using a uclust-like format. For a
                       description            of            the            format,            see

                       When  using --cluster_smallmem, allow any sequence input order, not just a
                       decreasing length ordering.

              Most searching options also apply to clustering:
                       --alnout, --blast6out, --fastapairs, --matched, --notmatched, --maxaccept,
                       --maxreject,  --samout,  --userout,  --userfields,  score  filtering,  gap
                       penalties, masking. (see the Searching section).

       Dereplication options:

              --derep_fulllength filename
                       Merge  strictly  identical  sequences  contained  in  filename.  Identical
                       sequences  are  defined  as  having the same length and the same string of
                       nucleotides (case insensitive, T and U are considered the same).

              --maxuniquesize positive integer
                       Discard sequences with an abundance value greater than integer.

              --minuniquesize positive integer
                       Discard sequences with an abundance value smaller than integer.

              --output filename
                       Write the dereplicated sequences to filename, in fasta format  and  sorted
                       by  decreasing  abundance.  Identical  sequences receive the header of the
                       first sequence of their  group.  If  --sizeout  is  used,  the  number  of
                       occurrences  (i.e.  abundance) of each sequence is indicated at the end of
                       their fasta header using the pattern ";size=integer;".

              --sizein Take into account the abundance annotations present  in  the  input  fasta
                       file (search for the pattern "[>;]size=integer[;]" in sequence headers).

                       Add  abundance  annotations  to  the  output  fasta  file (add the pattern
                       ";size=integer;" to sequence headers).  If  --sizein  is  specified,  each
                       unique  sequence receives a new abundance value corresponding to its total
                       abundance (sum of the abundances of its occurrences). If --sizein  is  not
                       specified,  input  abundances  are  set  to  1,  and  each unique sequence
                       receives a new abundance value corresponding to its number of  occurrences
                       in the input file.

              --strand plus|both
                       When  searching  for  strictly  identical sequences, check the plus strand
                       only (default) or check both strands.

              --topn positive integer
                       Output only the top integer sequences (i.e. the most abundant).

              --uc filename
                       Output dereplication results in filename using a uclust-like format. For a
                       description            of            the            format,            see
                       <>.  In  the   context   of
                       dereplication, the option --uc_allhits has no effect on the --uc output.

       Masking options:

              An  input  sequence  can  be composed of lower- or uppercase nucleotides. Lowercase
              nucleotides are silently set to uppercase before masking, unless the  --qmask  soft
              option  is  used.  Here  are  the  results  of combined masking options --qmask (or
              --dbmask for database sequences) and  --hardmask,  assuming  each  input  sequences
              contains both lower and uppercase nucleotides:

              qmask   hardmask                       action
              none    off        no masking, all symbols uppercased
              none    on         no masking, all symbols uppercased
              dust    off        masked symbols lowercased, others uppercased
              dust    on         masked symbols changed to Ns, others uppercased
              soft    off        lowercase symbols masked, no case changes
              soft    on         lowercase symbols masked and changed to Ns

                       Mask  low-complexity  regions by replacing them with Ns instead of setting
                       them to lower case.

              --maskfasta filename
                       Mask simple repeats and low-complexity regions in sequences  contained  in
                       filename.  The  default  is to mask using dust (use --qmask to modify that

              --output filename
                       Write the masked sequences to filename, in fasta format.

              --qmask none|dust|soft
                       Mask simple repeats and low-complexity regions in sequences using the dust
                       or  the  soft  algorithms,  or  do not mask (none). The default is to mask
                       using dust.

              --threads positive integer
                       Number of computation threads to use (1 to 256).  The  number  of  threads
                       should  be  lesser  or  equal  to  the  number of available CPU cores. The
                       default is to use all available resources and to  launch  one  thread  per
                       logical core.

       Pairwise alignment options:

              The  results  of  the n * (n - 1) / 2 pairwise alignments are written to the result
              files specified with --alnout, --blast6out, --fastapairs  --matched,  --notmatched,
              --samout,  --uc  or  --userout  (see  Searching  section below). Specify either the
              --acceptall option to output all pairwise alignments, or specify an identity  level
              with  --id  to  discard  weak  alignments.  Most  other  accept/reject options (see
              Searching options below) may also be used. Sequences  are  aligned  on  their  plus
              strand only.

                       Write the results of all alignments to output files. This option overrides
                       all other accept/reject options (including --id).

              --allpairs_global filename
                       Perform optimal global pairwise alignments of all vs. all fasta  sequences
                       contained in filename. This command is multi-threaded.

              --id real
                       Reject  the  sequence  match  if  the pairwise identity is lower than real
                       (value ranging from 0.0 to 1.0 included).

              --threads positive integer
                       Number of computation threads to use (1 to 256).  The  number  of  threads
                       should  be  lesser  or  equal  to  the  number of available CPU cores. The
                       default is to use all available resources and to  launch  one  thread  per
                       logical core.

       Searching options:

              --alnout filename
                       Write  pairwise  global  alignments  to  filename  using  a human-readable
                       format. Use --rowlen to modify alignment length.  Output  order  may  vary
                       when using multiple threads.

              --blast6out filename
                       Write  search  results to filename using a blast-like tab-separated format
                       of twelve fields (listed below), with one line per  query-target  matching
                       (or  lack  of matching if --output_no_hits is used). Output order may vary
                       when using multiple threads. A similar output can be obtain with --userout
                       filename                          and                         --userfields
                       query+target+id+alnlen+mism+opens+qlo+qhi+tlo+thi+evalue+bits.  A complete
                       list  and  description  is  available  in the section "Userfields" of this

                              1.  query: query label.

                              2.  target: target (database sequence) label. The field is  set  to
                                  "*" if there is no alignment.

                              3.  id:  percentage  of  identity  (real  value ranging from 0.0 to
                                  100.0). The percentage identity is defined as 100  *  (matching
                                  columns)  /  (alignment length - terminal gaps). See fields id0
                                  to id4 for other definitions.

                              4.  alnlen:  length  of  the  query-target  alignment  (number   of
                                  columns). The field is set to 0 if there is no alignment.

                              5.  mism:  number  of mismatches in the alignment (zero or positive
                                  integer value).

                              6.  opens: number of columns containing  a  gap  opening  (zero  or
                                  positive integer value).

                              7.  qlo:  first  nucleotide  of  the query aligned with the target.
                                  Always equal to 1 if there is an alignment, 0 otherwise.

                              8.  qhi: last nucleotide of the  query  aligned  with  the  target.
                                  Always equal to the length of the pairwise alignment. The field
                                  is set to 0 if there is no alignment.

                              9.  tlo: irst nucleotide of the  target  aligned  with  the  query.
                                  Always equal to 1 if there is an alignment, 0 otherwise.

                              10. thi:  last  nucleotide  of  the  target aligned with the query.
                                  Always equal to the length of the pairwise alignment. The field
                                  is set to 0 if there is no alignment.

                              11. evalue:   expectancy-value   (not   computed   for   nucleotide
                                  alignments). Always set to -1.

                              12. bits: bit  score  (not  computed  for  nucleotide  alignments).
                                  Always set to 0.

              --db filename
                       Compare  query  sequences  (specified with --usearch_global) to the fasta-
                       formatted target sequences contained in filename,  using  global  pairwise

              --dbmask none|dust|soft
                       Mask   simple  repeats  and  low-complexity  regions  in  target  database
                       sequences using the dust or the soft algorithms, or do  not  mask  (none).
                       Warning,  when  using  soft masking search commands become case sensitive.
                       The default is to mask using dust.

              --dbmatched filename
                       Write database target sequences matching at least one  query  sequence  to
                       filename,  in fasta format. If the option --sizeout is used, the number of
                       queries that matched each target sequence is indicated using  the  pattern

              --dbnotmatched filename
                       Write  database target sequences not matching query sequences to filename,
                       in fasta format.

              --fastapairs filename
                       Write pairwise alignments of query and target sequences  to  filename,  in
                       fasta format.

              --fulldp Dummy   option   for   compatibility  with  usearch.  To  maximize  search
                       sensitivity, vsearch uses a 8-way  16-bit  SIMD  vectorized  full  dynamic
                       programming  algorithm  (Needleman-Wunsch),  whether  or  not  --fulldp is

              --gapext string
                       Set  penalties  for  a  gap  extension.  See  --gapopen  for  a   complete
                       description   of  the  penalty  declaration  system.  The  default  is  to
                       initialize the six gap extending  penalties  using  a  penalty  of  2  for
                       extending internal gaps and a penalty of 1 for extending terminal gaps, in
                       both query and target sequences (i.e. 2I/1E).

              --gapopen string
                       Set penalties for a gap opening. A gap opening can occur in six  different
                       contexts:  in the query (Q) or in the target (T) sequence, at the left (L)
                       or right (R) extremity of  the  sequence,  or  inside  the  sequence  (I).
                       Sequence  symbols  (Q  and T) can be combined with location symbols (L, I,
                       and R), and  numerical  values  to  declare  penalties  for  all  possible
                       contexts:  aQL/bQI/cQR/dTL/eTI/fTR,  where  abcdef  are  zero  or positive
                       integers, and "/" is used as a separator.
                       To simplify declarations, the location  symbols  (L,  I,  and  R)  can  be
                       combined,  the  symbol (E) can be used to treat both extremities (L and R)
                       equally, and the symbols Q and T can be omitted to treat query and  target
                       sequences equally. For instance, the default is to declare a penalty of 20
                       for opening internal gaps and a penalty of 2  for  opening  terminal  gaps
                       (left or right), in both query and target sequences (i.e. 20I/2E). If only
                       a numerical value is given, without any sequence or location symbol,  then
                       the  penalty  applies  to  all  gap  openings.  To  forbid gap-opening, an
                       infinite penalty value can be declared with the symbol "*". To use vsearch
                       as a semi-global aligner, a null-penalty can be applied to the left (L) or
                       right (R) gaps.
                       vsearch always initializes the six gap opening penalties using the default
                       parameters  (20I/2E).  The  user  is  then free to declare only the values
                       he/she wants to modify. The string is scanned from left to right, accepted
                       symbols  are  (0123456789/LIREQT*),  and  later  values  override previous
                       Please note that vsearch, in contrast to usearch, only allows integer  gap
                       penalties. Because the lowest gap penalties are 0.5 by default in usearch,
                       all default scores and gap penalties  in  vsearch  have  been  doubled  to
                       maintain equivalent penalties and to produce identical alignments.

                       Mask  low-complexity  regions by replacing them with Ns instead of setting
                       them to lower case. For more information, please see the Masking section.

              --id real
                       Reject the sequence match if the pairwise  identity  is  lower  than  real
                       (value  ranging from 0.0 to 1.0 included). The search process sorts target
                       sequences by decreasing number of k-mers they  have  in  common  with  the
                       query sequence, using that information as a proxy for sequence similarity.
                       That efficient pre-filtering will also prevent  pairwise  alignments  with
                       weakly  matching targets, as there needs to be at least 6 shared k-mers to
                       start the pairwise alignment, and at least one out of every 16 k-mers from
                       the query needs to match the target. Consequently, using values lower than
                       --id 0.5 is not likely  to  capture  more  weakly  matching  targets.  The
                       pairwise  identity  is  by  default  defined  as  the  number of (matching
                       columns) / (alignment length - terminal  gaps).  That  definition  can  be
                       modified by --iddef.

              --iddef 0|1|2|3|4
                       Change the pairwise identity definition used in --id. Values accepted are:

                              0.  CD-HIT  definition:  (matching  columns)  /  (shortest sequence

                              1.  edit distance: (matching columns) / (alignment length).

                              2.  edit distance excluding terminal gaps (same as --id).

                              3.  Marine Biological Lab definition  counting  each  extended  gap
                                  (internal   or   terminal)   as  a  single  difference:  1.0  -
                                  [(mismatches + gaps)/(longest sequence length)]

                              4.  BLAST definition, equivalent to  --iddef  2  in  a  context  of
                                  global pairwise alignment.

                       The  option --userfields accepts the fields id0 to id4, in addition to the
                       field id, to report the pairwise  identity  values  corresponding  to  the
                       different definitions.

              --idprefix positive integer
                       Reject  the  sequence match if the first integer nucleotides of the target
                       do not match the query.

              --idsuffix positive integer
                       Reject the sequence match if the last integer nucleotides of the target do
                       not match the query.

                       Reject the sequence match if the pairwise alignment begins with gaps.

              --match integer
                       Score  assigned  to  a  match (i.e. identical nucleotides) in the pairwise
                       alignment. The default value is 2.

              --matched filename
                       Write query sequences matching database target sequences to  filename,  in
                       fasta format.

              --maxaccepts positive integer
                       Maximum  number  of hits to accept before stopping the search. The default
                       value is 1. This option  works  in  pair  with  --maxrejects.  The  search
                       process sorts target sequences by decreasing number of k-mers they have in
                       common with the query sequence, using that  information  as  a  proxy  for
                       sequence  similarity.  After  pairwise  alignments,  if  the  first target
                       sequence passes the acceptation criteria, it is accepted as best  hit  and
                       the  search  process  stops  for  that  query. If --maxaccepts is set to a
                       higher value, more hits are accepted. If --maxaccepts and --maxrejects are
                       both set to 0, the complete database is searched.

              --maxdiffs positive integer
                       Reject  the  sequence  match  if  the  alignment contains at least integer
                       substitutions, insertions or deletions.

              --maxgaps positive integer
                       Reject the sequence match if  the  alignment  contains  at  least  integer
                       insertions or deletions.

              --maxhits positive integer
                       Maximum  number  of  hits  to show once the search is terminated (hits are
                       sorted by decreasing identity). Unlimited by default. That option  applies
                       to  --alnout,  --blast6out,  --fastapairs,  --samout,  --uc,  or --userout
                       output files.

              --maxid real
                       Reject the sequence match if the percentage of identity  between  the  two
                       sequences is greater than real.

              --maxqsize positive integer
                       Reject query sequences with an abundance greater than integer.

              --maxqt real
                       Reject if the query/target sequence length ratio is greater than real.

              --maxrejects positive integer
                       Maximum  number  of  non-matching  target  sequences  to  consider  before
                       stopping the search. The default value is 32. This option  works  in  pair
                       with --maxaccepts. The search process sorts target sequences by decreasing
                       number of k-mers they have in common with the query sequence,  using  that
                       information as a proxy for sequence similarity. After pairwise alignments,
                       if none of the first 32 examined target  sequences  pass  the  acceptation
                       criteria,   the   search  process  stops  for  that  query  (no  hit).  If
                       --maxrejects  is  set  to  a  higher  value,  more  target  sequences  are
                       considered.  If  --maxaccepts  and  --maxrejects  are  both  set to 0, the
                       complete database is searched.

              --maxsizeratio real
                       Reject if the query/target abundance ratio is greater than real.

              --maxsl real
                       Reject if the shorter/longer sequence length ratio is greater than real.

              --maxsubs positive integer
                       Reject the sequence match if the pairwise  alignment  contains  more  than
                       integer substitutions.

              --mid real
                       Reject the sequence match if the percentage of identity is lower than real
                       (ignoring all gaps, internal and terminal).

              --mincols positive integer
                       Reject the sequence match if the alignment length is shorter than integer.

              --minqt real
                       Reject if the query/target sequence length ratio is lower than real.

              --minsizeratio real
                       Reject if the query/target abundance ratio is lower than real.

              --minsl real
                       Reject if the shorter/longer sequence length ratio is lower than real.

              --mintsize positive integer
                       Reject target sequences with an abundance lower than integer.

              --mismatch integer
                       Score assigned to a mismatch (i.e. different nucleotides) in the  pairwise
                       alignment. The default value is -4.

              --notmatched filename
                       Write  query sequences not matching database target sequences to filename,
                       in fasta format.

                       Write both matching and non-matching  queries  to  --alnout,  --blast6out,
                       --samout  or  --userout  output  files (--uc and --uc_allhits output files
                       always feature non-matching queries). Non-matching  queries  are  labelled
                       "No hits" in --alnout files.

              --qmask none|dust|soft
                       Mask  simple  repeats  and low-complexity regions in query sequences using
                       the dust or the soft algorithms, or do  not  mask  (none).  Warning,  when
                       using  soft  masking search commands become case sensitive. The default is
                       to mask using dust.

              --query_cov real
                       Reject if the fraction of the query aligned  to  the  target  sequence  is
                       lower  than real. The query coverage is computed as (matches + mismatches)
                       / query sequence length. Internal or terminal  gaps  are  not  taken  into

                       Reject the sequence match if the pairwise alignment ends with gaps.

              --rowlen positive integer
                       Width  of alignment lines in --alnout output. The default value is 64. Set
                       to 0 to eliminate wrapping.

              --samout filename
                       Write alignment results to filename in the SAM format. For  a  description
                       of  the  format, see <>. Output order
                       may vary when using multiple threads.

              --self   Reject the sequence match if the query and target labels are identical.

              --selfid Reject the sequence match if the query and target sequences  are  strictly

                       Add  abundance  annotations to the output of the option --dbmatched (using
                       the pattern ";size=integer;"),  to  report  the  number  of  queries  that
                       matched each target.

              --strand plus|both
                       When searching for similar sequences, check the plus strand only (default)
                       or check both strands.

              --target_cov real
                       Reject the sequence match if the fraction of the target  sequence  aligned
                       to  the query sequence is lower than real. The target coverage is computed
                       as (matches + mismatches) / target sequence length.  Internal or  terminal
                       gaps are not taken into account.

              --threads positive integer
                       Number  of  computation  threads  to use (1 to 256). The number of threads
                       should be lesser or equal to  the  number  of  available  CPU  cores.  The
                       default  is  to  use  all available resources and to launch one thread per
                       logical core.

                       Output only the hits with the highest  percentage  of  identity  with  the

              --uc filename
                       Output  searching  results  in  filename using a uclust-like format. For a
                       description            of            the            format,            see
                       <>.  Output  order may vary
                       when using multiple threads.

                       When using the --uc option, show all hits, not just the top hit  for  each

              --usearch_global filename
                       Compare  target  sequences  (--db)  to the fasta-formatted query sequences
                       contained in filename, using global pairwise alignment.

              --userfields string
                       When using --userout, select and order the fields written  to  the  output
                       file.  Fields  are  separated  by  "+"  (e.g.  query+target+id).  See  the
                       "Userfields" section for a complete list of fields.

              --userout filename
                       Write user-defined tab-separated output to  filename.  Select  the  fields
                       with  the  option  --userfields. Output order may vary when using multiple
                       threads. If --userfields is empty or not present, filename is empty.

              --weak_id real
                       Show  hits  with  percentage  of  identity  of  at  least  real,   without
                       terminating  the  search. A normal search stops as soon as enough hits are
                       found (as defined by --maxaccepts, --maxrejects, and --id).  As  --weak_id
                       reports weak hits that are not deduced from --maxaccepts, high --id values
                       can be used, hence preserving both speed and sensitivity. Logically,  real
                       must be smaller than the value indicated by --id.

              --wordlength positive integer
                       Length of words (i.e. k-mers) for database indexing. The range of possible
                       values goes from 3 to 15, but values near  8  are  generally  recommended.
                       Longer  words  may  reduce  the sensitivity for weak similarities, but can
                       increase  accuracy.  On  the  other  hand,  shorter  words  may   increase
                       sensitivity,  but  can  reduce  accuracy.  Computation time will generally
                       increase with  shorter  words  and  decrease  with  longer  words.  Memory
                       requirements for a part of the index increase with a factor of 4 each time
                       word length increases  by  one  nucleotide,  and  this  generally  becomes
                       significant for long words (12 or more). The default value is 8.

       Shuffling options:

              --output filename
                       Write the shuffled sequences to filename, in fasta format.

              --seed positive integer
                       When  shuffling  sequence  order,  use  integer as seed. A given seed will
                       always produce the same output order (useful for replicability). Set to  0
                       to use a pseudo-random seed (default behavior).

              --shuffle filename
                       Pseudo-randomly shuffle the order of sequences contained in filename.

              --topn positive integer
                       Output only the top integer sequences.

       Sorting options:
              Fasta  entries are sorted by decreasing abundance (--sortbysize) or sequence length
              (--sortbylength). To obtain a stable sorting order, ties are sorted  by  decreasing
              abundance  and  label increasing alpha-numerical order (--sortbylength), or just by
              label increasing alpha-numerical order (--sortbysize). Label sorting  assumes  that
              all  sequences  have  unique  labels.  The  same  applies  to the automatic sorting
              performed    during    chimera    checking     (--uchime_denovo),     dereplication
              (--derep_fulllength), and clustering (--cluster_fast and --cluster_size).

              --maxsize positive integer
                       When using --sortbysize, discard sequences with an abundance value greater
                       than integer.

              --minsize positive integer
                       When using --sortbysize, discard sequences with an abundance value smaller
                       than integer.

              --output filename
                       Write the sorted sequences to filename, in fasta format.

              --relabel string
                       Relabel  sequence  using the prefix string and a ticker (1, 2, 3, etc.) to
                       construct the  new  headers.  Use  --sizeout  to  conserve  the  abundance

                       When  using  --relabel,  report  abundance annotations to the output fasta
                       file (using the pattern ";size=integer;").

              --sortbylength filename
                       Sort by decreasing length the sequences contained  in  filename.  See  the
                       general  options  --minseqlength and --maxseqlength to eliminate short and
                       long sequences.

              --sortbysize filename
                       Sort by decreasing abundance the  sequences  contained  in  filename  (the
                       pattern   "[>;]size=integer[;]"  has  to  be  present).  See  the  options
                       --minsize and --maxsize to eliminate rare and dominant sequences.

              --topn positive integer
                       Output only the top integer  sequences  (i.e.  the  longest  or  the  most

       Userfields (fields accepted by the --userfields option):

              aln      Print  a  string  of  M (match), D (delete, i.e. a gap in the query) and I
                       (insert, i.e. a gap in the target) representing  the  pairwise  alignment.
                       Empty field if there is no alignment.

              alnlen   Print  the  length  of the query-target alignment (number of columns). The
                       field is set to 0 if there is no alignment.

              bits     Bit score (not computed for nucleotide alignments). Always set to 0.

              caln     Compact representation of the pairwise alignment using  the  CIGAR  format
                       (Compact  Idiosyncratic  Gapped Alignment Report): M (match), D (deletion)
                       and I (insertion). Empty field if there is no alignment.

              evalue   E-value (not computed for nucleotide alignments). Always set to -1.

              exts     Number of columns containing a gap extension  (zero  or  positive  integer

              gaps     Number of columns containing a gap (zero or positive integer value).

              id       Percentage  of  identity  (real  value  ranging  from  0.0  to 100.0). The
                       percentage identity is defined as 100 * (matching  columns)  /  (alignment
                       length - terminal gaps).

              id0      CD-HIT  definition  of the percentage of identity (real value ranging from
                       0.0 to 100.0) using the length of the shortest sequence  in  the  pairwise
                       alignment  as  denominator:  100 * (matching columns) / (shortest sequence

              id1      The percentage of identity (real value  ranging  from  0.0  to  100.0)  is
                       defined  as  the  edit  distance:  100  *  (matching columns) / (alignment

              id2      The percentage of identity (real value  ranging  from  0.0  to  100.0)  is
                       defined as the edit distance, excluding terminal gaps. The field id2 is an
                       alias for the field id.

              id3      Marine Biological Lab definition of the percentage of identity (real value
                       ranging  from  0.0  to  100.0),  counting  each  extended gap (internal or
                       terminal) as a single difference and  using  the  length  of  the  longest
                       sequence   in  the  pairwise  alignment  as  denominator:  100  *  (1.0  -
                       [(mismatches + gaps) / (longest sequence length)]).

              id4      BLAST definition of the percentage of identity (real  value  ranging  from
                       0.0  to  100.0),  equivalent  to --iddef 2 in a context of global pairwise

              ids      Number of matches in the alignment (zero or positive integer value).

              mism     Number of mismatches in the alignment (zero or positive integer value).

              opens    Number of columns containing a  gap  opening  (zero  or  positive  integer

              pairs    Number  of  columns containing only nucleotides. That value corresponds to
                       the length of the alignment minus  the  gap-containing  columns  (zero  or
                       positive integer value).

              pctgaps  Number  of  columns  containing  gaps  expressed  as  a  percentage of the
                       alignment length (real value ranging from 0.0 to 100.0).

              pctpv    Percentage of positive columns. When working  with  nucleotide  sequences,
                       this  is  equivalent to the percentage of matches (real value ranging from
                       0.0 to 100.0).

              pv       Number of positive columns. When working with nucleotide  sequences,  this
                       is equivalent to the number of matches (zero or positive integer value).

              qcov     Fraction  of  the  query sequence that is aligned with the target sequence
                       (real value ranging from 0.0 to 100.0). The query coverage is computed  as
                       100.0  *  (matches  +  mismatches)  /  query sequence length.  Internal or
                       terminal gaps are not taken into account. The field is set to 0.0 if there
                       is no alignment.

              qframe   Query  frame  (-3 to +3). That field only concerns coding sequences and is
                       not computed by vsearch. Always set to +0.

              qhi      Last nucleotide of the query aligned with the target. Always equal to  the
                       length  of  the  pairwise  alignment. The field is set to 0 if there is no

              qihi     Last nucleotide of the query aligned with the  target  (ignoring  terminal
                       gaps).  Nucleotide numbering starts from 1. The field is set to 0 if there
                       is no alignment.

              qilo     First nucleotide of the query aligned with the  target  (ignoring  initial
                       gaps).  Nucleotide numbering starts from 1. The field is set to 0 if there
                       is no alignment.

              ql       Query sequence length (positive integer value). The field is set to  0  if
                       there is no alignment.

              qlo      First  nucleotide  of the query aligned with the target. Always equal to 1
                       if there is an alignment, 0 otherwise.

              qrow     Print the sequence of the query segment as seen in the pairwise  alignment
                       (i.e.  with  gap  insertions  if  need  be).  Empty  field  if there is no

              qs       Query segment length. Always equal to query sequence length.

              qstrand  Query strand orientation (+ or - for nucleotide sequences). Empty field if
                       there is no alignment.

              query    Query label.

              raw      Raw  alignment score (negative, null or positive integer value). The score
                       is the sum of match rewards minus mismatch penalties, gap openings and gap
                       extensions. The field is set to 0 if there is no alignment.

              target   Target label. The field is set to "*" if there is no alignment.

              tcov     Fraction  of  the  target sequence that is aligned with the query sequence
                       (real value ranging from 0.0 to 100.0). The target coverage is computed as
                       100.0  *  (matches  +  mismatches)  / target sequence length.  Internal or
                       terminal gaps are not taken into account.  The field  is  set  to  0.0  if
                       there is no alignment.

              tframe   Target  frame (-3 to +3). That field only concerns coding sequences and is
                       not computed by vsearch. Always set to +0.

              thi      Last nucleotide of the target aligned with the query. Always equal to  the
                       length  of  the  pairwise  alignment. The field is set to 0 if there is no

              tihi     Last nucleotide of the target aligned with the  query  (ignoring  terminal
                       gaps).  Nucleotide numbering starts from 1. The field is set to 0 if there
                       is no alignment.

              tilo     First nucleotide of the target aligned with the  query  (ignoring  initial
                       gaps).  Nucleotide numbering starts from 1. The field is set to 0 if there
                       is no alignment.

              tl       Target sequence length (positive integer value). The field is set to 0  if
                       there is no alignment.

              tlo      First  nucleotide  of the target aligned with the query. Always equal to 1
                       if there is an alignment, 0 otherwise.

              trow     Print the sequence of the target segment as seen in the pairwise alignment
                       (i.e.  with  gap  insertions  if  need  be).  Empty  field  if there is no

              ts       Target segment length. Always equal to target sequence length.  The  field
                       is set to 0 if there is no alignment.

              tstrand  Target strand orientation (+ or - for nucleotide sequences). Always set to
                       "+", so reverse strand matches have tstrand "+"  and  qstrand  "-".  Empty
                       field if there is no alignment.


       If  you  are a usearch user, our objective is to make you feel at home. That's why vsearch
       was designed to behave like usearch, to some extent. Like any complex software, usearch is
       not  free  from  quirks and inconsistencies. We decided not to reproduce some of them, and
       for complete transparency, to document here the deliberate changes we made.

       During a search with usearch, when using the options --blast6out and --output_no_hits, for
       queries  with no match the number of fields reported is 13, where it should be 12. This is
       corrected in vsearch.

       The field raw of the --userfields option is not informative in usearch. This is  corrected
       in vsearch.

       The  fields  qlo,  qhi,  tlo, thi now have counterparts (qilo, qihi, tilo, tihi) reporting
       alignment coordinates ignoring terminal gaps.

       In usearch, when using the option --output_no_hits, queries  that  receive  no  match  are
       reported  in  blast6out  file,  but not in the alignment output file. This is corrected in

       vsearch introduces a  new  --cluster_size  command  that  sorts  sequences  by  decreasing
       abundance before clustering.

       vsearch  reintroduces  --iddef alternative pairwise identity definitions that were removed
       from usearch.

       vsearch extends the --topn option to sorting commands.

       vsearch extends the --sizein option to dereplication (--derep_fulllength)  and  clustering

       vsearch treats T and U as identical nucleotides during dereplication.

       vsearch  sorting  is  stabilized  by  using  sequence  abundances  or  sequences labels as
       secondary or tertiary keys.


       vsearch introduces new options not present  in  usearch  7.  They  are  described  in  the
       "Options" section of this manual. Here is a short list:

       - alignwidth (chimera checking)

       - cluster_size (clustering)

       - fasta_width (general option)

       - iddef (clustering, pairwise alignment, searching)

       - maxuniquesize (dereplication)

       - shuffle (shuffling)


       Align all sequences in a database with each other and output all pairwise alignments:

              vsearch --allpairs_global database.fas --alnout results.aln --acceptall

       Check  for  the  presence of chimeras (de novo); parents should be at least 1.5 times more
       abundant than chimeras. Output non-chimeric sequences in fasta format (no wrapping):

              vsearch  --uchime_denovo  queries.fas  --nonchimeras  results.fas  --fasta_width  0
              --abskew 1.5

       Cluster  with  a  97%  similarity  threshold, collect cluster centroids, and write cluster
       descriptions using a uclust-like format:

              vsearch  --cluster_fast  queries.fas  --id  0.97  --centroids  centroids.fas   --uc

       Dereplicate  the  sequences  contained  in  queries.fas,  take  into account the abundance
       information already present, write unwrapped sequences to output with  the  new  abundance
       information, discard all sequences with an abundance of 1:

              vsearch   --derep_fulllength   queries.fas   --output  queries_masked.fas  --sizein
              --sizeout --fasta_width 0 --minuniquesize 2

       Mask simple repeats and low complexity regions in the input fasta file (masked regions are
       lowercased), and write the results to the output file:

              vsearch --maskfasta queries.fas --output queries_masked.fas --qmask dust

       Search  queries  in  a  reference database, with a 80%-similarity threshold, take terminal
       gaps into account when calculating pairwise similarities:

              vsearch --usearch_global queries.fas --db references.fas --alnout results.aln  --id
              0.8 --iddef 1

       Search a sequence dataset against itself (ignore self hits), get all matches with at least
       60% identity, and collect results in a blast-like tab-separated format:

              vsearch --usearch_global queries.fas --db queries.fas --id 0.6  --self  --blast6out
              results.blast6 --maxaccepts 0 --maxrejects 0

       Shuffle  the  input  fasta  file  (change  the order of sequences) in a repeatable fashion
       (fixed seed), and write unwrapped fasta sequences to the output file:

              vsearch --shuffle queries.fas --output queries_shuffled.fas --seed 13 --fasta_width

       Sort   by   decreasing  abundance  the  sequences  contained  in  queries.fas  (using  the
       "size=integer"  information),  relabel  the  sequences  while  preserving  the   abundance
       information  (with  --sizeout),  keep only sequences with an abundance equal to or greater
       than 2:

              vsearch --sortbysize queries.fas  --output  queries_sorted.fas  --relabel  sampleA_
              --sizeout --minsize 2


       Implementation by Torbjørn Rognes and Tomás Flouri, documentation by Frédéric Mahé.


       Submit suggestions and bug-reports at <>, send a
       pull  request  on  <>,  or  compose   a   friendly   or
       curmudgeont e-mail to Torbjørn Rognes <>.


       Source code and binaries are available at <>.


       Copyright (C) 2014, 2015 Torbjørn Rognes, Frédéric Mahé and Tomás Flouri.

       This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
       the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either
       version 3 of the License, or any later version.

       This  program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
       without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR  PURPOSE.
       See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details.

       You  should  have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this
       program.  If not, see <>.

       vsearch includes code from Google's CityHash project by Geoff Pike and  Jyrki  Alakuijala,
       providing some excellent hash functions available under a MIT license.

       vsearch includes code derived from Tatusov and Lipman's DUST program that is in the public

       vsearch binaries may include code from the zlib library, copyright  Jean-Loup  Gailly  and
       Mark Adler.

       vsearch binaries may include code from the bzip2 library, copyright Julian R. Seward.


       swipe,  an extremely fast pairwise local (Smith-Waterman) database search tool by Torbjørn
       Rognes, available at <>.

       swarm, a fast and accurate amplicon  clustering  method  by  Frédéric  Mahé  and  Torbjørn
       Rognes, available at <>.


       New features and important modifications of vsearch (short lived or minor bug releases may
       not be mentioned):

              v1.0.0 released November 28th, 2014
                     First public release.

              v1.0.1 released December 1st, 2014
                     Bug fixes (sortbysize, semicolon after size annotation in headers) and minor
                     changes  (labels  as  secondary  sort  key  for most sorts, treat T and U as
                     identical for dereplication, only output size in dbmatched file  if  sizeout

              v1.0.2 released December 6th, 2014
                     Bug fixes (ssse3/sse4.1 requirement, memory leak).

              v1.0.3 released December 6th, 2014
                     Bug fix (now writes help to stdout instead of stderr).

              v1.0.4 released December 8th, 2014
                     Added   --allpairs_global  option.  Reduced  memory  requirements  slightly.
                     Removed memory leaks.

              v1.0.5 released December 9th, 2014
                     Fixes a minor bug with --allpairs_global and --acceptall options.

              v1.0.6 released December 14th, 2014
                     Fixes a memory allocation bug in chimera detection (--uchime_ref option).

              v1.0.7 released December 19th, 2014
                     Fixes a bug in the  output  from  chimera  detection  with  the  --uchimeout

              v1.0.8 released January 22nd, 2015
                     Introduces several changes and bug fixes:

                     - a  new  linear memory aligner for alignment of sequences longer than 5,000

                     - a new --cluster_size command that sorts sequences by decreasing  abundance
                       before clustering,

                     - meaning  of  userfields  qlo, qhi, tlo, thi changed for compatibility with

                     - new userfields qilo, qihi, tilo, tihi gives alignment coordinates ignoring
                       terminal gaps,

                     - in --uc output files, a perfect alignment is indicated with a "=" sign,

                     - the  option  --cluster_fast  will now sort sequences by decreasing length,
                       then by decreasing abundance and finally by sequence identifier,

                     - default --maxseqlength value set to 50,000 nucleotides,

                     - fix for bug in alignment in rare cases,

                     - fix for lack of detection of under- or overflow in SIMD aligner.

              v1.0.9 released January 22nd, 2015
                     Fixes a bug in  the  function  sorting  sequences  by  decreasing  abundance

              v1.0.10 released January 23rd, 2015
                     Fixes  a  bug  where the sizein option was ignored and always treated as on,
                     affecting clustering and dereplication commands.

              v1.0.11 released February 5th, 2015
                     Introduces the possibility to output results in SAM format (for  clustering,
                     pairwise alignment and searching).

              v1.0.12 released February 6th, 2015
                     Temporarily fixes a problem with long headers in FASTA files.

              v1.0.13 released February 17th, 2015
                     Fix  a memory allocation problem when computing multiple sequence alignments
                     with the --msaout and --consout options, as well as  a  memory  leak.   Also
                     increased line buffer for reading FASTA files to 4MB.

              v1.0.14 released February 17th, 2015
                     Fix a bug where the multiple alignment and consensus sequence computed after
                     clustering ignored the strand of the sequences.  Also decreased size of line
                     buffer  for  reading  FASTA files to 1MB again due to excessive stack memory

              v1.0.15 released February 18th, 2015
                     Fix bug in calculation of identity metric between sequences when  using  the
                     MBL definition (--iddef 3).

              v1.0.16 released February 19th, 2015
                     Integrated  patches  from  Debian  for  increased compatibility with various

              v1.1.0 released February 20th, 2015
                     Added the --quiet option to suppress all output to stdout and stdout  except
                     for  warnings and fatal errors.  Added the --log option to write messages to
                     a log file.

              v1.1.1 released February 20th, 2015
                     Added info about --log and --quiet options to help text.

              v1.1.2 released March 18th, 2015
                     Fix bug with large datasets. Fix format of help info.

              v1.1.3 released March 18th, 2015
                     Fix more bugs with large datasets.